
The cutting method of Phnom Penh Daphne is that the cutting / substrate drainage is good / the branches are strong in spring.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Phnom Penh Daphne is a kind of highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country, and there are many people who breed it in many places. However, with the large number of farmers, people are more concerned about their reproduction. The propagation method of Phnom Penh Daphne is mainly by cutting.

Phnom Penh Daphne is a kind of highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country, and there are many people who breed it in many places. However, with the large number of farmers, people are more concerned about their reproduction. The propagation method of Phnom Penh Daphne is mainly by cutting. as for the cutting method of Phnom Penh Daphne, what is the cutting method? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Cutting method of Phnom Penh Daphne odora

Among the propagation methods of Phnom Penh, we mainly use the prevention and control of cutting propagation, which is easy to learn, labor-saving and labor-saving to operate, and finally has a higher survival rate. Therefore, cutting propagation is also the main propagation method of Phnom Penh.

1. Cutting time, March-April

When we are preparing for cutting propagation of Phnom Penh Daphne, it is very important to choose a right period of time for cutting. generally, it is best to cut from late March to early April, because the climate of these two seasons is more suitable for its growth, and the success rate of cutting will be greatly improved.

two。 Matrix selection, loose, fertile and good drainage

Before we carry on the cutting propagation to Phnom Penh Daphne, we first need to choose the substrate. Generally speaking, it is best to choose the fertile, loose and acidic humus soil. This kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability and is more conducive to its growth. And the soil with good drainage is not easy to cause stagnant water.

3. Selection of cuttings, sturdy branches

In the selection of cuttings, we had better choose branches with strong growth, good development and no diseases and insect pests as cuttings, so that the survival rate will be very high. If the branches you choose look very small and delicate, then you can basically declare that the cutting failed, and the survival rate will not be very high.

4. Cutting method, watering through

When it comes to the cutting method of Phnom Penh Daphne, it is actually very simple. First of all, we should apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the soil. After applying the fertilizer, we will cut a hole in the soil with chopsticks, and then cut off the leaves at the bottom of the cuttings and insert them into the soil. In general, we can insert 2/3 to water, watering attention thoroughly, be sure not to accumulate water.

5. Follow-up management, temperature control

After cutting, we should always keep the soil moist, and the ambient temperature should be kept between 20-25 ℃. At the same time, we should pay attention to shade and remember not to expose ourselves to the sun. In general, we can take root in Phnom Penh after 30-35 days of management.

