
Guangdong Evergreen leaves white how to do, supplementary light/environmental ventilation/replacement basin soil

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Guangdong Evergreen, a common foliage plant, has broad, evergreen leaves, looks very beautiful. However, the beauty of Guangdong Evergreen needs careful care. Once ignored, its leaves may appear white symptoms, which seriously affects the ornamental nature of plants. so

Guangdong evergreen, a common foliage plant, looks very beautiful with broad, evergreen leaves. However, the beauty of evergreen in Guangdong needs to be taken care of carefully. once ignored, its leaves may show symptoms of whitening, seriously affecting the ornamental quality of the plant. So, what if the leaves of Guangdong evergreen turn white? Today, the editor is here to solve this problem for everyone.

First, Guangdong evergreen leaves turn white, find the reason

As a common indoor potted plant, the breeding method of Guangdong evergreen is not difficult. We only need to pay more attention to light, water, fertilizer and temperature to raise it well. But there are so many newbies, they can't raise them at all, and the leaves are white over a long period of time. What should they do at this time? In this regard, the editor summarized three reasons for the whitening of Guangdong evergreen leaves, and attached solutions, we went on to look at.

Second, the causes and solutions of the whitening of Guangdong evergreen leaves.

1. The environment is too bad

In fact, the most important reason for the whitening of Guangdong evergreen leaves is the environment. This can be divided into the following two points:

The Guangdong evergreen potted plant bought by ① from the Internet, due to the large geographical span, the environment changes too much, the plant can not adapt for a while, it may appear the phenomenon of leaf whitening.

② Guangdong evergreen is shady, so it is very suitable for indoor breeding. It can grow normally even in the dark for a long time. But indoor is not better than outdoor, especially in winter, there is often lack of ventilation. Over time, the leaves of Guangdong evergreen may turn white.

Solution: according to the growth habits of Guangdong evergreen, give it the favorite growth environment, such as astigmatism, good ventilation and so on. After a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Improper lighting

Guangdong Wannianqing is extremely shady, but if you want it to grow well, proper lighting is still very important. However, if you do not bask in the sun for a long time and suddenly bask in the sun, the leaves of Guangdong evergreen are very easy to burn and turn white.

Solution: immediately move the potted plant to a cool place with indoor ventilation, and water it appropriately, and carefully maintain it for a period of time. If you want to bask in the sun, you should not be in the sun and provide timely shade.

3. Discomfort of basin soil

In addition to the environment and light, pot soil discomfort is also one of the reasons for the whitening of Guangdong evergreen leaves. In this regard, there are also two situations:

① Guangdong ten thousand years green likes the wet environment, but it is the fleshy root, cannot soak in the water, therefore its cultivation soil needs loose, the drainage is good. Once the basin soil is hardened, it is easy to have stagnant water in the basin. As a result, the root system of the plant is rotten, and the leaves above also show signs of whitening.

② Guangdong evergreen likes slightly acidic soil, if the soil is alkaline, or if the soil is alkaline due to long-term watering of mineral water, the plant will grow poorly, resulting in yellowing and whitening of Guangzhou evergreen leaves.

Solution: if it is caused by the discomfort of the basin soil, it is very simple to change the soil and change the water to loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil with good drainage. And timely loosen the soil, I believe that soon, the plant will return to health.

Guangdong evergreen leaves yellowing how to do, reasonable water and fertilizer / control temperature / change basin soil

Guangdong evergreen, a beautiful foliage plant, whose leaves are green and evergreen all the year round, is very ornamental at home. But in the process of breeding, due to various reasons, many flower friends of Guangdong evergreen will appear yellow leaves, then Guangdong evergreen leaves yellow how to do? In this regard, the editor summed up 7 reasons, let's go to understand it!

First, the leaves of Guangdong evergreen turn yellow, look for the cause

As a common foliage plant, the breeding method of Guangdong evergreen is not difficult, but there are many novice, they simply do not follow the requirements to raise, as a result, the beautiful leaves turn yellow, at that time, flower friends must be very urgent! As for Guangdong evergreen leaves yellowing how to do, in fact, it is very simple, find the cause, and then solve.

Second, the causes and solutions of yellowing of Guangdong evergreen leaves.

1. The light is too strong

Guangdong Wannianqing likes the semi-overcast environment, it is extremely shady, even if it grows in the shade for a long time, it does not have much impact. But it avoids strong light, once the Guangdong evergreen is placed in the sun to let the strong light direct, it is very easy to cause young leaf tip and leaf edge scorch, or leaf yellow shedding.

Solution: what if the leaves of Guangdong evergreen turn yellow? If it is caused by too much light, florists should move it to a cool place with indoor ventilation, water it appropriately after a period of time, and then slowly put it in a place with astigmatism, and the plant will soon return to health.

2. The temperature is too low

Guangdong Wannianqing likes a warm environment, it is not cold-resistant, if the winter temperature is too low, flower friends do not take good measures to keep warm, the plant is prone to frostbite, resulting in yellowing leaves.

Solution: move the Guangdong evergreen indoors and keep the room temperature above 5 ℃. After careful care for a period of time, the plant leaves will recover.

3. Insufficient watering

Guangdong Wannianqing likes a humid environment and needs a lot of water in the peak growing season. If it is not watered enough at this time, the plant will have yellow leaves due to lack of water.

Solution: what if the leaves of Guangdong evergreen turn yellow? If it is caused by insufficient watering, the solution is very simple, only the right amount of water can be replenished. It should be noted that Guangdong evergreen is a fleshy root, so it is not difficult to accumulate water in the basin, otherwise there will be rotten roots.

4. Improper fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization. it is also one of the factors causing the yellowing of Guangdong evergreen leaves. Insufficient fertilization in ①: leaves will become thinner and yellowed if they do not absorb enough nutrients; excessive fertilization in ②: new leaves are thickened and old leaves are scorched yellow.

Solution: if there is insufficient fertilization, change into the new culture soil in time, and gradually increase the application of thin mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer; if fertilization comes, you should immediately stop fertilization, increase the amount of water, so that fertilizer loss, or immediately pour the pot, rinse the bulb with water and then replant it into the basin.

5. Soil alkalinity.

Guangdong evergreen is most suitable for growing in slightly acidic soil with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and rich organic matter. If the soil is alkaline, or if the basin soil is alkaline due to long-term watering of mineral water, Guangdong evergreen will appear the symptom of leaf yellow because of the lack of soluble iron and other elements that can be absorbed.

