
How to reproduce Magnolia Magnolia? the breeding method of Magnolia Magnolia / five methods can be used.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Magnolia is a perennial plant. If the breeding method is correct and the environment is right, it can blossom many times and the flowers are gorgeous and elegant, so how can Magnolia reproduce scientifically in the process of planting? Today, the editor will introduce to you several common breeding methods of Magnolia.

Magnolia is a perennial plant. If the breeding method is correct and the environment is right, it can blossom many times and the flowers are gorgeous and elegant, so how can Magnolia reproduce scientifically in the process of planting? Today, the editor will introduce to you several common breeding methods of Magnolia.

How does Magnolia reproduce

The root sprouting ability of Magnolia is very strong, so its new buds sprout very fast, so how does Magnolia reproduce? In general, there are five methods, namely, cutting propagation, grafting propagation, sowing propagation, striping propagation and split propagation.

Propagation methods of Magnolia mandshurica

I. Cuttage propagation

1. Fabricate substrate

The substrate determines the growth rate of cuttings after propagation. Nutritious soil, river sand, peat soil and other materials are generally selected and mixed after disinfection. Alkaline soil is not suitable for Magnolia cuttings.

2. Selection of cuttings

In late spring or early autumn, Magnolia grows vigorously. Choose sturdy and healthy branches as cuttings. After cutting the branches, they are cut into segments 10-15 cm long, each with more than 3 leaf nodes. The upper cut is 1 cm away from the uppermost leaf node, and the bottom is 0.5 cm from the lowest square leaf node.

3. Cutting and later stage management.

Insert the cuttings into the prepared substrate, and then pay attention to temperature, humidity, light, and so on. The suitable temperature for cuttings to take root is 20-30 degrees; the humidity is 75-85%; in addition, sunlight is needed, and the creation of these favorable conditions is conducive to the success of cutting.

2. Grafting propagation

Among the propagation methods of Magnolia Magnolia, grafting is also one of the commonly used methods. 2-3-year-old robust plants are selected as rootstock buds from July to August, and cutting is carried out in autumn. After cutting, the scion should be covered with soil, and the soil should be removed in the late spring of the next year. It can also be cut and grafted in the greenhouse, and then stored in wet sand. After the graft is healed, it will be transplanted before germination in the following spring.

3. Ramet propagation

Generally carried out in autumn or spring, Magnolia is taken out of the basin soil, then cut off with roots, and the seedlings are stained with mud, and the big seedlings must be transplanted with soil balls, and then the correct maintenance is carried out according to the breeding method of Magnolia.

IV. Sowing and propagation

The flowering period of Magnolia is from March to April, and its fruit ripening period is from August to September, so the seeds are generally collected in September, stored in winter, and sown in the spring of the following year. Soaking seeds in warm water of about 50 ℃ before sowing, sowing seeds with ditches and strips, selecting fertile sandy soil after sowing, covering soil 2 cm after sowing, watering thoroughly, covering grass, and often keeping the soil moist. Generally, seedlings can emerge after about 2 months.

5. Striping propagation

1. Ordinary pressing

Striping is the breeding method of Magnolia with high success rate, and the common crimping is usually carried out in 2-3 months. Cut the base of the branch that needs to be pressed into the general depth, and then separate it for a section up, with a tile stuck in the middle, then gently press it into the soil, be careful not to break it, and then pile it on the soil, waiting for the root bud to be sent out before it can be planted separately.

2. High branch crimping

Before entering the ambush in summer, choose healthy and sturdy twigs from the mother plant, with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, cut the cracks from the lower part of the basin fork, and then cover them with bamboo tubes, which need to be filled with culture soil, and then tied up with ropes to keep the culture soil moist. After taking root in the summer of the second year, it can be removed and planted.

