
How to raise the dragon spitting pearl flowers, the breeding methods and precautions / light should be sufficient.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dragon spits beads, friends who have seen it should be impressed, it has a strange shape, such as beads, looks very beautiful, deeply loved by flower friends. In life, many people want to raise dragons and spit beads, so how to raise dragons and beads? In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Longtuzhu, which is very detailed.

Dragon spits beads, friends who have seen it should be impressed, it has a strange shape, such as beads, looks very beautiful, deeply loved by flower friends. In life, many people want to raise dragons and spit beads, so how to raise dragons and beads? In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the dragon spit bead culture methods and matters needing attention, very detailed, friends who want to raise must have a look.

First, how to raise the dragon spit beads and understand the habits

Longtuzhu warm, moist and sunny semi-shady environment, in indoor breeding, it should be placed in a place with good light, but can avoid direct sunlight, and take warm measures in winter. As for soil, it is best to choose sandy loam with good drainage. So how to raise the dragon spitting beads is very simple. According to the growth habits of the dragon spitting beads, we can satisfy it.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of dragon spitting beads

1. Soil

How to raise potted dragon spitting beads, the soil should be re-selected first. The reason for this is that the dragon spitting beads raised by many florists are existing potted plants bought in florists or online, and normal maintenance can ensure plant growth. But the soil is very cheap. If you want the dragon to spit beads to grow well, you'd better choose the soil again.

Potted soil selection: Longtuzhu likes loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam, so potted plants often use cultivated soil or a mixture of peat soil and coarse sand. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use 4 parts of rotten soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sandy soil.

2. Lighting

The growth of plants is inseparable from light, so in the cultivation of dragon beads, light is extremely important. And because the dragon spits beads in a sunny semi-shady environment, it should be placed in a place with good light but can avoid direct sunlight when breeding indoors.

Note: Dragon spit beads in the growth process, need sufficient light, once the lack of light, will cause vine growth, do not bloom. In addition, the dragon spit beads bogey strong light, in the summer strong light should be appropriate shade, otherwise there will be dragon spit bead leaves yellowing phenomenon.

3. Watering

Water is the source of life, so how to raise the dragon spit beads, watering is an indispensable part. Longtuzhu likes the humid environment, and sufficient water is needed in the growth process. Flower friends should frequently water to keep the basin soil moist, especially in summer. Colleagues who should be properly shaded should be fully watered.

Note: Dragon spitting beads are sensitive to water, although sufficient water is needed, but watering should not be excessive. Once the amount of water is too large, it will cause the dragon spitting beads not to blossom, even the leaves will yellowing and withering, and the roots rot and die. In addition, it is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely.

4. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, it is also very important in the growth process of dragon spitting beads. Longtuzhu flowering needs sufficient nutrients, so in the Longtuzhu flowering period, mature thin cake fertilizer should be applied every 7-10 days, preferably 3-4 times. However, it should be noted that fertilization should not be excessive, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Conservation experience: in the process of breeding dragon spitting beads, if the yellowing phenomenon is found, it can be combined with topdressing and 0.2% ferrous sulfate, which can make the leaves gradually change from yellow to green.

5. Pruning

In the growth process of the dragon spitting bead, in order to maintain its perfect shape, flower friends need to prune it properly. First of all, although the dragon spit bead is long and short, its branches can grow very long, and if you pay attention to shaping and pruning, you can cultivate a very beautiful dragon spit bead; secondly, pay attention to picking the heart during the growth and development period, control the height of the ramet, and make the plant ramet neat and keep a beautiful appearance.

6. Change the basin

The basin soil that spits beads to the dragon is generally fertile, but with the increase of breeding time, the soil will gradually become barren, so we should change the basin every 1-2 years. As for the time to change the pot, it can be done in early spring or after the flowers fade. It should be noted that after changing the basin, it should be watered thoroughly, and put it in the shade place to slow the seedling, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

7. Diseases and insect pests

In the growth process of the dragon spitting beads, the plant will inevitably get sick. Among them, the main diseases are leaf spot, rust, mosaic disease, gray mold, and the main pests are leaf beetle, diamondback moth, shell insect and whitefly, which will affect the growth of Longtuzhu. Therefore, as soon as it is found, it should be sprayed immediately for prevention and control. As for what kind of medicine should be sprayed, you can refer to the pest control of dragon spitting beads.