The solution is very simple: change the basin soil and replace it with a new type of slightly acidic culture soil; if the yellow leaves are not serious, you can often pour alum and fertilizer water to change the acid and alkali of the soil.

6. Untimely pruning

In the case of proper water and fertilizer, the Guangdong evergreen president is very dense. If it is not pruned in time, the leaves inside it will slowly turn yellow and fall off because they cannot receive light for a long time.

Solution: what if the leaves of Guangdong evergreen turn yellow? If the plants are too dense, the flowers should be pruned properly. Cut off some branches and leaves and let the leaves grow freely, which can make them green and shiny.

7. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above points, another reason for the yellowing of Guangdong evergreen leaves can not be ignored, that is, it has been invaded by diseases and insects. Solution: determine what kind of disease and insect pest it is, and then solve the problem by spraying. As for what kind of medicine should be sprayed, there is a detailed introduction in the pest control of evergreen in Guangdong, but there are not many here.

Generally speaking, Guangdong evergreen is not difficult to raise, but because many flower friends are newcomers, it is inevitable that there will be symptoms of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a bottom in your mind. If there is a Ye Huang problem, you can follow the above method. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of Guangdong evergreen, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

The efficacy and function of evergreen W à n Ni á n Q "n"

Alias cut Snake Sword, Winter unregulated Grass, Iron Carrier, Jiujie Lian, Millennium run, Hou, Millennium Green Root, Wanyuan Green Root, Winter uncarved Grass, Open Sword, Baihe car, oxtail 7, Chongtian Seven, Bamboo Root Seven, Green Gentian, Nine Jie Lotus, Wild Yu Banana, No.1 Yuan Hong, Bai Zhonglou, Iron Palm, Wannian Fertilizer, Baogu Qi, Zhu Guan, Soushan Tiger, Heat-clearing and detoxifying effect; Qiangxin Diuresis; cooling Blood and hemostasis. Main throat swelling; diphtheria; sore swelling poison; snakebite; heart failure; edema and swelling; hemoptysis; hematemesis The English name of Metrorrhagia begins with the poisonous small poison belonging to the Heart Classic, the Lung Meridian cold medicine sweet, and the bitter evergreen (scientific name: Rohdea japonica), which is the only perennial evergreen herb, also known as the perennial evergreen herb, also known as Jian, Qianyuan, open-throated sword, Jiujie lotus, winter non-withering grass, iron pole, ebony venom, white sand grass, chopping snake sword, etc., originated in southern China and Japan, is a very popular excellent ornamental plant. It has a long history of cultivation in China. Catalogue 1 name and classification 2 situation of varieties 3 propagation and cultivation 4 conservation knowledge 5 related problems 6 pest control 7 use and culture 8 evergreen flower language 9 brief introduction of Chinese herbal medicines 100 million-each family discusses 11 evergreen-poisoning symptoms 12 evergreen-plant identification name and classification

Rohdea japonica (Thunb.) Roth. [English name] Omoto Nipponlily [alias] Kaijie Jian, Jiujie lotus, winter not withered, Tiebiantan [classification] angiosperm phylum, Monocotyledon, Liliaceae, Liliaceae, Genus. = shape and habit =

Evergreen (figure 1) [morphological characteristics] perennial evergreen herbs, without aboveground stems. The rhizome is thick and short, yellowish-white, articulate, with many slender fibrous roots on nodes. The leaves are clustered from the rhizome, thick, lanceolate or banded, 10-25 cm long and 2.5-5.5 cm wide, with the edge slightly pleated, the base narrowing to the shape of a petiole, dark green above, light green below, many parallel veins straight out, and the main vein thicker. Scape from leaves in spring and summer, 10-20 cm long; flowers numerous, clustered at tip in short spikes; perianth 6, light green-white, ovate to triangular, head tip, base broad, lower part healed into disk; stamens 6, sessile, anthers long-elliptic; ovary globose, style short, stigma 3-lobed. The berries are globose and orange-red, and one common variety containing seeds is: 1. Phnom Penh evergreen (var.marginata). 2. Silver evergreen (Var.variegata). Others are large leaves, fine leaves, dwarfs, and varieties with yellow and white markings, more in Japan and Taiwan. [Origin] evergreen is native to China and Japan. It is widely distributed in China, including East China, Central China and Southwest China, and the main producing areas are Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei and other places. [habitat habits] like to grow in humid places under forests or grasslands. Sexual preference for semi-shade, warm, moist, well-ventilated environment, not drought-resistant, slightly cold-resistant; avoid direct sunlight and stagnant water. The general garden soil can be cultivated, but the slightly acidic sandy loam rich in humus, loose and permeable is the best. The situation of the variety is the flower and leaf evergreen [alias] Dai pink leaf.

Evergreen (figure 2) [scientific name] Dieffenbachia maculata [family genus] Araceae, Daifen genus. Perennial evergreen herbs. The stem is stout and succulent, and the plant height can reach 1 meter. The leaf is large and bright, born on the upper part of the stem, elliptic-oval or broad slope needle-shaped, apex acuminate, entire, 20-50 cm long, 5-15 cm wide, dark green on both sides of the leaf, inlaid with dense, irregular white, milky white, yellowish and other color spots, markings, patches. Common horticultural varieties are Dawangdai powder leaf, Baiyudai powder leaf, summer white powder leaf and so on. [habits] native to tropical America. Like high temperature, high humidity, semi-shade or shade environment. Not cold-resistant, avoid strong light, requires loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam. [propagation] mainly by cutting. Cut off the small plant from the base of the plant from April to May in spring, dry the wound slightly, or touch the wound with plant ash and insert it into plain sandy soil. pay attention to shading and moisturizing, and it can take root in about 1 month. [cultivation] 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of garden soil and 1 part of river sand plus a small amount of mature basal fertilizer were used as culture soil. In order to keep the basin soil moist in the growing season, we should water more, rather wet than dry, supplemented by foliar spraying. Control moisture in autumn, dry and wet; pay attention to make basin soil dry in winter. Fertilization during the growing period is generally once a month, usually to prevent direct sunlight, to be shaded. Change the basin once a year in spring. The winter overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. [use] potted ornamental plants. It is suitable to decorate the living room and study.

