
What to do with the growth of insects in the rich tree? pest control of the rich tree / 3 insect pests 2 diseases

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the development of the times, more and more people begin to raise plants indoors, and the rich tree, as a kind of beautiful and beautiful plant, is loved by the majority of flower friends. However, because the rich tree is not maintained according to the culture method of the rich tree, the rich tree will grow insects or get sick, thus seriously affecting the ornamental value of the plant.

With the development of the times, more and more people begin to raise plants indoors, and the rich tree, as a kind of beautiful and beautiful plant, is loved by the majority of flower friends. However, because the rich tree is not maintained according to the culture method of the rich tree, the rich tree will also grow insects or get sick, thus seriously affecting the ornamental value of the plant, what about the worms of the rich tree? The following is the pest control of the rich tree selected by the editor, go in and have a look!

First, the rich tree grows worms, spray with medicine

At home, many people keep wealth trees, which are highly resistant to disease and rarely get sick, which alone attracts many people to raise them. However, in the environment of high temperature or high humidity, the rich tree will also grow worms and get sick. What should I do at this time? In fact, it is very simple to identify insect pests and then spray them with medicine. as for what medicine to use, they are all in the pest control of the rich tree, and we go on to look at it.

2. Pest control of rich trees, 3 pests and 2 diseases

1. Scale insects

One of the main pests of the rich tree, which often occurs in May, stabs into the leaves with mouthparts and sucks the sap from the leaves. Symptoms of damage: the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow and the plant will die in severe cases.

Prevention and control methods: when there are few shell insects, alcohol can be used to gently wipe off the diseased plant, and it can be removed very clean and thoroughly; when there are too many shell insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times or 50% dichlorvos 1000 times can be sprayed and sprayed once every 7 times every 10 days, and it can be effective if sprayed 3 times continuously.

2. Red spider

Red spiders can harm many flowers and greenhouse plants, and the rich tree is one of the common victims. Symptoms of infringement: the leaves show small yellow-white spots at first, then gradually turn red and spread to the whole leaf, even causing the rich tree to lose its leaves.

Prevention and treatment methods: to find the above diseases, you can use 1500-2000 times trichloropropanol EC spray to prevent and cure, spray once every 7 days, spray 2-3 times, the effect is good.

3. Whitefly

A tiny herbivorous piercing insect that sucks the sap from the phloem of a rich tree. Due to the rapid development and strong reproduction of the insect, it is often found that it will reach a very high density, thus absorbing a large amount of juice, resulting in plant weakness.

Control method: it can be sprayed with 1000 times of imidophos EC, and spraying should be carried out in the early morning when the adult activity of Bemisia Tabaci is weak.

4. Root rot

One of the most common diseases of rich trees, its main damage is the rhizome. When the disease occurs, the roots and stems of the rich tree rot softly, and when it is serious, the plant dies.

Prevention and treatment: after the rotten roots of the rich tree are found, the plant can be removed from the pot, the injured part can be removed, and then the fungicide will be smeared on the wound, dried in a cool place and replanted.

5. Leaf blight

One of the main diseases of the rich tree, many flower lovers think that it is one of the reasons why the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow. In fact, this is wrong, because leaf blight is mainly realized as follows: irregular yellow-white or gray-white disease spots appear in the leaves, and needle-like loose particles will be formed when the humidity increases. The yellowing of leaves is mainly due to the overall yellowing of leaves, dull and dull.

Prevention and treatment: diseased leaves are removed and destroyed in time to reduce the source of the disease. When the disease is serious, it should be sprayed with 1000 times of carbendazim.

What should we do when insects grow in rich trees? control of diseases and insect pests in rich trees / spraying with medicine for 1 insect and 2 diseases

As a kind of plant with good meaning and beautiful meaning, rich tree is similar to rich tree and rich tree, and it is one of the plants that flower friends prefer to raise. However, because it is not maintained according to the cultivation method of rich trees, the plants will grow insects and get sick, thus seriously affecting the ornamental property, so what should we do if the rich trees grow insects? The following is the pest control of the rich tree selected by the editor. Go in and have a look!

First, what if the rich tree grows worms? spray

Fuguishu, a beautiful and beautiful plant, is often potted at home. In life, when you are sick, you will take medicine to see a doctor. In fact, plants are the same as people, so what if the rich tree grows worms? just use medicine. As for the specific drugs that should be sprayed, they are all in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in rich trees, let's move on.

Before understanding the specific diseases and insect pests of rich trees, the editor first introduces a more practical method of deworming: soak water with cigarette butts of smoked cigarettes, 30 or 40 cigarette butts per jin of water. Spray the rich tree twice a day, and any insects will drive away.

II. Disease and insect pest control of rich and valuable trees

1. Powdery mildew

According to the inquiry made by the editor, the highest frequency of diseases and insect pests in rich trees is powdery mildew, which is also the most common in the daily life of flower friends. It is understood that powdery mildew mainly harms the young stems, tender leaves, buds, petals and other parts of rich trees.

