
How to sow green chrysanthemum, green chrysanthemum seed planting method/soil disinfection first

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to the reproduction method of green chrysanthemum, it is generally based on sowing and reproduction. After countless experiments, the survival rate is still relatively high. How can green chrysanthemum be sown? What is the planting method of green chrysanthemum seeds? The following small series takes everyone to understand

When it comes to the reproduction method of chrysanthemum, it is generally based on sowing and reproduction. after countless experiments, the survival rate of this method is still relatively high, so how to sow chrysanthemum? What is the method of planting chrysanthemum seeds? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

How to sow chrysanthemum morifolium

About how to sow green chrysanthemum, there are many places to pay attention to, such as sowing time, soil selection and other aspects can not be careless, specific details in the following green chrysanthemum seed planting method column has been introduced, want to plant it friends can come to know.

Second, the planting method of green chrysanthemum seeds

1. sowing time

The sowing time of green chrysanthemum still has certain influence on its survival rate. Choosing a suitable time to sow it can improve the survival rate. This suitable time can be selected in spring, because the climate and environment are more suitable for green chrysanthemum growth.

2. soil selection

When it comes to how to sow green chrysanthemum, the choice of soil is a very important point, this is like building a good foundation, only choose the right soil, it can thrive, generally we can choose a more fertile humus soil, this soil drainage is better, can let green chrysanthemum better absorb nutrients.

3. soil disinfection

After selecting the soil, we also need to disinfect it, so as to prevent pests and diseases from spreading to the green chrysanthemum. When disinfecting, we can choose to scatter it and spread it in the hot sun for disinfection, or put it into the pot and stir fry it, so that if there are pests in the soil, they will also be killed.

4. seed stimulation

Harvested green chrysanthemum seeds are not suitable for direct sowing, we had better soak them in warm water for 1-2 days before sowing, wait until the seeds begin to absorb water and expand, we can take them out and plant them, so as to play a role in stimulating the seeds and make them germinate faster.

5. sowing method

As for how to sow green chrysanthemum, in fact, the method is very simple, first we can evenly sow the seeds on the disinfected soil, and then cover 1-2cm soil on it to water, water should pay attention to a thorough irrigation, remember not to accumulate water. After about 4 days can sprout, 10 days can sprout.

6. follow-up management

After the emergence of green chrysanthemum, we can move it to the balcony for symptom maintenance. There are also many places to pay attention to during maintenance, such as fertilization, lighting, watering, etc., all of which are very particular. If you want to know the specific details, you can refer to the cultivation method of green chrysanthemum, which will not be repeated here.

Summary: After reading the above content, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of how to sow green chrysanthemum. The planting method of green chrysanthemum seeds is introduced here. As long as everyone plants according to the above methods, the survival rate is still very high.

How to grow chrysanthemums

How to grow chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum also known as autumn chrysanthemum, flower nodes, Compositae, chrysanthemum.

1. morphology

Perennial perennial flowers, stem height 60 ~ 150 cm, leaves pinnately lobed or deeply lobed, edge serrated, back with fluff, its size, shape, texture vary significantly according to varieties; flowers are capitate, inflorescence center is generally bisexual tubular flowers, edge is female or neutral tongue flowers, terminal or axillary. Flower size, shape, color varies according to different varieties, yellow, white, purple, green and other colors, yellow is expensive. Flowering in October to December, achene, fruit ripening in one or two months after flowering. Chrysanthemum varieties, about more than 3,000 kinds of the country, is currently the most varieties of flowers. According to the cultivation methods, chrysanthemum is divided into the following categories:

Single chrysanthemum: one flower per plant, large flowers, best able to show the characteristics of various chrysanthemum varieties. The cultivation techniques of potted sole chrysanthemum should be strictly controlled. The amount of fertilizer required is small. If the pot is too large and the dry fertilizer is excessive, the plant will grow too tall and reduce the ornamental value.

DaLi chrysanthemum: a flower hundreds to thousands of flowers, flowering consistent, forming a large circular disk. The cultivation of DaLi chrysanthemum requires selecting chrysanthemum varieties with fast growth, many branches and hypertrophy.

Tower chrysanthemum: dozens of different shapes and colors of chrysanthemum buds, layered grafting on a 2 ~ 3-meter-high white Artemisia or Artemisia, it will be layered to form a variety of shapes, color flowers, looking like a flower tower.