Evergreen (figure 3) decorative application: young plants, small potted plants, can be placed on the desk, windowsill to watch. Medium-sized potted plants can be placed in the corner of the living room and the edge of the sofa as decoration, making the room full of natural vitality. Light: resistant to semi-shade, avoid excessive sunlight, but the light is too dark, it will also cause the leaves to fade. Water: like to be wet. Water should be watered during the growth period from March to August. It is necessary to sprinkle water frequently in summer to increase environmental humidity. Temperature: like high temperature, not cold-resistant, the suitable temperature for growth is 20ml / 30℃. The lowest overwintering temperature is above 12 ℃. Once frozen, the leaves will wilt and the terminal buds will die. Fertilizer: during the growing period, nitrogen fertilizer was applied every month to promote its rapid growth, and fertilizer and water were applied once a week from March to August. Reduce fertilization after autumn. Soil: soil that requires loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Propagation: cuttage propagation. Can be carried out in spring and summer, take 10-15 cm long twigs, insert into the yellow sand medium, 20 Mel 30 days to take root, and then change into a new pot depending on the plant size. Tiger eye evergreen bamboo slips introduce tiger eye evergreen originated in southern Africa. Like the sun, but also resistant to semi-shade, cold-resistant, afraid of direct sunlight in summer, good humid environment, leaves are still green after heavy frost in winter. The bulb has the habit of dormancy in summer, the bulb has strong meristematic ability and high reproduction coefficient. Multiplication is often used to divide balls and sow and reproduce. The bulbs were dug up from August to September and planted according to their size. After a few years of planting, the bulbs were divided into bulbs when the bulbs were crowded. Sowing and propagation, seedlings need to be cultivated for 3-4 years before they can blossom. The cultivation is robust and resistant to extensive management. fertilizing once a month, the soil should be loose, moist and well drained. The residual pedicel should be removed after flowering, and the flower will bloom more in the following year. The storage temperature of the bulb is 25 ℃ and needs to be dried and ventilated.

Evergreen (figure 4) Diseases and insect pests are harmed by mosaic disease. The virus is transmitted by aphids and can be sprayed and controlled with 2.5% tripterygium 800 times solution. Tiger Eye evergreen should bloom from mid-April to early May, with white, orange and double species. Spring star-shaped white flowers twinkle, elegant and simple, is an excellent tree material for the layout of natural gardens and rock gardens, but also suitable for cut flowers and potted ornamental. Guangdong evergreen is also called Liangsi grass. It is a perennial herb of Araceae, with a plant height of 60cm to 70cm, an erect stem without branching and obvious internodes. Leaves alternate, petiole long, base enlarged into a sheath, leaves green, long lanceolate or oval-lanceolate. Autumn flowering, inflorescences axillary, shorter than petiole. Its broad and bright leaves, green four seasons, especially shade-resistant, can be cut and prepared to view leaf bonsai or do flower arrangement foil, decorative environment, can also be used for potted decoration hall. China evergreen, ancient and modern well-known, green to drop evergreen, orange fruit does not wither in winter, in the folk is regarded as a symbol of good luck, widely cultivated in the north and south. Potted plants in the north can be put indoors for viewing in four seasons. Evergreen is a perennial herbaceous flower of the genus Liliaceae. The underground has a short thick rhizome, the leaves are clustered from the top of the rhizome, banded or oblanceolate, the flowers are short, drawn from the leaves, terminal spikes, white dense florets, globose orange berries, florescence from June to July, it is difficult for pot plants in the north to bear fruit, mainly viewing leaves. Magnolia is native to China and is the only one. Varieties include Phnom Penh evergreen, silver evergreen, flower and leaf evergreen, as well as large leaves, thin leaves and dwarf varieties.

Evergreen (figure 5) is also commonly cultivated in Guangdong evergreen, alias bamboo evergreen, for Araceae perennial herbaceous flowers, from South China, southwest, India to Malaysia, with the same name as evergreen, but different families and genera. Its variants are gold, silver, jade and beauty. Leaf color gold inlaid jade inlaid, gorgeous and brilliant, are today's outstanding indoor ornamental flowers. Evergreen and Guangdong evergreen potted plants require loose, fertile and slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, high temperature and humidity, not tolerant to severe cold, and no less than 50 ℃ for overwintering. Like shade, avoid strong light directly, there can be sunshine in winter, shade in summer, bogey Rain Water soak. Chinese evergreen is mainly propagated by ramets. Guangdong evergreen is mainly propagated by cuttings, which should be carried out in March or September to October. Guangdong evergreen can also be cut 8 cm long stem segments soaked in water and then planted, or with glassware water to appreciate the leaves and roots for a long time. If you want to make the leaves green, apply a mixture of 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate once or twice in spring and autumn. Evergreen and Guangdong evergreen should turn the basin and change the soil in early spring every 2023. After changing the basin, put it in a warm, high-humid shade. It should often spray water on the leaf surface and the surrounding environment and keep it moist. Beijing area can be put under the outdoor shade after mid-May and enter the room in early October. Put fresh air and smoke-free pollution. Evergreen and Guangdong evergreen potted plants require loose, fertile and slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, high temperature and humidity, not tolerant to severe cold, and no less than 50 ℃ for overwintering. Like shade, avoid strong light directly, there can be sunshine in winter, shade in summer, bogey Rain Water soak. Chinese evergreen is mainly propagated by ramets. Guangdong evergreen is mainly propagated by cuttings, which should be carried out in March or September to October. Guangdong evergreen can also be cut 8 cm long stem segments soaked in water and then planted, or with glassware water to appreciate the leaves and roots for a long time. If you want to make the leaves green, apply a mixture of 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate once or twice in spring and autumn. Evergreen and Guangdong evergreen should turn the basin and change the soil in early spring every 2023, and put it in a warm, high-temperature shaded place after changing the basin. They should often spray water on the leaf surface and the surrounding environment and keep it moist. Beijing area can be put under the outdoor shade after mid-May and enter at the beginning of October to put fresh air and smoke-free pollution.

