
The prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests of golden diamond, two insect pests and two diseases should be prevented and treated in advance.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The golden diamond is often placed indoors as an ornamental plant, and it can also absorb toxic substances, so sometimes the environment in which the golden diamond is located is relatively closed and lack of light, which can easily lead to the emergence of some diseases and insect pests. they will affect the beauty and health of the golden diamond and need timely prevention and control.

The golden diamond is often placed indoors as an ornamental plant, and it can also play the role of absorbing toxic substances, so sometimes the environment in which the golden diamond is located is relatively closed and lack of light, which can easily lead to the emergence of some diseases and insect pests. They will affect the beauty and health of the golden diamond and need timely prevention and control. Here are some common prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests.

Control of diseases and insect pests of golden diamond

1. Red spider

Also known as spider mite, it is one of the main pests that endanger the golden diamond. It feeds on the leaves of the golden diamond, and its reproductive ability is extremely strong. If it is not removed in time, most of the leaves of the golden diamond will be dimmed because the juice is absorbed and lose its original steel luster.

2. Aphids

It appears in a warm climate and spreads through wind and rain. although it is very small, it is extremely harmful. It is one of the most common pests in the pest control of golden diamond. Like the red spider, it will suck the juice of the golden diamond, causing growth weakness and leaf damage.

Prevention and control measures:

When ⑴, a small amount of red spiders and aphids appear, you can gently scrape them off with a toothbrush, then rinse with water, and then remove the diseased and dead leaves. Usually pay attention to the breeding methods of golden diamonds, strengthen environmental ventilation and often spray water to avoid too dry air.

⑵, if there are a large number of pests on the golden diamond plant, need to use drugs for control, generally use 40% omethoate EC 1000 times to spray the leaves. In addition, it is necessary to increase light appropriately and reduce the number of eggs overwintering in the soil.

Common diseases

1. Leaf spot

Leaf spot is a disease that may occur in many plants, such as orchid, fish tail sunflower, cockscomb and so on. Golden diamond may also occur, usually caused by high density of branches and leaves, poor light transmittance and high humidity.

2. Anthrax

The leaves of the golden diamond begin to droop, the color of the leaf surface loses its luster, the disease spot is irregular at first, and then it will continue to expand, the infected leaves will gradually increase, and finally let the plant wither and die.

Prevention and control measures:

⑴, the preventive method is to strengthen maintenance and management at ordinary times, the humidity of the environment where the deposit drill is located is not too high, then let the environment be more ventilated, the density of planting should not be too dense, and pay attention to pruning when branches and leaves are staggered together to prevent and control diseases caused by the growth of bacteria and fungi.

⑵, removal of diseased leaves, but without prevention and control of fungal residues on the plant to harm other leaves, need to spray drugs to the plant, commonly used 38% cuproloxil 800-1000 times solution.

⑶, if cultivated outdoors, you can use Trichoderma harzianum 300x liquid spray on the surface of diseased leaves, of course, outdoor need to pay attention to the rainy season should pay attention to drainage.

How to grow golden diamond vines and green velvet? Cultivation methods and management matters of golden drill vine green velvet

Golden drill vine green velvet is a more popular indoor foliage plant in recent years. It is decorated indoors, generous and elegant, rich in tropical rain forest atmosphere. Golden drill vine green velvet plants are flourishing, the leaves are large and strange, the leaves are green and glossy, and the shade tolerance is strong. It is one of the most widely used indoor foliage plants in families and public places. Potted plants can be placed in living rooms, lobbies and other spacious places, and small hydroponic plants can also be placed on desks, windowsills and other places.

Golden diamond vine green velvet is native to the tropical rain forest of South America and Brazil. It likes a warm, humid and semi-shady environment, but it is not strict with light, but it cannot tolerate long-term shady environment, otherwise the leaf color becomes lighter, the petiole becomes longer, the leaf droops and the ornamental is reduced. But also afraid of strong direct light, after strong light, leaves are extremely prone to leaf tip drying, leaf edge scorched edge, leaf color whitening and loss of luster, so it is best to maintain with semi-overcast or scattered light. It can be nursed with enough light in winter to make it safe to survive the winter.

Golden drill vine green velvet is a tropical plant, which is not resistant to cold and low temperature. it is best to keep the temperature above 10 ℃ in winter to prevent frost damage. The optimum growth temperature is between 18 and 30 ℃. The growth is inhibited when the air temperature is higher than 30 ℃. It is necessary to ventilate and cool down and increase the frequency of water spraying to increase the relative humidity of the air. During the general growth period, it is necessary to maintain about 50% humidity to meet the demand, and when the temperature is higher than 25 ℃, it is necessary to increase the air humidity to about 70%. There is no shortage of water in the high temperature period in summer. when the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, it is necessary to reduce the times of watering, and the basin soil can be dry and wet alternately. Can withstand short-term waterlogging, but long-term stagnant water is easy to rot the root system and lead to plant death.