Multi-flower chrysanthemum: dozens of flowers per plant, suitable for dwarf plants, larger flowers, is a good variety of flower beds.

Cliff chrysanthemum: also known as phoenix tail chrysanthemum. The whole plant has many branches, small flowers, many flowers, drooping plants, 2.5~3 meters long, and is a good material for placing in high places or configuring rocks.

2. Habits and uses

Originated in China, nature likes cool, need

Shady and well-ventilated environment. Soil to contain humus and good drainage of sandy loam is appropriate, frost-resistant, bogey ponding.

Chrysanthemum is one of the famous flowers in China, which has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. Late autumn dew heavy, hundreds of rice withered, unique chrysanthemum thriving, frost dew and the more crisp show, people love. The ancients chanted chrysanthemum poems, too numerous to mention. "Book of Rites·Month Order Chapter" has "autumn month, chrysanthemum has yellow flowers" records. Qu Yuan's Chu Ci

There is a sentence of "autumn chrysanthemum falling" in the meal. Amoy Figure 3.1 Chrysanthemum

Yuanming "autumn chrysanthemum has a good color, dew its Ying" and "picking chrysanthemum east fence, leisurely see Nanshan" famous sentences, still in recitation. Yuan Zhen's poem "Chrysanthemum""Autumn cluster around the house like Tao, this flower bloom more flowers" vividly illustrates the cold and proud frost character of chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum potted plants can be used to configure rocks, decorative halls, the production of bonsai, flower beds, flower borders and so on for viewing. White chrysanthemum and yellow chrysanthemum can be used as medicine, with the function of dispersing wind-heat, clearing liver and improving eyesight. In addition, chrysanthemum has a strong absorption capacity for sulfur dioxide, which can purify the environment. In the north, indoor coal heating in winter, if you can put a few pots of chrysanthemum, sulfur dioxide concentration can be greatly reduced.

3. cultivation

Selection of female parent... In order to preserve the diversity of chrysanthemum varieties, the mother plants should be selected at flowering stage with excellent shape and strong heredity.

The cultivation of female parent: pay attention to ventilation, watering, intertillage weeding, fertilization and so on in the cultivation process to promote the germination of new buds. If cross breeding flowers, there should not be too much fertilizer residue in the soil, otherwise the seed setting rate will decrease significantly.

Cultivation soil: potted chrysanthemum cultivation soil requirements loose soil, humus-rich. Generally prepare the culture soil a year ago, the proportion: sandy soil 5 parts, humus 4 parts, grass wood 1 part, and then add a small amount of bone meal mixed preparation.

Pot planting: should choose sunny or cloudy days, avoid rainy days, pay attention to basin floor drainage. Seedlings are initially transplanted in shallow boxes or pots, with plant spacing of 5 x 6 cm. In April, the seedlings were planted in 3-inch pots with soil in the north, and then moved to the warm pool for air exercise. Pay attention to cold weather at night. At the end of May, change the 5-inch basin, and in June, change the 7 - 8-inch basin, and put it in a sunny and flat place. In rainy days, the basin bottom should be raised, watering should be timely, watering should be controlled during seedling stage, water should be gradually increased with the growth of plants, and the basin should be put down even in rainy days to prevent ponding in the basin. Autumn to promote the formation of buds, can be applied fully decomposed manure, evenly scattered in the basin topsoil, timely irrigation through water, to achieve uniform fertilizer efficiency.

In order to inhibit the growth of plants, promote the germination and enrichment of lateral branches, and achieve the expected number of flowers, conduct one topping after the first pot, and conduct 2 ~ 3 topping every time after changing pots. In early August, the number of flowers is fixed, generally 5 to 7, not more than 8. All the buds growing out of the axils are removed later, and the whole plant is retained. Each branch has a bud of the same size at the top, and a pillar is erected to tie its branches to prevent lodging. To promote seed setting, artificial pollination can be carried out. The method is to cut short the tubular part of the stem of the ligulate flower and pollinate it with a brush at about 10 o 'clock in the morning on a sunny day. Chrysanthemum is a short-day flower. By controlling the light, it can control the flowering period, advance or delay the flowering.

4. Reproduction

Chrysanthemum propagation methods are: defense, plant division, grafting, sowing, etc., mainly cutting propagation.

