
How to raise holly, culture methods and precautions / sufficient light of holly

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Holly is a common plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and there are many people who raise it everywhere, but if you want to really raise it well, there are many places that need to be paid attention to. About how to raise holly? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of holly? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Holly is a common plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and there are many people who raise it everywhere, but if you want to really raise it well, there are many places that need to be paid attention to. About how to raise holly? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of holly? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise holly and understand its habits

If you want to know how to raise holly, we must first understand its growth habits. It is a subtropical plant. It likes a warm climate and has a certain degree of cold tolerance. It is generally no problem as long as it does not grow in a too cold climate. However, its daily water and fertilizer management is a point that we need to pay attention to when we breed, for details, you can refer to the following.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of holly

1. Soil, slightly acidic

Holly is not too demanding for soil, and it can also grow in general soil, but if you want to make it grow better, it is best to choose loose, fertile and slightly acidic humus soil. this kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, and sufficient nutrients, so that holly can thrive.

two。 Temperature,-10 ℃-30 ℃

Holly is a kind of plant that does not have high requirements for the environment. It has a certain cold tolerance and can grow as long as the ambient temperature is between-10 ℃ and 30 ℃. Although it is relatively cold-resistant, it is not resistant to high temperature, so we must pay attention to environmental ventilation when breeding in summer, and we also need to spray water frequently to cool it, so as not to affect its growth.

3. Fertilizing, topdressing 1-2 times during the growing period

In the growth process of holly, its demand for fertilizer is not too high, do not need too frequent fertilization. When we plant it, applying an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to its substrate is enough to get it through the seedling stage, and then it is enough to top it once or twice in the spring and autumn peak season. In terms of fertilizer, we can choose to use nitrogen fertilizer as the main dilute liquid fertilizer.

4. Moisture, once every 15 days

Although holly is more absorbent, it is also afraid of waterlogging, so we do not need to water it too frequently when we breed it. Generally, we can water it once every 15 days when the climate is suitable, and pay attention to watering thoroughly when watering. After that, the frequency of watering can be controlled according to the change of climate. When the climate is hot, the frequency of watering can be increased, and when it is cold, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering.

5. Sunshine, avoid bright light

Holly is a kind of light-loving plant, but it is not tolerant to strong light. If the care is not too strong in spring and autumn, we can put it outside to receive light all day. After entering the summer, because of the strong light, we need to move it to the indoor semi-shade for breeding, so as not to sunburn the plants and cause the leaves to dry and yellowing.

6. To trim, trim, or shape.

Holly this kind of plant will sprout many times every year, so we should prune it regularly when we breed it, and we can prune it flat or into a spherical or conical shape according to different needs. This can make the plant look according to ornamental, and proper thinning can also play a role in promoting branching.

7. Diseases and insect pests should be dealt with in a timely manner

In the process of cultivating holly, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests enter while we are not careful. this kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, and we must deal with it in time when we find it, because the longer the time drags on, the greater the harm to the plant. The specific treatment methods have been described in detail in the article on pest control of holly, which can be understood by interested friends.

What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the Black Prince?