Phnom Penh Ruixiang Daphne odora "Aureomarginata" Phnom Penh Daphne Picture: how to raise Phnom Penh Daphne / Phnom Penh Daphne how to breed Phnom Penh Daphne Business Card Phnom Penh Daphne Daphne odora "Aureomarginata" Phnom Penh Daphne introduction Phnom Penh Daphne is a traditional famous flower in China and also a famous flower in the world. In the history of modern horticulture, it is regarded as the three treasures of horticulture together with Changchun monk Gentleman and Japanese five-needle theory. Phnom Penh Ruixiang is famous for its "color, fragrance, appearance and rhyme", leaving behind the singing of "peony flowers are the best in Phnom Penh". The morphological characteristics of Phnom Penh Daphne odora is a variety of Daphne odora, which belongs to the evergreen shrub of Daphne odora. Fleshy roots. Leaves densely whorled oval, about 5--6cm long, wide 2--3cm, smooth and thick, leathery, both sides glabrous, dark green surface, light green back, golden margin, short petiole A terminal inflorescence, perianth tube-shaped, the upper four-lobed diameter is about 1.5cm, each flower is composed of dozens of florets, blooming from outside to inside, flowering for more than two months, during the Spring Festival, the flowers are purple and red in color and rich in fragrance. The ecological habits of Phnom Penh Ruixiang potted Phnom Penh Daphne, the pot soil should be fertile and loose, rich in humus and acidic rotten leaf soil, mixed with appropriate amount of river sand and mature cake fertilizer. Phnom Penh Ruixiang root is fleshy, usually maintenance and management should pay special attention to control watering, such as too much watering, basin soil is too wet for a long time, easy to cause rotten roots. After the rain, the stagnant water in the basin must be poured out in time. Although Phnom Penh Daphne likes semi-shade, it should be placed in a sunny environment in winter and spring. During the growth period, such as sufficient light and appropriate fertilizer effect, it can make Ye Dai, flowers and flowers strong. It should be placed in a well-ventilated shady place in summer, and water should be sprayed to cool down when it is hot. Phnom Penh Daphne prefers fertilizer and should be irrigated with thin liquid fertilizer every 10 days or so in the growing season. It is appropriate to apply sparse pancake fertilizer and water before and after flowering. After Frosts Descent moved into the sunny part of the room, the room temperature was kept at about 5 ℃, and the watering was controlled; the water content of the basin soil was controlled at about 45% before it could pass the winter safely. In addition, Phnom Penh Daphne has numerous branches, strong germination, resistance to pruning, and must be pruned after flowering. The distribution area of Phnom Penh Daphne is native to the Yangtze River Basin and grows in the shady and humid zone of low mountains and hills. According to the Records of the Qing Dynasty, an old monk in Lushan sat on a stone bench behind the temple. He heard the strange fragrance in his dream and rose happily, so he looked for it in the surrounding fragrant grass and got a thick leaf fragrant flower, which was transplanted into a pot in front of the Buddha and was called "Sleeping incense". Soon the Spring Festival was coming, and the fragrance of the flowers was not reduced, and there were many benefits for those who respected the Buddha. The salty word was given by the old Buddha, which was a sign of auspiciousness for a year, so it was renamed Ruixiang. Since then, the number of seed gatherers has increased day by day. After a long period of artificial cultivation and domestication, Phnom Penh incense with gilt edge was selected from the parent varieties of Daphne odorifera. "Phnom Penh Ruixiang" is produced in Dayu County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province. In March 1996, Dayu County was named as the only "hometown of Ruixiang in China" by the China Special products Economic Committee and other relevant departments. Cultivation techniques of Phnom Penh Daphne with its pure flowers and rich aroma, Phnom Penh Daphne is the first choice for potted flowers. The propagation method of Phnom Penh Daphne mainly adopts old wood and tender wood cutting. this method has the characteristics of high survival rate, easy to learn, labor-saving and labor-saving. 1. The old branch cuttings are collected before the spring plant sprout. generally from late March to early April, choose one-year sturdy branches with strong growth, good development, no diseases and insect pests and full buds. The strong branches of the same year were used in the softwood cuttings from June to July. 2. Cuttings cutting and treatment Phnom Penh Daphne is generally cut according to the upper, middle and lower parts of the seed strips, the middle and upper branches are the best, and the tips are the worst. Old wood cuttings require a roughness of more than 1 cm and a cutting length of 15 cm; tender wood cuttings generally have a cutting length of 10-12 cm, retaining only 2-3 leaves at the top of the branch, and all the rest are cut off. If the leaves left are too large, in order to reduce transpiration, the leaves left should be cut off. After cutting the cuttings, soak them in 0.5% Murray 5% sugar solution for 10-12 days, take them out and cut them. 3. The cutting technology chooses the cutting substrate with good permeability and pH value of about 5, and generally uses fine sand or vermiculite to retain water. Before cutting, cut the base of the cuttings from the middle with a sharp knife, with a length of 1.5-2 cm, and then clip a small pebble in the middle to prevent it from closing, increasing the contact area between the base of the cuttings and the substrate, which is conducive to the rooting of the cuttings. Insert 1 beat 3-1 stick 2 of the cuttings into the matrix to compact the matrix. 