Symptoms of the disease: in the early stage, a layer of white powdery substance was attached to the leaf surface, which at first was a small yellow dot, and then gradually expanded into a circle, blocking the normal function of the leaf surface; in the later stage, the leaves of rich trees will gradually shrink and curl up. Young buds do not stretch, seriously affecting the ornamental value of rich trees.

Prevention and cure method: when the disease is mild, wipe off the white powder on the surface of the leaf, and then place it in a ventilated environment; when the condition is serious, trim the branches of seriously diseased plants properly, and spray the 800-fold solution of 29% azine, once every 7-10 days, you can recover after a few times.

2. Leaf spot

One of the main diseases of rich trees, in the environment of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation, the leaves of rich trees are easy to be infected with leaf spot disease. Symptoms: the leaves appear light yellow and reddish yellow spots, and then expand into a round or oval shape; if the environment is relatively humid, black granular substances may appear on the disease spots, and the leaves will dry up and fall off in the later stage.

Prevention and control methods: find a small number of diseased leaves, remove and burn them in time to reduce the source of the disease, and then spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder regularly, once every half month, 3 to 4 times in a row; in severe cases, use 1000-1500 times of demulsifiable oil for prevention and treatment. Spray 25% 2-3 times every 7-15 days, and it can be effective after several times.

3. Scale insects

The main diseases of rich trees, which generally appear under the conditions of high temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation and ventilation, harm the stems and leaves of the plant. Symptoms of infringement: the leaves of rich trees turn yellow, wither, and even fall, seriously affecting the indoor ornamental effect of rich trees.

Prevention and control method: if you find a small amount of shell insects, wipe them off with a wet cloth in time, or you can also use transparent tape to remove them; when there are many diseases and insects, you can use 50% marathon and 40% dimethoate 0.1% solution to take turns to kill.

4. Other diseases and insect pests of rich trees

① rich tree seedlings to prevent locusts or grasshoppers mixed to eat the trunk and tender leaves, once found, can be sprayed with zinc parathion, omethoate spray to prevent.

When ② enters summer, attention should be paid to the control of black insects at the tips and tender leaves of rich trees, usually by insecticide spray.

③ such as around autumn, rich root cadres are prone to rot or nematode adulteration, with insecticides and anti-decay drug spray control.

If you have these problems in your flowers and plants, treat them quickly, or you will repent!

Leaf spot

(author: Nongbaotong Source: I can plant)

Reason one

Lack of water: if the spots and patches on the leaves are brown, and the edges are wrinkled, it is likely to be caused by lack of water.

(source: Baidu knows)

Rescue and treatment

On a sunny and warm morning, water the flowers and plants and water thoroughly along the flowerpot until the water seeps through the hole at the bottom of the flowerpot.

For green pineapple, ivy, asparagus and other indoor semi-shade plants, you can sprinkle water around the leaves and potted plants to moisturize. Pay attention to succulent plants can not sprinkle water on the leaves, it is easy to cause rot.

(source: heap of sugar)

Reason two

Burns: when watering flowers and watering, water splashes on the leaves, and then when basking in the sun, under the concentrated light of water droplets, the sun burns the leaves. (author: a280810 Source: step Huaxing Forum)

Rescue and treatment

Move the plant to a ventilated shade and cut off the spotted leaves.

(author: Hailin Source: step Huaxing Forum)

Reason three

Disease: the spot of leaf spot is grayish brown, the spot softens, at first it is a water-immersed spot, and then it slowly spreads to oval and unshaped.

Rescue and treatment

1. If flowers and plants are infected with leaf spot disease, the residual leaves will become pathogens. Be sure to cut them off and clean them up to avoid infecting healthy leaves.

(author: Nongbaotong Source: I can plant)

2. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder or 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder and sprayed on the leaves every 7 or 8 days.

Falling bud

Reason one

Improper watering: special attention should be paid to the moisture of flowers and plants before and after flowering. Too little watering, lack of water supply to flowers, will cause buds; too much watering, heavy soil, roots can not breathe, unable to supply nutrients, will also cause buds.

(author: Mulan Source: step Huaxing Forum)

Rescue and treatment

1, before watering to touch the soil, it is best to insert half of the knuckles, feel the soil moisture, to determine whether it needs watering.

Whenever watering, be sure to water thoroughly, to see that the water can flow out of the hole and then stop.

(author: millennium green pineapple source: green pineapple bar)

2. Cuckoos, camellias and other newly bought New year's flowers, which were previously grown in a moist and warm greenhouse, are suddenly brought home, and the environment changes suddenly, and they may also drop buds. At this time, it is necessary to keep the temperature above 15 ℃, and often spray water around the leaves and flowers to moisturize.

Reason two

Insufficient nutrition: flowering consumes a lot of plant nutrients, and if it is not nutritious, it will also cause buds to fall.

