
How to raise the iron tree, the cultivation methods and precautions / light of potted iron tree should be sufficient.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the iron tree, flower friends should have heard of it, its beautiful tree shape, green leaves, evergreen four seasons, is a widely acclaimed foliage plant. In life, because the iron tree is very effective, so many people want to raise a pot at home, how to raise the iron tree? To this

For the iron tree, flower friends should have heard of it, its beautiful tree shape, green leaves, evergreen four seasons, is a widely acclaimed foliage plant. In life, because the iron tree is very effective, so many people want to raise a pot at home, how to raise the iron tree? In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the iron tree culture methods and matters needing attention, very detailed, friends who want to raise must have a look.

First, how to raise iron trees and understand their habits

Tieshu likes warm, sunny environment, it is slightly resistant to semi-shade, not cold, in indoor maintenance, it should be placed in a place with good light, according to the basin soil conditions appropriate watering, and do a good job in winter warm measures. As for the soil, it is best to choose something rich, moist and slightly acidic. So how to raise the iron tree is very simple and can satisfy its growth habits.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Iron Tree

1. Soil

How to raise potted iron trees, the soil should be re-selected first. Nowadays, the iron trees raised by flower friends are basically bought from existing potted plants, and normal maintenance can ensure plant growth. But the soil is very cheap, and if you want the iron tree to grow well, you'd better choose a slightly acidic sandy soil that is loose and fertile, good drainage and rich in humus.

2. Lighting

As a foliage plant, there is a great demand for light, so in the cultivation methods and matters needing attention, light is a very key link. Iron trees like light, whether it is spring or summer, or autumn and winter, they should put their potted plants in a place with plenty of light. Especially when new leaves grow in spring and autumn, it is best to bask in the sun outside and wait for the new leaves to mature before moving indoors to watch.

Note: in summer, strong light should be avoided; in addition, iron tree is slightly resistant to semi-shade, if it is placed in the shade for a long time, the plant lacks light, although it will not die, but its new leaves will be very sparse, thin and green, so you can't leave it indoors for too long and let it bask in the sun from time to time.

3. Temperature

How to raise the iron tree, it is also necessary to adjust the temperature appropriately. The iron tree likes the warm environment, so it should spray water properly when it is hot in summer; it is not cold-resistant, so it should be moved to indoor maintenance in winter and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃.

4. Watering

Water is the source of life, so how to raise the iron tree, watering is an essential part. Tieshu likes to be wet, but it avoids waterlogging, so watering should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". When new leaves grow in spring and autumn, water should be sprayed 2-3 times in the morning and evening; sufficient watering should be done in summer, and watering should be controlled in winter, usually every 2-3 days.

Note: although the iron tree likes to be wet, it also has a degree of water requirements. Once it is watered too much, it is easy to cause root rot, thus affecting plant growth.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization. it is also very important in the breeding method of iron tree. In the growing season of iron tree, in order to make its new leaves grow rapidly, it is necessary to apply topdressing, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and add appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate solution to the fertilizer in order to promote the dark green leaf color.

6. Pruning

In the growth process of the iron tree, it will sprout 1 or 2 new leaves every spring and autumn, so in order to be beautiful, flower friends should prune the iron tree every other year, cutting off old leaves, withered yellow leaves, and leaves that are too dense or too long.

7. Change the basin

With the growth of the iron tree, its culture soil will gradually become barren, so for the healthy growth of the plant, the flower friends should change the pot every 2-3 years, preferably from March to April in spring. Note that when changing the basin, the withered roots and bad roots should be cut off, and at the same time, attention should be paid to the empty basin bottom to facilitate ventilation and water penetration.

8. Diseases and insect pests

In the process of breeding iron tree, because of high temperature, dryness, poor ventilation, high air humidity and other factors, the plant will grow insects and get sick. Among them, it is noted that the insect pests are shell insects, and the diseases are white spot disease and coal pollution disease. Once the long worm gets sick, it will affect the growth of the iron tree, so as soon as it is found, everyone should immediately prevent and cure it. In this regard, flower friends can refer to the prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests.

