
How to cultivate figs with Qin leaves? methods and precautions for cultivation of banyans with leaves of Qin

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Qin leaf banyan, an ideal indoor potted plant, has large and good-looking leaves, and can promote fengshui at home when raised indoors, so it is deeply loved by flower friends. In life, when the efficacy of Qin Ye Banyan is found, many people want to raise it, so how to raise it?

Qin leaf banyan, an ideal indoor potted plant, has large and good-looking leaves, and can promote fengshui at home when raised indoors, so it is deeply loved by flower friends. In life, when the efficacy of Qin Ye Banyan is discovered, many people want to raise it, so how to raise it? The following are carefully arranged by the editor of the cultivation methods and points for attention of the banyan, very detailed, friends who want to raise must have a look.

First, how to raise Qin leaf banyan and understand its habits

Qin leaf banyan likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, it avoids strong light and is not resistant to cold. When breeding indoors, it should be placed in a semi-shady place, watered frequently but not much, and warm measures should be taken in winter. As for the cultivated soil, it is best to give it a slightly acidic soil that is porous and drained. Therefore, how to raise the fir leaf is very simple and can satisfy its growth habits.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Ficus chinensis

1. Basin soil

How to raise the fir leaf, we should first choose the potted soil. Nowadays, the potted plants of flower friends are basically purchased online, which is very cheap, but it also has disadvantages. Because flowerpots and soil are cheap, normal conservation can ensure plant growth, but if you want banyan leaves to grow well, it is best to re-choose flowerpots and soil.

Flowerpot selection: the flowerpot for Qin leaf banyan must be suitable. First of all, the bottom of the flowerpot should be perforated to ensure good drainage; secondly, the flowerpot should not be too large, small plants should choose pots with a diameter of 20-25 cm, and large plants should choose pots with a diameter of 30-35 cm.

Soil selection: according to the growth habits of Ficus chinensis, we know that it likes loose, breathable and slightly acidic soil with good drainage. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use rotten leaf soil, culture soil and coarse sand mixed soil, it is best to add a small amount of mature base fertilizer.

2. Lighting

As a kind of foliage plant, Ficus chinensis has a great demand for light. In general, we should put it in a ventilated place with bright scattered light, and it is best to receive about 4 hours of light every day.

Note: the growth of banyan needs sufficient light, once the lack of light, it is not conducive to plant growth, winter can appropriately increase light; but banyan bogey strong light, if exposed to the summer sun, its leaves will be burned.

3. Temperature

How to raise the fir leaf and adjust the temperature timely is also very important. Qin Ye Banyan prefers warm environment, its suitable growth temperature is 25-35 ℃, it is not cold-resistant, in order to make it safe through winter, the room temperature should be kept above 5 ℃ in winter.

4. Watering

Water is the source of life, so watering is a very important part in the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of figs. Qin leaf banyan likes a humid environment, especially in spring and summer, which requires a lot of water, so it is necessary to keep the soil in a moist state at all times.

Note: although Qin leaf banyan likes water, it avoids stagnant water, so watering should follow the principle of seeing dry and wet. When the basin soil is thoroughly dry, it should be watered thoroughly. In addition, if the temperature is low, watering should not be much, and it is better to keep the soil in a slightly dry state, otherwise it will easily lead to plant death.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization. it is also indispensable in the growth of figs. Looking at the big leaves of the fir, we know that it likes fertilizer. If it is the growing season, we should apply liquid fertilizer to it every two weeks. However, in winter, the banyan will be dormant, and fertilization will be stopped at this time.

6. It is forbidden to move the basin

Many flower friends like to move to Ye Bong indoors, but this is actually a mistake. Because the fir is a relatively residential plant, it doesn't like to run around, so put it in a bright astigmatism and don't move it any more. However, when breeding, we can rotate 90 degrees a week in order to get plenty of sunshine.

7. Pruning

Since they are foliage plants, timely pruning must be necessary. In order to maintain the beauty of the fir, we should prune it once a year, cut off rotten roots, withered leaves, old and diseased branches, and cut out various shapes according to our own preferences.

Culture methods and precautions of willow leaf banyan Chinese scientific name willow leaf banyan

Latin name Ficus benjamina

Also known as long-leaf banyan, Arita banyan, Aristotle banyan

The plant kingdom.


