
How to raise Ligustrum lucidum, Ligustrum lucidum cultivation methods and precautions/sufficient light

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ligustrum microphylla is a small shrub belonging to Ligustrum genus of Oleaceae. It can be seen in many parts of our country, but there are many places to pay attention to if you want to raise it well. How to raise small privet? What are the breeding methods and precautions of Ligustrum lucidum? The following small series takes everyone to understand

Lobular Ligustrum lucidum is a small shrub of the genus Ligustrum lucidum of Oleaceae, which can be seen in many parts of our country. About how to raise lobular privet? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of lobular privet? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise the lobular privet and understand the habits

If you want to know how to raise lobular privet, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant is very adaptable to the environment. It likes to grow in an environment with sufficient light, and it also has a certain ability to tolerate shade and cold. So when we breed, we don't have to create the environment too painstakingly, just put it in light culture.

II. Breeding methods and matters needing attention of lobular privet

1. Sandy soil

Before we breed lobular privet, we should first choose soil, just like making a house, this is a step to lay a good foundation, it is very important, generally it is best to choose loose and fertile sandy soil, this kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, can make plants better absorb nutrients, and is not prone to stagnant water.

two。 Fertilization, once in spring and autumn

The demand for fertilizer of this kind of plant is not too high. Basically, it can be fertilized twice a year in spring and autumn. If there is a difference in the growth of individual parts, we have to fertilize the leaves. In terms of fertilizer, we generally use potassium dihydrogen phosphate and ammonium molybdate foliar fertilizer.

3. Temperature, 20-30 ℃

If we want lobular privet to grow better, then we'd better let it grow in a suitable environment, its suitable temperature is 20-30 ℃, this plant has a certain cold tolerance, if it is raised in the south, we can let it survive the winter in the open air, but in the north, because the weather is called dry, it is also relatively cold, so we had better spend the winter indoors to avoid frostbite.

4. Moisture, keep the soil moist

In the growth process of lobular privet, water is one of its essential nutrients, so we should pay attention to regular watering, keep the soil moist, so that it can grow more sturdy. However, we should pay special attention to the amount of water, do not irrigate too much, if stagnant water, it is easy to cause its roots to rot.

5. Light, avoid strong light

Lobular Ligustrum lucidum is a plant that likes light, but is not tolerant to strong light. if it is spring and autumn, because the light is more suitable, we can keep it outdoors and let it receive light all day, but in summer, because the light is relatively strong, we'd better keep it in the semi-shade so as not to burn the plant.

6. To trim or remove dead or weak branches.

In the process of cultivating lobular privet, we also need to prune it regularly to cut off some overgrown branches and some withered, diseased and weak branches, so that we can not only maintain the plant type, but also facilitate the ventilation and light transmission of the plant, and promote branching at the same time.

7. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

When we are breeding lobular privet, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests enter. This kind of problem is very harmful to plants, and we must deal with it in time when we find it. The specific treatment methods are introduced in detail in the article on pest control of lobular privet. Interested friends can learn about it.

How to raise flower and leaf collaterals? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Huaye Luoshi

Huaye Luoshi, also known as early kudzu, spotted leaf Luoshi, etc., is a woody vine of the oleander family. The leaves of Huaye Luoshi are rich in color, which is composed of red leaves, pink leaves, pure white leaves, variegated leaves and green leaves, which has good ornamental value. So, how to raise the flower and leaf stone? Now the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Huaye Luoshi are introduced as follows.

Picture: Hua Ye Luo Shi

I. the culture method of Hua Ye Luo Shi

1. Fertilizer: Huaye Luoshi likes fertilizer, but it is not demanding. All kinds of fertilizers can be used. It can blossom without fertilization for a year, but the amount of flowers is less. Potted flowers and leaves in order to make the flowers like brocade, you can apply more bone powder and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer. The compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied once in spring and autumn, but not in winter and summer.

two。 Watering: Huaye Luoshi likes to be moist, the basin soil should be slightly moist during the growing season, watered once every two days in spring and autumn, once a day in summer, and once every half a month in winter. The basin soil is slightly moist and can not be watered at any time. Potted flowers and leaves placed in the roof garden or courtyard should pay attention to the discharge of stagnant water in the rainy season, and do not plant them in low-lying land, otherwise the roots will rot easily, and it is not too late to see the soil dry and water again in the growing season, but not in winter.