Purple evergreen Rhoeo discolor alias: clam orchid, purple evergreen, purple orchid metatarsus family purple back evergreen evergreen perennial herbs native to Mexico and the West Indies. The leaves are lanceolate, green on the front, with different shades of stripes, purplish red on the back, and purplish red stripes on the back (see photo). The stems and leaves are slightly juicy. The flowering period is from August to October and it is easy to seed. Floret white, because the flower is born in the purplish red two clam-shaped bracts, its shape is similar to the clam shell to spit beads, so it is also called "clam flower". Its leaves have different colors on both sides, green and bright changes, moderate plant shape, graceful posture, red bracts contain many jade and white florets, color contrast is obvious, strange and interesting, showing the scene of beads spitting from clam shell, which is very rare and never tired of seeing. Purple back young people like semi-shady, humid environment, like fertile, loose sandy loam, more resistant to drought, afraid of exposure, afraid of cold, stop growing at 10 ℃, so it is better to overwintering more than 10 ℃. It has good shade tolerance and strong ability to adapt to dry climate, so it has become a good ornamental leaf for indoor cultivation in the north and south of our country. It can be placed in a bright living room for a long time, such as when the room is dark, it is appropriate to change it once in 20 days or so. Its propagation is mainly sowing, small seeds can be sowed with picking, seedlings emerge in half a month, and seedlings can be transplanted with a height of 3 to 5 centimeters. It can also be propagated by cuttings in spring and autumn, cut off the leaves at the top, put them in the sand, place them in the shade, do not get too wet, take root in about 20 days, and turn to normal management when new leaves grow. The rest of the old stem can be replanted with new branches. Zebra leaf evergreen zebra leaf evergreen, also known as Wang Dai Fan Ye,

Evergreen (figure 6) dumb sugarcane is a perennial herb of Araceae, with cylindrical stems, fleshy stems and white rings on the stems, which are traces of leaf backwardness. The evergreen leaves of zebra leaves are long and oval, with irregular white or goose yellow spots and stripes scattered on both sides of the green main leaf veins, which is particularly graceful and elegant, like zebra stripes, so it is known as zebra evergreen. Zebra leaf evergreen is native to Colombia and likes warm and humid climate. the optimum temperature for growth is 25 ℃ to 30 ℃. In winter, the indoor temperature should be maintained at about 15 ℃ and the lowest 10 ℃. Potted soil can be mixed with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil and 3 parts of loam soil and 1 part of Gaza. Zebra leaves like semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight, and can be cultivated indoors all the year round. Resistant to moisture, a water plate can be placed at the bottom of the basin, in which water is released, so that the water can constantly infiltrate the basin soil from the small holes in the basin floor. Reproduction and cultivation [reproduction] sowing or individual plant propagation

Evergreen (figure 7). After ripening, the evergreen berries can be sown into the basin soil mixed with fine sand and rotten leaf soil, covered with glass or covered with plastic film to maintain the humidity, temperature and light of the basin soil. If the temperature is controlled at 20 ℃, it can germinate in 30 days. When the seedlings grow to 3-4 leaves, they can be planted in pots. The main results are as follows: (1) split method: the germination rate of evergreen underground stem is strong, and the new sprouting and lateral roots of the rhizome can be cut off with a sharp knife in spring and autumn. the wound is smeared with plant ash, planted in a basin, slightly watered and placed in the shade. 1 pour water thoroughly after 2 days. The whole plant can also be poured out of the pot, depending on the size of the plant, divided into several parts, waiting for the wound to dry for a day or coated with plant ash, and the pot can be managed as mentioned above. (2) sowing method: sub-sowing is usually carried out from March to April. Sow in the flowerpot containing the culture soil, put it in the shade place temporarily after watering, keep it moist, and germinate in about 25 days under the condition of 25-30 ℃. [cultivation management] for potted evergreen, sandy loam soil rich in humus should be used as culture soil. The PH value of soil is between 6 and 6.5. it is beneficial to give full play to the availability of nutrients and is suitable for plant flowering and fruiting. Change the basin every year-April or October-November. When changing the basin, the senescent roots and persistent dead leaves should be removed and planted with fertilised acid cultivated soil. Leave it in the shade for a few days after potting. The main points of cultivation of evergreen are: warm, moist and semi-overcast. The summer growth is exuberant, should be placed in the shade place, lest the strong light irradiates, otherwise, easy to cause the leaf dry tip scorched edge, affects the ornamental effect. Therefore, after leaving the room in early spring, it is appropriate to put it in a shaded scaffolding or under the eaves or balcony.

Evergreen (figure 8) evergreen is the fleshy root system, most afraid of stagnant water, therefore, can not be watered, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots. The basin soil is usually irrigated with the right amount of water, so that the basin soil is not dry or irrigated, it is better to be dry than too wet. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist in summer, watering in spring and autumn should not be too frequent. But must keep the air moist, such as dry air, but also prone to dry leaves and other adverse phenomena. In summer, water should be sprinkled on the ground around the flowerpot every morning and evening to create a humid microclimate. Should also pay attention to guard against heavy rain, especially in the flowering period can not be caught in the rain, should be placed in the shade dry and ventilated place. During the growth period, mature liquid fertilizer is applied every 20 days or so; the growth in early summer is exuberant, and liquid fertilizer can be applied once in about 10 days, and a small amount of 0.5% ammonium sulfate can be added to topdressing, which can promote its growth better and the leaf color is dark and bright. From June to July, 0.2% dihydrogen phosphate solution is applied every 15 days or so to promote flower bud differentiation so as to better blossom and bear fruit. In addition, a few pieces of the old leaves on the periphery of the adult plant should be cut off before and after the Beginning of Summer to facilitate the germination of new buds, new leaves and scape. In winter, evergreen needs to be moved indoors to spend the winter, put in a place with plenty of sunshine and good ventilation, and the temperature is kept at 6-18 ℃. If the room temperature is too high, it is easy to cause the leaves to grow excessively and consume a lot of nutrients, resulting in weak growth in the following year, affecting normal flowering and fruiting. If evergreen leaves tip yellow coke in winter, or even the whole plant wilt phenomenon, mainly because the roots can not absorb water, affecting the growth. Therefore, in winter, it is also necessary to keep the air moist and the basin soil slightly moist, generally watering 1-2 times a week. In addition, the leaves need to be sprayed with warm water once a week to prevent the leaves from being polluted by smoke and dust, so as to keep the stems and leaves fresh green and green in four seasons. The main points of cultivation are warm, moist and semi-overcast. Potted plants had better be placed indoors about 80 centimeters away from the south windowsill or in a shaded place outdoors to avoid strong direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves are easy to scorch. In addition to adequate watering, flowerpots should be given every morning and evening.