Belong to the genus banyan

Distribution area Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan and other provinces (regions) in China

Propagation techniques are often used by cutting method, and seeds can also be used to raise seedlings.

The willow banyan is a large evergreen tree. The tree is more than 30 meters high, with a breast diameter of more than 3 meters, dense branches, air roots, obvious lenticels, broad crowns and excellent shading effect. it is one of the representative tree species in South China. Leaves small, lanceolate, ca. 5 cm, apex pointed, thinly leathery, bald and shiny. Pot cutting usually keeps the plant height less than 2m. The twigs drooped slightly. Leaves ovate or elliptic, long 5~10cm, apex apiculate, dark green, glossy. Petiole slender, often drooping. Fruit globose, ca. 1.2cm in diameter, black after ripening.

1. Ecological habits

1. Found in tropical and subtropical Asia. China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan and other provinces (regions) have distribution and cultivation. Prefer a semi-overcast, warm and humid climate. It is cold-resistant and can withstand a short-term low temperature of 0 ℃. It grows faster when the temperature is 25 ℃ and 30 ℃, and it is easy to produce air roots when the air humidity is above 80%.

2. Like light, but avoid direct glare. Strong adaptability, exuberant growth, easy modeling, few diseases and insect pests, general soil can be cultivated.

3. Tropical tree species in China, from south to north, the tree shape decreases with the decrease of air temperature. in the north of South China, the height is only more than 20 meters and the DBH is 150 cm.

4. It can be cultivated indoors for a long time. It can adapt to many kinds of soil, sandy soil, clay, acid soil and calcareous soil. Prefer fertilizer, resistant to water and moisture. When planting in open field or potted, it is appropriate to apply sufficient basal fertilizer. Strong vitality, quite resistant to pruning, potted plants, according to ornamental requirements, a variety of horticultural processing, open-field planting, generally let it grow naturally.

There are about 1000 species of plants in this genus, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. There are about 120 species in China.

2. Culture method

Propagation techniques are often used in cutting propagation, and seeds can also be used to raise seedlings.

Cutting is carried out after the temperature rises in spring, it is easy to survive, old branches or twigs can be used as cuttings, can be cut into a long section of about 20 cm, can also be cut into a length of about 1 meter, directly inserted into the nursery. Keep moist, root in about 1 month, stay in the nursery for 2-4 years, and then come out of the nursery for planting in the open field. Can also be used about 2 meters long, about 6 centimeters in diameter of the rough, cut off the branches and leaves, the top wrapped in mud, without raising seedlings, directly cut into the dry planting. The willow leaf banyan is easy to survive by cutting propagation. Branches in any part can be used as cuttings and can be propagated by cuttings in spring, summer and autumn. Cut the cuttings 8-10 cm long, retain 2-3 leaves, use fine sand as the cutting medium, and cover the shade net. The optimum temperature for rooting was 20-25 ℃. After insertion, you should spray water frequently during the day to keep the air humid. generally, you will start to root in about 15 days, and you can transplant after a month. The roots of the seedlings cut on the sand bed are fragile and easily dehydrated, and should be planted immediately as soon as the seedlings are raised. The seedlings should be planted for a period of time before the seedlings are preserved in the pot, so that the roots of the seedlings can grow better and promote the shoot branches and leaves to form a dense diameter crown in a short time. Seedling colonization can be carried out all year round, and winter planting should be covered with plastic film to prevent frost and improve the survival rate. The planting bed is 1 meter wide, not less than 30 centimeters high, double-row digging holes, plant spacing 25-30 centimeters, 3 plants tightly together in the seed hole. It is best to put fire soil ash at the bottom of the hole to facilitate the rapid growth of new roots of the seedlings, and also provides conditions for carrying more soil when the seedlings are put on the pot. If the seedlings have not yet taken out new leaves after planting, attention should be paid to keeping the soil moist. Cultivate the pile scene to dig up the old jungle on the stone mountain, and then carry out horticultural processing after the planting has survived.

The seed seedlings were used more and more, and the fruit matured in October, November to January of the following year and other seasons. After the fruit is harvested and piled up, it is put into a tight cloth bag and rubbed and bleached in water to get the seeds. The weight of a thousand seeds is about 0.4 grams, and the germination rate varies from year to year, up to 40%. In some years, seeds do not germinate. Seeds should not lose water and should be stored in wet filter paper or mixed with fine sand or sowed with picking. According to the sowing requirements of small seeds, the seeds are first sown on the sowing plate or in a meticulous and flat garden to prevent the impact of rain.