Introduction of Magnolia liliflora Desr Magnolia (scientific name: Magnolia liliiflora), Magnolia Magnoliae, also known as Magnolia and Magnolia, is endemic to China, distributed in Yunnan, Fujian, Hubei, Sichuan and other places in China, growing in areas ranging from 300m to 1600 m above sea level It usually grows on the forest edge of hillside. Purple magnolia flowers are gorgeous and pleasant, fragrant and elegant, isolated or cluster planting are very beautiful, tree shape is graceful, luxuriant flowers, is an excellent garden, street greening plants, for China has a history of more than 2000 years of traditional flowers and traditional Chinese medicine. Magnolia Magnolia is included in the World Conservation Union (IUCN) ver 3.2: 2009 Plant Red list. And it is not easy to transplant and maintain, it is a very precious flower and tree. Wood pen, Magnoliaceae plant, bright color, compact buds, neat scales, rich fragrance. Magnolia has the effect of dispelling wind and cold, which is used to treat rhinitis and lower blood pressure. Magnolia magnolia is not only a valuable spice and chemical raw material, but also a kind of ornamental greening plant. The morphological characteristics of Magnolia are deciduous shrubs of Magnolia in Magnoliaceae, 3 to 5 meters high in ground and 1 to 1.5 meters high in potted plants, often tufted, leaves Obovate or oval, flowers solitary at the top of branches, bell-shaped, perianth 9, 3 arranged in a round, purple or purplish red, flowering first and then leaves or flowers and leaves together in spring. Purple magnolia like light, not shade; more cold-resistant, like fertile, moist, well-drained soil, avoid clayey soil, not resistant to salt and alkali; fleshy roots, avoid water and moisture; developed root system, strong sprouting ability. [2] Magnolia Magnolia is produced in central China and has been cultivated for a long time. It is a valuable ornamental flower in the court courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River in the past. It has been cultivated for more than 2500 years. Purple magnolia blossoms every year in early spring, the first leaves of the flowers open or rarely open at the same time with the leaves, although the deciduous branches still have traces of winter, but the branches are full of elegant purple flowers. Blossoming graceful and graceful, full of pink jade, elegant and elegant, contending for wonder and beauty. The smell is fragrant, the Corolla is large, purple or purplish red, large, bell-shaped, purple with elegant, very delicate and attractive fragrance. The flowers bloomed for about a month and were magnificent. If Magnolia is like a noble princess, then Magnolia is like a fashionable woman. The flower buds of Magnolia can be used as medicine, and the flowers can extract natural flavors for cosmetic production. About 3 meters high, flowers and leaves bloom at the same time, in the Summer Palace in Beijing, there are more than 100 years of purple magnolia. This species is produced in Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan and other provinces. The flower buds of Magnolia are used as medicine to propagate multi-purpose ramets, and their other habits and uses are the same as those of Magnolia. Deciduous trees, up to 15m high. Twigs hairy, winter buds densely gray-green tomentose. Leaves alternate, Obovate to Obovate-rectangular, long 10~18cm, broadly 6~10cm, apex broad and pointed, base attenuate, entire, glossy above, pilose below. Flowers large, bell-shaped, first leaves open; tepals 9 whorled, white, rectangular-circular-Obovate; stamens and carpels numerous, spirally arranged on elongated receptacle respectively, and fruit tip rounded, mostly, aggregated into a cylinder. The florescence is from February to March. The fruit period is from June to July. In addition to low temperature areas, there are cultivation all over the country. Harvest from January to February, harvest when the flowers are not in bloom, remove branches and dry in the shade. The flower buds are pen-shaped or long-ovate, with long 1.5~3.8cm, 1~1.8cm in diameter and short woody pedicels at the base. Bracts 2-3 layers, each layer 2-3 pieces, the outer surface is densely covered with gray-white or gray-green velvet, long 3~4.5mm, the inner surface is brown-purple, thick and brittle, the inner bracts are thin. Tepals 9, similar in size, brownish purple, tightly embraced layer upon layer. The breath is fragrant and the taste is slightly bitter. The ecological habits of Magnolia like warm, humid and sunny environment, more cold-resistant, but not resistant to drought and salinity, afraid of flooding, requiring fertile, well-drained sandy loam. Magnolia can not grow in calcareous and chalky soil; its branches are weak, so it needs to be planted in shady places; it has good wind resistance and strong tolerance to air pollution; it can withstand a short low temperature of-20 ℃, warm and moist, light, and is not resistant to stagnant water and drought. Its root system is developed, its sprouting and sprouting ability is strong, and it is resistant to pruning and shaping, but its healing ability is poor, so it should be coated with sulfur powder for anticorrosion; fleshy roots are afraid of damage, so it is not easy to transplant. if you need to transplant, it should be carried out in the mild and humid weather after deciduous leaves in late autumn or flowers at the end of spring. Magnolia needs regular pruning and pruning to remove diseased, residual and withered branches in time, otherwise the tree will develop to a shrubby shape and is not conducive to the growth of flower buds. Originated in central China, it is widely cultivated all over the country. The wooden pen blossoms in March and April. The flowers are large and showy. The petals are purple outside and white or pink inside. When the seeds mature in September, they can be sown immediately after picking, or sand storage, which can be germinated and sown in mid-late March to early April the following year, and can be out of the nursery in one year, and can be used as rootstocks of Magnolia Magnolia, Magnolia magnolia, Magnolia magnolia and Michelia in two years. Like warm, humid and sunny environment, more cold-resistant, but not resistant to drought and salinity, afraid of flooding, requires fertile, well-drained sandy loam. Cultivation techniques of Magnolia [potted soil]: Magnolia prefers loose and fertile acidic and slightly acidic soil. Rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden soil can be mixed and cultivated in the same amount, and 50 to 150 grams of bone powder or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be added to the soil. The basin should be a little deeper and bigger, and some hard plastic foam blocks should be put at the bottom of the basin to enhance air permeability and drainage and prevent rotting roots. Turn the pot and change the soil once a year or every other year after flowering, keeping the persistent soil from 1x2 to 1x3. [water and fertilizer]: Magnolia likes to be moist and afraid of waterlogging, so timely and appropriate watering is very important. When the Beginning of Spring blossoms, the potted soil remains moist but not wet; after flowering, the potted soil remains moist but not waterlogged; after defoliation, the potted soil remains moist but not dry. Do not be dry or waterlogging at any time, especially in the rainy season. Magnolia likes fertilizer. Fertilization should seize the two key opportunities of 2 months before flowering and 5 months after flowering. