
How to survive the winter, watering less / controlling water and fertilizer / replenishing light properly / doing a good anti-freezing treatment

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Winter is a difficult time for most plants, and purple flowers are no exception. This kind of plant likes to grow in a warm environment. If the temperature is too low, it will have a great impact on its growth. So how do purple flowers survive the winter? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Winter is a difficult time for most plants, and purple flowers are no exception. This kind of plant likes to grow in a warm environment. If the temperature is too low, it will have a great impact on its growth. So how do purple flowers survive the winter? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how does the purple flower survive the winter

When it comes to how purple flowers survive the winter, there are many things we need to pay attention to, the most important of which is temperature control, because this plant is not cold-resistant, and it is easy to frostbite if the temperature is too low. In addition, daily watering, lighting is also a point to pay attention to, details are introduced below, let's take a look.

1. Clean the plants regularly

In the process of breeding Zijiao flower, we need to clean it from time to time, especially before winter, this is particularly important, because if there is too much dust on the plant, it will affect its photosynthesis. If it is impossible to carry out photosynthesis, it is easy to cause frostbite, so we must keep this in mind.

two。 Take good anti-freezing measures

Generally speaking, at the end of autumn every year, we have to move the Phoenix blue to indoor breeding, but even if we raise it indoors, we should do a good job of anti-freezing measures, and we should add an appropriate amount of anti-freezing water to the water. this can improve the resistance of Phoenix blue to cold weather and help it smoothly through the cold winter.

3. Control the room temperature.

When it comes to how purple flowers survive the winter, temperature control is very important, although purple flowers are generally raised indoors in winter, but we should still pay attention to temperature control, after all, the winter temperature is relatively low, in winter, we had better control the indoor temperature above 15 ℃, so as to ensure that it will not be frostbitten because the temperature is too low.

4. Reduce watering frequency

After entering winter, watering wisteria is also a place that we should pay attention to. In winter, we do not need to water wisteria too frequently, keep the principle of not drying and not watering, and wait until the basin soil is dry. The amount of watering should not be too large, generally appropriate watering, to keep the soil with a certain degree of moisture, so as not to frostbite plants because of too much water.

5. Receive light at noon

About how Zijiao flowers spend the winter, care is also very important. The outdoor temperature in winter is relatively low, so it is generally raised indoors, but it is difficult to receive light indoors. So when the temperature rises at noon every day, it is best to move it to the outside to receive a few hours of light, which can enhance its cold resistance.

2. Freezing treatment of purple flower

When we keep the purple flower in winter, if it is frozen, do not directly move it to the high temperature to thaw, this will hurt the plant in the eye, if frozen, move the purple flower to the room and let it thaw naturally, if the leaf is frozen, it can be pruned in time, as long as it is not hurt to the root.