It can germinate in about 1 day, can be transplanted to nursery in about 2 months, and can be planted in nursery in 2-5 years old. The seedling has soft branches and developed root system, which is suitable for various shapes such as curved stem, leaning joint, root lifting and so on, and the crown should also be trimmed into various forms.

3. Garden use

Young trees can bend their stems and lift their roots to make a variety of shapes to make artistic bonsai.

Laodan can be trimmed into an ancient vigorous pile scene, and it is one of the most widely used tree species in horticulture. It can also be pruned intensively from infancy and trimmed into a spherical or wide oval crown year by year.

Bonsai is of high value and suitable for display in exhibition halls, museums, high-end hotels and so on. Big trees have strong ability to resist harmful gases and soot, so they should be planted in street trees, industrial and mining areas, squares, forest parks and so on. An ancient banyan can provide shade for hundreds of people.

It has the function of cleaning air, shade, scenery and so on.

Whether it is shops, meeting places, public places, or family rooms, living rooms and other places, decorated with it, full of life.

In addition, the weeping-leaf banyan can also form an ecological spectacle of "a single tree into a forest." it often grows many aerial roots from tall branches, which at first are as thin as iron wire and float with the wind. Once they come into contact with the ground, they insert deeply into the ground and grow rapidly, gradually growing into cylindrical pillar roots, and then slowly spread around, and finally form a "single tree into a forest."

4. Common varieties

Banyan tree: leaves heart-shaped, 15 cm long, apex slender and tail pointed, drooping, entire, dark green, petiole slender.

Leaf banyan: the leaf is like a violin, larger than the palm of the hand, with a length of 20 to 30, thick mesophyll and thick veins.

Ficus triangularis: it is a variety of Ficus deltoides, with nearly triangular leaves, light yellow or milky white strips on the leaf edge, bright colors and strange leaf shapes.

5. Disease and pest control

White wax scale: once the white wax scale is born, it will not only greatly affect its growth, but also seriously affect its ornamental effect. It will also cause a large number of leaves to fall off. Even if the insecticide is sprayed, the body of the insect will not fall off automatically as soon as it is sprayed with insecticide. therefore, prevention should generally be given priority to, that is, every 2-3 months, the whole tree should be sprayed with 2500 times diluted enemy lethal liquid. It can basically guarantee that the white wax scale will not grow all the year round. If it has already been born, it can be wiped out by spraying the whole tree with the diluent of Pinus elliottii once a week and three times in a row.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Banyan Banyan

Latin name Ficus elastica

Also called round-leaf rubber tree (F.diversifolia)

The plant kingdom.

Phylum angiosperm (Magnoliophyta)

Dicotyledon class (Magnoliopsida)

Subclass Hamamelidae (Hamamelidae)

Cephalophora (Urticales)

Cosanko (Moraceae)

Genus Ficus

Grow money banyan

The distribution area is originally from India and Malaysia, and it is widely distributed in China, with about 120 species.

Money banyan (scientific name: Ficus elastica) belongs to the genus Ficus of Moraceae, commonly known as "round-leaf rubber tree" or "Indian rubber tree". Big evergreen trees. The potted plant is 1mi 2m high, with smooth bark and white milk. Leaf blade broad, rectangular, round or elliptic, dark green, shiny, thickly leathery, apex pointed, entire. Buds red, bracteate. Fruit axillary in pairs, rectangular orbicular, orange-red when mature. Cultivated varieties are: Golden chain rubber tree, leaves with golden edges, more obvious in autumn; flower and leaf rubber trees, leaves with yellow and white markings. Large and medium-sized potted plants are used for decoration and are widely used in the green decoration of hotel courtyard, theater foyer, entrance of shopping malls, offices and so on. The bedroom can be placed on both sides of the living room wall, corner and sofa. 1. Morphological characteristics.

Money banyan (named by the florist) is a new small evergreen tree called round-leaf rubber tree. The money banyan sold in the market is not a real money banyan. It uses the trunk of other flowers and trees as rootstocks. The branches of the banyan tree are grafted and then pruned and bundled into a "abundant" shape for sale.