3. Pruning: flower and leaf collaterals are resistant to pruning, evergreen all the year round, and can also be used with golden leaf privet and red leaf Berberis for color block greening. Controlling the length of rattan by pruning can promote branching and is beneficial to the fullness of plant type. The first pruning when the vine reaches 8 cm in length, leave about 6 cm to cut off, and then prune every 4 cm to 5 cm, usually pruning 2 cm 3 times to have a good basin shape.

Picture: Hua Ye Luo Shi

4. Lighting: flowers and leaves are temperate flowers, like warm and light, the ground should be planted in the sun, poor growth in the shade, few flowers, light fragrance, or even no flowers. Potted plants should be placed in a sunny place in spring, autumn and winter. In midsummer, if you can see the sun in the morning or evening and avoid the strong light at noon, the flowers will bloom continuously. If you get too much sun at noon, there will be few or no flowers. Luoshi is more hardy. In the Yellow River basin and its south, it is safe to winter outdoors. In the north, it is better to winter in a low greenhouse.

5. Diseases and insect pests: mosaic collaterals diseases are mainly anthracnose and leaf spot, etc., with 50% methyl thiophanate 600 × 800 times solution or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 800 times solution. The harm of red spiders and other mites and moth larvae was controlled by 15% chlorpromazine 1000-1500 times. Aphids were treated with imidacloprid 25% wettable powder 1500 times or 48% Lesbon EC 2000-3000 times.

Picture: Hua Ye Luo Shi

II. Matters needing attention in mosaic stone culture

1. Soil: loam which is loose and fertile and high in humus is the best. In the process of seedling and finished seedling cultivation, it should be treated differently according to the production target.

two。 Water and fertilizer: mainly apply nitrogen fertilizer, foliar spraying fertilizer or irrigating roots to increase growth; it can also be fertilized from March to August, which will promote the growth of the plant, and it can be fertilized properly from September to the first ten days of October to promote the health of the plant.

Picture: Hua Ye Luo Shi

3. Pruning: it will be banned from pruning in October.

4. Diseases and insect pests: the flowers and leaves are brightly colored and are vulnerable to aphids, so it is necessary to do a good job in aphid control.

[editor's conclusion] Huaye Luoshi is a plant that likes light and less shade tolerance, likes the environment with high air humidity, and needs special attention in the process of maintenance. The above introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Huayeluo stone. I hope it can be helpful to everyone!

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Osmanthus fragrans

The common cultivated varieties of sweet-scented osmanthus are cinnamon, cinnamon, silver cinnamon and four seasons osmanthus. The flowering time of different varieties of sweet-scented osmanthus is different, and the color of the flowers is also different. The flowering period of cinnamon is from September to October, and the color is often golden yellow. The flowering period of cinnamon is from September to October, and the color is white or yellow-white. Cinnamon florescence in October, the color is mostly orange red or orange yellow. Four seasons cinnamon blossoms, every month there are a small number of flowers, the color is white.

Planting Environment of Osmanthus fragrans

1. Cutting: the cutting time is generally from June to July or from September to October, and sandy loam is suitable for cutting. The semi-mature branches of the same year are selected for cuttings, and the terminal branches are the best. After cutting, it should be shaded and watered in time, and the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened. Generally, cuttings begin to heal 20 days after cuttage, and can take root in 30-40 days. Cold prevention measures should be taken in winter, and the seedlings can grow to about 30 centimeters in the following year.

2. Pressing: there are two kinds of pressing: high pressure (air pressing) and ground pressure, which can be carried out all the year round. The high pressure method is carried out in the first ten days of April, and the ground pressure method should be carried out in the first ten days of April or the rainy season. Striping should be cut or ring-peeled, and separated from the mother plant after 1 year. The depth of the ground pressure strip is about 4-5 cm, and the more curved the branches are, the better.

3. Grafting: the propagation time of grafting is from March to April. The rootstock uses lobular privet and big leaf privet. The grafting method is branch grafting, cutting grafting, splitting grafting and leaning grafting. Shading and moisturizing are required when grafting. Splicing and splicing require that the interface be as low as possible, usually cutting off the rootstock 3 centimeters above the ground. After binding, the soil is cultivated to the top of the scion, so that it is possible to take root from the part of the scion and improve the survival rate.

