
What should we do if the locust flower grows insects? pest control of Sophora japonica flower / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

Published: 2024-07-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/21, First, what to do when the locust flower grows, find the reason and want to know what to do when the locust flower grows. First of all, we need to know what kind of insect is growing, so that we can deal with it pertinently, because the pest control methods of each kind of locust flower are different. The details are introduced below. Let's take a look.

First, the locust flower grows worm how to do, look for the reason

If you want to know what to do when the locust flower grows, first of all, we need to know what kind of worm it is, so that we can deal with it pertinently, because the pest control methods of each kind of locust flower are different, and the details are introduced below. Let's take a look.

Second, pest control of Sophora japonica (pest)

1. Spodoptera litura

Spodoptera litura is a kind of leaf-eating pest, its high incidence period is in the summer every year, so we must pay special attention at this time. This pest mainly feeds on the leaves of Sophora japonica, and even causes plant death in serious cases.

Control method: when dealing with the diseases and insect pests of this kind of Sophora japonica, we can use 50% fenitrothion EC 1000Mel 1500 times to spray and kill the larvae. If there are many pests, we can use dichlorvos intubation aerosol for fumigation.

two。 Aphids

Aphid is a plant-eating insect, which mainly absorbs the juice from the leaves of Sophora japonica, which leads to the gradual green fading of the leaves, and in serious cases, it will lead to the continuous shrinkage and shedding of the leaves and affect its flowering.

Control method: for this pest of Sophora japonica, we can spray it with 3000 times of 50% aldicarb wettable powder or 1000 times of 50% marathon emulsion.

Third, pest control of Sophora japonica (disease)

1. Rot disease

Rot, also known as skin rot, is a common disease of Sophora japonica. This disease appears irregularly and may appear in every season. Many small black spots will appear on the trunk when the disease occurs, and it will gradually spread to the lower part of the tree with the passage of time, resulting in plant decay.

Control methods: when dealing with the diseases and insect pests of Sophora japonica, we can use a bottle of mother liquid to add 30 kg of water diluent, and then apply it on the plant, generally about 15 days once, 2-3 times can be cured.

two。 Scorched leaf disease

Scorch leaf disease mainly harms the leaves of Sophora japonica, the edge of the leaves will appear yellow phenomenon, and will also produce many brown spots, with the passage of time will gradually spread, and finally cause the plant to wither gradually.

Control methods: for this kind of locust flower diseases and insect pests, we can use chlorothalonil 800x liquid or Meike 3000-4000 times liquid to spray the diseased plant, generally spray once every 7-10 days, about 3 times can be cured.

What should we do if the wood fragrant flowers grow insects? control of diseases and insect pests of wood fragrant flowers / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

In the growth process of wood flowers, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests and other problems, this kind of problems do great harm to the plant, not only affect the appearance, but also lead to the phenomenon of plant death. So what should I do if the wood fragrant flowers grow worms? What should be done to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of wood fragrant flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, the wood fragrant flower grows worm how to do, look for the reason

If we want to know what to do when the wood flower grows, we first need to find out the reason, that is, what kind of worm we grow, so that we can deal with it pertinently, because the prevention and control methods of each kind of diseases and insect pests are different, and the details are introduced below. Interested friends can come and have a look.

II. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of wood fragrant flowers (pests)

1. Beetle

The beetle is a kind of invertebrate, which mainly harms the root system, leaves and buds of the wood flower, thus affecting the yield and quality of its flowering, and even cause the plant not to bloom.

Control method: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this wood flower, we can spray it with 2.5% deltamethrin 2000-3000 times, or we can trap it under the light.

two。 Aphids

Aphids are one of the most destructive pests on earth, and many plants may appear this pest in the growth process, including wood flowers. This pest mainly feeds on the sap of the plant, which leads to the loss of nutrients and withering.

Control method: for this kind of wood flower diseases and insect pests, we can use 3000 times of aldicarb wettable powder to spray and kill it.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of wood fragrant flowers (diseases)

1. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew mainly threatens the leaves, petioles, shoots and buds of wood flowers. Many irregular white dust-like mildew spots will appear on the leaves during the disease, and will gradually spread with the passage of time, resulting in plant shrinkage and death and loss of ornamental value.

Control method: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this kind of wood flower, we can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times to spray it, generally spray once every 5-7 days, 3-4 times can be cured.

two。 Black spot disease

Black spot is a disease caused by fungi, which mainly harms the leaves, petioles and shoots of wood flowers. Many purple-brown spots will appear in the affected parts during the disease, and the spots will gradually expand with the passage of time, and the color will gradually change. Finally, the plant gradually withered.

Control methods: for this kind of wood flower diseases and insect pests, we can use methyl thiophanate or carbendazim to spray the diseased plants, usually once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times can be cured.

What should we do if the hollyhock grows insects? disease and pest control of hollyhock / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

In the process of cultivating hollyhock, the last thing we want to encounter is the problem of diseases and insect pests, which do great harm to the plant, not only affect its ornamental, but also lead to its wilting phenomenon. So what if the hollyhock has worms? How to prevent and control the diseases and insect pests of hollyhock? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

What if the hollyhock has a worm? find the reason.

If we want to know what to do when the hollyhock grows, we first need to know what kind of insect is growing, so that we can deal with it pertinently, because the prevention and control methods of each kind of diseases and insect pests are different. We need to treat them with different drugs according to different diseases and insect pests. The details are below. Let's take a look.

II. Disease and pest control of hollyhock (pest)

1. Red spider

Among the diseases and insect pests of hollyhocks, red spiders have a relatively high incidence. This pest is red in shape and is a small plant. This pest mainly feeds on the leaves of hollyhocks, resulting in many potholes in the leaves. Very beautiful.

Control method: when dealing with the pest of red spider, we can use 2500-3000 times EC to spray it, it is best not to use pyrethroid pesticide, because it has no effect on mites.

two。 Borer

Borer is a kind of pest belonging to Lepidoptera. This pest generally has a high incidence in the south. It mainly harms the leaves of hollyhock. It will cause its leaves to gradually curl and wither, and finally fall off gradually.

Control method: when controlling the diseases and insect pests of this kind of hollyhock, we can directly use the Bt wettable powder with a content of 16000IU/ mg to spray and kill it.

3. Disease and pest control of hollyhock (disease)

1. Rust disease

Rust is a disease that occurs in many plants, and hollyhock is no exception. This disease mainly threatens the leaves, stems and fruits of plants. During the disease, many blister spots will appear in the affected parts, and when serious, the blister spots will be dense and the plants will die quickly as a result.

Control method: when controlling the diseases and insect pests of this kind of hollyhock, we can use 1000-1500 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder to spray the diseased plant, which is usually sprayed once every 7-10 days, and can be cured after 2-3 times.

two。 White spot disease

White spot is a common disease, which can appear in many plants. It mainly threatens the leaves of hollyhock. There are many small brown disease spots on the leaves when the disease occurs. With the passage of time, the center of the disease spot will be gray-white, the outer edge will be reddish brown, and a gray-brown mildew layer will be produced on the disease spot in the humid environment.

Control methods: in the prevention and control of this kind of hollyhock diseases and insect pests, we can use 75% chlorothalonil wettable particles 800 times liquid or to spray it, generally every 10 days once, 3-4 times can be cured.