
How to propagate white orchids? the propagation method / striping grafting of white orchids is more common.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, White orchid is a kind of highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. With more and more people raising it, people are more concerned about its reproduction, so how do white orchids reproduce? What are the breeding methods of white orchids?

White orchid is a kind of highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. With more and more people raising it, people are more concerned about its reproduction, so how do white orchids reproduce? What are the breeding methods of white orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to reproduce white orchids

2. Propagation methods of white orchids

Striping propagation

1. Ordinary strip pressing

In the propagation method of white orchid, striping propagation is one of the more commonly used. This propagation method is generally best carried out in February-March. We need to cut the selected branch half the depth at the base, and then cut a section upward. We stuck a tile in the middle, then pressed it into the soil, fixed it with wire, and then waited for it to take root and separate the branch.

two。 High branch pressing

Generally speaking, it is best for us to choose strong branches, cut cracks in the lower part of the white orchid, then trap it with a bamboo tube, load it with culture soil, and then fasten it with a rope. during this period, we need to spray water frequently, but the amount of water is not too much. just keep a certain amount of humidity, so that new roots will only grow in May of the next year, and then we can take them off and plant them.

Grafting propagation

1. Leaning connection method

The breeding method of this kind of white orchid is generally best carried out during the period from April to July, and the specific off-ground 70cm is the best. after we are tied up, we have to wrap it in the soil, and then hold it outside with leaves, so that we can prevent Rain Water from scouring, and then we can cut it off and breed it separately in about 60 days.

two。 Splicing method

In the cutting method, it is best to choose around September. We need to choose the scion that grows stronger white orchids, then tie the section of the rootstock and scion together and tie them with thin film strips, then bury them with soil. Then water regularly, wait until the next spring to remove the covered items, wait until sprouting, leaving only 4-5 buds, the rest can be trimmed off.

Sowing and reproduction

When we sow and reproduce, it is best to choose the time point from September to October. As for the breeding method of this white orchid, it is also relatively simple. When sowing, we need to sow the seeds and fine sand, and then cover them with 1-2cm soil to water them. When watering, we should pay attention to watering thoroughly once, and then the seedlings can emerge in about 20 days.

Cuttage propagation

We should first choose cuttings before cutting propagation, generally it is best to choose cuttings with stronger growth, so the survival rate will be higher. When cutting, we can use chopsticks to cut a hole in the soil, and then insert the cuttings and water them. After watering, about 30 days after watering, the cuttings can take root.

Conclusion: after reading the above, I believe you also have a certain understanding of how to breed white orchids. After successful reproduction, we can carry out follow-up maintenance of them. If you do not know how to raise them, you can refer to the culture methods of white orchids, which has a detailed introduction. This is the editor's introduction to the breeding methods of white orchids. I hope I can bring you some help.

How do white orchids reproduce? Introduction to the propagation methods of white orchids

White orchid is a famous ornamental flowers and trees, with white and elegant colors, charming fragrance, long flowering period, dense green branches and leaves, very high ornamental and beautifying value, simple maintenance, and more ways of reproduction. Grafting and striping are used more, while sowing and cutting are used less, but family breeding, grafting and crimping are enough.

Magnolia magnolia sowing and propagation

Sowing seedlings at the end of September or early October, harvest the mature fruit, take out the seeds, soak them in ash water for 2 days, then scrub the waxy aril, rinse them with clean water, and then sow the seeds. The seeds can also be washed and refrigerated with wet sand stratification method, otherwise they are easy to lose their germination ability, and they will be sown indoors in March of the following year and can emerge in about 20 days.

Cuttage propagation of white orchid

White orchid can be propagated by cutting, but the ability of reproduction and regeneration of white orchid is poor, so it is not easy to root and survive by cutting, so it is not adopted.

Grafting propagation of white orchid

White orchids are often propagated by grafting, generally using the 2-3-year-old Zhuo of Magnolia and Huanglan as rootstocks, and there are two kinds of grafting methods, one is by grafting, the other is by cutting.

1, lean on to connect: rely on the time, from spring to autumn, the whole growing season can be carried out. Most of them are carried out from April to July. The best place to lean on is 70 cm from the ground. After being tied up, it is wrapped in a mass of mud and wrapped in leaves to prevent Rain Water from scouring. It can be cut off after about 60 days. Grafting is an easier way to survive, but it is not as exuberant as cutting.