Round-leaf rubber tree (F.diversifolia): evergreen shrub, 50-80 cm tall, much branched. Leaf wide Obovate, wide round head, 1.5 cm long, leathery; leaf surface dark green, leaf back yellowish; leaf margin with dark glands. Cryptocephalic inflorescences globose to Pyriform, solitary, yellow or reddish after maturity. It generally grows in mountain sparse forests at altitudes of 400m-2500 m and 600m-900m, as well as in hilly lands and villages.

Basic information Engler system

Angiosperm phylum Angiospermae

Dicotyledonous class Dicotyledoneae

Primitive perianth subclass Archichlamydeae

Urticales of Urticaria

Sanko Moraceae

Banyan Ficus

Brief introduction of Ficus, also known as fig tree, evergreen tree or shrub of Moraceae. There is milk, leaves are usually alternate, multiple entire, stipules connate, wrapped outside the terminal bud, leaving circular marks after shedding. Flowers monoecious, born in a spherical hollow receptacle. Native to the tropics and subtropics. Sex likes the environment with high temperature and humidity, sufficient light, and can also withstand half-shade, requiring slightly clayey soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage.

2. Growth habits

Money Rongxi warm, high humidity, unobstructed air environment, winter should be placed indoors with heating equipment, but do not put the pot too close to the radiator, summer more than 30 ℃ can be moved to the north ventilated room * the topsoil in the basin is not watered, irrigated thoroughly, it is appropriate to have water exudation, it is necessary to maintain relatively high air humidity, foliar spraying can be used and tap water can be used to irrigate. It is best to put the tap water in the sun for half an hour. Light helps to decompose the oxides in the tap water. It is necessary to ensure that there is no water on the leaf surface at night, always keep the leaf surface clean, and wipe the leaves with a dry soft cloth.

Money Rongxi warm and humid environment, need plenty of sunshine, more cold-resistant, but also shade-resistant, fertile soil, good drainage. The winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Because money banyan grows faster, it needs to change pots, increase fertile soil, and trim and reshape every spring. The high temperature in summer should be watered, and the leaf surface should be sprayed frequently. Fertilize once a month during the growing period to avoid strong light exposure.

3. Geographical distribution

Native to India and Malaysia, it is widely distributed in China, with more than 120 species.

4. Cultivation techniques

The propagation and cultivation of banyan plants are mainly cuttage propagation, and the striping method can also be used, and even the mature seeds can be sown and propagated, and the flower and leaf rubber tree is the most suitable striping method. Greenhouse reproduction is not affected by the season, but the most suitable season for cutting is spring, you can choose an annual top branch or side branch, usually with 2-3 leaves, in order to prevent white pulp outflow, cuttings should be dipped in wood ash after cutting, or coated with paint, cut in sand, vermiculite or perlite, can also be cut in water, the temperature is maintained at 25-30 ℃, rooting for about 3 weeks. The striping method first peeled off a circle of bark from the stem, then covered it with water moss or peat soil and kept it moist. After taking root for 3-4 weeks, it was cut off from the female parent and planted separately. Pot soil can be mixed with 1 grass charcoal soil, 1 garden soil and 1 river sand, and cake fertilizer is used as base fertilizer. In the growing season, water and fertilizer should be sufficient to keep the basin soil moist. In summer, in addition to the humid substrate, water should also be sprayed to the leaf surface and the ground, and thin fertilizer and water should be applied every January, mainly nitrogen fertilizer. Proper shade in summer to avoid direct sunlight. The overwintering temperature must be kept above 10 ℃, and long-term low temperature will cause root rot. But it can be recovered.

Key points of conservation 1) Light, water, soil and fertilizer

Money Rong Xiguang can receive direct light all the year round in the northern region. Every year after Qingming Festival, you can go out of the room and put it in the open air without shade. It is best to put it under the sunny window in winter. if the conditions are appropriate, this period is the peak growing season of money banyan.

Water it, or dry it thoroughly and then water it thoroughly. Fertilization can be combined with watering, such as soaking solution such as cake fertilizer (sesame sauce residue) and organic fertilizer in summer. In summer, if you leave the banyan outside, you can accept rain and dew, and you don't have to care about the acidity and basicity of the water. Should pay attention to some in winter, because tap water is weakly alkaline, generally every 2 or 4 tap water watering with orange peel soaking diluent is better. It is best to spray water once a day in winter, because the temperature can be as high as 30 degrees at noon under the sunny windows, and the room will be drier after heating.

Soil, there are no special requirements, general ones are fine, and loose and breathable ones are even better.