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied once every ten days. The former makes buds expand and flowers bloom, while the latter promotes more pregnant buds and more flowers in the next spring. When the leaves fall in winter, the fertilizer mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium is applied once to enhance its ability of resisting cold and overwintering, with little or no application in the rest of the time. Avoid applying nitrogen fertilizer alone. [light and temperature]: purple magnolia likes light and is placed in sunny courtyards and rooftop gardens. The sun grows vigorously and luxuriantly. Although it can grow under semi-shady conditions, it is thinner and has fewer flowers, while if it is overcast, there are no flowers. It is hardy and can survive the winter outdoors in Beijing and its southern areas. [pruning]: the root of Magnolia mandshurica has strong sprouting and tillering ability. if it is not necessary to reproduce, cut along with the growth, and keep 3 trunk in each pot. For branches that are too tall and too long, they can be cut short just after flowering. Because of their poor healing ability, they should be coated with sulfur powder for anticorrosion after cutting, and do not prune if it is not necessary. If there is no need to leave seeds for reproduction after flowering, the residual flowers should be cut off with pedicels. [reproduction]: common methods of plant division, striping and sowing propagation. After flowering, combined with turning the basin to change the soil, pour out the plant, cut off the root of the sprouting daughter plant with a sharp scissors or knife, and then plant it separately. The transplant can be carried out before flowering in autumn or early spring, the seedlings are stained with mud, and the big seedlings must carry soil balls. Fertilization was applied once before and after flowering, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Maintain soil moisture in high temperature in summer and dry in autumn. After flowering and before sprouting new branches, dry branches, dense branches and short long branches should be cut off. Sowing, seed collection in September, sand storage in winter, spring sowing the following year, and germination 20-30 days after sowing. Selection and treatment of rootstocks of Magnolia Magnolia L. rootstocks should choose inferior species with no budding or less budding stage. First saw the crown from the trunk of the main branch and the central leader. The horizontal height from the ground should be close to avoid the imbalance of the power of the main branches caused by the top superiority; the upper main branch should be shorter than the next main branch, and the height of the central leader should be slightly higher than the top main branch. The interface should be selected in a smooth place, and the saw blade should be flattened with a cutter. The selection and treatment of scion should select a single plant with excellent varieties, such as monkey palm string elm, big hairy peach string elm or two hairy peach string elm, and select one-year-old branches with strong growth, full development and free of diseases and insect pests. The grafting technique should be carried out before and after sprouting in spring to the stage of leaf expansion. Generally for the middle and late March, only work axillary buds do not sprout, the time can also be extended. The grafting methods are: split grafting, cutting grafting and bud grafting. Cleavage is often used for thick branches. First split the joint with a cleavage knife or axe, insert the wood in the center of the split, cut the scion by about 10 cm, cut the base into a wedge, and insert it into the split to align the outer cambium with each other. Each split can be grafted with a scion on each side. After that, gently pull out the wooden pole. Cutting is to cut a knife longitudinally with xylem at the interface, cut the scion to grow about 5 centimeters, cut both sides of the base into one long and one short (about 3 centimeters long and 1.5 centimeters short), insert the short face outward into the incision and align it close to one end to form a layer. Bud grafting is the use of bud grafting to fill the gap in the missing branches in the branch group, so as to make the branch group complete. After the grafting is finished with the above methods, the interface should be tightly wrapped and tied up with plastic film strip immediately, and the scion should be exposed. Management after grafting after about 20 days after grafting, the scion can be used to display leaves. Be careful to remove the sprouts from the rootstock in time. If it does not survive, the summer bud grafting should be carried out in the right place on the rootstock. When the new tip of the scion is 50 cm long, it can be coring to increase branches and form a crown as soon as possible. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of Magnolia the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Magnolia mandshurica are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. [drug name]: magnolia. [alias]: Lin Lan, Mulan, Guilan, Dulan, Magnolia, Hou Tao, Fangmu, New Pheasant, Ying Chun, Mu Pen Hua, Mao Xinyi, Xinyi Peach, Jiang Puhua. [source]: this product is the dried flower buds of Magnoliaceae, Magnolia or Wudang Magnolia. [harvesting]: harvest in late winter and early spring when the flowers are not in bloom, remove branches and dry in the shade. [efficacy]: headache, low back pain, brain pain, rhinitis and other diseases; can be used as an analgesic, bark contains magnolia curare, paralyzing motor nerve endings. [medicine meridian]: Xin, Wen. Return to the lung and stomach meridian. [usage]: internal administration: fried soup, 1: 3 yuan; or into the pill, powder. [external use]: nasal plug at the end of research or nasal drops by water immersion distillation. [taboo]: 1. People with yin deficiency and exuberant fire should not take it. 2. Notes on the Classic of Materia Medica: Xiongzhu is used for it. Evil five stone fat. Fear of calamus, Puhuang, Coptis chinensis, gypsum, yellow ring. 3. "Materia Medica mercapto": all qi deficiency people avoid, brainache belongs to blood deficiency fire, toothache belongs to stomach fire bogey. 4. "Huiyan of Materia Medica": people with deficiency of qi, although occasionally feel cold, so that all know nothing, should not be used. Magnolia is distributed in Fujian, Hubei, Sichuan and northwestern Yunnan. Born on the edge of a hillside forest at an altitude of 300-1600m. This kind of traditional flower, which has been cultivated in major cities in China for more than 2000 years, has been introduced to cities in Europe and the United States. [4] the main cultivation bases are Shuyang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and other places. Pictures of Magnolia Magnolia how to reproduce, breed, breed and use in gardens