2. Cutting: in the middle and late September, the well-developed branches of Magnolia should be selected as the scion, the section of the rootstock and the scion should be closely combined, bound and mudded with plastic film strips, and the scion should be buried with soil to keep the soil moist. In northern China, the scion should be covered with straw in winter, and the mulch should be removed in the next spring. 4-5 buds in the upper part of the branch should be retained after germination, and the rest of the buds should be removed. After 2-3 years of routine maintenance, they can bloom.

Striping propagation of white orchid

White orchid striping propagation is also used in more ways of reproduction, mainly divided into ordinary striping and high branch crimping.

1. Ordinary pressing: the ordinary pressing is best carried out in February to March, cut the base of the branch to be pressed into half the depth, then cut a section upward, and then stick a tile in the middle, then gently press it into the soil without breaking it, insert it into the soil with "U"-shaped thick wire, fix it, prevent it from warping, and then pile it on the soil. After the root bud is sent out, the strip can be cut off and planted in spring.

2. High branch pressing: select strong and disease-free twigs (1.5-2 cm in diameter) on the mother plant before entering, cut the cracks in the lower part of the basin fork, then cover them with bamboo tube or bottomless tile pot, fill them with culture soil, tie them tightly with string on the outside, be careful not to touch them, often spray a small amount of water, keep them moist, and grow new roots around May of the following year.

The fengshui effect of how to propagate White Orchid

Many people will choose to plant white orchids in the courtyard at home. How do white orchids breed? Next, let's talk about the fengshui function of white orchid.

Propagation methods of white orchids:

1. Grafting propagation of white orchids

White orchids are often propagated by grafting. Generally, magnolia and yellow orchids are used as rootstocks. In June, the branches of white orchids can be grafted on the branches of magnolia and yellow orchids. Their incisions are 3-5 cm long and are tied tightly with plastic strips after joining. After about 3 months, the rootstock basically grows with the scion, which can be cut off from the mother plant and remove the upper part of the rootstock. It becomes a new plant.

2. Striping propagation of Magnolia

White orchid striping propagation is also used in more ways of reproduction, mainly divided into ordinary striping and high branch crimping.

1. Ordinary pressing: the ordinary pressing is best carried out in February to March, cut the base of the branch to be pressed into half the depth, then cut a section upward, and then stick a tile in the middle, then gently press it into the soil without breaking it, insert it into the soil with "U"-shaped thick wire, fix it, prevent it from warping, and then pile it on the soil. After the root bud is sent out, the strip can be cut off and planted in spring.

2. High branch pressing: select strong and disease-free twigs (1.5-2 cm in diameter) on the mother plant before entering, cut the cracks in the lower part of the basin fork, then cover them with bamboo tube or bottomless tile pot, fill them with culture soil, tie them tightly with string on the outside, be careful not to touch them, often spray a small amount of water, keep them moist, and grow new roots around May of the following year.

3. Sowing and propagation of white orchids

Sowing and raising seedlings at the end of September or early October, harvest the ripe fruit, take out the seeds, soak them in ash water for 2 days, then scrub the waxy aril and rinse them with clean water to sow the seeds; you can also wash the seeds and refrigerate them with the wet sand stratification method, otherwise it is easy to lose the seed germination ability. It was sown in the indoor pot in March of the following year, and the seedlings could emerge in about 20 days.

IV. Cutting Propagation of White Orchid

White orchids can also be propagated by cutting, but the ability of reproduction and regeneration of white orchids is poor, and it is not easy to root and survive by cutting, so most of them are not adopted.

There are more ways of propagation of white orchids, more grafting and striping are used, while sowing and cutting are less used, but for family breeding, grafting and striping are enough.

The fengshui function of white orchid:

1. Optimize home fengshui

Magnolia flowers like to be warm and moist, should be well ventilated, have sufficient sunshine, fear cold, avoid dampness, neither shade nor sunburn, which gives the owner a standard to judge whether the home environment is suitable for warmth, moist and ventilation. if a home's white orchid grows well, it proves that these writing conditions have been achieved. These conditions are the criteria for judging whether a house is good or bad. If you don't know whether your fengshui is good or not, plant a white orchid to judge.

2. Promote the relationship between husband and wife

The flower language of white orchid is pure love, sincere, and white flowers, more suitable for planting in the bedroom, planting white orchid in the bedroom, from the fengshui point of view is conducive to the relationship between husband and wife.

3. Bring good luck

People who belong to rats and pigs are most suitable for planting flowers and plants that belong to gold and water. At the same time, in the year of Yi Geng, the five elements belong to gold, such as those born in 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1980, 1985, etc., whose Mantissa is 5 and 0. The bedroom is most suitable for planting white flowers, or plants that look more serious. For this kind of friends, white orchid is a good choice and can bring them good luck to a certain extent.