2) flowering and fruiting

In this respect, the golden banyan is very similar to the fig, and it also blossoms and bears fruit, except that the hidden inflorescence ball is green, small and hidden in the leaf axils, so it is not easy to be detected until it becomes the fruit and grows.

The fruit of Jinqian banyan is very small, only about half that of soybeans, slightly reddish after maturity, and the fruit is fibrous, so it is difficult to separate pulp, seeds (kernels) and so on.

After many experiments, it has been proved that the fruit of Ficus canadensis can not be used for reproduction. Therefore, if you do not want to watch the results, it is best to break off the fruit or pierce it with a needle when it first appears (fall off itself after two or three days), so as not to consume too much nutrition and let the banyan tree concentrate on its development and concentrate on growing branches and leaves.

3) pruning and cutting

The banyan tree grows relatively fast and needs to be pruned from time to time, otherwise it will grow longitudinally, especially the young seedlings of new cuttings will grow into a bare rod commander without topping and pruning. Cut branches can be used for cutting, otherwise it will be wasted-the easiest way to reproduce money banyan is cutting.

One of the keys to the survival rate of cuttings is the selection of branches: Lignification is required. Semi-lignified branches have more moisture and less nutrition, and they are easy to rot even in clean vermiculite, and it is difficult to take root. The new branches generally have to grow for more than 8 months before they are suitable for cutting. of course, the longer the branches, the safer they are.

Another key cutting medium for cutting survival rate, vermiculite is very good. On the flower market, 2 yuan per jin of vermiculite can be washed and used, and then buy a bag of rooting powder for one yuan. If the branches are qualified, the survival rate of cutting can basically reach more than 90%. Amorphous granular activated carbon and treated sawdust can also be used as cutting media.

After cutting, it is best to cover the basin with a white or transparent plastic bag to keep warm and moisturize. Generally, it can take root after 2-6 weeks, and the seedlings can be transferred 1-2 weeks after rooting. The seedlings are carried in flowerpots with loose and fertile soil, and they are also covered with plastic bags to keep warm and moisturized. they can grow rapidly under the sunny windows.

Finally, there are diseases and insect pests. The only bug that the money banyan attracts may be the scale bug. Often in a shady and airtight environment, Jinqian banyan is a bit easy to get caught with shell insects, which can be picked off one by one with bamboo sticks. Prevention first, just pay attention to ventilation.

5. Points for attention

Money Rongxi warm and humid environment, unobstructed air environment, need sufficient sunshine, more cold-resistant, but also shade-resistant, fertile soil, good drainage. The winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Due to the rapid growth of banyan, it is necessary to change pots, increase fertile soil, trim and shape every spring, high temperature in summer should be watered more, and leaves should be sprayed frequently. Fertilize once every semimonthly during the growing period. Over 30 ℃ in summer, it can be moved to a ventilated room to the north. In autumn and winter, banyan leaves will fall in some places, which is normal, and it will sprout and grow new leaves in the coming spring.

6. Main categories

There are about 1000 species of banyan plants in the same genus, and the common varieties cultivated in horticulture are: ① rubber tree (also known as Indian banyan) (F.elastica) (N word omitted here) ② round-leaf rubber tree (F.diversifolia) ③ banyan tree (F.religiosa) ④ lute leaf banyan (F.lyrata) ⑤ fine-leaf banyan (F.microcarpa) ⑥ Xue Li (R.pumila) ⑦ willow leaf banyan (F.variolosa) ⑧ weeping branch banyan (F.benjamina) ⑨ longleaf banyan (F.binnendijkii) ⑩ goat milk banyan (F.radicans)

The money tree, also known as the cash cow, is a perennial herbal flower introduced from abroad, with a height of 50 cm to 80 cm. The underground bulb is covered with pinnately compound leaves like a zemi cycad or fern, with a fleshy petiole with 7 to 10 pairs of leaflets oval, like a pair of neatly arranged copper coins. The Buddha flame bud is reddish brown.

The cash cow is native to Tanzania and can grow well in bright or dark places, maintain high air humidity and shade in summer, and maintain a relatively dry environment but bright light in winter. The cultivation substrate is loose and fertile, rich in organic matter, good air permeability, strong ability to retain water and fertilizer, but not stagnant soil is the best, compound fertilizer is applied once a month during the growing period. It can be propagated by sowing, leaflet cutting, tissue culture and other methods.