Golden drill vine green velvet entered the peak growth period at the end of spring, which needs to be supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer to make it grow rapidly and restore vitality. Fertilization should be based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer, and fertilizer damage should not be caused by one application at a time. If the basin soil can be irrigated with thin fertilizer water instead of clear water during the growing period, the growth will be better. After entering autumn, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it is not conducive to overwintering, the petiole will become longer, and the plant shape can not be effectively controlled. Fertilization should be stopped when the winter temperature is below 20 ℃.

The Propagation method of Golden drill Velvet

Golden drill vine green velvet is mostly carried out by cutting, sowing and dividing plants, and it is best to use cutting and dividing plants in the family, and the operation is relatively simple. When cutting propagation, it is appropriate to cut the stems with strong growth and long branches from May to September, and insert them directly into the clean river sand and place them in the semi-shade place to maintain a high air humidity, and the temperature is about 25 ℃. It can take root in 20-25 days. When there is a small plant at the base of the old plant, ramet propagation can be combined with soil change and basin change, and the small plant can be carefully separated from the old plant so as not to hurt the roots of the old plant. The lateral plants can also be heart-picked in advance, which can not only dwarf the plants, but also give birth to more lateral plants. when the new lateral plants are about 15 cm, they can be cut off with aerial roots and replanted.

The common diseases of golden drill vine green velvet are leaf spot, anthracnose and so on, which can be controlled by wettable powder such as carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, Dysen zinc and so on. If the leaves are yellow, withered and scorched, they need to be pruned in time to reduce the loss of nutrients. The main pests are red spiders and shell insects, which can be controlled by spraying special insecticides. In addition, red spiders can be prevented by increasing air humidity and strengthening ventilation to prevent shell insects.

Is the culture method of golden drill vine green velvet toxic?

Golden vine green velvet is a perennial evergreen herb with short stems, aerial roots, oblong leaves and glossy leaves. Apex pointed, leathery, green. The leaf is wide, palm-shaped, thick, pinnatifid and shiny; the petiole is long and stout, the aerial root is extremely developed and stout, and it is arranged at home, generous and elegant, rich in tropical rainforest atmosphere. It is a good foliage plant, which is cultivated in many places in our country at present. Golden leaf green velvet is an ornamental plant that does not blossom. The domestic golden diamond vine green velvet, which is resistant to cold and pendulum, is a popular shade potted foliage plant in the American market at present. Its leaf collocation is uniform, the tension is moderate, the leaf is thick and green, the leaf surface has rigid brightness, and the life span of each leaf is as long as 30 months. . The propagation of golden vines and green velvet are mostly propagated by cutting, sowing and ramet propagation. It is best to adopt the method of cutting and dividing plants in the family. It is suitable for cutting from May to September, cut the stems with strong growth and long branches, insert them directly into the clean river sand, place them in the semi-shady place, maintain a high air humidity, keep the temperature at about 25 ℃, and take root in 20-25 days. Ramet propagation needs to be carried out when there are small plants at the base of the old plants, combined with changing soil and pots, and carefully separate the small plants from the old plants, so as not to hurt the roots of the old plants as far as possible. The lateral plants can also be heart-picked in advance, which can not only dwarf the plants, but also give birth to more lateral plants. when the new lateral plants are about 15 cm, they can be cut off with aerial roots and replanted. . The key point for the maintenance of golden drill vine green velvet in the process of planting, attention should be paid to maintenance. The temperature needs to be kept at about 20 ℃, not less than 10 ℃. You can often increase air humidity by spraying and sprinkling water. Happy light and avoid strong light direct, preferably semi-overcast or scattered light, not long-term placed in the shady environment, otherwise the leaves are very easy to yellowing. The best watering is the dry surface of basin soil, which can be kept moist at high temperature in summer. If the temperature is lower than 15 ℃ in winter, dry and wet alternating watering is needed. Fertilizer is applied frequently with thin fertilizer and mainly with nitrogen fertilizer. In the golden leaf vine green velvet growth period, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Physiological diseases caused by maintenance or environmental discomfort can generally be prevented through good maintenance management, and carbendazim and chlorothalonil can be sprayed to prevent and cure the disease. The main pests are red spiders, which are generally caused by air dryness, which can be effectively prevented by spraying water frequently and wiping leaves. When there are insect pests, special insecticides need to be sprayed for prevention and control, such as triclofenac and so on. . The juice of golden vines and green velvet is poisonous. once it is imported, it will be poisoned, and its roots, stems and leaves will also be poisonous. Accidental contact or accidental ingestion of juice will cause discomfort in the pharynx and mouth, serious suffocation, heart paralysis and even death. Skin contact with its juice can cause itching or strong irritation, eye contact with juice can cause severe conjunctivitis, or even blindness. The editor would like to remind everyone that families with children are best not to plant. . The editor concludes that the vitality of golden leaf vine green velvet is very strong; it can purify the air and beautify the environment, not only suitable for planting at home, but also in office buildings, guesthouses, hotels and other places. And the golden leaf green velvet has a good meaning, that is, its floral language: more children, more blessings. Friends who like this kind of plant can plant a pot.