
How to raise the mandarin flowers, the culture methods and matters needing attention / cultivation in the sunny place

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tetranychus mandshurica is a variety of raspberry of Rosaceae, which has a good ornamental property. It can be seen in many areas of our country, but if we want to raise it well, we need to pay attention to a lot of things. About how to raise daikuhua? What are the culture methods and matters needing attention in the cultivation of tea flowers?

Tetranychus mandshurica is a variety of raspberry of Rosaceae, which has a good ornamental property. It can be seen in many areas of our country, but if we want to raise it well, we need to pay attention to a lot of things. About how to raise daikuhua? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise the flowers and understand the habits

If we want to know how to raise the flower, we must first understand its growth habits. this plant likes a warm and sunny environment and is more resistant to drought, but it is afraid of waterlogging, so we must remember to control the amount of water in the process of culture. in addition, daily fertilization and light also need to be paid attention to, so that the flowers can grow better.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tetranychus chinensis

1. The soil is well drained

Before we cultivate mandarin flowers, we first have to choose soil, which is like building a house and laying a foundation, which is a very important step. Generally, it is best to choose a relatively loose and fertile sandy soil, which has good drainage and air permeability, can make plants breathe and absorb nutrients better, and is less prone to waterlogging.

two。 Fertilization, once every 15-20 days

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process, especially after entering its peak growing season, its demand for fertilizer is very high, basically every 15-20 days need to be fertilized, in the choice of fertilizer is best to choose diluted cake fertilizer water, this can ensure that the flower color is better and the florescence is more stable.

3. Temperature, 20-28 ℃

Temperature management is also a point that we need to pay attention to in the process of cultivation, because only let the plant grow at a suitable temperature, it will grow better, the suitable growth temperature of the flower is between 20-28 ℃, in winter to ensure that the temperature is above 10 ℃, otherwise it is easy to cause plant frostbite.

4. Moisture, once a week

Watering is an indispensable part of the growth process, but the frequency of watering is a point that we need to pay attention to. This kind of plant is afraid of waterlogging, so we can't water it too frequently. Normally, we can water once a week. If the weather is hotter, we can increase the watering frequency, and if it is colder, we can prolong the watering frequency.

5. Light, shade in summer

The mandala is more like light, only in the sunny environment, it can grow and thrive, so in the spring and autumn, because the light is more suitable, we can breed it outdoors all day to receive light. However, after entering the summer, because the light is relatively strong, we still have to properly shade, otherwise it is easy to cause the phenomenon of drying and yellowing due to strong light.

6. Diseases and insect pests should be dealt with in a timely manner

Diseases and insect pests are a problem that all plants do not want to encounter, and tea flowers are no exception. Once such problems occur, the harm is very great, so we must deal with them in time when we find diseases and insect pests. However, because the treatment methods of all kinds of diseases and insect pests are different, the editor will not introduce them one by one here. For details, you can refer to the article on pest control of tea flowers, which is described in detail.

Third, how to prune the flowers and the pruning should be moderate

In addition to daily maintenance, we also need to know how to trim the flowers, which is also an important step in the breeding process, so we should master certain skills, we should not cut off too many branches when pruning, to be moderate, we can generally trim the main branches of the teal, keeping the length within 1.5 meters, and the rest can be cut off, which can increase the light transmittance of the plant. It can also promote branching.

What is the flower language of raging flowers? what is the culture method of radish flowers?

(scientific name: Rosa rubus H. L é v. & Vaniot), also known as raspberry rose, raspberry rose. In the Buddhist language, the Dharma flower is the other shore flower, which is the last flower in full bloom in the flowering season. Next, let's take a look at what is the language of raging flowers with the editor, the breeding methods of tea flowers and related knowledge.

What is the floral language of tea flowers?

The flower language of Dazhu is "the beauty of the end". Although it cannot be compared with a hundred flowers, it can be shown alone. So haughty and so handsome.

The flowers bloom, indicating the end of feelings.

Love is so sweeping that it means that life is the most brilliant and prosperous. Or the most unforgettable love is about to be lost

What is left after prosperity may be decadent, or it may be dull.

The last beauty is always breathtaking.

The loneliness is one of all the flowers.

The most enduring, profound, and unique

In the Buddhist language, the dharma is the last flower in full bloom in the flowering season.

When the flowers bloom, only the flowers blooming on the other side of the forgotten previous life.