Purple flower Tulbaghia violacea purple flower photo guide: purple flower how to raise / purple flower how to propagate purple flower business card purple flower Tulbaghia violacea alias: purple Jiao, leek, leek, wild garlic, African lily classification: bulbous flower genus: plant phylum Monocotyledon class Liliaceae purple flower is in full bloom: summer purple flower belongs to perennial herbs of Amaryllidaceae, bulb flower, plant height 30cm 50 cm Terete bulblets, tufted into plants. The appearance of Zijiao flower is different from Chinese leek, (Chinese leek is generally white flower, this flower is purple), other characteristics are similar to Chinese leek, and the whole plant has strong leek flavor, and can be eaten with Chinese leek, stir-fry, cold salad, soup, etc., so it is also known as leek, leek. Terminal Cymes with purple-pink florets. Purple delicate flowers with emerald green leaves, beautiful flowers, fleshy petals and long flowering period are rare flowers in summer. Introduction of Zijiao flower culture methods and matters needing attention Zijiao flower belongs to the perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae, bulbous flower, 30cm high, with cylindrical bulbs, tufted. The appearance of Zijiao flower is different from Chinese leek, (Chinese leek is generally white flower, this flower is purple), other characteristics are similar to Chinese leek, and the whole plant has strong leek flavor, and can be eaten with Chinese leek, stir-fry, cold salad, soup, etc., so it is also known as leek, leek. Terminal Cymes with purple-pink florets. Purple flowers with green leaves, beautiful flowers, fleshy petals and long flowering period are rare flowers in summer; they are suitable for mid-landscape, or the land is planted in forest margins or lawns. Is also a good cut flower. Zijiao florescence from May to July, the words of flowers in mind. The morphological characteristics of Zijiao flower is a bulbous flower with a height of 30 cm to 50 cm, with cylindrical bulbs and tufted plants. The appearance of purple flower is different from Chinese leek, (Chinese leek is generally white flower, this flower is purple), other characteristics are similar to Chinese leek, and the whole plant has strong leek flavor, and can be eaten with Chinese leek, stir-fry, cold salad, soup, etc., so it is also known as leek, leek. Terminal Cymes with purple-pink florets. Purple Jiao flower bulb is thick, spherical, up to 2 cm in diameter, with white membranous leaf sheaths. Most of the leaves are semi-cylindrical, slightly empty in the center, about 30 cm long and 5 mm wide, and the leaf sheath is 5-20 cm long. Purple flower stem erect, 30-60 cm tall, umbels globose, with many flowers, 2-5 cm in diameter, perianth pink, perianth segments ovate-oblong, 4-5 mm long, base slightly United, apex obtuse or acute, dorsal ridge purplish red; stamens longer than perianth, inserted at base of perianth, filaments lower flat and broad, base slightly commissure; style exserted; stigma small, undivided. Bulbous flowers, 30-50 cm tall, with cylindrical bulbs, clustered into plants. The stems and leaves all contain the flavor of leek. Terminal Cymes with purple-pink florets. The fruit is a triangular capsule containing flat, hard black seeds. Zijiao florescence from May to July. The ecological habit of purple flower is light, and the whole sunshine and half-day sunshine at the cultivation place are ideal, but it is not suitable for shade. Like high temperature, heat-resistant, fertile temperature of 24-30 degrees. Purple flower is not strict on the soil, resistant to barren, fertile and well-drained sandy loam or loam bloom exuberantly. Cultivation techniques of purple flower in the field soil culture of purple flower soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, sandy soil and garden soil at the ratio of 1:1:1, with fully mature compost and a small amount of bone powder at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. In general, diluted liquid fertilizer is applied 2-3 times during the growing period to promote the growth and development of seedlings. When the bud is about to blossom, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 1-2 times to ensure that the seedlings have sufficient nutrition in the bud and flowering stage, which can not only make the flowers large and bright, but also promote the development of bulbs. Large area planting, should pay attention to ventilation and proper shade, if a small area of planting or potted, ornamental varieties with many flowers and slender branches should be set up to prevent flower branches from breaking. Watering purple delicate flowers only need to keep the pot soil moist, but the growing season and dry weather should be properly watered frequently, and often sprinkle water around the flowerpot to improve air humidity. The potted soil should not be too wet, otherwise the bulbs will rot easily. The propagation method of purple delicate flower scale propagation is to use scale cutting to produce bulb bulb, first choose high-quality purple delicate flower with large stem, positive color and intact disease and insect pests as seed. First, the base of the bulb was cut off with a bamboo knife to separate the scales, and then planted in the seedbed of sunny sandy soil from September to October. The ditch was 10 cm deep, and the scales were buried in the ditch with a row spacing of 30 cm wide and a plant spacing of 35 cm. Cover with 4 cm thick soil and press slightly after burying. In the following spring, the scales were taken out and used as reproductive scales for replanting. When planting, the scales can be concave, otherwise it is not easy to emerge. Bulb propagation is also called bulblet reproduction. The bulbs next to the mother bulbs are harvested and preserved in September and October, and the stems are reproduced and stored mixed with wet sand. They are taken out and planted in the middle of April of the following year. The depth of planting is 10-15 cm, and they can sprout in 20-25 days. The larger bulbs can bloom in the same year, and the smaller ones can blossom for 2-3 years. There are also soilless seedlings, and the bulbs to be removed are placed in the wooden box of the greenhouse at a temperature of 18 ℃-20 ℃, so that small lily seedlings can grow in 3-4 months and can be planted in March-April the following year. Bulblets propagate in the axils of leaves with small bulbs, which can be collected and planted in the nursery after the flowers have withered and before falling off. A year later, bulbs can be formed, leaf buds can grow, and they can bloom after 2-3 years. Sowing and propagation is also possible, but the seedlings cultivated by seed germination grow slowly and are not used for non-large-scale propagation. There are four propagation methods: sowing, bulblet division, scale cutting and split bud, and one of them can be chosen according to the need. Sowing, reproduction, sowing belongs to sexual reproduction, which is mainly used in breeding. Seeds are harvested in autumn and stored until the following spring. It germinated about 20-30 days after sowing. The sun should be shaded properly in the seedling stage. At the beginning of autumn, small bulbs have been formed in the underground part, which can be dug up and planted. Due to different species, some seedlings bloom for 3 years, while others need to be cultivated for many years before they can blossom. Therefore, this method is not suitable for families. Disease control of purple flower mosaic disease this disease is also called latent mosaic disease, when the disease occurs, the leaves appear chlorotic spots or withered spots with uneven depth, the injured plants are short, the leaf edges curl, the leaf shape becomes smaller, and sometimes fusiform light brown spots appear on the petals, flower deformities, and not easy to open. Control methods: select virus-free bulbs to keep seeds, strengthen the control of aphids and leafhoppers, and remove and destroy diseased plants in time. At the beginning of the disease, there are small faded spots on the leaves, brown spots after expansion, and dark brown edges. In the future, there are many small black spots in the center of the disease spot, and when it is serious, the whole leaf blackens and dies. Control method: remove the diseased leaves and spray once with 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 500 times dilution to prevent spread. After the onset of bulb rot, the bulb produced brown disease spots, and finally the whole bulb showed brown rot. Prevention and treatment: at the initial stage of the disease, 50% Dysenamine 300 times solution can be irrigated. The distribution area of purple flower is South Africa. There is a large area of introduction in Jiangsu Province of China. The role of purple flower ornamental function purple delicate flowers green leaves, beautiful flowers, petals fleshy, long florescence, has a certain ornamental value, suitable for courtyard planting, potted or cut flowers. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of Zijiao flower the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Zijiao flower protection net are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Medicinal value Li Shizhen said: "its roots are suitable for cooking, storing and soaking in vinegar." The root color is white, used as medicine, and the name is dipped in white. Gourmet ignorance: pungent, bitter, warm, slippery, non-toxic. Indications: chest arthralgia and heartache, dysentery. The smell of garlic is similar to that of garlic, hence the name wild garlic; the root color is white, also known as Allium macrostemon, used in traditional Chinese medicine. The garden use of Zijiao flowers is that the leaves of Zijiao flowers are green, the flowers are beautiful, the petals are fleshy and the flowering period is long, it is a rare flower in summer; it is suitable for the middle scene of the flower border, or the land is planted in the forest edge or lawn. The flower language of purple flower: keep it in mind. Purple delicate flower picture how to raise purple delicate flower, purple delicate flower breeding method and matters needing attention / sufficient light

