
How to propagate golden bracts, methods / time / steps / maintenance skills of cutting propagation of golden bracts

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden bract flower is also known as yellow shrimp flower, gold package silver, golden treasure pagoda and so on. It is a kind of plant that is easy to raise and highly ornamental. Many flower lovers want to plant it for a long time, so it is necessary to know its reproduction method in the process of conservation.

Golden bract flower is also known as yellow shrimp flower, gold package silver, golden treasure tower and so on. It is a kind of plant that is easy to raise and highly ornamental. Many flower lovers want to plant it for a long time, so it is necessary to understand its reproduction methods in the process of conservation. So how do golden bracts reproduce? How to do cuttage propagation of Golden Bract Flower? Let's take a look at the diagram of the breeding method of Golden Bract.

How do golden bracts reproduce?

The main propagation method of Golden Bract is cutting. to use this method, we need to pay attention to time, method and later maintenance in order to ensure a higher survival rate after propagation. In addition to cuttings, tissue culture can also be used, which is more suitable for professionals than for family breeding.

Illustration of Propagation methods of Golden Bract Flower

I. Cuttage Propagation of Golden Bract

1. Time

In theory, as long as it is in the growing period, it can be cut, but the best time is in April, when cutting can survive more easily, and it can blossom quickly through the correct culture method of golden bract. If it is chosen in autumn, then flowering will have to wait until the next year.

2. Operation method

⑴, select branches: select a new shoot with a length of about 8-10CM from the golden bract plant, make sure there is no bud and semi-Lignification on the new shoot, then remove the leaf surface below it and leave it in a cool place to dry naturally.

⑵, cutting: this is a key step in the cutting method of Golden Bract Flower. After cutting, you can apply some rooting powder at the cut of the cuttings, then cut into the prepared substrate, which is composed of vermiculite and fine sand, and then soak in water from the bottom of the basin.

3. Late maintenance

Put the flowerpot in a semi-overcast and ventilated environment, keep the temperature at about 21 degrees and the humidity at 80%, and then wait for the golden bud to take root. If it goes well, it will take about 15 days to take root, and if it is cut in June, it will take 1 week to take root.

After rooting, you can't transplant immediately. Wait until the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, then move to a larger flowerpot. A week later, the seedlings begin to grow, and then move it from the semi-shaded environment to the sun. Then wait until it grows to a height of about 6 centimeters.

2. Tissue Culture and Propagation of Golden Bract

In order to cultivate new varieties, botanists often use tissue culture to cultivate stem tips and axillary buds of golden bracts as explants, which can cultivate better varieties of golden bracts, but they have higher technical requirements, so ordinary flower friends seldom use them.

