
Why don't the dragon spit the bead? the reason why the dragon spit the bead does not blossom / light is the key.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For dragon spitting beads, friends who have seen it should be impressed. It has a peculiar pattern, just like a dragon spitting beads, which is very ornamental at home. However, although the dragon spits beads is beautiful, but when it does not spit beads, it is a different matter. At that time, flower friends must be in a hurry! So, why doesn't the dragon spit the beads? In order to solve this problem

For dragon spitting beads, friends who have seen it should be impressed. It has a peculiar pattern, just like a dragon spitting beads, which is very ornamental at home. However, although the dragon spits beads is beautiful, but when it does not spit beads, it is a different matter. At that time, flower friends must be in a hurry! So, why doesn't the dragon spit the beads? In order to solve this problem, let's go with the editor to see why the dragon spits beads and does not blossom.

First, why doesn't the dragon spit beads? find the reason.

As a common flower, the breeding method of dragon spitting beads is not difficult. If you are a little careful, it will produce beautiful flowers. But because there are many novice, they often appear breeding negligence, resulting in dragon spitting beads do not spit beads, and this will seriously affect the ornamental nature of the plant. In this regard, the editor summed up the reasons why the four dragons spit beads did not blossom, and we went on to look at it.

Second, the reason why the dragon spits beads does not blossom

1. Overwatering

When raising dragons and spitting beads indoors, what flower friends like to do most is to water it. Many people are afraid that it doesn't have enough water and doesn't grow well, so they always give it a lot of water. The result is naturally too much water, resulting in stagnant water in the basin, the root of the plant will not breathe freely, resulting in the dragon spitting bead leaves yellowing, and slowly fall off, thus affecting flowering.

Solution: at this time, flower friends should immediately suspend watering to help drain the water from the basin, or change the soil directly. After that, according to the watering method of dragon spitting beads, the dragon spitting beads will blossom slowly.

2. Lack of light

Dragon spitting beads blossom can not be separated from sufficient light. If the dragon spits beads in a place of dim light for a long time, its stem will grow in vain and eventually affect the flowering. However, summer is very strong, and the dragon spits beads to avoid strong light, so it needs proper shade at that time.

Solution: in the growing period of dragon spitting bead, flower friends should give it enough light to let dragon spit pearl fully carry out photosynthesis, so that it can accumulate the nutrients needed for plant flowering.

3. Untimely pruning

Longtuzhu is a vine plant. In order for it to grow healthily and to keep it beautiful, we should prune it frequently. Once the pruning is not timely, the branches and leaves of the dragon spit beads will grow too much, but will affect the flowering, because all the nutrients are provided to the branches and leaves.

Solution: when the dragon spit bead seedling grows to 15cm or so, it should be pruned around the 10cm from the basin mouth to promote new branches, and then more coring and pruning to control the plant height at about 30cm. After doing so, the dragon spit beads will bloom luxuriantly.

4. Improper temperature

In addition to the above points, the reason why the dragon spits beads do not blossom may also be caused by improper temperature. It is understood that Longtuzhu likes a warm environment, and its flowering temperature should be about 17 ℃. Once the temperature is too high or too low, it will affect flowering. Encounter this kind of situation, adjust the temperature can, soon, the dragon spits beads will bloom beautiful flowers.

Why does the dragon spit beads not blossom? why the dragon spit beads do not blossom and the solutions

As a kind of flowering plant, Longtuzhu has a very strange flower pattern. Longtuzhu, also known as Pearl Baocao, its origin is mainly distributed in western Africa, and now it is cultivated artificially in many places. Because of its long flowering period, it usually blossoms in spring and summer. The flower is very beautiful. It is also a kind of potted climbing flowering plant. So do you know why Longtuzhu doesn't blossom? Now let the editor of Huayu net answer the reason why the dragon spits beads and does not blossom for you and the solution!

The main reason why dragon spits beads do not blossom

Why didn't the dragon spit beads blossom? Dragon spitting beads do not blossom is actually not pruned in time, dragon spitting beads is a climbing plant, as long as it is not pruned, it will grow crazy all the way, nutrients are supplied to leaves and plants, and it does not care about flowering.

2, if its growth lacks fertilizer, the number of flowers will be very small, so add a little thin fertilizer to it, and the proportion of water can be higher, which can be used as water and fertilizer. Why don't dragon spit beads blossom? You know, most flowers like to eat fat, because they need a lot of nutrition when they are in full bloom, so add it about once a month, a total of three times. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied.

3. If you want to know why the dragon spit beads do not blossom, you also need to know the demand for sunlight when the dragon spits beads bloom. Dragon spitting beads should have plenty of sunshine. Dragon spitting beads like sunshine, and the light is not enough. Prune the flowers in time after fade, leave more than 10 centimeters above the basin mouth, do not stay too long, lest the nutrition is not enough and affect the quality of flowering.

In fact, why the dragon spits the pearl does not blossom also has something to do with its pruning. Because the growth rate of dragon spitting beads is faster, if not pruned in time, it will only grow vines but not blossom. Dragon spit beads should also be peeled off in time, do not let it grow tall, lest nutrition can not keep up, the plant should be controlled at about 20-30 centimeters.