Defense: Northeast China in January in greenhouse; Beijing in August. Cuttings should choose healthy mother plant germination tender shoots, cuttings 2~3 inches long, remove the following two leaves, cut the base into horseshoe shape, first in the sand basin with bamboo sticks to tie a small hole, the cuttings will be inserted into two thirds of the hole, inserted after pouring water, placed in the sun, indoor temperature maintained at zero above 10 especially above. After 20 days, it can take root and put leaves, and can be potted or transplanted.

Rite plant: North generally carried out around the Spring Festival. The new buds (foot buds) germinated from the old plants retained in that year were cut off with a knife and transplanted into sand beds or pots. The characteristics of the female parent can be preserved by plant division propagation.

Grafting: in the cultivation of large chrysanthemum or new varieties of chrysanthemum tower, generally using grafting method. Grafting rootstock, should choose dry stem prismatic, internode sparse, leaves larger white Artemisia or Artemisia, in late autumn on the pot, placed indoors. Appropriate fertilization in spring to promote root development. Grafting is carried out indoors before "mango seed". Scion should choose strong and terminal bud branches, 4 ~ 10 cm long, cut off the lower leaves, leaving only the top 3 ~ 4 leaves, the base cut into a knife-edge shape. The rootstock is split, scions are inserted, and then the scion is connected with a plant sheath, and the scion can survive after 10 days of shade.

Sowing: This method is often used to breed new varieties. Because chrysanthemum is not easy to bear fruit, it needs artificial pollination to collect seeds. Sowing in spring, when the plant grows 4 ~ 6 leaves, it can be transplanted or cultured in pots.

5. protection

Seedlings are often damaged by cutworms. The method of trapping and killing is to use 50g of 90% trichlorfon, melt it with warm water, mix it with 3 ~ 4 kg of fried wheat bran, and then add a little sesame oil and water to make poison bait; in summer and autumn, aphids, red spiders and whiteflies are also more common, and 1500 times of dimethoate can be sprayed. When chrysanthemum leaves have black spot and black spots, the diseased leaves can be removed and burned or sprayed with 65% zinc 500 times solution for control.

Chrysanthemum, alias Shouke, Jinying, Huanghua, Qiuju, Tao Ju, etc., is a genus of perennial herbs in the Compositae family of Chrysanthemum. There are about 40 species under it, most of which are native to East Asia, and their variation centers are in China. [1]

Chrysanthemum plays an important role in Chinese classical literature and culture. It is called four gentlemen together with plum, orchid and bamboo.

Chrysanthemum is widely used for ornamental purposes, in the traditional Chinese New Year, many people like to display chrysanthemum at home. On Double Ninth Festival, there are customs of appreciating chrysanthemum and drinking chrysanthemum wine. Meng Haoran's "Passing the Old Man's Village":"On the Double Ninth Day, I will come back to chrysanthemum."

Cultivation and Management of Chrysanthemum

chrysanthemum varieties

Chrysanthemum is composed of many small flowers a head, there are two kinds of florets, a single pistil can inseminate the tongue flower, the other often has a pistil tube flower. According to the proportion, shape, size and color of these two kinds of flowers, various flower types and colors can be produced, which can be divided into single petal chrysanthemum, tray chrysanthemum, fluffy chrysanthemum, standard chrysanthemum and so on. According to the flower size can be divided into large, medium and small train, according to the color is mainly yellow, white, pink, orange red and red. Its fruit is achene. [3]

Chrysanthemum is a short-day plant. It can be produced annually by prolonging the day length with electric light or shortening the day length with black cloth. According to photoperiod response classification, the varieties with short day time of 6, 7, 8, 10 or 11 weeks were early varieties, the varieties with short day time of 12, 13, 14 or 15 weeks were late varieties, and the commercial varieties were mainly 9-11 weeks varieties. Planters should record the time between planting, cutting electricity and harvesting to calculate planting and harvesting periods.

chrysanthemum reproduction

Chrysanthemum propagation in addition to breeding to seed reproduction, more asexual reproduction. Commercial culture is propagated mostly by terminal bud cuttings. Cuttage propagation method is very simple to operate, can be obtained in a short period of time a considerable number of seedlings to supply cut flowers or potted flower growers planting, while maintaining the good horticultural characteristics of the original varieties.