4. Sowing: sowing in winter or early spring, strip sowing, row spacing 15-20 cm, 30-40 seeds per meter long, 8-10 kg per mu, covered with humus or burning soil, about 1.5 cm thick, and covered with grass. Generally, it begins to germinate 40-50 days after sowing and lasts for 50-60 days, and the germination is very irregular. The peak period of seedling growth is from July to September, so attention should be paid to topdressing and drought resistance. One-year-old seedlings can come out of the nursery if they are more than 30 cm high.

5. Seedlings coming out of the nursery: after the striping seedlings and grafted seedlings take root, they can be afforested in winter or planted in the nursery to cultivate large seedlings. The height of cutting seedling is more than 30 cm, the sowing seedling is more than 25 cm, and the ground diameter is more than 0.4 cm, which can be afforestation out of nursery or transplanted to large seedling cultivation area. The root system should be kept intact as far as possible when the seedlings are raised, and should be planted in time after the seedlings are raised. If long-distance transportation is needed, attention should be paid to moisturizing.

Variety Classification of Osmanthus fragrans

1. Four seasons cassia varieties: four seasons cassia tufted shrubby, tree-shaped low, short and dense branches, round crown. The new leaves are deep red and the old mature leaves are green or yellowish green. The leaf is oval in shape, and the intersection angle between the main vein and the lateral vein of the leaf is very large, close to the vertical state. Flower buds are often solitary or 2-3 superimposed, blooming in batches from September to March every year, and the flower fragrance is not as strong as silver cinnamon, cinnamon and cinnamon. Common varieties are big leaf four seasons cinnamon, leaflet four seasons cinnamon, four seasons flowering laurel, Japanese incense, big leaf Buddha top bead, tooth leaf four seasons cinnamon and other varieties.

2. Cinnamon population: Cinnamomum dioecious, the crown is round, the bark is light gray, smooth and the lenticels are sparse. Leaves leathery, long elliptic or elliptic, flat, margin retrorse, entire, apex occasionally sparsely toothed, base broadly cuneate, apex obtuse or mucronate, lateral veins 8-10 pairs, reticulate veins obvious on both sides, petiole 8-10 mm long. The flower color is orange-red, the Corolla is slightly buckled, the fragrance is light, and the flowering period is from late September to early October. There are big flower cinnamon, tooth cinnamon, cinnamon cinnamon, broad leaf red and other varieties.

3. Jin Guipin population: the crown of Jin Gui is spherical, the tree is strong, and the branches are tall and straight, very close. The bark is gray, the lenticels are round or oval, and the spring shoots are stout. The leaf color is dark green, the leaf blade is oval, the leaf surface is uneven, the leaf edge is microwave curved. Flowers yellow, fragrant, not sturdy, autumn flowering, lemon yellow to golden yellow flowers. The varieties are Dahua Jingui, Daye Huang, Huangchuan Jingui, late Jingui, Yuanye Jingui, Xianning Evening Gui, Ball Gui, Yuanjian Jingui, Liu Ye Su Gui, Jin Shigui, Boye Jingui and so on.

4. Silver cinnamon population: the crown of silver cinnamon is round, the big branches are developed, the branches and leaves are dense and grow well. Bark light gray, lenticels are many and large, shaped like snowflakes, very obvious. The leaf is green or dark green, long oval or oval, the leaf is broad and thick, and the leaf surface is more spreading. Flowering in the first and middle of September, the color of milky yellow to lemon yellow, rich aroma, not strong after flowering, autumn flowering. Varieties are broad-leaf seed silver cinnamon, willow leaf silver cinnamon, hard leaf silver cinnamon, seed silver cinnamon, Jiulong cinnamon, early silver cinnamon, evening silver cinnamon, Baijie, pure white silver cinnamon, Qingshan silver cinnamon, etc.

In which month does sweet-scented osmanthus bloom

1. Cinnamon: the florescence is from September to October, and the color is golden yellow. Yingui: the florescence is from September to October, the color is white or yellowish white. Cinnamon: the florescence is October, the color is orange-red or orange-yellow. Four Seasons Cinnamon: there are a small number of flowers every month, the color is white. In addition, the flowering time of sweet-scented osmanthus varies slightly according to different planting areas. Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu and Jiangsu basically opened in October, the northeast in August, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in September, and Sichuan, Guangxi and Shaanxi in September.