The blossoms always bloom in summer when other flowers are about to wither, so when the blossoms are done and the whole blooming season is over, there will be the so-called "blooming in full bloom".

An introduction to the blossoms

(scientific name: Rosa rubus H. L é v. & Vaniot), also known as raspberry rose, raspberry rose. Deciduous or semi-evergreen trailing shrub. The twig was hooked and stabbed. Feather strong compound leaves, leaflets 5-7, ovate elliptic or Obovate, abaxially pilose, stipules Adnate to petiole, entire. Corymbose inflorescence. The flowers are white and fragrant. The fruit is nearly spherical and crimson. The flowering period is from April to May and the fruit ripening stage is from September to October.

The flowers are thick and fragrant, and the color turns red as a result of autumn. It is suitable to be a hedge, or it can be planted alone on the edge of the grass. The fruit can be eaten raw or processed to make wine. The root contains tannin and can be extracted from tannin extract. Flowers are a good source of honey and essential oils can also be extracted. Growing in areas ranging from 250m to 2200 m above sea level, it is often born in hillside thickets, grass, miscellaneous trees, stream sides, hillside roadsides, shady lands, and forest margins. Resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging.

Tea is produced on the south slope of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, China, as well as Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces. Dazhu is the last flower in full bloom in spring, and when it blooms, it means the end of spring. "if you don't fight for spring, loneliness opens the latest." There is a saying in A Dream of Red Mansions: when the flowers are in full bloom, spring is gone.

1. Morphological characteristics

Branches: Tetranychus is a creeping shrub, up to 5-6 m high; branchlets Terete, usually pilose, dense when young, glabrescent when old; prickles short, thick and curved.

Leaves: leaflets usually 5, inflorescences occasionally 3, petiole 8-15 cm long; leaflets ovate-elliptic, Obovate or orbicular, 3-6 (- 9) cm long, 2-4.5 cm wide, apex caudal tip, acute or acuminate, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, margin acutely serrate, shallow and sparse toward base, dark green above, usually glabrous or occasionally pilose, densely pilose or sparsely pilose below Petiolules and leaf rachis pilose and scattered furrow-shaped prickles; stipules mostly Adnate to petiole, free part lanceolate, apex acuminate, entire often glandular, hairy.

Flowers: 10-25 flowers, arranged in paniculate corymbs; pedicels 1.5-2 cm long, total pedicels and pedicels pilose and sparsely glandular hairy, flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter; calyx tube globose to obovoid, outside pilose and glandular hairy; sepals lanceolate, apex long acuminate, usually entire, densely pilose on both surfaces. Petals white, Obovate, apex retuse, base broadly cuneate, styles United into columns, slightly longer than stamens, outside pilose. The flowering period of the plant is from April to June.

Fruit: fruit subglobose, 8-10 mm in diameter, scarlet to purplish brown, glossy, sepals reflexed after anthesis, later glabrescent. The fruit period of the fruit is from July to September.

2. Ecological habits

I like warmth to the sun. Most of them are born on hillsides, roadsides, grassy slopes or thickets between 500 and 1300 meters above sea level. Resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging. The flowers are thick and fragrant, and the color turns red as a result of autumn.

Cultivation techniques of Dazhou Flower

1. Reproduction

Propagated by pressing or cuttage, the cultivation of mandala has many similarities with the cultivation of other roses and roses, but its management is more extensive than that of rose. The distance between planting plants should not be less than 2 meters. From early spring sprouting to flowering, it can be watered for 3 or 4 times according to the weather conditions to keep the soil moist. If it is affected by drought at this time, the number of flowers will be greatly reduced, and it will need to be watered for another 2 or 3 times in summer drought. Attention should be paid to timely drainage and waterlogging prevention in the rainy season. Because the rose is afraid of waterlogging, waterlogging is easy to rot roots. Water for another 2 or 3 times in autumn as appropriate. Watering throughout the year should be careful not to make the roots of the plant stagnant. The flower color will be good and the florescence will last long if the thin cake fertilizer and water are applied for 1 or 2 times in the bud stage.

2. Pruning

Pruning is an indispensable important process in landscape shaping, which is not well trimmed and grows into a pile of thorns, which is uneven, not only with many diseases and insect pests, but also with an unsightly appearance. Adult plants are usually pruned before germination in spring every year. The amount of pruning should be moderate, the length of the main branch (main vine) can be kept within 1.5m, and the rest can be cut off. Each lateral branch can retain 3-5 buds at the base. At the same time, the withered branches, weak branches and disease and insect branches are removed and the branches that are too old and too dense are cut off to promote the germination of new branches and constantly renew the old plants, then they can bloom and flourish year after year.