4. Manage after cuttage to keep the soil moist after cutting, supply the water needed for cuttings to take root in time, and keep the temperature at 20-25 ℃. At the beginning of the seedling stage, often irrigate with small water and clear water, in order to permeate the matrix, avoid turbid water and overflowing irrigation, so as to prevent the young leaves from getting muddy and burning. At the same time, pay attention to shade to avoid sun exposure. The root system of Phnom Penh Daphne has fragrance, so it is necessary to avoid the encroachment of ants and earthworms. one. The cuttings can take root in 30-35 days. Disease control of Phnom Penh Daphne Stem Rot Prevention and Control Phnom Penh Daphne is a precious flower and tree loved by the masses, but it is difficult to keep. The main reason is stem rot. Symptoms: the disease is not easy to be detected at the initial stage. The first manifestation of the disease is the rhizome. The phloem of the disease blackened and rotted, and gradually developed to the root. However, the xylem was normal, the leaves were green and did not fall until death, and no disease was found on the surface. 2. The characteristics of the disease: the onset period of the disease is from June to October, and the peak is from July to September. It is a period of high temperature and strong light. It was observed that the incidence rate was 37.5% when placed in sunny places throughout the day, while only 5% occurred when the sun was hidden from 9: 00:00 to 4: 00:00 p.m. The diseased plants are mainly 1-5-year-old plants with rapid growth in spring and numerous leaves, and have strong infectivity. In terms of cultivated soil, the incidence of easy drying of basin soil was significantly higher than that of good water retention. The incidence of decayed leaf soil with 80% and 20% river sand was significantly lower than that of rotten leaf soil with half and half river sand content. The incidence of fire dung soil with 100% soil is lower than that with high sand content. Prevention and control methods: according to the incidence characteristics of Phnom Penh Daphne and three years of practice, the prevention and control of stem rot can start from five aspects: 1. The selection of culture soil: choose the soil rich in humus with good drainage and water retention. This kind of soil can dig the surface rotten leaf soil directly from the mountain forest region and mix it with a small amount of river sand and rotten cake fertilizer, or choose vegetable garden soil to add part of the rotten leaf soil and a small amount of Phnom Penh Daphne and rotten cake fertilizer cultivated in the river sand shed. 2. The choice of environment for placing potted flowers: Phnom Penh Daphne is a kind of plant that likes cool and ventilated environment. From June to October, potted flowers should be placed in a cool place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Or take the method of setting up a shed to solve the problem. 3. Pruning in time: the plants with exuberant growth and numerous branches and leaves in spring are treated with heart-picking and leaf-picking, and too many new sprouting branches are removed to control the evaporation of water too quickly. 4. Water management: the soil must be kept moist in summer and autumn, rather wet than dry, in order to ensure the water supply of the plant. 5. Treatment of diseased plants: once the disease occurs, the diseased plants should be disposed of immediately with pot soil, and flowerpots should be washed and disinfected. Other uninfected strains were washed and disinfected with 500-fold carbendazim to prevent the spread of the disease. In short, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive prevention and control of stem rot. On the basis of selecting the culture soil and doing a good job of shading in summer and autumn, 1-5-year-old plants can generally control the occurrence of stem rot. [5] symptoms of prevention and treatment of leaf spot: at the beginning of the disease, small chlorotic dots appeared on the leaf surface, but in the later stage, the disease spot was enlarged into a large near-round spot, the size of the spot was uncertain and there was black mildew. From April to September, the disease occurred first in the lower leaves of the plant, gradually to the middle and upper leaves, and gradually developed to the middle leaves. When the leaves were serious, the growth became weak until the whole plant died. Prevention and control methods: reasonable watering, waterlogging prevention, strengthening ventilation, more application of mature liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium, timely cleaning of fallen leaves of diseased plants and concentrated burning, can also be prevented by spraying 1% Bordeaux solution in early spring. During the onset period, mancozeb, carbendazim and thiophanate methyl were sprayed on the leaves in turn every 7-10 days for 3-4 cycles. The prevention and treatment symptoms of Fusarium wilt: at the beginning of the disease, the old leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry, and gradually expand to the upper old leaves. When the temperature rises in spring, the bacteria invade from the root wound, and the disease is particularly serious in the high-temperature and rainy season, generally from morbidity to death. The course of the disease is generally 15-45 days, which is extremely harmful. Control methods: reasonable cultivation, timely cleaning and destruction of diseased leaves and diseased branches, and disinfecting the soil with formalin or pentachloronitrobenzene before potting. In the early stage of the disease, the roots were irrigated with carbendazim or benzoate 800-fold solution once a week for 5-6 times, and the effect was obvious. Phnom Penh Daphne's dietotherapy or medicinal value the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Phnom Penh Ruixiang are for reference only and can not be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Medicinal value Phnom Penh Daphne contains daphnetin, its roots, stems, leaves, flowers