
How to trim holly, how to trim holly balls / pay attention to maintenance after cutting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Holly is a common plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, but if we want to maintain the beauty of its plant type, we also need to prune it regularly in addition to the usual maintenance. About how to trim holly? What is the method of pruning holly balls? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Holly is a common plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, but if we want to maintain the beauty of its plant type, we also need to prune it regularly in addition to the usual maintenance. About how to trim holly? What is the method of pruning holly balls? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to trim holly to keep the good and go bad

Holly this kind of plant will sprout many times every year, so we should prune it regularly when we breed it, and we can prune it flat or into a spherical or conical shape according to different needs. This can make the plant look according to ornamental, and proper thinning can also play a role in promoting branching.

1. Pruning time, summer and autumn

The pruning time of holly is generally carried out in summer and autumn, in summer, because holly will have more branches and leaves and grow more vigorously, it is inevitable that there will be some overgrowth phenomenon. At this time, we need to prune it. After entering the autumn, we can trim the holly into an ideal shape according to the image design, and at the same time give it a sparse branch.

two。 Trim parts, trim side branches / weak branches

When we prune holly, we usually have to prune its weak branches, which generally do not need all pruning, but only need to trim about 1 pedicel of the whole branch to retain the part of the flower bud and properly trim the flower branches at the top of the holly crown. In addition, we also need to prune its side branches, which can increase its light and air permeability and reduce the invasion of diseases and insect pests.

3. After cutting, the wound is smeared with quicklime.

Generally speaking, after pruning holly, it is best to apply some quicklime on the trimmed wound to prevent wound infection, because the pruned holly is very fragile and easy to be infected with some diseases and insect pests. If it is accidentally infected, we must deal with it in a timely manner. We can refer to the article on pest control of holly, and the editor will not introduce it too much here.

Second, the method of pruning holly balls

1. Tool selection

In the choice of tools, it is best to choose tree scissors, do not casually find a pair of scissors to make up the number, because if you see that it is not sharp enough, the skin may not be cut and the branches may be deformed during pruning, which will greatly affect its growth, so tree pruning, a special tool for pruning branches, must be used when pruning.

two。 Tool disinfection

After we have selected the utensils, we do not have to prune them in a hurry. It is best to disinfect the tools first so as not to infect the plants with germs on them. Even if you think the utensils look clean, you must disinfect them first, because many bacteria are invisible to the naked eye, so whether there are bacteria or not, there must be nothing wrong with disinfection.

3. Pruning method

When pruning, we should first cut out a horizontal band according to the perimeter, then flip the scissors over, and use the reverse side of the scissors to trim the curve on the holly ball, trim the top of the plant, determine the spherical upper curve, and then let the scissors face down and flip it again so that the front is against the holly ball to cut off the extra branches and leaves at the top and middle of the plant. Then, following the shape of the upper half of the holly ball, the branches and leaves of the lower half of the plant are trimmed to the soil, so that the trimmed ball is like being placed on a basin.

[picture of holly ball] what is the price of holly ball?

Content Abstract: Holly, also known as evergreen, belongs to evergreen shrubs and is suitable for planting in courtyards and gardens with strong pruning. Holly is also known as a holly ball because it is often trimmed into a circle. The next part of this article is to introduce you to the picture of the holly ball and its price.

[the price of holly balls]

Holly ball, refers to the professional pruned holly, the plant has high ornamental value, belongs to evergreen tree species.

Basic data of ▍

Holly ball, with a clear flowering time, is around June, and its growth can reach a maximum of more than 13 meters.

Holly, raceme for umbrella-shaped, multi-solitary, leaves alternate, leathery, there are also paper varieties, the leaf shape is oval, the width can reach about 2 cm.

▍ price analysis

Holly balls, which can be directly used for garden transplanting, have been basically formed, and the biggest advantage is that they are easy to prune, so the price will be much higher than that of ordinary holly.

Plant height: a holly ball with a height of 80 cm costs about 13 yuan, while a holly ball with a height of 70 cm costs only 6 yuan; a holly ball with a height of 150 cm costs about 480 yuan; a holly ball with a height of 140 cm costs about 140 yuan.

Crown width: the crown size of holly ball, the common range on the market is between 50-200, and its market price wind range is between 6-480 yuan.

[holly ball photo collection]

▍ growth habit

Holly ball, a subtropical tree species, is more suitable for survival in warm areas even if it is maintained in China, but on the contrary, holly ball also has strong cold resistance and can be maintained in a fertile and humid environment. Its drainage is good, and there is no phenomenon of stagnant water and dead roots.

Holly is mainly distributed in Europe and America, but it is also widely cultivated in Guangxi, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan and other provinces and cities in China.

Main varieties of ▍

There are more than 120 main categories of holly balls, and the common varieties are as follows:

Plum leaf holly. This variety of holly ball, the highest plant height can reach about 3 meters, can be directly used in medicine, can be used to treat coronary heart disease, mostly distributed in Jiangxi, Fujian and other provinces and cities.

Fig leaf holly. The plant height of banyan holly can reach more than 12 meters, and the leaves are leathery, which are mostly distributed in the Yangtze River basin, and are also widely cultivated in Japan, Taiwan and other places.

Guangdong holly. This variety holly ball, suitable to become a garden tree species, the plant itself has strong heat resistance, mostly distributed in Jiangxi and Fujian areas, but also planted in the south of China.

Big leaf holly. Among all the holly ball varieties, big leaf holly belongs to the one with relatively high ornamental value, the highest plant can reach more than 20 meters, and the bark color is grayish black, which is the main tree species choice for courtyard greening.

Summary: what this article mainly introduces to you is the price of holly ball and its picture collection. Through the reading above, do you already have some understanding of holly ball?

How to raise holly, the breeding methods and matters needing attention of holly

Holly is a subtropical plant, evergreen all the year round, beautiful tree shape, is the first choice for landscaping seedlings. Holly has high survival rate, fast recovery speed and high ornamental value, so it is an excellent ornamental tree species in the garden. So how to raise such an excellent holly? let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of holly with me today.

The culture method of holly, how to raise holly

Soil: Holly is suitable for planting in moist and semi-shaded land, likes fertile soil, can grow well in general soil, and is not strict to the environment.

Sowing: usually we will harvest the seeds of holly after the fruit is ripe in autumn, rub the peel off, rinse clean, accelerate germination with low-temperature stratification of wet sand, and sow before March of the following spring. The growth of holly in seedling stage is slow, so it should be carefully maintained and managed.

Cuttage: Holly is more suitable to take softwood cuttings in the rainy season, the cuttings are about 6 to 8 cm long, then put the lower leaves, leaving only 1 or 2 leaves, insert 1/2, use sandy soil as substrate, spray more water, and you can take root after about a month. The nursery bed of cultivating holly should be selected in the place of ventilation and shade tolerance, and it can also be shaded and cuttage, and the survival rate is very high.

Matters needing attention in culturing holly

The main disease of holly is leaf spot, which can be controlled by carbendazim and chlorothalonil. Holly sprouts many times a year and is very resistant to pruning. Shaping and pruning once in summer, flat pruning or pruning into spherical or conical shape according to different greening needs in autumn, and appropriate branch thinning to maintain a certain crown-shaped branch state. Measures such as piling soil and preventing cold can be taken in cold places in winter.

The above are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of holly. In fact, holly has very good medicinal value. Seeds and bark are used for medicinal purposes. It is a strong agent. Leaves have the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, and can treat tracheitis and burns. So let's hurry up and raise some of our own holly.