The cultural background of the blossoms

1. History of Botany

In Chen Rong's Chinese Tree Taxonomy, p. 450p. Rosa rubusH. L é v. & Vaniot, which is called "Tea Flower" in Chinese, is quoted from the book "Flower Mirror". There are written records and illustrations in the original book, which is called Dazhuanhua, a Buddha smiles, and several names such as Dubuqing, Baiyizhi and Xuemeidun. "trailing and prickly, with green leaves and green stripes, it is complicated to inherit it. There are three kinds of flowers: large flowers with thousands of petals, white and fragrant in color, each with three leaves such as character. Green attached red calyx and magnificent, then pure white. Those with dark colors are not as good as yellow roses, and the branches are prickly and fragrant. Dendrolimus is a woody plant of Rosaceae.

2. Buddhist allusions

Dianhua is mentioned in many Buddhist works, but it is not the "other shore flower" (Manzhu Shahua). It is also said in the Buddhist scriptures that it is a flower in the sky, white and soft. If you see this flower, you will get rid of it. It is an auspicious sign of heaven, but it is not a good thing for people on earth. Just like the other shore flower, the flower blossoms on the other shore, when the flower blooms, you can't see the leaves, when you have the leaves, you can't see the flowers. The flowers and leaves don't meet, and they are born wrong. Like this, a tedious flower, a shore flower, are the symbol of separation, without that unparalleled detachment, even if he is pretentious, he will inevitably shed tears for her. Although the deepest desire, do not want you and me to play, do not want to see the sad other shore flower, but still pray by your hand, let her sprout and bloom.

3. Notes on classical texts

"Flower Mirror": there are three kinds of tea flowers, large thousand petals, white and fragrant, each with three leaves. Green tarsal red calyx, and large, is pure white. Those with honey color are not as good as yellow roses, and the branches are prickly and fragrant. There are also those who are red, which are popular, but not fragrant.

He even said that he should replace peony as the king of flowers. Read Yuan Zhonglang's "Flower sneaky", there is a sentence "it is appropriate to sink water", but I do not know its details. See the note said: Yun, also for dala, dala, etc., Rosaceae deciduous shrubs, do blossom in late spring, there is fragrance.

Chu Ren-di's sequel to Jian Li in the Qing Dynasty has an article called Jian Lu, which says that Jian Lu is produced by countries along the Atlantic coast, and the flowers are covered with dew. "Qiongyao is crystal clear and fragrant, if the dew is sweet, the Yi woman has greasy hair, and the fragrance lasts for months." The "Yi people" collected and bottled the dew on the flowers and sold them far away.

"Qing Yi Lu": "the tea is called Bai Man Lang, in order to bloom white flowers."

Mao Fu's "Nan GE Zi and qu Shou Li Shiwen" cloud: "Green hidden city, fragrance, light smoke, rain and cold dusk." Scattered tea mushroom flowers damage spring marks. Run into Sheng Xiao greasy, spring laughter warm. More deeply do not lock the door of the drunken village. I want to return to the cloud by singing in advance. "

In A Dream of Red Mansions, Cao Xueqin used a flower metaphor to imply the fate of several characters, among which was the Shou Yi Hong Qunfang Night Banquet. The maid Musk Moon drew a flower lot, which is "Shaohua Sheng Ji". "Shaohua Shengji" means that the flower event comes to an end, and then it naturally means that the flowers have withered, which means the end of the flower season. The blossom blossoms in late spring and early summer, and withering means the end of the flowering season.

4. Related verses

1. The Book of songs, the wind owl, the owl and the owl. "Tea" refers to the reeds, which are the flowers of plants similar to reeds.

2. Lu you: the spring flowers in Wu are getting late, and they pick incense all the way back to the north.

3. Yang Wanli: slander him in the name of wine, and ice is the muscle and bone moon as his home.

4. Wu Shuji's words: thank you for bringing spring affairs to rest. No multi-flower film, affixed to the branches.

5. Zhu Shuzhen's "Partridge Sky": thousands of bells still want to get drunk in spring, but fortunately there are crabapple and begonia.