can be used as medicine, sweet and non-toxic, heat-clearing and detoxification. The effects of anti-inflammation and pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and dispersing knots have been included in the "Dictionary of traditional Chinese Medicine". Dayu County, the hometown of Ruixiang in China, has a long history of cultivation and is the main production base of Daphne odora in Phnom Penh. The Phnom Penh Daphne produced in this county is of good quality and large in quantity. It supplies Phnom Penh Daphne seedlings and hundreds of thousands of pots of flowers every year, and is also exported to Southeast Asia. The economic and social benefits are very good. Many farmers have made a fortune by planting Phnom Penh incense to get rid of poverty and become rich, and many laid-off workers have found a way to get back to work by planting flowers, and their economic income is much higher than when they were on duty. As the development of the flower industry has also led to the prosperity of related industries, thus promoting the overall economic development of Dayu County. According to the collection of the Dictionary of traditional Chinese Medicine, roots, stems, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine. It is sweet and non-toxic and has the functions of clearing heat and relieving car, reducing inflammation and swelling, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It is commonly used in folk to mash fresh leaves to treat sore throat, toothache, blood furuncle and hot furuncle, which is used in Hua Yan restaurant to smear nameless swelling poison and various skin diseases. The main medicinal ingredient of Phnom Penh Daphne is daphnetin. Its flowers, leaves and roots can be used as medicine. Sweet, cold and non-toxic. It has the effect of anti-inflammation and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and diuresis, relieving swelling and pain, dispersing blood and activating blood stasis. It can treat nameless swelling, sores, mastitis, ulceration, toothache, stomachache and so on. The methods are as follows: first, pick several pieces of Daphne leaves, smash, apply to the affected area, can treat blood therapy, ulceration, nameless swelling poison, mastitis and so on. If you do this several times, it will work. Phnom Penh Daphne is a deciduous evergreen shrub. In spring, when the new leaves grow, the old ones fall off naturally. Wash the naturally fallen leaves, dry them in the sun and soak them in spirits. Set aside. If there is nameless swelling and pain, poisonous mosquito bites, boils, etc., rub on the affected area several times a day. If you have a toothache, stick a cotton ball with medicinal wine and bite with painful teeth to relieve the pain. Third, Phnom Penh Daphne petals are naturally backward, picked up and dried, soaked in sesame oil or tea oil, except for toothache, the use of Phnom Penh Daphne ornamental value Phnom Penh Daphne blossoms in the Spring Festival, flowering for 60 days, its posture is whirling and natural, the leaf is neat and green, the leaf edge is inlaid with gold, yellow and jade, and the jade leaf is luxuriant all the year round. The blooming season coincides with the celebration of the Spring Festival, with the fragrance of flowers accompanied by the fragrance of wine. It blossoms with branches and clusters, blooming like flowers and full-bodied fragrance, adding a sign of foreign auspiciousness to the Spring Festival. Phnom Penh Daphne is not only a traditional flower in China, but also a famous flower in the world. In the history of modern horticulture, it is regarded as the three treasures of horticulture along with Changchun monk Gentleman and Japanese five-needle theory wave. First, it is graceful, vigorous branches, natural, whirling plump, graceful, charm, beautiful and unrestrained, full of vitality. Second, gold jade leaves, leaf edge inlaid with Phnom Penh, neat and bright, green thick green, luxuriant all the year round, the four seasons can be enjoyed. Third, the flowers bloom at the right time, the full bloom is at the beginning of the Spring Festival, it is auspicious to celebrate the New year with people, welcome guests to add fun, the fragrance of flowers with the smell of wine, is full of joy. Fourth, the florescence is long, from the formation of buds from green to purple. From the outside to the inside of a tube of open, prosperous, flowering more than two months. Fifth, the full-bodied fragrance of flowers, fragrance overflowing, full of fragrance, Qin into the heart and spleen, there is the essence of flowers, the spirit of the group of fragrance. Indeed, it is a kind of precious flower with excellent appearance, color, fragrance and rhyme, which is favored by the majority of flower lovers. More and more people buy two fragrances from Phnom Penh for the Spring Festival, which has become a new fashion. The cultural background of Phnom Penh there is another legend about the origin of the flower name of "Phnom Penh Ruixiang": in the early years, a monk wandered to Dayu and rested on a stone because he felt tired. He smelled bursts of flowers in his sleep, and the fragrance was very strong. After waking up, the flower fragrance really existed, so he went to look for it, and sure enough, he found it, and gave the flower a name "Sleeping incense". Later, some people thought that the word "sleep" sounded indecent, so they changed the word "sleep" to "Rui". The flower language of Phnom Penh Ruixiang, Phnom Penh Ruixiang is famous for its "color, fragrance, appearance and rhyme". It opens before and after the Spring Festival, full of branches, clusters, flowers and rich fragrance, adding a sign of foreign auspiciousness to the Spring Festival. so it has become an auspicious and auspicious thing in people's homes during the Spring Festival. Therefore, the flower words of Phnom Penh Ruixiang are: auspicious, auspicious. Phnom Penh Ruixiang Picture potted Phnom Penh Daphne production Guide

