
What about the growing insects of Magnolia Magnolia? pest control / fertilization is the key.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The cold tolerance of Magnolia is very good, so it has fewer diseases and insect pests, but if the cultivation of Magnolia is completely wrong, or if the environment is too bad, it will cause pests and disease spots to harm Magnolia. What about Magnolia magnolia? Let's take a look at the pest control of Magnolia.

The cold tolerance of Magnolia is very good, so it has fewer diseases and insect pests, but if the cultivation of Magnolia is completely wrong, or if the environment is too bad, it will cause pests and disease spots to harm Magnolia. What about Magnolia magnolia? Let's take a look at the pest control of Magnolia.

Pest control of Magnolia mandshurica

Diseases of Magnolia mandshurica

1. Yellowing of Magnolia

Main symptoms: the leaves of Magnolia Magnolia gradually change from green to yellow, the chlorophyll decreases gradually due to pathological changes, the leaves turn yellow at first and then turn white gradually, the growth of the plant is slow, and in serious cases, it may lead to plant death. it is one of the most harmful diseases in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Magnolia.

Etiology: chlorosis is generally caused by bacteria, viruses, nematodes, etc., and can also be caused by insufficient nutrients, such as nitrogen deficiency, sulfur deficiency, drought, etc.

Prevention and control measures: strengthen cultivation management, pay attention to reasonable fertilization, timely watering, etc.; check the soil before planting, if the quality is too poor, should be improved by fertilization and other measures. In addition, 0.1% ferrous sulfate solution can be used for blade spray to prevent.

2. Anthracnose of Magnolia

Main symptoms: nearly round or irregular disease spots appear on the leaves of Magnolia Magnolia, often on the leaf edge, with a diameter of 10-20 mm. The disease spots are gray at first, the edges are dark brown, and then there are dense black dots.

Causes: high temperature, poor ventilation, less fertilization and watering, leaves infected by microsporum, black spots are bacteria.

Prevention and control measures: ① should pay attention to reasonable maintenance, such as scientific fertilization, watering, keeping the environment ventilated to avoid excessive ambient temperature; ② found diseased plants and sprayed 50% topazine wettable powder 500-600 times in time. Or 50% carbendazim 500-600 times solution, or 1 2ju 150-200 times Bordeaux solution, or 50% carbendazim 800 times solution.

Second, purple magnolia pest

1. Red spider

Red spider is one of the most harmful pests in the pest control of Magnolia Magnolia. After spreading its leaves, it will transfer to the leaves, starting from both sides of the main veins on the back of the leaves, with leaves as the main source of food.

Control measures: when ① finds that the color of the leaves is wrong, it should carefully check the back of the leaves, and if a small number of pests appear, remove the diseased leaves as soon as possible; ② uses 40% dicofol EC 1000mm 1500 times, 20% chlorpromazine wettable powder 2000 times to spray to remove pests.

2. Frost moth

The frost moth usually forages in the early morning, but lurks in the shade during the day, feeding on the epidermis of Magnolia leaves, and then the whole leaf may be eaten up, not only the growth of the plant will be hindered, but the flowering will be reduced.

Control measures: ① regularly turn the soil, can kill the overwintering pupae; when the frost moth is more serious in ②, it can be sprayed with 20% rice full suspension agent 1500 to 2000 times, 50% zinc parathion 2500 times, and 80% dichlorvos EC 800 to 1000 times.

What if the orchid grows worms? disease and pest control of orchids / 2 insect pests and 2 diseases

In the process of breeding ball orchids, the last thing people want to encounter must be such problems as diseases and insect pests. This problem not only affects beauty, but also poses a great threat to what the plants are, so what about the ball orchids? How to control the diseases and insect pests of orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. What if the orchid grows worms?

II. Disease and pest control of orchids

Insect pest

1. Shell worm

The shell insect is a common pest among the diseases and insect pests of the ball orchid. It mainly feeds on the juice in the leaves of the ball orchid, and gradually absorbs it with mouthparts deep into the leaves, which leads to the phenomenon of ball orchid wilting due to lack of nutrients.

Control method: in the control of this pest, we can use 3% pyrethroid 1000 times solution to spray.

two。 Aphids

Aphids are a big pest in many plants, and orchids are no exception. it mainly threatens the seedlings of orchids, which will gradually suck the sap in the seedlings, resulting in the seedlings can not grow and die. It can be seen that the harm of aphids is still great among the diseases and insect pests of bulbous orchids.

Prevention and control methods: the harmful period of aphids is at the turn of spring and summer every year, so we must pay special attention to this period of time. When dealing with this kind of pest, we can use 1000 times of trichlorfon to spray. Generally, three times in a row can completely eliminate this pest.