How to raise a potted iron tree? Cultivation method of potted irontree

How to raise potted iron trees at home? The iron tree, also known as Phoenix tail iron, Phoenix tail banana, Phoenix tail pine, etc., belongs to the cycad family of Cycaceae. It is most famous for its flowering, which is called "iron tree flowering". The tree shape is ancient and elegant, the trunk is as strong as iron, the feather leaves are smooth and bright, and the four seasons are evergreen. In the south, it is mostly planted beside the courtyard steps and in the lawn. In the north, it is suitable for large-scale potted plants to decorate the courtyard porch and hall. Next, let's take a look at the cultivation methods of potted iron trees together with the plant editor of the decoration protection network!

The growth habit of iron tree iron tree likes warm, hot and humid environment, can not bear the cold, grows very slowly, and has a life span of about 200 years. Trees more than 10 years old in the tropics and subtropics of southern China blossom and bear fruit almost every year, while cycads cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and northern parts of China often do not blossom for life or occasionally blossom and bear fruit. Like light, like iron, slightly resistant to semi-shade, open field planting in Shanghai should take warm measures such as straw dressing in winter. Like fertile, moist and slightly acidic soil, but can also withstand drought. The growth is slow and the plants more than 10 years old can blossom.

The Propagation method of Iron Tree

1. Sowing: when there are male and female plants blooming at the same time, it is easy to get seeds by artificial pollination. When the large seed sowing method was used, the seeds germinated slowly, and the seedlings began to emerge 4-6 months after sowing, and the seedlings were separated 2-3 years later. However, in general, few seeds are obtained when planted in the north, and the method of plant division is often used to propagate.

2. Ramets: strong perennial plants often produce tiller buds at the base. The tiller buds with 4 or 5 leaves in three years are cut off, planted in flowerpots filled with river sand, planted in about half of the plant height, watered and placed in shade to promote root maintenance. The potted soil should be dry rather than wet. Generally, it begins to take root in 2-3 months, and then potted with rotten leaf soil after rooting.

How to raise potted irontree?

1. Soil: iron tree should grow in fertile and slightly acidic sandy soil. The culture soil can be prepared with 1 part of coarse sand and 4 parts of pastoral soil, 5 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of fine stone, or 2 parts of sandy soil and 2 parts of rotten leaf soil. Like iron elements, the preparation of culture soil can be mixed with a small amount of iron shavings, or iron shavings can be removed from the basin soil or buried in the basin in early spring, and 0.5% ferrous sulfate spray can be used to supplement iron to make the leaves firm and green.

2. Fertilization: compound fertilizer or urea can be applied twice a month from May to October. Urea should be diluted 1000 times with water to spray leaves. Foliar fertilizer should follow the principle of "eat less and eat more". The family's daily rice washing water should not be stained with oil and water. It should be filled with buckets and pots and irrigated with liquid fertilizer the next day, which has a certain fertilizer effect.

3. Watering: the iron tree grows slowly and does not like flood, especially in spring, autumn and winter, the principle of wet and dry must be strictly observed, that is, after watering once, the basin soil should be watered for the second time. Except for cloudy and rainy days in summer, water should be watered and sprayed to the leaves once a day, but stagnant water is avoided, otherwise rotten roots will cause death. After entering the autumn, the growth is gradually slow, and the moisture should be controlled to maintain a certain degree of dryness in order to survive the winter.

4. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of iron tree is 20-30 ℃, but it is more resistant to high temperature and severe cold. In winter, about 5 ℃ below zero can still overwinter outdoors, and below 10 ℃ should be protected. The iron tree is afraid of snow, if it snows, it should be moved indoors or covered with plastic film, otherwise the old leaves will turn yellow at the beginning of the next spring and lose their ornamental value.

5. Lighting: Tieshu prefers a warm, humid environment with plenty of light, and should be placed in a place where the sun shines directly. However, potted iron trees are not resistant to hot sun exposure, especially the new leaves of iron trees are very easy to burn and turn yellow. Therefore, after the growth of new leaves and the height of summer, certain shading conditions should be given.