Phnom Penh Daphne is a small shrub of the genus Daphne of the family Daphne. Simple leaves alternate, lanceolate, leathery, dark green and glossy, with yellow edges, named Phnom Penh Daphne. The top of the branch blossoms, showing a head-shaped inflorescence, each with more than ten flowers, the perianth tube-shaped, the bud heart-shaped, the flower tip quadrifid, and the whole branch open like "Hydrangea". The fragrance is very strong and fragrant to the nostrils. Bloom during the Spring Festival, the flowering period can be up to 30 to 40 days.

Breeding method

Phnom Penh Daphne does not bear seeds after flowering, and the cutting method is mainly used for propagation, which can produce a large number of high-quality seedlings with high survival rate and fast rooting. As long as the branches are strong, the buds are full, and there are no diseases and insect pests, they can be used as cuttings.

The cutting time can be cut from March to November, and the best cutting time is from May to June.

The soil should be loose, insulated, moisturized and breathable.

Cuttings mother tree to 1-3-year-old seedlings are the best; cuttings should be selected in the same year and semi-lignified branches; choose stout, full axillary buds, no diseases and insect pests cuttings, cut to grow about 6 cm, leaving 4 to 8 leaves, cut branches should be dealt with immediately, should not be placed for too long, so as not to cause water loss and affect the survival rate.

In the treatment of cuttings, the rooting solution is directly dipped in the base of the trimmed cuttings, and after the medicine is dried, it is immediately inserted into the matrix. Pour water after insertion and build a shade net. It is necessary to keep the substrate moist within a few days after planting, too wet and perishable cortex, and too dry cuttings are easy to lose water and wither. There are calli about 20 days after insertion, and the roots begin to take root in about a month. When the roots grow to more than 85% and new leaves germinate, they can be transplanted in pots.

Pot planting

The selection of flowerpot size and species depends on plant DBH, plant height and crown width. The principle is to use small pots for small seedlings and large pots for large seedlings, and change the pots at the right time with the growth of the plant.

Pot soil Phnom Penh Daphne is suitable to grow in fertile, moist, well-drained acid soil, afraid of rain, fear of waterlogging, avoid salinity and alkali. There is a fundamental relationship between soil and the growth of Phnom Penh, because it requires a variety of nutrients and good air permeability and can not have bacteria. Phnom Penh Daphne is a fleshy root aromatic plant, the harm of bacteria is very serious, if not careful, the root rot or stem rot, so the soil requirements are very strict. The basin soil is mainly neutral and slightly acidic sandy soil, which can be mixed with 40% rotten leaf soil, pine needle soil, peat soil, rice husk ash and so on. The pH value is between 6 and 7, and if it is greater than 7, it can be reconciled with acetic acid or ferrous sulfate to make it weakly acidic.