6. Zhao Mengjian is homesick among the guests: there is a fragrance in the breeze, knowing that it is a short wall.

7. Fang Yue "Dazhao": because of the bad weather, it is necessary to protect the peonies.

8. Chen Pu's "and Dharma": the edge frost and snow are cut to get a glass purple jade cup. Disobey the reward when disturbing, hurriedly fall back hurriedly. The butterfly dreams of staying in the snail country, and the dragon beads enter the mussel fetus. In a hurry to evoke the soul and pour the cinnamon wine, the rest is in the green moss.

9. Wang Qi's "Spring Evening Garden" A clump of plum powder removes its makeup and smears it with new red Shanghai tang. When it comes to making a scene, there is a slight twist of the raspberry wall.

10. Li E, a poet of the Qing Dynasty, took off spring clothes and red wine, and it was the most windy in the south of the Yangtze River in February. Pear blossom snow after the snow, people in the heavy window shallow dream.

11. Li Qi's "Green Jade case": returning to stay, imperial cardigan sleeves, drinking wine together.

12. Ouyang Xiu's "fisherman's pride": it is worth the peony blooming all over the place, and the peony is full of fragrance. The one with the bottom of the flower will dissuade you. Increase attachment, Dongfeng stumbles mercilessly in the evening.

13. Song Boren's "two songs in late Spring": the residual flowers of the wind are full of red on the ground, don't leave the bottle in a hurry. Spring is not willing to give up, but in the shadow.

14. Nalan Xingde's "Jiuquan Zi Xie Dai": Xie Cai Dai, the moon is as bright as water.

The Culture method of Yushu Picture of Yushu Flower

Yushu is now often used as a bonsai material for artificial cultivation, Yushu bonsai has its unique advantages, such as very resistant to pruning, barren soil, drought environment, rapid growth and so on. Now let's talk about the breeding method of Yushu.

The culture method of Yushu pictures of Yushu flowers

[plant archives]-

English name: Yushu (Yushuhua)

Scientific name: Crassula arborescens

Alias: swallow palm, sedum tree, evergreen, glass Cui

Family: sedum Crassulaceae

Genus: Crassula

Distribution of origin: southern Africa

Morphological features: succulent subshrubs. The plant height is 1-3 meters. Stem succulent, stout, dry skin gray, light color, many branches, branchlets brownish green, dark color. The leaves are fleshy, ovoid, about 4 cm long and 3 cm wide, with gray-green leaves and flushed edges. Flowering late spring and early summer, tubular flowers 2 cm in diameter, white or light pink.

The growth habits of Yushu-

Yushu flower is Yushu, not just the flowers of Yushu. Yushu's growth habit is to like the warm, dry, sunny natural environment. Yushu flower is afraid of strong light, slightly shade-tolerant, not cold-resistant, and the winter temperature should not be lower than 7 ℃. It is better to grow in a fertile sandy loam with good drainage.

The culture method of Yushu-

▲ propagation method: the control method of Yushu is usually carried out by cutting. In the growing season of Yushu, the thick apical branches with a length of 8-10cm were cut, dried slightly and inserted into potted soil to take root for about 3 weeks.

▲ light and temperature control: spring and autumn are the suitable growth periods for Yushu, and the optimum growth temperature is 20-30 ℃. Shade should be carried out when it is hot in summer to avoid direct sunlight. The growth is slow when the temperature is over 38 ℃. Keep it indoors in a sunny place in winter and keep it at room temperature of 7-10 ℃. If the temperature is below 0 ℃, it will freeze to death.

▲ water and fertilizer management: during the growing period, Yushu is watered every 2-3 days, but can not accumulate water. When it is hot in summer, watering should be strictly controlled and ventilation should be strengthened, otherwise it is easy to cause fallen leaves. Watering should be reduced in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly dry. Topdressing fertilizer should be applied during the growing period, generally applying rotten thin cake liquid fertilizer 2-3 times a month. In order to keep the plant shape of Yushu plump, fat and water should not be too large, so as not to cause overgrowth.

Control of ▲ diseases and insect pests: the main diseases and insect pests in Yushu include leaf spot, anthracnose, shell insects, brown soft scale and so on.

Conclusion: after reading the picture of Yushu flowers as white as snow, do you think Yushu is a very beautiful shrub plant? Yushu is one of the best potted plants for lazy people. Use Yushu to decorate your living room.

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