
Fujimoto rose how to plant flowers full shelf, the soil should be loose and ventilated / the light should be sufficient

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fujimoto rose is a common flower plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and there are many people who breed it in various areas of our country. However, if you want to raise it well, there are many things you need to pay attention to, about how to plant a full frame of flowers in Fujimoto rose? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Fujimoto rose is a common flower plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and there are many people who breed it in various areas of our country. However, if you want to raise it well, there are many things you need to pay attention to, about how to plant a full frame of flowers in Fujimoto rose? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

How should Fujimoto rose plant flowers in full bloom

1. Selection of matrix, loosening and ventilation

Before we plant the rattan rose, we first need to choose the substrate, which is a step to lay a good foundation. Generally speaking, we had better choose the slightly acidic soil rich in organic matter and rich in organic matter as the substrate. This kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, and is rich in nutrition, which can make the rattan rose grow better. The best combination is rotten leaf soil, peat and the right amount of coconut brick soil.

two。 Matrix disinfection, high temperature disinfection

After choosing the substrate, we can't use it immediately. It's best to disinfect it first so as not to infect Fujimoto rose with bacteria. During disinfection, we can break it up and disinfect it in the sun. You can also stir-fry it in an iron pan over high fire, so that even bacteria will be killed.

3. Fertilizer requirements, avoid thick fertilizer

Fujimoto rose blossoms a lot every year, so there is a great demand for fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer when changing pots, it is best to apply water-soluble fertilizer regularly before flowering to promote its flowering. However, when applying fertilizer, we should keep in mind that the fertilizer must be diluted with water first, so as not to burn the plant because the concentration is too high.

4. Watering requirements, watering frequently

Compared with ordinary rose varieties, Fujimoto rose has more branches and green leaves, so it has a greater demand for water. So we should pay attention to timely watering to prevent the emergence of dead leaves. In general, the spring and autumn season is watered every other day, and when the temperature is high in summer, it is necessary to water each day in the morning and evening.

5. Lighting requirements, avoid strong light

After planting Fujimoto rose, we must place it in sunny places, such as open-air landing, outdoor terrace and so on, because only with sufficient sunlight can Fujimoto rose have the basic conditions to grow well. However, when the light is relatively strong in summer, we should still pay attention to give it shade so as not to burn the plant.

6. Change the basin regularly, once a year

Fujimoto rose is a kind of plant that grows in pieces, and it grows up a lot every year, so we have to choose whether to change the pot or not according to the size of the seedlings in that year. In accordance with the principle that small seedlings use small pots and big seedlings use large pots, change the basin step by step. Note that the annual basin change is best carried out during the winter and spring season.

7. Treat diseases and insect pests and prescribe the right medicine to the case

Fujimoto rose is a plant with relatively long occurrence of diseases and insect pests, so in view of common diseases and insect pests, pest removal has become one of the essential parts. We should pay special attention to the diseases and insect pests caused by the mildew and rainy season, and do targeted insecticide control to ensure the normal growth of Fujimoto rose. For specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of Fujimoto rose, which is introduced in detail.

When does the rose bloom? what month is the month in which the rose blossoms are grand and delicate, with a variety of colors. Many people like Chinese roses very much and will buy some rose pots and grow them at home, but they still haven't bloomed after a period of time, so I'd like to ask you when the rose flowers will bloom and what month the rose flowers bloom. How can rose flowers bloom beautifully? The following editor will explain to you when the rose flowers bloom and their maintenance skills. Let's take a look. When do the rose flowers bloom? What month is the flowering period of rose? The vines are branched and vines-shaped, with large flowers. The flowers of Fenghua rose are medium and dense, blooming from mid-May to October. The miniature rose has low plant type, small flowers and blossoms all the year round, which is suitable for indoor potted plants. How to raise rose flowers? 1. Choose a good basin, choose purple sand basin, it is not difficult to understand that this is more related to the air permeability mentioned above. two。 Use good soil, choose loose soil with good permeability, do not use clayey soil, the second is that the soil should be rich in organic matter. 3. Planting at the right time, preferably in spring, if you want to plant in autumn, it is best to plant with soil, and it is best to put the seedlings in a place with suitable sunlight and good ventilation, after the seedlings survive, you can prune it a little according to what you want to see in the future to make its branches reasonable and plastic in the future. 4. Reasonable watering, before the rose sprouting, try to keep the basin soil moist, so that the soil is not dry and not watered. After germination, the number of watering will gradually increase, generally about twice a day, watering once before 10:00 in the morning, and then watering the basin soil appropriately according to its dry and wet condition in the afternoon. It is best to water it once in the morning and evening in summer, and generally do not water it at night.