(author: Yumo Source: treading Flowers Forum)

Rescue and treatment

Shulei: flower friends, don't feel sorry for the bud. The purpose of getting rid of the bud now is to retain nutrients and make the remaining buds bloom better.

Relatively small, stunted buds can be removed, and buds with denser sides can also be removed according to the situation.

(author: Chaozhou five treasures Source: Chinese Camellia Bar)

Yellow leaf

(source: Baidu knows)

Reason one

Too much watering: too much watering in winter, water filled with soil pores, flowers and plants root respiration will be blocked, can not absorb nutrients well, resulting in leaves yellowing. This needs emergency rescue, otherwise the flowers and plants are easy to rot.

Rescue and treatment

1. If the situation is not serious and there is no waterlogging, you can move the flowers and plants to a cool and ventilated place, loosen the soil in time and let the water volatilize as soon as possible.

Pay attention to the temperature not lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it is easy to cause frostbite.

2. If the situation is very serious and the roots have softened and blackened, the rotten roots have been caused, and the rotten roots must be cut off immediately, cleaned up and re-changed into the basin.

Reason two

Long-term shade: green pineapple, hanging orchid, rich tree, rich bamboo, ivy. These flowers and plants often raised indoors like semi-shade, there is no great demand for sunshine, but it can not be shaded for a long time.

If there is no sunlight for a long time, the leaves can not carry out photosynthesis, and the nutrients of flowers and plants can not be guaranteed.

Rescue and treatment

Flowers and plants that like light, such as succulent plants, can be put on the windowsill and balcony in winter. Of course, you should pay attention to the temperature not lower than 10 ℃, do not pass through the cold wind, or it is easy to cause frost damage in winter.

Flowers and plants that like semi-shade, such as asparagus, should be placed in a bright and scattered place indoors.

Reason three

The temperature is too low: generally speaking, the temperature at home is not less than 10 ℃, most common domestic plants can survive the winter safely, but if the temperature is too low or accidentally let the flowers and plants blow to the cold wind, the flowers and plants will easily have yellow leaves.

Rescue and treatment

Cut off the yellow leaves, raise the temperature of the living environment of flowers and plants, and keep warm if necessary.

After bagging, when the temperature is high at noon, flowers and plants should open the bag for air. You can also punch a few holes in the bag when bagging to ensure that the breathing of flowers and plants can be carried out normally.

(source: Baidu knows)

Soil consolidation

Reason one

Hard water watering flowers: tap water contains more soluble calcium and magnesium compounds, long-term use of tap water to water flowers, calcium and magnesium ions precipitate, easy to lead to basin soil consolidation, re-watering water can not ooze.

(author: beauty Chef Source: Sina blog)

Rescue and treatment

1, boiling can soften hard water, so usually we should try to reduce the direct use of tap water to water flowers, you can use pure water or cold boiled water.

2. After the basin soil is consolidated, the soaking pot method can be used to water the flowers, which can not only ensure the watering thoroughly, but also not easy to accumulate water in the basin.

The soaking method allows water to seep in from the permeable hole at the bottom of the basin and can be taken out when the surface of the basin soil is moist. Note that the water in the large pot should not pass the top of the flowerpot.

(author: chasing Mengyi 08 Source: orchid Bar)

Reason two

Excessive fertilization: too much fertilization, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can not be completely absorbed by flowers and plants, it will be combined with the composition of the soil, causing soil consolidation and hindering the root respiration of flowers and plants.

Rescue and treatment

In this case, the soil needs to be changed. The new soil should be loose and fertile, and it is best to mix some vermiculite or clean river sand to improve the air permeability of the soil.

The blade has holes.


This situation is generally mechanical injury, mostly insect pests.

Rescue and treatment

1. If there are not many bugs, you can consider catching them by hand to avoid using medicine to burn flowers and plants.

(author: nilshuai Source: orchid Bar)

2. If the pest is serious, it is necessary to consider drug disinfestation. The flower protector can be diluted according to the proportion of 1RV 200, rather thin than thick, spray the leaves, be sure to spray comprehensively. Then put the flowers and plants in a cool and ventilated place.

Moss grows on the side of the pottery basin

(author: Huangguo Source: the House of Red Pottery Basin)


This situation is generally caused by improper watering, or the drainage hole is blocked, resulting in the basin soil is too wet and the flowerpot grows moss.

Of course, if the weather is too humid and the air is humid, pottery pots may also grow moss. Flower friends can see if they belong to this situation.

Rescue and treatment

Take off the pot to check the soil and root system of flowers and plants. If the roots have not yet rotted, you can put the soil of flowers and plants in a cool place to dry, and wait for the soil to become slightly moist and return to the basin.

(source: Shandong Sannong Network)

If the roots are rotten, you need to cut off the bad roots, clean them up and change the soil and replant them. The new soil should be loose, fertile and breathable.

(author: candy is sweet ya Source: Yantai Forum)

That's all for today's summary of Huahua.

Flower friends, if there are other questions you want to know,

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