Spring and autumn are the most suitable time to transplant the upper pot. The root system of Phnom Penh Daphne is sweet and vulnerable to insect pests, so 0.5g carbofuran should be put at the bottom of the pot when transplanting. Take it out from the cutting bed and try not to hurt the roots. if the root is too long, you can trim it a little bit. When transplanting, the drainage hole of the basin floor should be covered with a plastic window screen and covered with a small amount of stones to facilitate drainage and ventilation. After filling the semi-full matrix, the seedlings should be placed in the center of the basin to make the seedlings stand upright. Finally, fill in the matrix within four weeks of the basin and compact. after filling the matrix, you should leave two or three centimeters along the mouth of the basin for watering.

Daily management

The cultivation site Phnom Penh Daphne is a plant that likes a cool and ventilated environment. The cultivation site should be selected in a place with light, good water source, good ventilation conditions, no waterlogging, no water pollution, and convenient transportation, and set up a single greenhouse or a conjoined greenhouse, plus a sunshade net with a shading rate of 65%.

Watering Phnom Penh Daphne likes to grow in a moist, waterlogged soil environment, and the suitable soil moisture is about 75%. 20% soil moisture is easy to cause root death; basin soil is moist or waterlogged for a long time, the soil aeration condition is poor, and 90% soil moisture will cause root rot and disease.

There are many overcast and rainy weather at the turn of spring and summer, and the air humidity is large, so we should pay attention to drainage and prevent long-term rain; high temperature in summer, large evaporation, basin soil easy to dry, should be watered sooner or later; watering in the morning or afternoon in spring and autumn, watering at noon in winter. Maintaining suitable soil moisture for watering is the key to the normal growth and development of Phnom Penh Daphne.

Watering should grasp the principle of dry and wet, especially the high temperature in summer, dry air, Phnom Penh incense in a semi-dormant state, to make the basin soil slightly dry. But the relative humidity of the air needs to be slightly higher, so foliar spray water is needed once or twice a day, and sprinkle water around to humidify. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, less watering stops the growth of summer shoots and promotes flower bud differentiation.

Fertilizer Phnom Penh Ruixiang maintenance should be applied phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, avoid the application of urea and other nitrogen-based fertilizer, so as to avoid Phnom Penh degradation. The fertilization of potted Phnom Penh Daphne should be "thin fertilizer frequently, eat less and eat more", and mainly liquid fertilizer. At the seedling stage, fertilizer should be applied thin and diligently. In the middle seedling stage, more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer should be applied in early spring, every 10 to 15 days; from late May to the end of June, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied mainly; from July to August, little or no fertilizer should be applied; from late August to the end of October, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied; when the flower bud is enlarged in December, applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once or twice can make the flower large, good color, strong fragrance and long flowering period; the flowering period should be stopped. Generally speaking, the fertilization concentration in the middle seedling stage should be 10% to 15%. In the big seedling stage, fertilizer should be applied several times in early spring, early summer and late autumn.

Phnom Penh Daphne is not tolerant to thick fertilizer, and the rotten cake fertilizer plus calcium superphosphate as the base fertilizer can basically meet the requirements of the growth stage. Fertilization in dormant period is not easy to be absorbed by plants, and it is easy to cause the phenomenon of no flowering and no budding in the same year.

After seeing the bud, 1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate diluted liquid fertilizer can be sprayed 2 to 3 times a month, adhere to the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, do not apply non-mature organic fertilizer, and apply less urea. All fertilization time should choose morning and evening or cool weather.

Light Phnom Penh Daphne is a semi-negative plant, avoid strong light exposure, in the light treatment, need to take different measures for different seedlings.

The sapling is in the hot weather when it comes to the pot. It needs to be shaded by 80% shading net to cool down immediately. The shading time is from 9: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. Every day. There is no need for shading on rainy days and evenings, and no shading is needed after the weather is cool in late October.

The female parent seedlings used for cutting are the same as young plants. from the hot weather in the middle of May to the cool weather in the middle of October, shading net is needed from 9 am to 5 pm every day, but there is no shade in rainy days and nights.

Commercial seedlings for sale need to be shaded all-weather with a 90% shading net since mid-May to control their vegetative growth and enter the stage of reproductive growth, as well as cooling and flower control. Shading time from mid-May to about a week before the end of the market, pay attention to the need to ensure that the leaves will not wilt, yellowing and falling due to excessive shading. If you encounter cloudy and rainy days, you can also lift the sunshade net appropriately.