5. Regular fertilization, rose like fertilizer, generally in the spring and autumn two peak growth seasons, fertilization every 10-15 days, with fertilizer, organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can be. Fertilization should be stopped in hot summer and cold winter.

How can rose flowers blossom more often? 2. During the growing season, the rose should fully accept the sun, and it is appropriate to keep the light for 8 hours every day. If it is used as an indoor ornamental, it should be moved in before 11:00 and out before 4 p.m., so as to accept the soft light around noon and prolong the flowering time. 3. Rose is semi-dormant when it is above 33 ℃, and it is most favorable for growth when the average temperature is 20-25 ℃. Therefore, proper shading and multiple water spraying should be carried out in summer. Cooling and moisturizing, it is best to spray water in the morning and afternoon in the growing season to create a humid environment and promote the growth of flowers and leaves. 4. After flowering, the rose should be cut below the third compound leaf under the flower to promote strong new branches and bud and blossom as soon as possible. The main points of pruning techniques are: weak short branches first cut, high cut; strong branches cut after cutting, short cut, in order to promote the weak and suppress the strong, and promote its blooming neatly. The pruning length of long branches should not exceed 1 prime 2 to avoid slow germination of axillary buds. In addition, there should not be too many flowers in each stubble, and 3-5 potted roses are suitable, depending on the strength of the plant. Leave too many flowers, nutrients are too scattered, flowers are small and affect the next crop of flowers. Rose flower language: red rose means pure love, passionate love or enthusiasm is commendable, chastity and so on, people often regard it as a token of love, a pronoun for love, is the preferred flower for Valentine's Day, and the bud of the red rose is also lovely. The white rose symbolizes respect and nobility. In Japan, the white rose symbolizes fatherly love and is the main flower for Father's Day. Pink rose indicates first love; black rose indicates personality and creativity. Blue-purple rose means precious and rare. Orange rose means youthful and beautiful. The yellow rose apologizes (but in the eyes of the French it is jealousy or disloyalty). Green and white rose indicates innocence, frugality or innocence. Two-color rose indicates more contradiction or interest. Tricolor rose means knowledgeable and affectionate.

16 species of extremely beautiful climbing plants

I believe that every flower grower dreams of having a flower wall, a flower gallery, or a pavilion covered with flowers, and then, in the heat of summer, sitting under the flower wall or pavilion, eating melons while enjoying the flowers, it is very pleasant to think about it!

In order to meet everyone's wish, today, Huahua weeping Blood has sorted out 16 kinds of climbing plants suitable for making flower walls or pavilions, which are so beautiful that they are inhumane. Friends come and watch quickly!

1. Jinpingteng

Perennial vine vine florescence: summer

Jinping vine, also known as a curtain of quiet dreams and rich curtains, can grow a reddish-brown metallic luster from the stem nodes. Hundreds or thousands of them hang under the scaffolding, like the boudoir of an ancient princess. The appearance is extremely elegant and the temperament is outstanding.

Maintenance method

1. Jinpingteng belongs to Xiyang plant, which is resistant to drought, high temperature and strong spreading ability, so it should be drawn in time.

two。 Jinpingteng grows in summer too quickly to prune in time to avoid poor ventilation. At the same time, water is watered every 1-2 days.

2. Fujimoto rose

Rattan shrub of the subfamily Rosaceae, flowering May-November

How many girls fantasize about a rose garden! Red Leonardo da Vinci, pink dragon sapphire, yellow Georgia. All over the garden. Pick a few branches in the morning, put them on the table, enjoy the rose, listen to the birds, and have a good breakfast.

Maintenance method

1. Rattan rose is basically propagated by cuttage, which can be carried out above 10 degrees. Pay attention to maintaining humidity. Learn cutting skills and click on me.

two。 Fujimoto rose can not tolerate stagnant water, pay attention to choose loose, fertile soil. It is hot in summer and watering should be carried out at night.