Golden bract flower Pachystachys lutea golden bract flower picture: how to raise golden bract flower / how to propagate golden bract flower business card golden bract flower Pachystachys lutea golden bract flower introduction of golden bract flower (scientific name: Pachystachys lutea), alias yellow shrimp flower, shrimp flower, golden bract flower, coral lager bed, gold and silver, originated in Mexico, Peru and Quiana in South America, there are two varieties, one kind of bract is purple-brown The other kind of bract is yellow. Bracts for yellow are more common, the flower pattern is divided into upper and lower lips, the appearance is very similar to the lips. It is an evergreen subshrub of the family Acanthaceae, with dilated stem nodes, opposite leaves, long oval leaves and obvious veins because of the yellow spike at the top of the stem. bracts are layered and protruding white florets, shaped like shrimp. Golden bract flower florescence is longer, from the Summer Solstice winter, flower string life as long as several weeks. Wild shrimp flowers can grow as high as 2 to 3 feet, while the average family grows no more than 1 foot tall. There are more than 200 species of plants with morphological characteristics of golden bracts. Jinmai monoanther plant can reach 1 meter, potted plant only 15-20 cm. Leaves opposite, ovate or long ovate, apex acute, leathery, middle rib and pinnate lateral veins yellow-white. Summer and autumn flowers, terminal, golden bud, long-lasting florescence, beautiful flowers and leaves. The plant height of flowering bracts is 50-80 cm, and that of potted plants is 15-30 cm. The leaves are long elliptic or lanceolate, silvery white in medium, flowering in summer and autumn, terminal, bracts red, and the florescence is long-lasting. This kind of plant has strong shade tolerance, flowers and leaves, elegant and pleasant. Stem much branched, erect, base gradually lignified. Leaves opposite, lanceolate, with distinct veins, glossy folds and wavy edges. Inflorescences bearing stem tip, composed of overlapping golden heart-shaped bracts, quadrangular, long 10~15cm. The flowers are milky white, lip-shaped, about 5cm long, blooming upward from the base of the inflorescence, and the golden bracts can remain for 2-3 months. The florescence is very long, from late spring to November, and the height of summer is the full bloom. The ecological habit of Golden Bract Flower is native to Peru and Mexico. It likes the environment of high temperature, high humidity and plenty of sunshine, and is more shade-tolerant. It is suitable to grow in the environment of 18 and 25 ℃. It is necessary to keep more than 5 ℃ in winter in order to survive the winter safely. It is suitable for planting in fertile light loam with good drainage. Because of its long flowering period and high ornamental value, the garden use of golden bract flower has been loved by the majority of flower growers since it was introduced in the 1980s. Golden bracts have neat clusters of plants, bright yellow flowers and a long flowering period. Suitable for meeting hall, hall, living room and balcony decoration. The south is used to decorate flower beds. Warm land can be planted in the garden, while the north is used as greenhouse potted flowers, which is an excellent variety of potted flowers. The distribution area of Golden Bract is native to tropical America. Subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest (main cities: Wuhan, Shashi, Yishi, Yichang, Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Jiujiang, Ji'an, Jinggangshan, Ganzhou, Shanghai, Changsha, Zhuzhou, Yueyang, Huaihua, Jishou, Changde, Xiangtan, Hengyang, Shaoyang, Guilin, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Ningbo, Chongqing, Chengdu, Dujiangyan, Mianyang, Neijiang, Leshan, Zigong, Panzhihua, Guiyang, Zunyi, Liupanshui, Anshun, Panzhihua Kunming, Dali). South subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest (major cities: Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Guangzhou, Foshan, Shunde, Dongguan, Huizhou, Shantou, Taipei, Liuzhou, Guiping, Gejiu). Tropical monsoon rainforest and rainforest areas (major cities: Haikou, Sanya, Qionghai, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Shenzhen, Zhanjiang, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macao, Hong Kong, Nanning, Qinzhou Beihai, Maoming, Jinghong). The mode of propagation of Golden Bract Flower is mainly propagated by cuttings, which can be carried out in the growing season. The best cutting time is in June, taking about 5 cm tender shoots from the old plant, cutting in sand or shackle stone, moisturizing, rooting in about half a month, and rooting in a week if cuttage in June, or water cutting. When cutting seedlings on the pot, you can use 2 parts of pond mud, 1 part of blue bran ash, and add bean cake powder or chicken manure as base fertilizer, the seedlings can gradually let it see the sun after a week. After survival, the seedlings should be heart-picked, leaving 1-2 segments for the first time. When the new shoots grow 2-3 pairs of leaves, another pair of leaves should be left for heart-picking. After stopping heart-picking, they can blossom in 2-3 months. In order to prevent the Internode from being too long and the plant too high after stopping coring, 2000ppm dwarf or 500ppm paclobutrazol can be irrigated by root. Golden bracts are commonly propagated by cuttings. It can be carried out all year round, preferably from June to July. Cuttings should choose strong, short Internode branches, remove the lower leaves, leave the top leaves, 8-10 cm long, in plain sand, shade to maintain humidity, take root after 2 weeks, cuttings in the same year, can blossom in the same year. During the growth period, sufficient light should be given except for a little shade in the middle of summer, which can not only make the plant grow stronger, but also reduce diseases. Although this flower can grow well in semi-shaded environment, if it is too shaded, it will grow too much, and it will blossom later and less. Golden bracts like a ventilated environment, usually do not put the plant too dense, so as not to affect ventilation. In summer, watering should not wait for the basin soil to dry, and should often spray water to the plant and its surroundings, in order to maintain a high environmental humidity. The fertilizer is mainly cake fertilizer