How to raise the dragon spit bead flower, the dragon spit bead culture method and matters needing attention

Dragon spitting bead is a very beautiful ornamental plant, when blooming, the crimson Corolla protrudes from the white calyx, shaped like spitting beads, very suitable for indoor breeding, of course, optimize the unique shape of dragon spitting beads flowers, attracting a large number of flower friends of breeding, the following is the arrangement of dragon spitting beads how to culture, hope to cultivate dragon spitting beads flower friends have some help.

Longtuzhu culture method 1. The soil should be fertile.

Longtuzhu culture soil uses rich, loose and well-drained sandy loam, potted culture soil or peat soil and coarse sand mixed soil, the commonly used soil formula is rotten soil 4 parts, garden soil 4 parts, sandy soil 2 parts.

2. Good watering control

Potted dragon spitting beads need to master the two main links of watering and pruning. Longtuzhu likes to be moist and requires sufficient water during its growth and development. However, too much watering and excessive dampness in the basin soil can easily cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Watering during the growth period should pay attention to uniform, basin soil often maintain a wet state, should not be too wet or too dry, should not be suddenly wet and dry.

3. Sunshine season control

Put it in the courtyard or on the south balcony after the weather turns warm in spring and give full light in spring and autumn. If it is hot and hot in summer, it should be placed under the shade or in a shaded place.

4. Fertilizer control quantity

Longtuzhu should not be fertilized too much, once every semimonthly, once every two times in flowering season, high potassium nitrate fertilizer in "Huiyou" 20-8-20 seasons, or mature thin cake fertilizer and water every 7-10 days, and 3-4 times in succession. In winter, watering is reduced and fertilization is stopped. If yellowing is found in the process of cultivation, it can be combined with topdressing and 0.2% ferrous sulfate to make the leaves gradually change from yellow to green.

5. Temperature combined with seasonal control

The suitable temperature for the growth of Longtuzhu was 1824 ℃, 1830 ℃ from February to October, and 1316 ℃ from October to February of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 8 ℃, and the stems and leaves above 5 ℃ are easy to suffer from freezing injury. The light ones cause defoliation, and the heavy ones cause the tender stems to wither. During the vegetative growth period, the temperature can be higher, the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, as long as the water supply is sufficient, it can still grow normally. On the other hand, the temperature of reproductive growth, that is, the flowering stage, should be lower, about 17 ℃.

6. Pruning

When Longtuzhu grows to 15 cm after cutting or sowing seedlings, cut branches 10 cm away from the pot mouth to promote the germination of sturdy new branches. During the growing period, we should strictly control the height of the branches and pay attention to topping and picking the heart, so that the branches will be neat and blossom in the future. Half a month after picking the heart, Bijiu or Daizhuangsu was applied to control the plant height so that the plant was short, leafy and flowered.

7. Change the basin

The dragon spitting beads are often planted in pots of 12 cm and 15 cm, and 3 plants can be planted in each pot. Generally every 1 to 2 years to change the basin, the time to change the basin in early spring or after the flower fade. When changing the basin, first use broken tiles to cover the drainage hole, and then put a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer, then load the new culture soil, plant good plants, and leave 2-3 cm along the mouth for fertilization and watering. After changing the basin, pour through the water, put the seedlings slowly in the shade, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

Matters needing attention in Longtuzhu Culture 1. Points for attention in watering

Longtuzhu is sensitive to water, and sufficient water is needed in the growing period. Stems and leaves should keep saline soil moist during the growing period, but the amount of watering should not be excessive, resulting in only long vines without flowering, even leaves yellowing and withering, roots rot and death, if branches wither, stop watering, let them recover, and sprout new leaves. Summer high temperature season should be fully watered and properly shaded. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely.