3. Fujimoto rose likes the environment with plenty of sunshine, but it should be shaded properly when the summer sunshine is too strong.

3. Coral vine

Florescence of semi-deciduous vines: April-August

Although the coral vine blossoms is not big, but there is a kind of delicate and small, I see the feeling of pity, and after blooming there is a faint fragrance, known as "after the vine", very suitable for girls who take a small and fresh route.

Maintenance methods:

1. Coral vines like sunny, warm and humid environments. The suitable temperature is generally about 22-30 degrees.

two。 If coral vines want to grow into shrubs, they should often pick their hearts.

3. When it is hot in summer, you should often spray water on the leaves, and the sun should be properly shaded.

4. Garlic vine

Flowering period of evergreen rattan shrubs: September-October in late summer and early autumn

Garlic vine, its flowers and leaves have a strong smell of garlic, but the flowers are colorful and gorgeous, grow all over the walls and fences, the color is just beginning to pink, gradually become pink, and finally become white.

Maintenance methods:

1. Garlic vines like warm, humid climates and sunny environments.

two。 Like loose, fertile, slightly acidic sandy loam.

3. Water is watered once a day in summer and every 3-4 days in winter.

5. Triangular plum

Perennial rattan shrubs florescence from March to July.

Triangular plum properly maintained, will be blooming, gorgeous branches, and multi-color flowers can be grafted on one plant, red, pink, white, orange flowers blooming on one plant, very beautiful, and it can also climb on the wall or shelf.

Maintenance methods:

1. The propagation method of Prunus mume is mainly cutting. The mature lignified branches (about 20CM in length) can be cut in May-June, inserted into the sand basin, kept moist, and rooting in 20-30 days.

two。 If you want triangular plum to blossom well, you must apply fertilizer. During the peak growing season from April to July, you can apply organic fertilizer (such as bean cake fertilizer, manure, etc.) every 7-10 days.

3. Triangle plum is afraid of stagnant water and is not resistant to waterlogging, so we must choose nutrient soil that is loose, breathable and well drained.

6. Passionflower

Perennial woody vines florescence from May to July

Passionflower has clock-shaped gorgeous flowers, with a little fragrance, passionflower is not only beautiful, but also can bear sweet fruit, flower-loving snacks should not be missed!

Maintenance methods:

1. Passionflower likes light, sunny and warm climate. It has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil.

two。 Passionflower is generally propagated by cuttings, and one-year-old branches with strong and mature growth are selected as cutting materials.

7. Luoshi (windmill jasmine)

Flowering period of perennial woody vines: may-July

Luoshi looks like a small windmill, so it is also called windmill jasmine. The flower is as clean as snow and fragrant. But this plant is poisonous, so it's best not to grow it indoors.

Maintenance skills:

1. Luoshi is not strict with the soil. Like light, slightly resistant to shade, drought, water flooding resistance is also very strong, cold resistance is not strong.

two。 Luoshi is easy to cultivate, generally uses cuttage propagation, and is very easy to survive.

8. Clematis

Deciduous or evergreen herbaceous vines florescence from June to September

Clematis has a variety of varieties and colors, and many gardeners have used it to decorate their gardens this year. Its beauty and climbing properties make it an indispensable new element in courtyard and balcony decoration. And she and the rose are a perfect match.

Maintenance methods:

1. The upper part of clematis likes the sun, and the root system needs shade.

two。 Like breathable, water-conserving, fat-preserving, clean soil.

3. Clematis for fleshy roots, like fertile, well-drained soil, weak alkaline, avoid stagnant water.

9. Blue Snow

Erect perennial herbs, flowering from July to September

Blue snowflakes can be like hydrangea, blooming clusters of blue flowers, fresh and elegant, raising a pot at home can bring a lot of coolness to the hot summer!

Maintenance methods:

1. The most commonly used propagation method of blue snowflake is: cuttage, split, cutting can be carried out in spring, early summer, late summer, about 20 ℃-25 ℃ can take root.

two。 Blue snowflakes like water, to often keep the basin soil moist, usually can spray water around to keep moist, dry summer evaporation fast, can increase watering, 2 times a day.

3. Blue snowflakes like fertilizer, apply sufficient base fertilizer when planting, and usually apply slow-release fertilizer or fermented organic fertilizer once a month. The flowers should be pruned after blooming, and the branches will blossom again about 20 days after they are cut off.