The black prince's alias is the succulent black prince. It is a perennial succulent herb belonging to the genus Euphorbia of the crassulaceae. The black prince has a very neat leaf disk and a very special leaf color, so that its ornamental value is very high, and it is also very eye-catching. Its reproduction and cultivation is relatively simple and easy, and it is suitable for breeding as a family pot plant. Next, let's take a look at the breeding methods and precautions of the Black Prince. [morphological characteristics of the Black Prince] the Black Prince is a perennial succulent herb with short stems and fleshy leaves arranged in the shape of a very neatly labeled rosette. In the case of very luxuriant growth, the diameter of the leaf disc of the Black Prince can reach 20cm, while the number of leaves per plant can reach more than 100. The shape of the leaf is spoon-shaped, it looks relatively thick, and there is a small tip at the top, and the leaf color is black and purple. Its inflorescence is in the shape of Cymes, and the florets are red and purplish red, giving a noble feeling, and the flower and leaf is a kind of succulent plant, which is very suitable for family planting and ornamental. [black Prince's method of breeding] the Black Prince likes to grow in a cool, dry environment and needs plenty of light to grow in sandy soil with very good drainage. The Black Prince is a plant that is very easy to reproduce. It can use a variety of propagation methods, such as cutting the top to produce tiller buds and leaf insertion, and the survival rate of each propagation method is very high. During the growing period, you can use the mature and healthy intact leaves that are not damaged by people to cuttage, tilt it slightly or lay it flat in the vermiculite sand and soil, and need to maintain the wetness of the soil. this is conducive to the growth of plant roots, and will soon grow new buds. When the new buds grow and grow several new leaves, they can be planted into new plants. Another method is to cuttage the young plant next to the long-growing plant, which needs to be dried before the cutting, burying the lower stem in the sand, and then the rest is the same as the leaf cutting. Cuttings need to be cut in loose and fertile sandy soil, which is more conducive to the robust growth of roots. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the Black Prince? 1. Soil: the Black Prince needs to be planted in a loose, fertile, well-drained and breathable sandy soil, which is more conducive to the drainage of excess water from the roots, so that the roots can grow better. Sand soil, garden soil and rotten leaf soil can be cultivated together, and then wait for 1-2 years to change the basin to prune the necrotic old roots and reduce the loss of nutrients. two。 Lighting: the Black Prince grows in an environment with sufficient light and a large temperature difference between day and night, and the color of the leaves will grow darker and brighter, which has a very good ornamental value. When the temperature is about the same, it can put the Black Prince in an outdoor environment and needs to keep plenty of light. In the case of lack of light and moist soil, the plant will grow too much, the whole plant is light green and dark green, the leaves are relatively sparse and the distance is relatively long, thus accelerating the growth of the plant, seriously affecting the appreciation of the Black Prince. If the growth of the plant is hindered in the serious case of insufficient light, it will die. 3. Watering: the Black Prince himself contains a very high amount of water, which can cause root rot when growing in an overly humid environment. When watering, must not pour too much water, to avoid root water siltation, need to do a good drainage basin at the bottom in advance, you can also choose a better permeability of red ceramic pot planting. 4. Fertilizer: the Black Prince's requirements for fertilizer are not particularly strict, and it is not easy to apply too much fertilizer, especially the application of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will cause the plant to grow excessively, and the color of the leaves is not black. Once a month, phosphate and potash are applied as the main fertilizer. 5. Temperature: the Black Prince will stop growing below 5 degrees Celsius or cause frostbite, while growing in leaves below zero degrees Celsius will cause cell death, and will stop growing when the temperature is higher than 35 degrees Celsius in summer. stop watering at this time and wait until the temperature recovers. In the case of relatively high temperature in summer, we should pay attention to ventilation to prevent time exposure will sunburn the plant. 6. Pruning: when pruning the Black Prince, the dry and old leaves should be removed, otherwise it will breed bacteria and cause a series of diseases and insect pests. In the case of excessive plant growth, the top branches and leaves should be modeled so as to control the height of the plant and maintain the beauty of the plant shape. If cutting is carried out, be sure to dry the trim mouth and then insert it into the sandy wet soil, which is more conducive to rooting and let more lateral buds sprout from the stems and branches at the bottom.

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June snow bonsai making video _ breeding methods and matters needing attention of June snow

June snow is also known as full star, broken leaf holly, white horse bone and so on. It belongs to a small evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae. Its height is generally 90cm, and it has a strong smell. The leaves of June snow are leathery, the petiole is very short, the flowers are solitary or many grow on the top of the branchlets or axillary, the Corolla is reddish or white, the style is more prominent, and the flowering period is usually from May to July. It has a very good ornamental value. Next, let's take a look at the bonsai making video of June snow, as well as the breeding methods and precautions of June snow.