6, change the pot: iron tree pot should pay attention to change the pot, generally at least once every 5 years. When changing the basin, the basin soil can be mixed with phosphate fertilizer such as bone powder, and the best time to change the basin is about 15 ℃. At this time, if the growth is exuberant, some old roots should be cut off appropriately to facilitate the growth of new roots in time.

7. Pruning: after the stem of the iron tree grows as high as 50 cm, the old leaves should be cut off in spring, and then cut once a year, or at least once every 3 years. If the plant is still small and the degree of expansion is not ideal, you can cut off all the leaves, which will not affect the angle of the new leaves and make the plant more perfect. When pruning, you should cut to the base of the petiole as far as possible to make the stem neat and beautiful.

8. Diseases and insect pests

① spot disease: iron tree often has the harm of spot disease, which can be drenched with clear water in summer, and the diseased old leaves should be removed in time. At the initial stage of the disease, 75% Baiyinqing wettable powder is sprayed with 800x liquid, or 50% Topchin wettable powder is sprayed once every 10 days, and the effect is better.

② scale insects: when iron trees are planted on the balcony, ventilation and light transmission is not good enough, the leaves are often vulnerable to the harm of scale insects. Repeatedly rubbing the damaged leaves with alcohol can kill adults and larvae, and soaking rice vinegar with cotton balls can kill the damaged leaves.

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The Brazilian iron tree sounds like a distant feeling, but in fact, it is often on our side, but we may not know its name or pay much attention to it at that time. But don't underestimate it, it plays a very important role. Let's take a look at the Brazilian iron tree explained by the editor, the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the Brazilian iron tree.

Brief introduction of Brazilian Iron Tree

Brazilian iron tree, also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, Brazilian tree, dragon blood tree, etc., is an evergreen tree of the family Liliaceae, generally used for potted plants, branched, leaves born at the top of the stem, curved leaves, bright green leaves, glossy, small but fragrant flowers. With beautiful and neat plant shape, it is regarded as the most famous new generation of indoor foliage plants in the world. Is now indoor more popular indoor large-scale potted plants, suitable for living room, study, office and other display, elegant shape, to the indoor decoration also played a good role.

The growth habit of Brazilian iron tree

Brazilian iron tree originated in the tropics, northern Africa. Like sufficient light, high temperature, humid climate environment, but also shade-resistant, dry-resistant, strong vitality, only need sunlight, air and very little water, with their own potential energy, in the bright northern bedroom drier environment, can also grow well. It is planted in Yunnan, Hainan and other areas of our country. Common varieties are: medium spot fragrant dragon blood tree, Phnom Penh fragrant dragon blood tree, yellow edge fragrant dragon blood tree and other plants.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Brazilian irontree

Soil: Brazilian iron tree is generally used as a household potted plant, it is not suitable to buy too large. The selected soil contains humus, strong permeability, rich and loose sandy culture soil.

Watering: after planting the Brazilian iron tree, pour it thoroughly, then put it in the shade for half a month, and then keep it in a sunny ventilated place to keep the basin soil moist, but not too wet, let alone stagnant water. If you leave it outside for maintenance, it should be drained in time after the rain.

Disease: Brazilian iron tree is vulnerable to scale insects in its growth potential, which is usually hidden on the back of its leaves, and coal fouling disease is more likely to occur in an unventilated environment, so Brazilian iron tree must be in a ventilated place and be treated with medicine in time.

Pruning: when the Brazilian iron tree grows to maturity, it can cut off the old leaves below and keep 2 to 3 rounds of leaves without frequent pruning. If the leaves become yellow and dry after being harmed by diseases and insects, the leaves should be cut off in time.

Conclusion: the Brazilian iron tree is elegant in appearance, tall and straight, and full of tropical amorous feelings. If the decoration of the home is tropical, it is more suitable to put one or two pots of Brazilian iron tree on it. Decorating the living room with it looks like the whole room is dignified and elegant. Full of natural interest. So the friends you like must not be missed.