For rooting ability of cuttings, the tender stem is the easiest to root, generally the top tip of 5-7 cm that can be easily broken by fingers, with 4-6 leaves, and the stem diameter is more than 0.3 cm. When cutting, in order to prevent possible infection of pathogens, it is best to break it by hand, not with scissors. It is more convenient for cut flower growers to purchase from specialized seedling growers.

chrysanthemum planting

The plant spacing for planting should be 120-180 cm2 for each flower stem. If each plant is picked once and 3 branches are obtained, the plant spacing should be 360-540 cm2 for each plant. General chrysanthemum farmers plant 10,000-12,000 per 10 acres (about one minute)

photoperiod effect

In the natural climate, chrysanthemum often in autumn temperature turns cool, day length becomes short flowering, such as planting in winter, because day length is too short, the plant has formed buds when very short. In order to increase flower stems, artificial electric irradiation must be used to prolong day length to inhibit flower bud differentiation. In fact, short night is more important than prolonging day length. If the continuous dark period does not exceed 6 hours, chrysanthemum flower bud differentiation will not occur, and the intensity of long-night electric illumination is sufficient to inhibit flower bud differentiation as long as there are 2 candles (about 20 lux) on the chrysanthemum leaves.

soil and fertilizer

In addition to drainage and good ventilation, the soil for chrysanthemum cultivation should also be rich in organic matter. If necessary, steam or chemical disinfection should be used. However, steam disinfection equipment in Taiwan is expensive. If soil fumigants such as "Bisu Mie" or "Weiben" are used for disinfection, pests and weeds in the soil can be prevented from growing. Rotation with rice can reduce soil pests and nutrient imbalance caused by excessive fertilization.

Overview of pests and diseases


There are many kinds of chrysanthemum diseases occurring in Taiwan. Ten common diseases are white rust, stem rot, black spot, wilt, anthracnose, black rust, white silk disease, gray mold, sclerotium and bacterial soft rot. Wilt, stem rot, white silk rot, sclerotinia sclerotiorum and bacterial soft rot are systemic diseases, which often cause death of whole plants when infected


Chrysanthemum is cultivated throughout the year and provides sufficient nutrients and habitat for pests and mites. Therefore, chrysanthemum whether cultivated in the net room or in the open air can not escape the harm of pests or pests. The important pests on chrysanthemum are aphids, thrips, Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera exigua, Spodoptera tomato and two-point leaf beetle. Secondary pests are root cutting insects, quasi geometrid, leaf miner, whitefly, poison moth, mealyscale insects, fine insects, etc., the variety can be said to be quite many. Chrysanthemum (cut flowers or potted flowers) for domestic use can tolerate a small number of pests as long as the quality of the flowers is not affected.


Chrysanthemum cultivation mostly belongs to open field cultivation and rotation with paddy field. Generally, weeds in dry field common in paddy and dry rotation fields occur in chrysanthemum fields. The competition of weeds for moisture, nutrients and light can directly cause poor growth and quality decline of chrysanthemum, which is not conducive to field management.

Weeds occurring in the field and its surrounding environment, its non-competitive harm can become the host or habitat of pests, and indirectly cause losses. The annual weeds in the dry land of Taiwan are Miscanthus angustifolia L., Stichma sinense L., Digitaria sanguinea L., Cyperus rotundus L., Portulaca oleracea L. and Amaranthus chinensis L. in the high temperature season, while the main weeds in the autumn and winter season are Cardamine microphylla L., Carapax trifoliata L., Brassica juncea L., P. chinensis L. and Polygonum praecox L. in the low temperature season. Weeds not only compete directly with water, nutrients and light for chrysanthemum growth, but also are not conducive to chrysanthemum field management or easy to breed other diseases and insect pests. Therefore, proper control must be taken during chrysanthemum cultivation.