Purple magnolia is a kind of ornamental greening plant. The flowers are gorgeous and pleasant, fragrant and elegant, isolated or cluster planting are very beautiful, graceful trees, luxuriant branches, is an excellent garden, street greening plants. The following brings you how to reproduce Magnolia, the breeding and breeding methods of Magnolia.

How does Magnolia reproduce

The methods of plant division, striping and sowing are commonly used. After flowering, combined with turning the basin to change the soil, pour out the plant, cut off the root of the sprouting daughter plant with a sharp scissors or knife, and then plant it separately. The transplant can be carried out before flowering in autumn or early spring, the seedlings are stained with mud, and the big seedlings must carry soil balls. Fertilization was applied once before and after flowering, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Maintain soil moisture in high temperature in summer and dry in autumn. After flowering and before sprouting new branches, dry branches, dense branches and short long branches should be cut off. Sowing, seed collection in September, sand storage in winter, spring sowing the following year, and germination 20-30 days after sowing.

1. Selection and treatment of Magnolia rootstocks.

The rootstock should choose the inferior species in the early and full bud stage with no budding or less budding. First saw the crown from the trunk of the main branch and the central leader. The horizontal height from the ground should be close to avoid the imbalance of the power of the main branches caused by the top superiority; the upper main branch should be shorter than the next main branch, and the height of the central leader should be slightly higher than the top main branch. The interface should be selected in a smooth place, and the saw blade should be flattened with a cutter.

The selection and treatment of scion should select a single plant with excellent varieties, such as monkey palm string elm, big hairy peach string elm or two hairy peach string elm, and select one-year-old branches with strong growth, full development and free of diseases and insect pests.

The grafting technique should be carried out before and after sprouting in spring to the stage of leaf expansion. Generally for the middle and late March, only work axillary buds do not sprout, the time can also be extended. The grafting methods are: split grafting, cutting grafting and bud grafting. Cleavage is often used for thick branches. First split the joint with a cleavage knife or axe, insert the wood in the center of the split, cut the scion by about 10 cm, cut the base into a wedge, and insert it into the split to align the outer cambium with each other. Each split can be grafted with a scion on each side. After that, gently pull out the wooden pole. Cutting is to cut a knife longitudinally with xylem at the interface, cut the scion to grow about 5 centimeters, cut both sides of the base into one long and one short (about 3 centimeters long and 1.5 centimeters short), insert the short face outward into the incision and align it close to one end to form a layer. Bud grafting is the use of bud grafting to fill the gap in the missing branches in the branch group, so as to make the branch group complete. After the grafting is finished with the above methods, the interface should be tightly wrapped and tied up with plastic film strip immediately, and the scion should be exposed.