Water is sprinkled on the ground around evergreen (figure 9) to create a humid microclimate. During the growth period, not too much watering, when the basin soil surface whitening is the appropriate time for watering. Liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month. After entering the room in winter in the north, the room temperature should not be lower than 12 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it can easily lead to the death of cold fallen leaves. Spray the leaves with warm water once a week in winter to prevent the leaves from being contaminated by smoke and dust, so as to keep the stems and leaves fresh and beautiful. Matters needing attention in cultivation l. Planting in spring or turning over the basin to change soil. Not strict with the soil, but afraid of stagnant water, avoid hard clay and alkaline soil when planting or potted. Potted plants generally use rotten leaf soil mixed with Gaza on the pot, potted or open field cultivation in the south, and greenhouse cultivation in the north. Change the soil once a year, change the basin once every 2 years, and add new fertile soil. 2. light and temperature are always in a semi-overcast environment and are afraid of direct sun in summer. For greenhouse cultivation, more than 60% should be shaded in spring, summer and autumn, and 40% in winter. The light is too strong to be burned by the sun, and the light is too weak to blossom and bear fruit. The suitable growth temperature is 15-18 ℃. Dormant in winter into the greenhouse, put in the sunny place, the temperature is kept above 10 ℃, the lowest temperature can not be lower than 5 ℃. The Yangtze River basin can overwinter in the open field, and although the leaves have frost damage, they can still sprout new leaves the following year. 3. Liquid fertilizer was applied every 10-15 years in watering and fertilizing growing season. In summer, we should strengthen ventilation, prevent heat and cool down, and provide adequate water supply, and often keep the basin soil moist and the air humidity of the surrounding environment. Water 1-2 times a day in summer. Reduce watering and stop fertilizing in winter. 4. plastic pruning in order to maintain the good shape of the plant and improve the ornamental value, with the growth of the plant, the lower yellow leaves, residual leaves and some old leaves should be pruned in time. When raising in the family pot, you can wipe the leaves with a soft cloth dipped in beer, which can not only remove the dust, but also increase the nutrition to the leaves, making the leaves bright green and clean. Conservation knowledge Guangdong evergreen conservation key points are Araceae, Guangdong evergreen herbs, also known as bright silk grass. Stem erect, 40 cm to 50 cm tall. Leaves ovoid to ovate-lanceolate, base obtuse, apex acuminate. Inflorescences are drawn from the lower sheath, and the spawn is small and green. It is also distributed in southwest China, South China, India and Malaysia. Sex likes a warm, moist and shady environment. Potted plants are loose and fertile, rich in humus and well drained.