2. matters needing attention in lighting

Longtuzhu needs plenty of light in winter and shade when the summer weather is too hot, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. When the light is insufficient, it will cause vine growth and do not blossom. Flower bud differentiation is not affected by photoperiod, but strong light can promote flower bud differentiation and development. It should not be kept in the dark for too long. If the temperature is above 21 ℃, the flowers will fall for more than 24 hours.

3. Pest control matters

The main pests of Longtuzhu are shell insects, whitefly, etc., which can be sprayed with 1000 to 1500 times of omethoate. The leaves caused by alkali to the soil can not stretch normally, and the leaves are green and yellow, which can be irrigated with 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution. For mosaic disease and fungal disease, the diseased leaves should be removed in time, ventilation should be strengthened, and the disease can be controlled by keeping the leaves dry.

4. Prevention and control of diseases

Longtuzhu in the breeding process will give birth to leaf spot disease, at first just a small brown spots, if not timely treatment will produce a large area of black spots, leaves withered yellow death. Therefore, once you find sick, you should immediately use chlorothalonil 800 times liquid, foliar spray, once every 7-8 days, 2-3 times in a row, can be basically cured.

How to raise the dragon spitting pearl flower, the breeding method and matters needing attention of the dragon spitting pearl

Longtuzhu flower is native to tropical West Africa, but its cultivation history in China is not long. It has peculiar flower shape and luxuriant flowering. It is mainly used for ornamental cultivation in greenhouse, as a flower rack, as a potted plant to decorate windowsill and small courtyard in summer. Want to know how to raise dragon spit pearl flowers? Come and have a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of dragon spitting beads!

If you want to know how to raise the dragon spitting pearl flower, you must first understand its growth habits.

Longtuzhu prefers a warm, moist and sunny semi-shady environment and is not resistant to cold. The overwintering temperature should be above 15 ℃ and lower than 10 ℃ for a long time, which can cause defoliation to death. If the seed is propagated by sowing or cutting, the seed life is short and it will be sown immediately after harvest.

The suitable temperature for the growth of Longtuzhu was 1824 ℃, 1830 ℃ from February to October, and 1316 ℃ from October to February of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 8 ℃, and the stems and leaves above 5 ℃ are easy to suffer from freezing injury. The light ones cause defoliation, and the heavy ones cause the tender stems to wither. During the vegetative growth period, the temperature can be higher, the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, as long as the water supply is sufficient, it can still grow normally. On the other hand, the temperature of reproductive growth, that is, the flowering stage, should be lower, about 17 ℃.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of dragon spitting beads

Planting: potted dragon spits beads, generally change the pot every 1 to 2 years, the time to change the pot in early spring or after the flower fade. When changing the basin, first use broken tiles to cover the drainage hole, and then put a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer, then load new culture soil (4 parts of rotten soil, 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of sandy soil), plant good plants, and leave 2-3 cm along the mouth for fertilization and watering. After changing the basin, pour through the water, put the seedlings slowly in the shade, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

Watering: Longtuzhu is sensitive to water. Stem and leaf growth period to keep saline soil moist, but watering can not be excessive, the amount of water is too large, resulting in only long vines without flowering, even leaves yellowing, withering, root decay and death. Summer high temperature season should be fully watered and properly shaded. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely.

Illumination: Longtuzhu needs sufficient light in winter and shade when the summer weather is too hot, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. When the light is insufficient, it will cause vine growth and do not blossom. Flower bud differentiation is not affected by photoperiod, but strong light can promote flower bud differentiation and development. It should not be kept in the dark for too long. If the temperature is above 21 ℃, the flowers will fall for more than 24 hours.

Soil: the soil uses rich, loose and well-drained sandy loam.

Fertilization: fertilization should not be too much, the mature thin cake fertilizer and water should be applied every 7-10 days in the flowering season, and the fertilizer should be applied for 3-4 times. If yellowing is found in the process of cultivation, it can be combined with topdressing and 0.2% ferrous sulfate can make the leaves change from yellow to green gradually.

The above is the introduction of dragon spitting bead culture methods and matters needing attention, how to raise dragon spitting beads, have you learned? The shape of the dragon spits beads is very strange, delicate and lovely at the same time, not delicate, with a tenacious vitality to resist the heat.