2. Management after grafting

After the scion survived about 20 days after grafting, the leaves could be unfolded. Be careful to remove the sprouts from the rootstock in time. If it does not survive, the summer bud grafting should be carried out in the right place on the rootstock. When the new tip of the scion is 50 cm long, it can be coring to increase branches and form a crown as soon as possible.

Culture methods of Magnolia mandshurica

1. Basin soil

Magnolia likes loose and fertile acidic and slightly acidic soil. Rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden soil can be mixed and cultivated in the same amount, and 50 to 150 grams of bone powder or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be added to the soil. The basin should be a little deeper and bigger, and some hard plastic foam blocks should be put at the bottom of the basin to enhance air permeability and drainage and prevent rotting roots. Turn the pot and change the soil once a year or every other year after flowering, keeping the persistent soil from 1x2 to 1x3.

2. Water and fertilizer

Purple magnolia likes to be moist and afraid of waterlogging, so timely and appropriate watering is very important. When the Beginning of Spring blossoms, the potted soil remains moist but not wet; after flowering, the potted soil remains moist but not waterlogged; after defoliation, the potted soil remains moist but not dry. Do not be dry or waterlogging at any time, especially in the rainy season.

Magnolia likes fertilizer. Fertilization should seize the two key opportunities of 2 months before flowering and 5 months after flowering. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied once every ten days. The former makes buds expand and flowers bloom, while the latter promotes more pregnant buds and more flowers in the next spring. When the leaves fall in winter, the fertilizer mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium is applied once to enhance its ability of resisting cold and overwintering, with little or no application in the rest of the time. Avoid applying nitrogen fertilizer alone.

3. Light and temperature

Purple magnolia like light, placed in the sunny courtyard, roof garden, most of the sun grows strong and luxuriant, although it can also grow under semi-shady conditions, but it is thin and has few flowers, and if it is too overcast, there are no flowers. It is hardy and can survive the winter outdoors in Beijing and its southern areas.

4. Pruning

The root of Magnolia mandshurica has strong sprouting and tillering ability. if it is not necessary to reproduce, cut along with the growth and keep 3 trunk plants in each pot. For branches that are too tall and too long, they can be cut short just after flowering. Because of their poor healing ability, they should be coated with sulfur powder for anticorrosion after cutting, and do not prune if it is not necessary. If there is no need to leave seeds for reproduction after flowering, the residual flowers should be cut off with pedicels.

The Garden use of Magnolia

Purple magnolia is a famous ornamental flower in early spring. when it blossoms in early spring, it is full of purplish red flowers with elegant posture and unique amorous feelings. It is suitable for planting in front and back of the hall in classical gardens, or it can be planted alone or scattered in small courtyards.

The Dietotherapy or Medicinal value of Magnolia Magnolia [medicinal name] Magnolia.

[alias]: Lin Lan, Mulan, Guilan, Dulan, Magnolia, Hou Tao, Fangmu, New Pheasant, Ying Chun, Mu Pen Hua, Mao Xinyi, Xinyi Peach, Jiang Puhua.

[source]: this product is the dried flower buds of Magnoliaceae, Magnolia or Wudang Magnolia.

[harvesting]: harvest in late winter and early spring when the flowers are not in bloom, remove branches and dry in the shade.

[efficacy]: headache, low back pain, brain pain, rhinitis and other diseases; can be used as an analgesic, bark contains magnolia curare, paralyzing motor nerve endings.

[medicine meridian]: Xin, Wen. Return to the lung and stomach meridian.

[usage]: internal administration: fried soup, 1: 3 yuan; or into the pill, powder.

[external use]: nasal plug at the end of research or nasal drops by water immersion distillation.

Taboo: 1. Those with yin deficiency and exuberant fire should not take.

2. Notes on the Classic of Materia Medica: Xiongzhu is used for it. Evil five stone fat. Fear of calamus, Puhuang, Coptis chinensis, gypsum, yellow ring.

3. "Materia Medica mercapto": all qi deficiency people avoid, brainache belongs to blood deficiency fire, toothache belongs to stomach fire bogey.

4. "Huiyan of Materia Medica": people with deficiency of qi, although occasionally feel cold, so that all know nothing, should not be used.