Evergreen (Fig. 10) slightly acidic soil is suitable. Not resistant to cold, overwintering temperature 5 ℃ to 8 ℃. The leaf surface should be sprayed with water frequently, and the basin soil should always be kept moist. It is mainly propagated by cuttings, which is easy to take root and can be divided under the condition of 25 ℃. Guangdong evergreen is very adapted to the indoor environment, not only can be potted, but also can be bottled, can continue to grow, not withered. Common famous varieties are: Java silk grass, short stems, basal branches, oval leaves, white spots, white veins. Variegated grass, shrubby, with irregular bright green or grayish-white markings. The yellow spot bright silk grass, the stem is white, has the green grain, has the branch. The leaf surface has irregular yellowish-brown markings, and the Buddha flame bud is green and white. These three species are not cold-resistant, and the suitable temperature for overwintering should not be lower than 18 ℃. The key point for the conservation of evergreen leaves is that there are many irregular white or yellowish spots on the leaves of evergreen leaves with bright tones and four seasons of green. Water: like to be moist. Water more in summer, but avoid stagnant water and often spray water on the leaves. Reduce watering in winter. Don't get caught in the rain during flowering. Fertilizer: the demand for fertilizer is not high. Base fertilizer is applied when changing pots, and generally there is no need to apply fertilizer. Soil: strong adaptability, but loose, good permeability, slightly acidic loam is the most suitable. Temperature: winter in northern areas needs indoor overwintering, Jiangnan areas can overwinter in open field, and freezing injury will not occur above 5 ℃. Light: like half-overcast, avoid exposure. The room should be placed in a ventilated place and given indirect light. Reproduction: propagation of individual plants. It is easy to survive by dividing the sprouting seedlings in early spring and planting them with roots. Sowing is also possible, but it is generally not used. Ramets can be combined with changing pots, usually once a year, tufted plants will be divided into several clusters and cultivated separately, once every 3 years. Purple back evergreen how to maintain purple back evergreen, also known as purple brocade orchid, for duckfoot family evergreen persistent root herbs, leaves broad lanceolate, annular bearing on short stems, leaves smooth dark green, leaf back dark purple; flowers axillary, white flowers covered with two clam shell-like purple bracts, filaments with white long hairs, are common indoor foliage plants. This plant is native to Mexico and the West Indies, likes warm and humid climate, is suitable for growing in an environment with a temperature of 15-25 ℃, likes light, is also shady, and is afraid of the scorching sun, and requires fertile and water-retaining soil. Purple back evergreen soil should be mixed with 2 parts of pond mud and 1 part of peat. Because of its strong adaptability and extensive management, sufficient light should be given except for shade or placed in semi-shade from May to October; watering should be wet rather than dry, but not too wet or stagnant water, otherwise the roots will rot for a long time; when the weather is dry, we should often spray water to keep the growth environment with high air humidity, fertilize should not be too much, and apply cake fertilizer and water 1-2 times. Winter should be placed indoors to the wet place, keep 6-10 ℃ or so, the soil is slightly moist on the line, not too wet. Purple back evergreen is often propagated by split-plant method, and there can also be cutting and sowing methods. Ramets are usually carried out in spring when the pots are turned over, and the dense mother plants are cut with a sharp knife from the gap. Cutting can be carried out in the growing season, the practice is to cut off the top of the stem 7-10 cm long, remove the lower leaves, cut into the sand, moisturizing, about 2 weeks can take root. The sowing seeds are often sown in pots in April and grow rapidly after emergence. When the seedlings grow to about an inch, they should be transplanted in time so that they can grow into plump plants in the autumn of that year. Conservation of zebra leaf evergreen originated from Colombia, zebra leaf evergreen likes warm and humid climate, the optimum temperature for growth is 25 ℃ to 30 ℃, and the indoor temperature in winter should be maintained at about 15 ℃, the lowest 10 ℃. Potted soil can be mixed with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil and 3 parts of loam soil and 1 part of Gaza. Zebra leaves like semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight, and can be cultivated indoors all the year round. Resistant to moisture, a water plate can be placed at the bottom of the basin, in which water is released, so that the water can constantly infiltrate the basin soil from the small holes in the basin floor. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the lower the temperature is, the less watering should be paid. Some leaves may turn yellow and fall off in winter, but as long as they are not frozen, they can be reissued in the next spring. If you put it indoors for the winter, the growth is weak, and there is a tendency of overgrowth, you can put it in the outdoor semi-shady place for a period of time in the growing season, and then move back to the room after the vitality is restored. Fertilization can be carried out in the growing season, depending on the growth trend, once or twice a month, apply more rotten liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer to promote green leaves, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be used more. Its "flower" is a typical spike inflorescence of Araceae. There are few or no seeds, so it is difficult to propagate with seeds. Propagation is basically asexual reproduction, and the main methods are tissue culture and cutting. The success coefficient of tissue culture is large and the cost is low, but certain equipment and conditions are needed. The cutting method is to cut the old stem into small segments of 10 to 15 centimeters in spring, obliquely insert it in the sandy soil, keep it moist, wait for rooting and long leaves, and transplant it into a pot, or cut the stem into a small section with one or two nodes in the growing season, with a length of about five or six centimeters. Hang for a few days after the cut is dry and grow directly in the basin, keep it moist, and you can soon send roots and leaves. The stem segment with leaves can also be cut and inserted in a transparent glass water bottle and fixed with white rice stone for architectural decoration. In about half a month, it can be seen to grow white as jade fibrous roots, which can not only watch the leaves but also appreciate the roots. Because its juice is toxic, care should be taken not to touch the skin, mouth and eyes during operation. There are more than 30 varieties belonging to the same genus as zebra leaf evergreen, which also has certain ornamental value, but this species is the largest, with thick and hard leaves, elegant and beautiful stripes and luster, tall plants and stout stems, so it is an ideal indoor ornamental product. There are many irregular white or yellowish spots on the leaves of evergreen leaves with bright tones and green all the year round. The main points of its cultivation are: warm, moist and semi-overcast. Potted plants had better be placed indoors about 80 centimeters away from the south windowsill or in a shaded place outdoors to avoid strong direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves are easy to scorch. In addition to adequate watering, water should be sprinkled on the ground around the flowerpot every morning and evening to create a humid microclimate. During the growth period, not too much watering, when the basin soil surface whitening is the appropriate time for watering. Liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month. After entering the room in winter in the north, the room temperature should not be lower than 12 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it can easily lead to the death of cold fallen leaves. Spray the leaves with warm water once a week in winter to prevent the leaves from being contaminated by smoke and dust, so as to keep the stems and leaves fresh and beautiful. Related problems what are the management points of potted evergreen? Potted evergreen, it is appropriate to use sandy loam soil rich in humus as culture soil. The PH value of soil is between 6 and 6.5. it is beneficial to give full play to the availability of nutrients and is suitable for plant flowering and fruiting. Change the basin every year-April or October-November. When changing the basin, the senescent roots and persistent dead leaves should be removed and planted with fertilised acid cultivated soil. Leave it in the shade for a few days after potting. The main points of cultivation of evergreen are: warm, moist and semi-overcast. The summer growth is exuberant, should be placed in the shade place, lest the strong light irradiates, otherwise, easy to cause the leaf dry tip scorched edge, affects the ornamental effect. Evergreen for the fleshy root system, the most afraid of stagnant water, therefore, can not be watered, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots. The basin soil is usually irrigated with the right amount of water, so that the basin soil is not dry or irrigated, it is better to be dry than too wet. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist in summer, watering in spring and autumn should not be too frequent. In summer, water should be sprinkled on the ground around the flowerpot every morning and evening to create a humid microclimate. We should also pay attention to guard against heavy rain. During the growth period, mature liquid fertilizer is applied every 20 days or so; the growth in early summer is exuberant, and liquid fertilizer can be applied once in about 10 days, and a small amount of 0.5% ammonium sulfate can be added to topdressing, which can promote its growth better and the leaf color is dark and bright. From June to July, 0.2% dihydrogen phosphate solution is applied every 15 days or so to promote flower bud differentiation so as to better blossom and bear fruit. Do not get caught in the rain during flowering, and keep it in a place where it is dry and ventilated. In winter, evergreen needs to be moved indoors for the winter and placed in a sunny and well-ventilated place with a temperature of 6-18 degrees. If the room temperature is too high, it is easy to cause the leaves to grow excessively and consume a lot of nutrients, resulting in weak growth in the following year and affecting normal flowering and fruiting. If evergreen leaves tip yellow coke in winter, or even the whole plant wilt phenomenon, mainly because the roots can not absorb water, affecting the growth. Therefore, in winter, it is also necessary to keep the air moist and the basin soil slightly moist, generally watering 1-2 times a week. In addition, the leaves need to be sprayed with warm water once a week to prevent the leaves from being polluted by smoke and dust, so as to keep the stems and leaves fresh green and green in four seasons. How to keep the evergreen from bearing fruit? Evergreen fruit is often not easy to bear. How can we make it bear fruit? ① watering should not be too frequent, pot soil should not be watered. It is better to be partial than too wet. ② blossoms should not be caught in the rain, should be placed in a cool, ventilated place free from rain. ③ fertilizer should not be applied too much. Winter fertilizer should be applied once a year. ④ should have an environment for snails to transmit pollen. If the above four points can be achieved, the results are generally expected. It blossoms from May to June and ripens from September to October. Under normal circumstances, the fruit does not wither through the winter. How to make evergreen leaves green? Evergreen, sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid summer bright light. The key to raising evergreen is to avoid direct sunlight when the summer weather is hot and the sun is strong. Otherwise, it is easy to cause dry tip and scorched edge of leaves or even withered and yellow, affecting the ornamental effect. Therefore, after coming out of the room in early spring, it is appropriate to put it under the shaded scaffolding or under the eaves or balcony to prevent the rain. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist in summer, watering should not be too frequent in spring and autumn, and watering should be controlled in winter. Ten thousand young people are fleshy roots, so they are most afraid of stagnant water. if they are watered too much, they are easy to rot. But must keep the air moist, such as dry air, but also prone to dry leaves and other adverse phenomena. In spring and autumn, applying rotten cake fertilizer and water every 3 to 4 weeks can make the plant grow healthily and the leaves green. In addition, a few pieces of the old leaves on the periphery of the adult plant should be cut off before and after the Beginning of Summer to facilitate the germination of new buds, new leaves and flowering flowers. How to deal with the flower and leaf evergreen after suffering from cold? When the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ in winter, evergreen is very vulnerable to cold injury, which will cause death if it is not managed in time. So, how to take corresponding measures after suffering from cold injury? Slight cold injury: the leaf surface loses its due luster, and the leaf droops like a dehydration. At this time, the flower and leaf evergreen should be moved to a place with higher temperature to make it gradually return to normal. Pay attention to the temperature should not rise sharply after the damage, so as not to wilt the leaves. Mild cold injury: in addition to drooping leaves, cold damage plaques like boiling water scald will occur in the leaves. When handling, cut off the cold spots on the leaves and move the flowers to a warm place. Moderate cold injury: most of the leaves appear cold spots, petioles appear watery patches and lose green. At this time, you should cut off the leaves with a handle, and smear the wound with plant ash or coal ash, then put it in a warm place and properly control watering to make it slowly return to normal. Severe cold injury: green shoots and new leaves showed water-stained patches, and underground roots were cold and rotten. The remedy is to dig up the plant in time, cut off the underground part, cut off the damaged branches, smear the wound with plant ash, store it in moist plain sand, and cut it after the beginning of spring. If there is a serious cold injury and disease spots appear in the whole plant, there is little hope of salvation and renewal of flowers should be considered. During the control of diseases and insect pests, evergreen is vulnerable to leaf spot disease, anthracnose, shell insects, brown soft scale and so on. (1) Leaf spot. The disease occurs on the leaves of evergreen, and it is easy to occur in high humidity weather. The disease spot is straight brown spot at first, the periphery is water-immersed fade green, and shows wheel-like expansion, round to oval, the edge of brown inside gray-white. In the later stage, black-brown mildew spots appeared in the center of the lesion, and turned into a dark-brown mildew layer under wet conditions. The way to prevent and cure the disease is to remove the residual leaves in time; 0.5% of Bordeaux solution (or 50% carbendazim 1000 times) can be sprayed in the early or later stages of the disease. (2) anthrax. The disease also occurs on the leaves of evergreen and can spread to the petiole in severe cases. In the initial stage, the plaque showed a flooded small macula, and after expansion, it was oval to irregular brown or yellowish brown, slightly rimmed, and in the later stage, the plaque became dry and produced small black spots arranged in wheel patterns. The main reason for this disease is poor ventilation, and it is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease when it is harmed by shell insects. The way to prevent and cure the disease is to strengthen maintenance and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; at the initial stage of the disease, 0.3% Mel 0.5% Bordeaux solution (or 60% Dysen zinc 800,900 times, or 70% topiramine 1500 times) can be sprayed. (3) Brown soft scale. This insect has complex feeding habits and can harm many plants, among which evergreen is one of the injured flowers. When brown soft scale harms plants, it is generally clustered on the leaves or tender leaves, sucking plant sap and excreting mucus at the same time. Its excretion can easily cause a large number of coal fouling bacteria to multiply, blacken stems and leaves, affect plant photosynthesis, and cause weak growth potential. Leaves withered and yellow, hindering viewing. When the occurrence is serious, the branches and stems are covered with insect bodies, resulting in the withering and yellowing of the plant and affecting the growth. Control methods: if there are few killed plants or a small number of insects in ①, bamboo slices and other things can be used to scrape off the worms; ② can be sprayed with 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC (or 1000 times of 40% omethoate EC) during the nymph incubation period, and can also be sprayed with 1000 times of isocarbophos EC. Bacterial leaf spot of pelargonium [distribution] Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places. [symptoms] at the beginning of the occurrence of the leaf disease, there were water-stained spots on the back of the leaves, and after 2-3 days, the spots were slightly sunken, brown spots, needle size, round or irregular shape, and then gradually expanded to dark brown or russet round or irregular spots. the diameter is 1.5 to 3.0 mm, the disease spot has a slight wheel pattern, and there is a discoloration area around the edge, and many spots can occur on one leaf, especially on the lower older leaves. More spots. The disease spots enlarged and gradually joined together, and the veins and petioles also turned brown, so that most of the leaves died; the symptoms of the stem were called black rot, and the vascular bundles of the diseased stem and branches were brown to black, and at this time, the leaves on the stem withered and showed polygonal necrosis. then the bacteria infected the medulla and cortex, and there were several leaf clusters at the top of the branch, and the stem blackened, shrunk and rotted. When the cuttings were injured, they could not take root, and slowly rotted upward from the base, the leaves withered and showed polygonal necrosis. [pathogen] the pathogen is bacteria, which is a pathogenic variety of Xanthomonas campestris (Xanthomonascampestrispv.pelargoni) from Xanthomonas campestris, Xanthomonas spp., with a round, rod-shaped tip and a single flagellum. The optimum temperature for growth and development was 25 ℃ 27 ℃, the lowest was 1 ℃, and the lethal temperature was 51 Mel 51.5 mol. [incidence regularity] bacteria can be transmitted by cuttings, contact and splashing droplets, and seeds may spread with bacteria; bacteria can survive for 3 months in moist soil; when cultivated too densely and growing rapidly in greenhouse, the disease is easy to be serious, and the disease is serious in the lower part of the plant when it is warm and humid; high nitrogen, high phosphorus and low calcium are beneficial to the disease, while high potassium, low phosphorus, high calcium and symptoms are restrained. There are differences in disease resistance among different species and varieties of geranium. in geranium varieties, large flower geranium is highly resistant, fragrant leaf geranium is moderately resistant, and peltate leaf geranium is highly susceptible. Some plants of Longniu pediatrics are asymptomatic carriers. [prevention and control methods] (1) Horticultural control: ventilation and light transmission between plants to avoid excessive humidity; do not spray water directly on plants to avoid splashing water droplets to spread disease; do not select cuttings on diseased plants to remove all diseased leaves and branches to avoid contamination of leaves by bacteria-carrying soil. The diseased soil should be treated centrally, and the soil and flowerpot should be sterilized if necessary. The pathogen can survive in the soil on the breeding bed and should avoid splashing the diseased soil on the healthy plant. Spray Bordeaux solution every 10-15 days for prevention. (2) Chemical control: spray agricultural streptomycin 1000 units, or try 14% glue amine copper 300 times solution, or 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution. (3) thoroughly remove all diseased plants and disabled bodies. Flowerpots, planting tables and tools are washed and disinfected with 10% bleach solution, and the soil is disinfected with 2% formalin solution, or replaced with new soil. Disease-free seedlings were used. (4) 1% Bordeaux solution or (500-1000) × 0.000001 agricultural streptomycin can be sprayed before and after the disease for several times. Use and culture [garden application] because the leaves of evergreen are broad and green