[June snow bonsai production video]

The shape of the June snow bonsai is very elegant and beautiful, especially the edge of the leaves of the June snow in Phnom Penh is yellow, as if inlaid with a circle of gold edges, it sets off each other with the white June snowflakes in full bloom in summer. very ornamental. June snow plant is very low, and the tree shape is also very beautiful, in the hot summer will be full of white flowers, giving people a feeling as white as snow, just like its name. June snow can be bred at home as a decoration to beautify the home, bringing people a sense of beauty, and there will be a cool sense of air, just like the summer in June.

[growth habits of June snow] Hardo of June snow is a relatively small white flower with very small tree shape and loose branches and leaves. He likes to grow in lighter shady places and is afraid of the direct phenomenon of strong light. wild June snow usually grows in deep mountains and dense trees. Generally, it is divided in spring, and can be cut in the rainy season of Huangmei, and light tea can be used to call it arrogant. The temperature requirement of June snow is not particularly strict. It is generally evergreen in South China and semi-evergreen in Southwest China. Its ability to withstand drought is very strong, and the requirements for the soil are not particularly strict. If the pot is suitable for June snow in loose and fertile, permeable, rich humus-rich slightly acidic soil is more suitable, and is very conducive to the growth of June snow.

[June snow culture methods and matters needing attention] 1. Transplanting: the best time is from February to March, as well as the rainy season and the late autumn season. Transplanting pots had better choose purple sand pots and glaze pots, and the color of the choice pots should be darker, so that when the flowers open, there is a sharp contrast with the potted soil. The best requirement for basin soil is to choose sandy soil is the best, and choose loose and fertile organic soil, but also need good drainage and ventilation. Generally in humus, peat, pine needle soil, rice husk mixed with culture, but also add some base fertilizer in it, which is more conducive to the growth of plants. two。 Lighting: June snow is a kind of environment that likes to grow in a sunny, warm, moist and ventilated environment. It should be properly shaded in summer, cannot breed under strong light, and should be cultured indoors during the winter season. It also needs to maintain a certain temperature, preferably 5-12 degrees Celsius, which is ideal. 3. Watering: when raising snow in June, the basin soil should remain moist, neither too dry nor too wet, keep the right amount of water, reduce the amount of water in winter, and spray more water on the leaves in summer, usually 1-2 times. 4. Fertilization: the best time for snow in June is from April to May, usually watering phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, liquid fertilizer and so on. In winter, you can fertilize again. You can irrigate thin organic fertilizer inside, but not thick fertilizer. Otherwise, it will cause damage to the plant. 5. Turn the pan: usually turn the basin every other year for June snow, which can make the soil more loose, and the plant grows faster. When turning the basin, the old soil can be removed, and the roots should be properly trimmed, which can effectively improve the ornamental value. 6. Pruning: the pruning of June snow is usually carried out in winter, pruning the long and short plants, and pruning the more dense plants, removing the more messy branches and leaves, so as to improve the ornamental value. when you encounter branches and leaves harmed by diseases and insect pests, you should prune them in time to avoid infection. To carry out de-branching, coring, sprouting and other treatments to maintain the beautiful shape of the plant. 7. Prevention of diseases and insect pests: June snow in the growth of diseases and insects is relatively few, generally aphids, you can use diluted wind oil essence spray. The disease that appears has root rot disease, can use root rot Ling or turpentine acid copper EC to add official can, generally spray once a week, continuous 3 times forehead time can be cured.

[matters needing attention for breeding snow in June] the vitality of June snow is very tenacious, but it also needs some protection. In order to avoid breeding at a low temperature below 7 degrees Celsius, you must plant indoors and maintain humidity, otherwise it will cause the plants to turn yellow, and then the leaves will fall off. Water should be properly irrigated, do not give too much or how much water, in hot or dry climate, the leaves will slowly turn yellow, thus reducing the ornamental value of June snow.

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