The optimum temperature of Phnom Penh Daphne is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. It not only likes warmth, but also can not bear the harsh environment of high temperature, muggy heat and long drought. Therefore, special attention should be paid to daily maintenance management, proper shading and measures such as water spraying and ventilation should be taken when the temperature exceeds 35 ℃ in summer, and the ambient temperature should be maintained at no less than 3 ℃ in winter, otherwise it is easy to be frozen and fallen leaves. The flowering temperature of Phnom Penh Daphne requires more than 12 ℃. In order to prolong the flowering period, the sunshade net in the greenhouse should be opened in time before the cold spell in early winter to maintain a higher ambient temperature.

Pruning should start from small seedlings to large seedlings, through coring, sprouting, thinning, binding, pulling branches and other measures to make it sprout and grow branches early to form a tree shape with large crown, reasonable branch configuration, luxuriant branches and leaves, large flowers and high ornamental value.

Seedling plastic surgery is mainly to pick the heart, wipe buds, culture 2 to 3 branches and 6 to 9 secondary branches.

Middle seedling plastic surgery through heart-picking, sprouting, cultivate more stout branches, expand the crown of branches, so that it blooms more flowers during the Spring Festival.

Pest control

At the beginning of anthrax, yellowish-brown spots will appear on the leaves, and slowly the leaves will turn yellow and dry, causing the leaves to fall off gradually, and seriously will cause the plants to dry up and die. Can choose methyl topiramate 800 times dilute solution to spray treatment, generally every 3 days spray, 3 times in a row can be cured.

Stem rot is caused by shrinkage and dryness of the stem, preventing the transport of water and nutrients and causing the leaves to shrink and dry. Avermectin 800 times dilute solution can be sprayed every 3 days, 3 to 4 times in a row.

At the beginning of the root rot disease, the leaves of the diseased plants turned yellow, and gradually shrunk and withered, mainly due to root rot. Carbendazim or methyl topiramate 800 times dilute solution can be sprayed, usually every 3 days, twice in a row can be cured. For other seriously ill plants, they should be cleaned out of the greenhouse in time to avoid infecting other plants.

Aphids, one of the main pests of Phnom Penh, occur from March to November every year, and are more serious in spring and autumn. Aphids can spread virus diseases, so it is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the cultivation ground, remove weeds in time so as not to become a habitat for overwintering aphids; once there is serious harm to live insects, they should be sprayed and killed in time, which can be killed with 1500-fold solution of 40% aphid pine EC or 10% aphid lice, or 1000 times of 25% buprofezin.

There are many species of scale insects, and the one that harms Phnom Penh Daphne is a brown soft scale, which mostly occurs from May to October, which is a difficult pest to kill. Therefore, in order to improve the ventilation and light transmittance of plants, pot plants should not be placed too closely, reasonable row spacing should be ensured, and observation and inspection of flowers and seedlings should be strengthened. when it is found that individual branches and leaves are harmed by scale insects, 2.5% scale must be sprayed with 1000 times liquid.

Bud borer is a pest that harms the bud core of Daphne odora leaves in Phnom Penh, which mostly occurs during the germination of new buds in spring and autumn, and the harm is serious in spring, so it is necessary to spray 2.5% of the enemy to kill 2000 times before the leaf buds germinate in spring and autumn, every 7 to 10 days. Spray continuously until the new branches are ripe to prevent the harm of this pest. After finding the branch eaten by the bud borer, it should be cut off in time, so that the plant can sprout new buds and grow new branches.

The root system of Daphne odorifera is sweet and easy to be harmed by nematodes, which leads to bad plant, yellowing leaf color and decrease of leaf quantity, and finally leads to plant death. When the seedlings are transplanted into the pot, 0.5 grams of carbofuran is put at the bottom of the basin to reduce the occurrence of nematodes. In the plant growth period, Kexianling or Clematis can also be used to irrigate roots to kill nematodes.

Production scene of Ruixiang in Phnom Penh (author's unit is Sancang Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, Dongtai, Jiangsu Province)