History and Culture of Chrysanthemum

· "The Book of Rites":"Autumn month, chrysanthemum has yellow flowers."· Quyuan "Li Sao":"Evening meal autumn chrysanthemum falling Ying." · Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty loved chrysanthemum very much. Mention chrysanthemum can think of Tao Yuanming. His works often refer to chrysanthemum: "Picking Chrysanthemum under the East Hedge","Autumn Chrysanthemum Has Good Color"("Twenty Drinking Poems"),"How Many Chrysanthemum Clusters in This Life"("Ask the Envoy"),"Chrysanthemum Dissolving Decline Age"("Nine Days of Leisure"),"Three Paths to Waste, Pine Chrysanthemum Still Survives"("Returning to Xi Ci"). The word "free" means "free." · Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi "Fu Bai Ju":"The garden chrysanthemum turmeric yellow, there are isolated clusters of color such as frost." · At the end of Tang Dynasty, Huang Chao wrote "Chrysanthemum": The whispering west wind is full of courtyard planting, and the cold butterfly is hard to come. If I were the Green Emperor in his year, I would open a place with peach blossoms. "Fu Ju after the first": until autumn September 8, I bloom after the flowers kill; soaring incense array through Chang 'an, the city with gold armor! · In the Song Dynasty, Zhou Dunyi's "Love Lotus Theory" has the saying that "chrysanthemum, flower recluse also." · In the Song Dynasty Li Qingzhao's famous sentence "people are thinner than yellow flowers", the "yellow flowers" refer to chrysanthemum. · In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Xiangjin's "Qunfang Pu" verified Tao Yuanming's "Jiuhua Ju", which has two petals, white petals and yellow heart. · Huang Province of Ming Dynasty once contained 220 chrysanthemum varieties in the Book of Art Chrysanthemum. · Chen Haizi of Qing Dynasty recorded 153 chrysanthemum varieties in Flower Mirror.

About Morning Glory Information_How to grow Morning Glory

Morning glory is the trumpet flower we often see, and its shape is very similar to that of the trumpet, so it is named trumpet flower. In particular, many children who grew up in rural areas are very familiar with morning glory and often appear in the fields. It has a lot of colors, such as red, white, pink and so on. It looks very beautiful and has very good ornamental value. Next, let's take a look at the information about morning glory and how to plant morning glory. [information on morning glory-introduction] Petunia is also known as trumpet flower, morning glory, Qin Niangzi and Jinjiao Lazi. it is an annual vine twining herbaceous flower plant belonging to the genus Petunia of the family Petunia. Its trailing stems are very slender, usually 3-4m in length, with many densely bristled bristles on top of the whole plant, alternate leaves and entire or lobed leaves. And the flower is growing on the axil of the leaf, umbrella-shaped, the number of flowers is very rich, its Corolla is like a trumpet. The flower of morning glory is very bright and beautiful when it is in full bloom. It not only has very good ornamental value, but also has very good medicinal value. The varieties are ugly Niuzi, white ugly, two ugly, black ugly and so on. Generally used in medicine is black ugly, with diuresis, insecticidal, sugar and other functions. [materials on morning glory-growth habits] Petunia is native to tropical America and is cultivated all over the country. It has very good ornamental value. It generally grows in 100-200m hillside thickets, as well as parks, houses, roadsides, river valleys and so on. Morning glory is very strong vitality, like mild climate, lack of light, good ventilation environment to grow, its adaptability to the living environment is very strong, in relatively dry saline or hot summer are able to grow normally. Morning glory is a kind of rooting plant, and it is most suitable to grow in a fertile soil. [how to plant morning glory] morning glory is usually sown in spring and summer, and the suitable temperature for sowing is 20-25 degrees Celsius, which is very suitable for flowering in autumn and summer. Morning glory seeds are usually soaked in warm water before sowing, and the soaking time is 4-6 hours. Sulfuric acid can be added to the soil for proper disinfection, sprinkled in the soil, and then covered with a layer of soil to keep the soil moist, so that it can take root and sprout in a week or so, and when two or three leaves grow, they can be transplanted into the pot. [information on morning glory-maintenance methods] 1. Key points of cultivation: when transplanting morning glory, we should choose soil with good drainage, give sufficient light and put it in a ventilated place for cultivation, and then carry out irrigation treatment, usually fertilizing once in half a month. To control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, so as to prevent the stems and leaves from being too luxuriant. two。 Pick the heart: generally morning glory in the growth of two or three true leaves, the middle position of the heart began to grow, at this time to carry out appropriate heart-picking treatment. When the branches and leaves begin to grow between the axils of the leaves, you can spread three or four true leaves, carry out appropriate heart-picking treatment, and then combine with plastic treatment. After each heart picking, appropriate topdressing should be carried out, and it can choose to use the fertilizer used when planting chrysanthemums. 3. Temperature: the suitable temperature for morning glory is 20-25 degrees Celsius when sprouting, while sowing in spring and summer. Generally, the suitable temperature for morning glory growth is 22-34 degrees Celsius. Flowering is ornamental in autumn and summer.

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