10. Fragrant vine

Perennial evergreen vines florescence from May to October

The fragrant vine is a new type of vine with large and dense flowers, a breeze and a refreshing fragrance.

Maintenance methods:

1. Piaoxiang vine likes sunny, warm and humid environment, lack of light will affect flowering.

two。 The optimum growth temperature is 20-31 ℃, the highest temperature should not exceed 35 ℃, and the lowest temperature is 14 ℃.

11. Morning glory (morning glory)

Flowering of annual twining herbs: summer

Little morning glory, full of bamboo fences, one after another, blowing the trumpet. " Morning glory flowers like trumpets, also known as trumpet flowers, when I was a child in the fields, gardens, pond edge are such flowers, there are blue, pink, red, purple, etc., every morning to meet the morning dew, and closed in the evening.

Maintenance method

1. Morning glory is easy to feed, the fields are self-sowing and breeding, and friends can collect some seeds to go home and sow seeds when they go to the wild to play. I got the sowing tutorial point.

two。 If you want many luxuriant side branches of morning glory, you should often pick the heart, and pick the heart once when each side branch grows to 4 leaves.

3. When morning glory grows to a certain height, you can make brackets of various shapes according to your own preferences, so that morning glory can climb according to the shape.

12. Wisteria

Florescence of deciduous twining vines: April-May

Wisteria flowers made into pavilions or corridors, simply not too beautiful, a string of purple waterfalls, hanging down, emitting wisps of fragrance, in which, like Alice in Wonderland, who can not be intoxicated?

Maintenance methods:

1. Wisteria can reproduce with basic propagation methods, but the most commonly used is cuttage propagation, which is carried out in mid-late March.

two。 The root of wisteria is very deep, cold resistance is strong, like the deep soil layer of good drainage soil, water should not be much.

3. In order for wisteria to bloom and flourish, it needs to be pruned reasonably during the dormant period.

13. Ling Xiao

Flowering period of climbing lianas: may-August

Lingxiao flower can be said to be the main theme of summer, now the roof wall Lingxiao has opened, a large orange-red, warm and unrestrained, good fun to watch.

Maintenance methods:

1. Lingxiao flower cuttings can be carried out in spring and summer, and it is best to choose branches with air roots.

two。 Lingxiao flowers like a warm environment with plenty of light, and if there is not enough light, the branches will grow thin and will not bloom.

3. Lingxiao flowers like to be fat and wet, and keep the basin soil moist in spring and summer.

14. Ball orchid

The flowering period of Cymbidium in Asclepiadaceae from April to June

Ball orchid can open a small, cute bouquet, like a small hydrangea, very cute.

Maintenance methods:

1. Ball orchid like warm, high humidity, semi-overcast environment, summer and autumn avoid direct light, maintain high humidity.

two。 Ball orchid does not like sticky soil, like fertile, breathable, well-drained soil.

3. Ball orchid likes the humid environment, should always keep the basin soil moist, dry and wet, but can not accumulate water.

15. Pineapple

Annual weak twining herbs flowering: April-November

Pineapple, like Petunia, can climb around its support and produce numerous pentagram-shaped flowers, some crimson and some white. Very cute.

Maintenance methods:

1. Like light, like warm, moist, sunny environment, not cold-resistant, self-sowing.

two。 Pineapple propagates with seeds. The seeds can be collected at the beginning of November every year, sown in April of the following spring, germinate after a week, and planted when the seedlings have 3 or 4 leaves.

3. In order for pineapple to grow well, it is necessary to properly thinning vines and leaves. After the flowers are shedding, they should pick off the residual flowers in time, develop new branches and prolong the flowering period.

16. Wood fragrant flowers

Florescence of evergreen vines: April to May at the end of spring

Light yellow wood fragrant flowers, blooming season can be described as blooming flowers, white as snow, yellow as brocade. From a distance, some look like "dragons" and some look like "waterfalls". It is golden and fragrant.

Maintenance methods:

1. Muxiang flowers like sunny environment, but they are also resistant to semi-shade and cold, and most of them can survive the winter in the open field in the north.

two。 At the beginning of spring and summer, the amount of water should be increased appropriately, and water should not be splashed on leaves and flowers.

3. Muxiang flowers like fertilizer and can apply liquid fertilizer once a month.