
What should we do if brown bamboo grows insects? control of diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In the process of cultivating brown bamboo, the last thing we want to encounter is the problems of diseases and insect pests, which do great harm to it, not only affect the ornamental, but also lead to its death. So what should I do if the brown bamboo grows bugs? What should be done to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

In the process of cultivating brown bamboo, the last thing we want to encounter is the problems of diseases and insect pests, which do great harm to it, not only affect the ornamental, but also lead to its death. So what should I do if the brown bamboo grows bugs? What should be done to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, what to do when brown bamboo worms grow? find the reason.

If you want to know what to do with brown bamboo insects, we must first understand what kind of insects grow, so that we can deal with them pertinently, because the control methods of each kind of diseases and insect pests are different. Details are described below, let's take a look at it.

II. Disease and pest control of brown bamboo (pest)

1. Aphids

Aphids are one of the most common diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo, and it is also a kind of pest that exists in many plants. it is a plant-eating insect, which mainly harms the leaves and stems of brown bamboo, and it will gradually absorb the juice. as a result, a large amount of nutrients are lost in the plant, and it will cause the plant to wither and die gradually with the passage of time.

Control method: if the number of this pest is small, we can prune the damaged branches and disinfect the plants. If the quantity is large, we can directly use 3000 times of 50% aldicarb wettable powder to spray.

two。 Shell worm

Scale insect is a kind of pest that occurs in the growth process of many plants, and brown bamboo is no exception. this pest mainly feeds on the sap in the leaves and stems of brown bamboo, and it gradually absorbs the sap, which leads to the gradual loss of nutrients of brown bamboo and finally shrinks.

Control method: for this kind of brown bamboo diseases and insect pests, we can use 1500 times of 50% malathion to spray and kill it.

III. Disease and pest control of brown bamboo (disease)

1. Rotten bud disease

The disease mainly threatened the young buds and young leaves of brown bamboo. At the beginning of the disease, the undeveloped leaves withered first, brown, and then drooped. The pathogen will expand from the base of the tender leaves to the young tissue of the bud, causing the bud to die and rot, the plant to stop growing and, in severe cases, the whole plant to die.

Control method: when dealing with this brown bamboo pest, we can use 80% mancozeb wettable powder 500 times to spray the diseased plant, usually once every 10 days, 3-4 times can be cured.

two。 Anthrax

Anthracnose is a disease that mainly threatens the leaves of brown bamboo. When the disease occurs, many semicircular spots appear on the tip or edge of the leaves, showing yellowish brown or grayish brown. When the air is too humid, there will be liquid spots the size of scarlet needles on the leaves. It will cause the plant to die gradually over time.

Control methods: for this kind of brown bamboo diseases and insect pests, we can use Guoguang Yintai wettable powder 600-800 times to spray it, generally spray once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times can be cured.

What are the diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo and the prevention and control methods of brown bamboo diseases and insect pests

Brown bamboo plants tall and straight, leaf green pole straight, together into clumps, support and sparse, evergreen all the seasons, full of tropical charm, very suitable for family balcony potted viewing, but there will always be some brown bamboo diseases and insect pests to affect the ornamental value of brown bamboo, so what are the brown bamboo diseases and insect pests? let's introduce the pest control methods of brown bamboo.

What are the diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo?

What are the diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo? Perhaps everyone will ask this question. In fact, the common diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo are rot, leaf spot, anthrax, and shell insects. In fact, brown bamboo has fewer diseases and insect pests, but we still have to pay attention to it, because everything is not done because of small things. The same is true of brown bamboo diseases and insect pests.

Control methods of Diseases and insect pests of Brown Bamboo

The method of controlling diseases and insect pests of brown bamboo: rot bud disease

Brown bamboo rot: mainly harms young buds and tender, at the beginning of the disease, the undeveloped leaves withered first, brown, and then drooped. The pathogen expands from the base of the tender leaf to the young tissue of the bud, causing the bud to die and rot, the plant stops growing and, in serious cases, the whole plant dies. The base of the ununfolded leaves in the center turns brown and rotten, giving off a bad smell. The disease also harms palm plants such as loose-tailed sunflower, fish-tail sunflower, coconut, false betel nut and coconut, which is the most serious disease of palm plants. The pathogen overwintered as oospores in susceptible bud leaves and roots, or in soil with diseased remains, and was spread by sputtering with Rain Water or irrigation water and shower water. Rainy season and rainy days, temperature 20 ℃ to 25 ℃, relative humidity above 90%, moisture retention time is easy to develop.

Prevention and treatment: at ordinary times, we should strengthen ventilation and light transmission, and strictly prevent moisture from remaining on the leaf surface for a long time. It was found that a small number of diseased leaves were cut off from the base of the stem and burned in time. If in the early stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder plus 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, or 80% mancozeb wettable powder 500x, or 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 100 Bordeaux solution, take turns spraying heart leaves and the whole plant, once every 10 days, 3 to 4 times in a row, has a very good control effect.

Leaf spot disease of brown bamboo

Brown bamboo leaf spot. At the initial stage of the disease, the leaves appeared yellow-brown spots, which gradually expanded into stripes and could converge into irregular necrotic plaques. Leaf tip and leaf margin are the most vulnerable, and when serious, the leaves dry and curl.

Prevention and control methods: (1) strengthen management, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, it is appropriate to increase the application of potash fertilizer to improve plant disease resistance; (2) at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendan wettable powder 300 times 500 times, or 70% manganic wettable powder 400-650 times solution, once a week, spray several times. The main pest of brown bamboo is the red kidney shield scale. The soil is harmful to the front of the leaf, and it sucks up the leaf sap.

Anthracnose in the prevention and control of bamboo diseases and insect pests

Brown bamboo anthracnose is one of the most important diseases of brown bamboo, which mainly harms the leaves of brown bamboo. Brown bamboo anthracnose disease spot starts from the leaf tip or leaf edge, semicircular to amorphous, yellowish brown to grayish brown, the edge is dark brown, moire. The scarlet needle size liquid point appears on it when it is wet.

Prevention and treatment methods: (1) combined with winter and spring Qingyuan collection of disease residues burned, then spray to prevent once. (2) 600-800 times of Guoguang Yintai wettable powder, carbendazim and chlorothalonil can be sprayed regularly in the early stage of the disease, and 400-600 times of Guoguang Yingna wettable powder or 500-600 times of Guoguang must fresh EC foliar spray can be used in the early stage of the disease, 2-3 times continuously with an interval of 7-10 days.

Commonly used medicament metalaxyl mancozeb, prochloraz, propiconazole

Scale insects in the Prevention and Control of Bamboo Diseases and insect pests

Brown bamboo has fewer diseases and insect pests, mainly shell insects, which can be washed and killed manually. A small amount of ferrous sulfate solution is often applied to prevent leaf yellowing.

Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Bonsai Brown Bamboo

Brown bamboo has fewer diseases and insect pests, mainly shell insects, which can be washed and killed manually. A small amount of ferrous sulfate solution is often applied to prevent leaf yellowing.