Berries red round, it is very beautiful, has always been a view of leaves, fruit view of both flowers. Ye Zi elegant and beautiful, often placed in the study, hall on the table or books, paintings under the long frame, autumn and winter with red fruit more added color. [Other Uses] Rhizomes and leaves can be used as medicine, see below. [Brief history of cultivation and culture] It has a long history of cultivation in China. Because of its name and fruit color (red), it has always been used as a symbol of wealth, good luck, peace and longevity. It is deeply loved by people. Qing "Flower Mirror" in the record has "its ups and downs accounted for the rest of the blame, build houses to migrate, line hired governance pond, children born, all happy events are used." Evergreen flower language Evergreen flower language: Health, longevity Evergreen suitable for decorating the living room, study. Decorative applications: young plants small potted plants, can be placed on the desk, windowsill viewing. Medium-sized potted plants can be placed in the corner of the living room, sofa edge as decoration, so that indoor full of natural vitality. It is known for its unique air purification ability: it can remove nicotine and formaldehyde. The higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can exert its purifying power! Chinese herbal medicine introduction [medicinal material name] Rohdea japonica [alias] cut snake sword, winter does not adjust grass, iron shoulder pole, nine nodes even [source] for lily family Rohdea japonica (Thunb.) Roth.,Herbal use of rhizomes or whole herbs. In autumn, the rhizomes are picked, cleaned, defibrillated, and dried fresh or sliced. The whole grass is fresh and can be picked up all the year round. [Source Form] Perennial evergreen herb. Rhizomes are short and plump. Leaves basal, broadly banded, thickly leathery. In spring and summer, a dense spike forms on the rachis, perianth connate, globose campanulate, lobes six, inconspicuous, fleshy, yellowish or brown; stamens six; ovary globose, stigma trifid. Berry globose, orange when ripe. China and Japan; commonly cultivated in southwestern, central and eastern China. bitter, sweet and cold. Small poison. [Indications] Clear heat and detoxify, strengthen the heart and diuretic. For the prevention and treatment of diphtheria, diphtheria caused myocarditis, sore throat, rabies bite, bacillary dysentery, rheumatic heart disease heart failure; topical treatment of traumatic injury, snake bite, burns, mastitis, carbuncle swelling poison. [Usage and dosage] Rhizome 3~5 money; leaves 1~2 money, external use appropriate amount, mashed juice applied to the affected area, or mashed application affected area. Evergreen-Various Discourses 1. "Flower Mirror": Evergreen, a name. Broad-leaved clusters, dark green, winter and summer do not wilt. Wuzhong people have many seeds, and their ups and downs account for the rest of the blame. When a child is born, all happy events will be used as auspicious slogans. As for marriage coins, although they will not be used, they will be cut into silk and imitated to replace them. And auspicious grass, onion, pine four products, juxtaposed basin, also cliché. Planting method: in spring, autumn two minutes, sub-planting pots, home in the shade. As the saying goes: April is the birthday of the gods. When the old leaves are cut off and thrown into the thoroughfare, they will be trampled on, and the new leaves will flourish. Love to accumulate fertile soil, irrigation with cold tea. 2. "Compendium of Ten Relics": Zhejiang wedding multi-use accompanying gift letter, take its four seasons evergreen, there is the meaning of Changchun. {Note}: There are also plants of the same genus Rohdea japonica (Thunb.) used medicinally as Evergreen. Roth var.variegata Hort. is mostly cultivated. Evergreen-poisoning symptoms about 1 hour after oral administration of nausea and vomiting, headache dizziness, salivation anorexia, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms, severe abdominal pain diarrhea, precordial pressure, limb numbness, limb cold, pale skin, blurred vision, slow heartbeat, blood pressure drop, severe patients irritability, convulsions, coma, pupil dilation, may produce various arrhythmias, such as ventricular premature beats, atrioventricular block, atrial or ventricular tachycardia, atrioventricular dissociation, Atrial fibrillation, or sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial conduction block and nodal rhythm. Because the patient is extremely weak, delirium appears, the heart presents complete atrioventricular conduction block, even dies. Rescue methods: its rescue methods and precautions refer to digitalis. It can also be used for potassium salt therapeutic diagnosis. 15~25ml of 10% potassium chloride solution is added to 500ml of 5% glucose solution. Under the condition of close observation of the heart, the intravenous drip is completed within 2 hours. If arrhythmia is improved, it is suggested to be poisoning with cardiac glycosides. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine detoxification according to the following method: 1. Ginseng 9g, Radix Op9 g, Fructus Schizandra 6g, decocted twice, combined together, divided into 2 times to finish serving. 2. Licorices 15g, mung bean 30g, decocted in water for 2 times. 3. Strong tea with appropriate amount of white sugar, drink frequently. Rootstock cylindrical, 5-18cm long, 1.5- 2.5 cm in diameter. Grayish yellow surface, shrinkage, with dense wavy links, and scattered dot-shaped root marks, sometimes leaving varying lengths of fibrous roots; sometimes visible at the top of the ground stem marks and leaf marks. Quality zone toughness, fracture surface uneven, yellow-white (dried) or light brown to brownish red (dried), slightly spongy, yellow vascular bundle dot scattered. The gas is slight, bitter and pungent in taste. uniform in size. White is better. 2. Microscopic identification of rhizome cross section: cork cell sequence. The cortex is broad, some cells contain acicular calcium oxalate crystal bundles; the endocortex is obvious. The vascular bundles of mesostele are peridyllic and extra-tough, scattered, dense near the endodermis and arranged in rings. Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine by classification Check drugs for relieving exterior heat drugs for purging drugs for eliminating rheumatism drugs for aromatizing dampness drugs for diuresis and dampness drugs for warming interior drugs for regulating qi drugs for eliminating channels drugs for anthelmintics drugs for hemostasis drugs for activating blood circulation drugs for resolving phlegm and relieving cough and asthma drugs for tranquilizing liver and calming wind drugs for resuscitation drugs tonic drugs for astringent drugs for external use

According to the channel of origin, check the list of cold Chinese medicines, check the list of hot Chinese medicines, check the list of sweet Chinese medicines, check the list of bitter Chinese medicines, check the list of sour Chinese medicines, check the list of astringent Chinese medicines, check the list of light Chinese medicines, check the list of names, ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTWXYZ Chinese medicine prescription ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTWXYZ Chinese medicine electronic book Compendium of Materia Medica Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing《Basic Theoretical Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine》《Traditional Chinese Medicine》Chinese Medicine Related Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine List of Toxic Traditional Chinese Medicine Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine from A+ Medical Encyclopedia《Evergreen》entry http://www.a-%E4%B8%87%E5%B9%B4%E9%9D%92 Reprint Please keep this link 4 Comments about "Evergreen":

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