Purple Jiaohua is a perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae, which has high ornamental value. It can be seen in many areas of our country, but if you want to raise it well, there are many things you need to pay attention to. How to raise it? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of purple delicate flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise purple delicate flowers and understand their habits

If we want to know how to raise the purple flower, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant likes light, so we should keep it in sufficient light when we breed it. In addition, the daily water and fertilizer management is also a point that we need to pay attention to. The specific breeding methods are described in detail below, let's take a look.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Zijiao flower

1. Sandy soil

Before we cultivate purple flowers, we first need to choose soil, which is a step to lay a good foundation. Generally speaking, it is best to choose a relatively loose and fertile sandy soil, which has good drainage and air permeability and can make plants better absorb nutrients and is less prone to stagnant water.

two。 Temperature, 24-30 ℃

Temperature management is also a point that we need to pay attention to in the process of cultivating purple delicate flower, because only if the plant grows at a suitable temperature, it will grow better. The suitable growth temperature of purple delicate flower is between 24 and 30 ℃. If the temperature is too high or too low, it is not conducive to its growth.

3. Fertilizing, avoid thick fertilizer

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of Zijiao flower, especially after entering the growing period, its demand for fertilizer is very high, basically once a month, but there is one thing we should pay attention to before fertilization. that is, fertilizer must be diluted with water before it is released, because it is easy to burn plants if the concentration is too high.

4. Moisture, avoid stagnant water

In the process of cultivating purple delicate flowers, watering is an essential link. In its peak growing season and when the weather is relatively dry, we should water it frequently and spray water frequently to maintain the humidity of the air. However, we should also pay attention to control the amount of water when watering, not to water too much, if it causes stagnant water, it is easy to cause the root system to rot.

5. Light, avoid strong light

Purple flower is a kind of light-loving plant, so we should keep it in sufficient light when we breed it, so that it can carry out better photosynthesis and the plant will grow better. However, after entering the summer, because the light is relatively strong, so we still have to properly shade so as not to burn the plants.

6. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

When we breed Zijiao flowers, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests enter while we are not careful. This kind of problem is very harmful to plants, so we must deal with it as soon as we find it, because the longer it takes, the more difficult it is to cure it. As for the specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of Zijiao flowers, which has a detailed introduction.