and water or rare manure and urine, which is watered once every 10-15 days. Phosphorus-based compound fertilizer should be supplemented during flowering to meet the fertilizer needs of the plant during budding and flowering. In winter, the overwintering temperature should be kept above 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing and withering. If the leaves can be kept above 15 ℃, they can also bloom in winter. In the second spring, when the old plants are more than 2 years old, their stems are semi-lignified and their growth is weak, so cutting renewal should be carried out. The cultivation techniques of Golden Bract Flower the first is scientific reproduction. Its propagation mainly uses the cutting method, can cut off the middle part of the branch with a pair of axillary buds 5 cm long, insert into the vermiculite or plain sand matrix, keep the substrate moist, about 3 weeks can take root and sprout, a month later can be pots. The second is to match the soil with potted plants. Potted plants should choose slightly acidic soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage and ventilation. Generally, rotten leaf soil can be used to add 1 bank 3 river sand, plus a small amount of bone powder to mix the nutritional soil; clay and sandy soil are not suitable for co-growth and development. After the seedling grows to 8 cm high, the coring is carried out to promote its branching, and then the second coring is carried out when the branch grows to about 6 cm-8 cm, then the plant shape is uniform and blossoms neatly, thus improving the ornamental value. The third is to adjust the temperature and light. The optimum temperature for its growth is about 18 ℃-25 ℃, which is disadvantageous to its growth when it is more than 30 ℃ or less than 10 ℃. Low temperature can easily cause leaf shedding, root rot will be caused for a long time, and in severe cases, the plant will wither and die. Therefore, in order to keep it blooming in winter, the northern family should keep it in the greenhouse, keep the room temperature above 18 ℃ during the day and more than 10 ℃ at night, and give it proper fertilizer and water at the same time. Jinbao prefers the sun and is cultivated in the north. It should be maintained outdoors in spring and autumn, generally without shading, but it needs to be shaded properly around noon in summer. If exposed to the hot sun, it is easy to lead to leaf withering, leaf edge scorching. Put in the greenhouse where there is enough light in winter, the leaves are bright green and full of luster, the plant type is compact, the inflorescence is large, and the color is bright. Fourth, reasonable fat and water. Golden bracts like to be moist, summer and dry seasons should often pay attention to improve the air humidity around the flowerpot in order to make the plant thrive. Golden bracts prefer fertilizer, and generally apply all-element liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days in the growing season, such as humic acid liquid fertilizer such as "Chunquan 883" and Huimanfeng, or urea + potassium dihydrogen phosphate sprayed with water; 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be sprayed on the leaf surface during the budding period, which is beneficial to the colorful flowers. If the nutrient is insufficient, the plant growth is weak, the inflorescence is small, and the flowering is few; if the nitrogen fertilizer is applied too much, the stem node is slender, the flower quantity is reduced, the branches and leaves of golden bracts are luxuriant, the inflorescence is large, there are many flowers, and more water is needed, so the basin soil should always be kept moist, but stagnant water in the basin should be avoided. During the period of flower bud differentiation, attention should be paid to properly controlling watering and weakening plant vegetative growth so as to facilitate nutrient accumulation and promote flower bud differentiation. Maintenance and management of planting basin soil requires fertile, loose, good air permeability and avoid heavy clay. 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of mature organic fertilizer can be used as culture soil. The suitable temperature for its growth is from 20 ℃ to 28 ℃. In summer, when the temperature is above 30 ℃, it is necessary to create a relatively cool environment by shading and spraying water. During the overwintering period, it requires that the indoor should not be less than 10 ℃, otherwise it is very easy to cause all the leaves of the plant to be lighted, and if it is less than 4 ℃ to 5 ℃, it will freeze to death. For plants placed indoors in winter, it is best to heat them with an electric heater. If the low temperature lasts too long, it will also lead to root rot and plant death. In greenhouse cultivation, if you want to bloom in winter, the temperature should be kept at about 25 ℃ in daytime and above 15 ℃ at night. Full light can be received in spring and autumn, 30% to 40% should be shaded in the middle of summer, or about half a day's light should be maintained in the morning and evening, but it is best to leave it in front of a warm and sunny southward window in winter. We should pay attention to the proper light, can not be exposed to the sun and can not see light for a long time, otherwise it is disadvantageous to its growth and flowering. The full light of the plant in spring, autumn and winter can make the plant grow stronger and reduce the disease. Overgrowth occurs in an overshadowed environment, and blossoms late and rarely. It should be placed indoors in front of a window with plenty of light. After the beginning of summer, it should be maintained in a dry and semi-shaded place, especially the seedlings should avoid bright light and pay attention to ventilation. In the water growing season, we should not only keep the basin soil moist, but also require higher relative air humidity, but there can be no stagnant water in the basin soil. Spring and autumn can be watered every 1 to 2 days. In summer, you can water once before 10:00 or after 3pm every day, and appropriately increase the frequency of foliar spraying. Keep the basin soil slightly moist in winter. It is necessary to prevent stagnant water from rotting roots in the rainy season. The growing period should be fully watered to maintain 80% humidity of the basin soil, but it is necessary to prevent