The solution to the problem of dragon spitting beads without flowering

1. Changing soil: turning the pot and changing the soil should be carried out before sprouting in spring, according to the plant size, choose the appropriate flowerpot, and trim the old root properly when changing the pot.

two。 Fertilization: apply sufficient flower fertilizer while changing the pot and soil to promote the growth of new shoots. Fertilization during the growing period should be combined inside and outside the root, branches and leaves can be sprayed with flower nutrient solution outside the root, and mature bean cake fertilizer can be taken inside the heel.

3. Watering: water enough after changing soil in spring, leave it in a cool place for a week, then maintain it normally, and water it every two days during the growing period.

4. Heart pick: practice has proved that in order to make Longtuzhu blossom early and blossom more, it is necessary to pick the heart and sparse buds in time, and cut off the withered branches and leaves in time after flowering.

5. Florescence management: when the dragon spits beads blossom, can not irrigate much water, can not pour water on the flowers, avoid rain, prevent humidity and lead to early flower fall. Flowers should be cut off in time after withering, and fertilized at the same time, but then bloom. Flower nutrient solution can also be used to inject twigs and twigs of dragon spitting beads to promote flowering.

How to raise the dragon spitting pearl flowers, the breeding methods and precautions / light should be sufficient.

Dragon spits beads, friends who have seen it should be impressed, it has a strange shape, such as beads, looks very beautiful, deeply loved by flower friends. In life, many people want to raise dragons and spit beads, so how to raise dragons and beads? In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the dragon spit bead culture methods and matters needing attention, very detailed, friends who want to raise must have a look.

First, how to raise the dragon spit beads and understand the habits

Longtuzhu warm, moist and sunny semi-shady environment, in indoor breeding, it should be placed in a place with good light, but can avoid direct sunlight, and take warm measures in winter. As for soil, it is best to choose sandy loam with good drainage. So how to raise the dragon spitting beads is very simple. According to the growth habits of the dragon spitting beads, we can satisfy it.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of dragon spitting beads

1. Soil

How to raise potted dragon spitting beads, the soil should be re-selected first. The reason for this is that the dragon spitting beads raised by many florists are existing potted plants bought in florists or online, and normal maintenance can ensure plant growth. But the soil is very cheap. If you want the dragon to spit beads to grow well, you'd better choose the soil again.

Potted soil selection: Longtuzhu likes loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam, so potted plants often use cultivated soil or a mixture of peat soil and coarse sand. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use 4 parts of rotten soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sandy soil.

2. Lighting

The growth of plants is inseparable from light, so in the cultivation of dragon beads, light is extremely important. And because the dragon spits beads in a sunny semi-shady environment, it should be placed in a place with good light but can avoid direct sunlight when breeding indoors.

Note: Dragon spit beads in the growth process, need sufficient light, once the lack of light, will cause vine growth, do not bloom. In addition, the dragon spit beads bogey strong light, in the summer strong light should be appropriate shade, otherwise there will be dragon spit bead leaves yellowing phenomenon.

3. Watering

Water is the source of life, so how to raise the dragon spit beads, watering is an indispensable part. Longtuzhu likes the humid environment, and sufficient water is needed in the growth process. Flower friends should frequently water to keep the basin soil moist, especially in summer. Colleagues who should be properly shaded should be fully watered.

Note: Dragon spitting beads are sensitive to water, although sufficient water is needed, but watering should not be excessive. Once the amount of water is too large, it will cause the dragon spitting beads not to blossom, even the leaves will yellowing and withering, and the roots rot and die. In addition, it is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely.

4. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, it is also very important in the growth process of dragon spitting beads. Longtuzhu flowering needs sufficient nutrients, so in the Longtuzhu flowering period, mature thin cake fertilizer should be applied every 7-10 days, preferably 3-4 times. However, it should be noted that fertilization should not be excessive, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Conservation experience: in the process of breeding dragon spitting beads, if the yellowing phenomenon is found, it can be combined with topdressing and 0.2% ferrous sulfate, which can make the leaves gradually change from yellow to green.

5. Pruning

In the growth process of the dragon spitting bead, in order to maintain its perfect shape, flower friends need to prune it properly. First of all, although the dragon spit bead is long and short, its branches can grow very long, and if you pay attention to shaping and pruning, you can cultivate a very beautiful dragon spit bead; secondly, pay attention to picking the heart during the growth and development period, control the height of the ramet, and make the plant ramet neat and keep a beautiful appearance.

6. Change the basin

The basin soil that spits beads to the dragon is generally fertile, but with the increase of breeding time, the soil will gradually become barren, so we should change the basin every 1-2 years. As for the time to change the pot, it can be done in early spring or after the flowers fade. It should be noted that after changing the basin, it should be watered thoroughly, and put it in the shade place to slow the seedling, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

7. Diseases and insect pests

In the growth process of the dragon spitting beads, the plant will inevitably get sick. Among them, the main diseases are leaf spot, rust, mosaic disease, gray mold, and the main pests are leaf beetle, diamondback moth, shell insect and whitefly, which will affect the growth of Longtuzhu. Therefore, as soon as it is found, it should be sprayed immediately for prevention and control. As for what kind of medicine should be sprayed, you can refer to the pest control of dragon spitting beads.