
What about the yellowing of dragon bead leaves? cause analysis of dragon spitting pearl leaf yellow / focus on water and fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a beautiful flower, Longtuzhu gets its name because it is shaped like a dragon spitting beads. It is deeply loved by flower friends and is potted at home by many people. And the beauty of dragon spitting beads, in addition to beautiful flowers, its dense and symmetrical green leaves are not to be underestimated. So when the dragon spits the pearl leaves yellow, everyone must be in a hurry! that

As a beautiful flower, Longtuzhu gets its name because it is shaped like a dragon spitting beads. It is deeply loved by flower friends and is potted at home by many people. And the beauty of dragon spitting beads, in addition to beautiful flowers, its dense and symmetrical green leaves are not to be underestimated. So when the dragon spits the pearl leaves yellow, everyone must be in a hurry! So, what if the leaves of the dragon spit beads turn yellow? Today, the editor is here to solve this problem for everyone.

First, the dragon spits the bead leaf to turn yellow, look for the cause

In indoor potted plants, the breeding method of dragon spitting beads is not difficult, but there are many beginners, they usually do not follow the method, as a result, the dragon spitting beads leaves are fed yellow. By then, the flower friends must be in a hurry! As for the dragon spitting bead leaves yellowing how to do, Xiaobian sorted out six causes of dragon spitting beads leaves yellowing, and attached solutions, we continue to look.

Second, the causes and solutions of yellow leaves of dragon spitting beads.

1. Environmental mutation

Generally speaking, there are many reasons for the yellow leaves of the dragon, but the first thing we should consider is the environment. Today's potted plants are purchased online, which can easily lead to a large geographical span, dragon spitting beads can not adapt for a while, and the symptoms of leaf yellow appear.

Solution: in this situation, we should ask the seller about the growth environment before the dragon spits beads, and then make corresponding changes at home until the dragon spits beads fully adapt. After a period of normal maintenance, the leaves of the dragon spit beads will be restored.

2. Insufficient or too strong light

Light is also one of the reasons for the yellow leaves of dragon spitting beads. In summer, the sun is relatively strong, once the strong light shines on the dragon spit beads, its leaves are easy to turn yellow; in addition, in winter, although the sun is not so strong, but the sunshine time is short, it is easy to lack of light to cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: when the ① light is too strong, move the dragon spit beads to the semi-shady place for maintenance, and appropriate watering; when the ② light is insufficient, it is very simple to supplement the light, and it is best to receive full sunshine in winter.

3. Improper watering

In addition to sudden changes in the environment and improper lighting, improper watering will also cause the leaves of dragon spitting beads to turn yellow. ① dragon spit beads like a humid environment, if you can not ensure sufficient moisture, it will lead to yellow leaves; ② dragon spit beads need a lot of water, but not too much, once too much watering, soil water, it will cause dragon spit beads not to blossom, leaves yellowing and even rotting roots.

Solution: ① usually keep the basin soil moist, if too much watering, it is best to change the basin soil; ② if too little watering, very simple, the right amount of good moisture can. In addition, when the air is relatively dry, you can sprinkle some water on the leaves of the dragon spitting beads.

4. Insufficient fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, which is also one of the reasons for the yellow leaves of dragon spitting beads. It is understood that the growth of dragon spit beads needs sufficient nutrients, if insufficient fertilization, resulting in the lack of sufficient nutrients, it is not conducive to the growth of dragon spitting beads, will make it appear leaf yellow.

Solution: when you encounter this situation, you can apply some fertilizer and ferrous sulfate solution at the same time, and the leaves can turn green again.

What if the dragon spits the pearl to blossom less? finding the reason is the key.

Those who have raised flowers must know how beautiful the dragon spits beads are, but if the dragon spits beads do not blossom or blossom less, it will be very frustrating. Today, let's talk about what to do if the dragon spits beads bloom less, and how to do in the face of the dragon spitting beads blooming less.

What if the dragon spits beads blossom less?

I. causes and treatment methods

If you want to know how to deal with the less flowering of dragon spitting beads, you must first know what causes it to blossom less, and only by prescribing the right remedy to the case can you have an immediate effect. The following is to learn the corresponding treatment methods according to the reasons why the dragon spits beads blossom less.

Improper watering

One of the important reasons why Longtuzhu blossoms less is because of the unreasonable watering measures taken by flower friends. The crux of the problem is that people are always afraid that the plants are dry, so they watered a lot of water, so this is the problem. Due to too much moisture in the flowerpot, long-term soaking caused the aboveground leaves to gradually turn yellow and fall off, and then affected the normal flowering. At this time, flower friends should immediately stop watering, wait for the basin soil to dry, and then adjust the scientific amount of water.

There is not enough sunshine.

Longtuzhu is a kind of flower that depends on light, which should ensure enough light during the growing period and flowering period. once the sunlight can not meet the needs of the plant, it will lead to the crazy overgrowth of aboveground stems and the normal number of buds and flowers with normal natural influence. Therefore, flower friends should follow a lighting maintenance principle, that is, in addition to summer in the three seasons, to ensure that the dragon spits beads full light.

Nutrient deficiency

Another reason for the lack of flowering is the lack of fertilizer, so you must remember to add some thinner water and fertilizer during the growing period of dragon spitting beads, the cycle is about once every 30 days, a total of three times.

II. Points for attention

It seems simple to raise dragons and spit beads, but if you are not careful, the flowers will not be raised well. Especially in winter, it must be operated in accordance with the essentials, so that the dragon at home can spit beads to bloom better.

How to do if the dragon spits the pearl to blossom less, finding the reason is the key!

Causes and treatment methods

If you want to know how to deal with the less flowering of dragon spitting beads, you must first know what causes it to blossom less, and only by prescribing the right remedy to the case can you have an immediate effect. The following is to learn the corresponding treatment methods according to the reasons why the dragon spits beads blossom less.

Improper watering

One of the important reasons why Longtuzhu blossoms less is because of the unreasonable watering measures taken by flower friends. The crux of the problem is that people are always afraid that the plants are dry, so they watered a lot of water, so this is the problem. Due to too much moisture in the flowerpot, long-term soaking caused the aboveground leaves to gradually turn yellow and fall off, and then affected the normal flowering. At this time, flower friends should immediately stop watering, wait for the basin soil to dry, and then adjust the scientific amount of water.

There is not enough sunshine.

Longtuzhu is a kind of flower that depends on light, which should ensure enough light during the growing period and flowering period. once the sunlight can not meet the needs of the plant, it will lead to the crazy overgrowth of aboveground stems and the normal number of buds and flowers with normal natural influence. Therefore, flower friends should follow a lighting maintenance principle, that is, in addition to summer in the three seasons, to ensure that the dragon spits beads full light.

Nutrient deficiency

Another reason for the lack of flowering is the lack of fertilizer, so you must remember to add some thinner water and fertilizer during the growing period of dragon spitting beads, the cycle is about once every 30 days, a total of three times.

Matters needing attention

It seems simple to raise dragons and spit beads, but if you are not careful, the flowers will not be raised well. Especially in winter, it must be operated in accordance with the essentials, so that the dragon at home can spit beads to bloom better.