stagnant water in the basin. In summer, water should be watered without waiting for the basin soil to dry, and water should be often sprayed to the plant and its surroundings to maintain a high environmental humidity. The soil can be mixed with 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of mature organic fertilizer. The soil is loosened every half month in the growing season, and the basin must be turned and changed before leaving the house every spring. Thin organic fertilizer can be applied every semimonthly during the fertilizer growing season, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be added to the thin fertilizer water after the bud appears to meet the nutrient needs of its continuous flowering for a long time. When the ambient temperature is higher than 35 ℃ or lower than 15 ℃, fertilization should be stopped. Do not splash the fertilizer on the leaf surface when pouring organic fertilizer, so as not to cause leaf disease. Potted plants in the north, in order to avoid yellowing of leaves, can also irregularly add 0.1% ferrous sulfate powder to the fertilizer solution, which can not only ensure that the leaves are green, but also prevent physiological yellowing of plants. Golden bracts are fond of fertilizer and tolerant to fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month, but not too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, otherwise the stem nodes will be slender and the number of flowers will be reduced. Two more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied at flowering stage to meet the fertilizer needs of plants during budding and flowering. The lack of fertilizer is often the main reason for the poor growth and small flowering of golden bracts. How to make golden bracts blossom in four seasons? Inflorescence dense golden bracts and white florets, extremely beautiful. As long as it is cultivated properly, with sufficient light and a temperature above 15 degrees, there will be flowers all the year round. Potted plants should choose loose and fertile acid soil with good drainage and ventilation. Generally, rotten leaf soil can be used to add 1 bank 3 river sand, plus a small amount of bone powder mixed to prepare the culture soil. Neither clay nor sandy soil is suitable for its growth and development. Golden bracts prefer the sun, cultivated in the north, put outdoor maintenance in spring and autumn, generally do not need shading, but need proper shading around noon in summer. Where the indoor light is sufficient in winter, the leaf color is bright green and full of luster, the plant shape is compact, the inflorescence is large, and the color is bright. If exposed to the hot sun, it is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow and the leaf edges to scorch. Golden bracts like to be moist, summer and dry seasons should often pay attention to improve the air humidity around the flowerpot in order to make the plant thrive. Golden bracts prefer fertilizer, and all-element liquid fertilizer is generally applied every 10 days in the growing season. Spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaf surface during the bud period is beneficial to the colorful flowers. If the nutrients are insufficient, the plant growth will be weak, the inflorescence will be small, and the flowering will be few. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the stem node will be slender and the number of flowers will be reduced. Golden bracts have luxuriant branches and leaves, large inflorescences and many flowers, so they need more water, so they should always keep the basin soil moist, but avoid stagnant water in the basin. During the period of flower bud differentiation, attention should be paid to properly controlling watering and weakening plant vegetative growth so as to facilitate nutrient accumulation and promote flower bud differentiation. The suitable temperature for growth is about 18 ~ 25 degrees, and more than 30 degrees or less than 10 degrees are disadvantageous to its growth. Low temperature can easily cause leaf shedding, root rot will be caused for a long time, and in severe cases, the plant will wither and die. Therefore, in order to keep it blooming in winter, the room temperature needs to be maintained above 18 degrees during the day and above 15 degrees at night, and appropriate water and fertilizer conditions can be given at the same time. Pruning method just cuttage survival seedlings should note to pick the heart, when the seedling height is about 6 cm, pick the heart again when the branch grows to about 4 cm, in order to promote the branch, after 1 month, you can bud and blossom on the new branch. A pruning should be carried out in combination with turning the basin every spring, which should generally cut off about 1 / 2 of the plant height. This can not only control the height and promote the branching, but also avoid the collapse of the lower leaves and affect the ornamental. Whenever a new shoot appears, its top will produce a new inflorescence, so timely pruning is very important to promote the flowering of golden bracts. Generally from the seedling stage, heart picking 2-3 times, promote more branches, but also can control the height of the plant. The plants are pruned and kept indoors for maintenance in winter. Pruning in combination with changing pots in spring can not only reduce the plant height, but also promote its multi-branching. After autumn, the plant begins to resume growth, at this time, it is necessary to prune and shape, strengthen the light and increase the application of fertilizer and water to ensure that the plant is symmetrical and plump, with luxuriant leaves and flowers. The disease control of Golden Bract is vulnerable to whitefly, red spider and aphid, so it should be controlled in time. Golden bracts often produce black mildew spots on flowers because of poor ventilation in flowering and winter greenhouses. This is mainly powder excrement. Stir-fried nymphs and adults gather at the base of bracts and leaf axils. When the density of adults is high, dense black spots will appear, making the flowers bloom poorly and gradually mildew. In addition, red wax frying and the harm of aphids will occur, which directly affect the growth and ornamental. Once found, it can be sprayed continuously with 1500 times of omethoate. Conservation and reproduction of Golden Bract Flower (Picture)