2. Osmanthus fragrans will not blossom until they are old enough to bloom. Sweet-scented osmanthus has a long life, generally can live for several decades to hundreds of years, and some even live to a thousand years, so its flowering age is relatively late. The seedlings sown take about ten years to blossom, the cuttings take four years to blossom, the grafted cinnamon has 1/5 to blossom the following year, and the grafted cinnamon blossoms in the same year, but very few. Some of the transplanted sweet-scented osmanthus trees can blossom in the same year, while others have to adapt to one or two years before they bloom.

How much is the sweet-scented osmanthus sapling?

1. Variety: the variety of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings determines the price of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings. Sweet-scented osmanthus is divided into four major varieties: Golden osmanthus, silver cinnamon, cinnamon and four seasons of osmanthus. Of course, there are many small varieties in each large variety, but the prices of small varieties under large varieties are similar. The price of cinnamon is the highest, with red flowers.

2. Size: sweet-scented osmanthus saplings are also large and small, and the big ones are of course a little more expensive. if small seedlings are now in the industry, they are generally distinguished according to the height of the seedlings (in the past, according to the age of the trees). At present, the most commonly planted seedlings are sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings with a height of about one meter.

3. Origin: the origin of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings has a great relationship with the price, because the regional relationship first leads to different costs of cultivating sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings in different places, resulting in a little deviation in price. and the cost of seedling distribution and transportation also has a lot to do with the region.

Quantity: the purchase quantity of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings is also closely related to the price. As we all know, if anything is purchased wholesale, the price will be a little cheaper.

How to grow Osmanthus fragrans well

1, timely watering: sweet-scented osmanthus pot soil should grasp the principle of whether it is dry or irrigated, but spray fresh water to the leaves once a day. After the Qingming Festival, the sweet-scented osmanthus should be watered once in the open air, which should be watered in the morning and evening in summer and around noon in winter, so that the water temperature is close to the soil temperature, so as not to cause sudden cold and heat, and pay attention not to stagnant water.

2. Rational fertilization: sweet-scented osmanthus is mainly ornamental, and sufficient fertilizer should be provided. Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied twice during shoot sprouting, and phosphorus fertilizer is mainly applied before flower bud differentiation and flowering. The basin soil should be a little drier before fertilization, and it is appropriate to loosen the soil first so that the fertilizer can be absorbed, and water should be watered the next day.

3. Pour the basin and change the soil: the sweet-scented osmanthus should change the soil once every 2 ~ 3 years, cut off part of the old and withered roots, cover the bottom of the basin with a layer of river sand or vermiculite to facilitate ventilation and drainage, and place rotten cake fertilizer as the base fertilizer, the fill must be compacted. The ratio of soil to soil is not very strict, and it can usually be made of garden soil, barnyard manure and river sand.

4. Pruning and shaping: Osmanthus fragrans generally adopt the method of combination of climbing and pruning, which should be carried out after autumn. Plants with poor tree shape can cut off the whole top branch at 2 / 3 or 3 / 4, and plants with too dense branches should be thinned. After flowering, they should also cut off overgrown branches, withered branches, disease and insect branches, dense and thin branches.

5. Overwintering management: sweet-scented osmanthus overwintering room temperature should be kept at 0: 5 ℃ and relative humidity at 50: 80%. Winter cold indoor light should be good, especially before the early spring buds began to sprout, but also required sufficient sunshine, the following year Grain Rain arranged potted sweet-scented osmanthus to come out of the room. After leaving the room, first concentrate on the outdoor leeward to the sun, so that it gradually adapt to the external environment.

6. disease control: the common diseases of sweet-scented osmanthus are leaf spot, coal pollution, algae spot, root rot, iron deficiency and so on. Leaf spot, coal pollution and algal spot can be sprayed with 0.5 Bordeaux solution or 5% carbendazim 500-1000 times. Root rot should pay attention to keep the soil loose and permeable, do not accumulate water.