1. Anthrax

Among the diseases and insect pests of orchid, anthracnose is a kind of disease with high incidence. At the initial stage of the disease, many black spots will appear on the leaves of orchid, and will spread gradually with the passage of time, and finally lead to the phenomenon of plant death.

Prevention and treatment: in the prevention and control of this disease, we can use 1000 times of methyl topiramate to spray orchids, usually once every 7-10 days, and can be basically cured after 2-3 times.

two。 Soft rot

The high incidence period of soft rot is in the summer every year, so during this time, we must pay special attention to the appearance of many watery spots on the leaves of orchids, which spread very fast. it will eventually lead to the phenomenon of rot and death of the plant.

Prevention and control methods: in the prevention and control of this disease must be timely, if the time is prolonged, it will be difficult to cure, we can use methyl parathion 1000 times spray to control orchids.

What to do with the growing insects of asparagus orchid? prevention and control of diseases and insect pests / 2 insect pests 3 diseases and insect pests spray

As a beautiful foliage plant, asparagus is raised at home by many flower friends. Its leaves are like dragon beard, the leaf color is pure, and it has excellent ornamental. However, in indoor farming, due to improper maintenance and other reasons, the unavoidable worms of the orchid are sick, so what about the longworms? The following are several kinds of disease and pest control of asparagus, let's go and have a look.

First, what to do with the long worm of asparagus orchid

In indoor breeding, due to improper maintenance, poor ventilation and other factors, asparagus will grow insects and get sick. It is understood that the main diseases and insect pests of asparagus are: shell insects, red spiders, anthracnose, black spot, white silk disease, their emergence will endanger the health of the plant. As soon as it is discovered, everyone should spray immediately to prevent and cure it.

II. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of asparagus

1. Scale insects

Although asparagus is not easy to produce insects, it can also give birth to shell insects in the case of high temperature and humidity and poor air flow. The insect often occurs in May, piercing the leaves with mouthparts to suck juice, causing the leaves of asparagus to turn yellow, and the plant will die in severe cases.

Control methods: when there are few shell insects, rinse off the diseased plants with water in time, or wipe the diseased plants with vinegar, alcohol, washing clothes, etc., the effect is good; when there are too many shell insects, you should promptly spray 1000 times of omethoate or 1000 times of dichlorvos for antiseptic, spray once every 7 seconds and 10 days, and spray for 3 times in a row.

2. Red spider

In indoor culture of asparagus orchid, if the ventilation condition is poor, the orchid may also be harmed by red spiders. Although the insect is small, it can absorb nutrients from the leaves with a sharp needle, thus affecting the normal growth of the variable-leaf wood.

Control method: after the red spider is found, the whole plant should be thoroughly washed with large water, and then 2000 times of triclofenac EC should be sprayed, which can be effective several times in a row. If there is no myrrh, you can also use pepper water, cut tobacco water spraying and other ways to deworming.

3. Anthrax

Among the diseases and insect pests of asparagus orchid, anthrax is usually caused by bacteria, which is easy to occur in summer with high temperature and humidity. The disease can cause small brown patches on the leaves of asparagus, which then expand into a circular or oval shape, and in severe cases, the whole plant is damaged.

Prevention and treatment methods: when diseased leaves are found, remove immediately to reduce the source of the disease; at the initial stage of the disease, 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 800-1500 times solution can be sprayed once every 7-10 days, and then supplemented with 1% equal volume Bordeaux liquid, once every semimonthly, the disease can be basically cured.

4. Black spot

In addition to anthracnose, asparagus may also suffer from black spot. At the beginning of the disease, the diseased leaves will appear round black-brown spots about 2-3 mm in diameter, and then will slowly expand and increase, seriously harming the whole tissue, resulting in poor plant growth.

Prevention and treatment methods: the disease mostly occurs in June, we should observe more, when the above symptoms are found, cut off and burn all the seriously damaged leaves, and timely spray 40% carbendazim 800 times solution or 65% Dysen zinc 400-500 times solution for prevention and treatment.

5. White silk disease

Among the common diseases and insect pests of asparagus orchid, white silk disease is also a kind that has to be prevented. The disease mostly occurs in the plum rain season, mainly harming the stem base and roots of asparagus, resulting in purple-brown spots on the leaves, followed by obvious white mycelium, and in severe cases, the plant withered and eventually died.

Prevention and treatment methods: after the above diseases are found, fungicides such as carbendazim, Bordeaux solution, Baume sulfur mixture and other fungicides are sprayed on the stem base and substrate in time, or after the disease, the basin soil with bacteria is removed directly and sprinkled with pentachloronitrobenzene powder or lime.