Golden bract flower, also known as yellow shrimp flower, is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Euphorbiaceae, with a height of 30 to 50 cm, much branched plants, oval leaves, bright green leaves and obvious veins. Large inflorescences are usually produced at the top of each branch. The whole inflorescence resembles a golden pagoda or shrimp. There are a large number of dense and developed golden bracts and white flowers on the inflorescence, and its white flowers are surrounded by golden bracts. In an environment of more than 15 ℃, whenever a new shoot appears, there will be a new inflorescence at the top, which can be viewed all the year round.

Mexico and Peru, which are native to America, prefer warm, humid and sunny environments that can withstand strong direct sunlight at noon in summer. the more abundant the light, the stronger the plant growth and the more compact the plant type. During the growing season, the basin soil should be kept moist without stagnant water. In the north, because the air is relatively dry, water can be sprayed regularly to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment to increase air humidity. Golden bracts like fertilizer and apply mature rarefied liquid fertilizer or proportional nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 1 to 2 weeks in the growing season to promote exuberant growth and more flowering. In winter, you should move into the sunny place indoors, slightly control the watering, and the temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves will yellowed and fall off due to low temperature, and the root system will rot for a long time, and even die in serious cases. In winter, if the day is not less than 25 ℃ and the evening is about 15 ℃, the plant can blossom and can be watered and fertilized normally. If there is heating in the room in the north, it is often too dry, and the plant can often be sprayed with water close to room temperature. The basin is changed once every spring when the temperature rises, and the plant is pruned and shaped to reduce the plant height, promote branching, and improve the appearance of the lower branches and leaves caused by defoliation in winter. The basin soil is required to be loose, breathable, fertile and rich in humus, which is often mixed with peat soil, rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus perlite or vermiculite of 1 peat 2 and river sand of 1 peat 3, and mixed with a small amount of mature cow dung as base fertilizer.

The propagation of golden bract flower is mainly by cuttage, usually using the top tip of the tender branch without buds as cuttings, if there are buds on the cuttings, they should be cut off first, the cuttings are 8 to 10 centimeters long, the lower leaves should be cut off, and the cutting medium can be used vermiculite or river sand, and sterilized first. Insert the cover with transparent and colorless plastic film for heat preservation and moisturization. in the environment of 20 to 25 ℃, the air humidity is controlled at about 80%, and it can take root in 1 to 2 weeks. Pick the heart for 2 to 3 times after potting the seedlings to promote branching and make the plant type plump.

Pest control Golden Bract is easy to grow whitefly in winter, other seasons have red spiders or aphids, should pay attention to prevention and control.