7. pest control: the common pests of sweet-scented osmanthus are leaf wasp, whitefly, mite, white scale, yellow moth and so on. Leaf wasps, whitefly and mites can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500-3000 times liquid, and Changbai scale can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 40% fenitrothion 500 times solution in the first and second generation nymphs except manual brushing.

Pruning methods of sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai

1. The pruning of the viewing period refers to the pruning of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees after the bonsai is formed, in order to protect and maintain the beautiful shape of the osmanthus trees. This kind of pruning is long-term. A large number of them must be done well.

2. The trunk and main branch of sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai cultivated with tree stump have been determined after stereotyped and pruned. What needs further processing and pruning are the secondary branches and the finer tertiary branches. The basic points to be mastered in the processing and pruning of these branches are: a branch should have a certain degree of curvature, and each branch should be divided into length and length in order to be beautiful.

3. When pruning, the cluttered cross branches, overlapping branches, parallel branches and opposite branches should be adjusted, that is, one of them should be cut or thinned. For the branches left behind, they can grow stout because of the concentration of nutrients. When the cultured branch grows to a suitable thickness, it is pruned with strength to shorten it. Give birth to the second branch. When the second branch grows to a suitable thickness, it will be cut again. In the future, the second and fourth branches will be treated in the same way. Usually two twigs are left on each branch. The twigs are long and short. After years of pruning, the branches are short, stout, vigorous and powerful, and gradually form the required tree shape.

Seed sowing method of sweet-scented osmanthus

The main results are as follows: 1. From February to early April of the following year, the seeds can be sowed and raised only when the seeds are white. The strip sowing method is generally used, that is, to make horizontal or longitudinal grooves on the seedling bed, with a width of 12 cm and a depth of 3 cm, and sow a germinated seed every 6-8 cm in the ditch. When sowing, the navel of the seed should be placed on the side so as not to bend the radicle and young stem and affect the growth of the seedlings. In Guilin area, it is usually sown with wide strips, with a row spacing of 20 cm, a width of 10 cm and a width of 10 cm. Sowing 20 kg per mu can produce 25000 seedlings.

2. Cover the fine soil immediately after sowing, and the thickness of the soil should be no more than 2-3 times the transverse diameter of the seed; smooth the border surface after covering the soil to avoid stagnant water; cover with a thin layer of straw to prevent the cover grass from being blown away by the wind; then spray water fully with a fine-eye sprayer until the soil is soaked. Grass mulching and water spraying can keep the soil moist, avoid soil hardening, and promote early germination and emergence of seeds.

How can sweet-scented osmanthus blossom more?

1. Select the basin soil: sweet-scented osmanthus likes slightly acidic soil. Pot culture can choose 5 parts of mountain mud, 3 parts of humus soil, 2 parts of sandy soil or half of rotten leaf soil and sandy loam soil as culture soil. If the soil is too acidic, the growth is slow and the leaves are withered and yellow. If alkaline soil is used, it can lead to leaf withering and even death after 2-3 months.

2. timely watering: sweet-scented osmanthus watering should be mastered "two less and one more", that is, less watering before the occurrence of new shoots, less watering in rainy days, and more watering in dry weather in summer and autumn. Usually watering is appropriate to keep the water content of the basin soil about 50%. Drainage should be carried out in time on cloudy and rainy days to prevent stagnant water in the basin from rotting roots, otherwise it is easy to "drown".

3. Skillfully applying topdressing: sweet-scented osmanthus likes pig dung, and the flower proverb is "to get sweet-scented osmanthus, prepare more pig manure tanks". If the rotten and thin pig manure is applied once every 10 to 15 days from April to May, once every 10 to 10 days from June to July, and the last time at the beginning of August, the sweet-scented osmanthus will grow luxuriantly, bloom more and taste fragrant. There is no pig manure in the city, so rotten cake liquid can be used. If there is not enough fertilizer, there will be fewer branches, fewer flowers, and no fragrance.

4. Proper pruning: Osmanthus fragrans have developed root system and strong germination. Adult sweet-scented osmanthus trees shoot twice a year. Therefore, in order to make sweet-scented osmanthus blossom flourish, it is necessary to prune properly to maintain the physiological balance between reproductive growth and vegetative growth. In general, long branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches should be cut off to facilitate ventilation and light, nutrient concentration, to promote sweet-scented osmanthus to give birth to more and fuller flower buds, then bloom luxuriantly.