
How to control diseases and insect pests, 2 insect pests, 2 diseases / medicinal control is the most direct.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Diseases and insect pests are a problem that all plants do not want to encounter, and hibiscus flowers are no exception. If we are not careful in the process of breeding, it is easy for them to take advantage of the situation. This kind of problem is very harmful to plants, so we must deal with it in time when it appears, about how to prevent and control diseases and insect pests.

Diseases and insect pests are a problem that all plants do not want to encounter, and hibiscus flowers are no exception. If we are not careful in the process of breeding, it is easy for them to take advantage of the situation. This kind of problem is very harmful to plants, so we must deal with it in time when it appears. How do hibiscus flowers prevent and control diseases and insect pests? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to prevent and control diseases and insect pests and find the reasons

If we want to know how hibiscus flowers prevent and control diseases and insect pests, we first need to understand what kind of diseases and insect pests appear, so that we can carry out targeted treatment, such as aphids, root nematodes, leaf spot disease, and so on. As for their specific control methods are described in detail below, let's take a look.

II. Pest control of hibiscus flower (pest)

1. Root nematode

Root nematode is a highly specialized omnivorous plant pathogen nematode, it is very harmful to the plant, at the beginning of the leaf will appear many red spots, and with the passage of time will cause the leaf to fall off gradually, the plant will gradually dry up.

Control methods: when we deal with root nematodes, which are diseases and insect pests of hibiscus flowers, we can use 10 grams of line phosphorus or 5% Yishubao to treat the plants. generally, we can use the medicine once every 5-7 days and 2-3 times to thoroughly understand the pest.

two。 Red spider

Red spider is a common pest in many plants, and hibiscus flower is no exception. When this pest occurs on the plant, the leaves will gradually turn yellow and white, and if it does not come out for a long time, it will lead to the phenomenon of plant wilting.

Control methods: in view of the diseases and insect pests of this kind of hibiscus flower, its reproduction can be avoided by increasing the humidity of the environment. It can also be sprayed directly with 1000 times of 10% phenyledalin EC.

III. Disease and pest control of hibiscus flower (disease)

1. Stem rot

Stem rot is a disease caused by fungi, and its high incidence period is in the high temperature and rainy season, so at these times we should pay special attention to the fact that when the plant is affected by this disease, it will not be obvious at first, but the skin that the animal does not do will wrinkle, but the subcutaneous tissue will gradually rot over time, resulting in plant death.

Prevention and control methods: when we deal with this kind of hibiscus flower diseases and insect pests, we can use 800 times of carbendazim or 500 times of thiram to irrigate the roots of the diseased plants, usually once every other week, about 3 times.

two。 Leaf spot disease

Leaf spot is a disease that may occur in many plants, and hibiscus flower is no exception. During the disease, many brown spots will appear on the leaves of the plant, and will gradually spread, resulting in the plant gradually withering and dying.

Control methods: for this kind of hibiscus flower diseases and insect pests, we can use 38% cuproloxil 800-1000 times or 80% mancozeb 400-1000 times to spray the diseased plants, usually once every 10-15 days, 1-2 times.

What about the growth of mirror grass, pest control of mirror grass / 3 insect pests and 2 diseases

As a beautiful foliage plant, mirror grass has many effects, it not only looks good, can purify the air, but also has a good use in medicine, so it is often potted at home. But when raising mirror grass indoors, for some reasons, it will grow worms and get sick, what about the grass worms? The following are several kinds of mirror grass pest control, let's go and have a look.

What about the mirror grass worms?

In the process of the growth of mirror grass, due to a variety of reasons, the plant will inevitably cause disease and insect damage. According to the inquiry, the main diseases and insect pests are: shell insects, red spiders, leaf spot, anthrax and so on, they all endanger the health of plants. So once found, we should immediately spray prevention and control, as for what should be sprayed, we will move on.

2. control of diseases and insect pests of mirror grass

1. Scale insects

When it comes to mirror grass worms, they are generally shell worms, which appear either because they are not disinfected in time, or because of the breeding of eggs. The insect is small and often gathers together, which mainly damages the leaves of the plant and affects the photosynthesis of the plant, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves of mirror grass and hinders the ornamental.

Control methods: when a small amount of shell insects are found, they can be brushed off with a brush and then rinsed with water; when there are many scale insects, 1000 times of omethoate can be used and sprayed once every 8 days for 2 to 3 consecutive times.

2. Aphids

As a foliage plant, in the case of improper maintenance, mirror grass will also produce aphids. The worm feeds on sap from stems and leaves, leading to malnutrition of mirror grass. And aphids multiply quickly, once they are not noticed, they will appear in pieces and look very scary, so they should be prevented and controlled in time.

Prevention and control methods: when there are few aphids, you can brush them off with a brush dipped in water, and wipe out the brushed aphids in time; when there are a large number of aphids, spray 40.7% EC diluted 1000-2000 times, spraying once every 7-10 days, 3-4 times in a row.

3. Red spider

When it comes to mirror grass worms, in addition to shell insects and aphids, red spiders often appear. When cultivated indoors, if the ventilation condition is poor, red spider damage will often occur in mirror grass. Although the insect is small, it can absorb nutrients from the leaves with a sharp needle, thus affecting the normal growth of mirror grass.

Control methods: red spiders can be sprayed with 1000 times dimethoate and 1000 times triclofenac EC, once every 5-7 days, 2-3 times in a row.

4. Anthrax

In addition to long worms, mirror grass can also get sick, the most common of which is anthrax, which is usually caused by bacteria and is easy to occur in hot and humid summers. The disease can cause small brown patches on the leaves of mirror grass, which then expand into a circular or oval shape, and in severe cases, the whole plant is damaged.

Prevention and treatment methods: when diseased leaves are found, remove immediately to reduce the source of the disease; at the initial stage of the disease, open windows to ventilate, reduce indoor air depression and humidity, and then spray with 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 800-1500 times liquid, spray once every 7-10 days, and then supplemented with 1% equivalent Bordeaux solution, once every semimonthly, the disease can be basically cured.

5. Leaf spot

When indoor temperature fluctuates greatly in a short period of time, or too much watering during dormancy, mirror grass is also easy to suffer from leaf spot disease. Symptoms: mirror grass leaves will appear many small brown spots, in severe cases will spread throughout the leaves.

Prevention and treatment: when the above symptoms are found, remove the diseased leaves in time and destroy them centrally in order to reduce the source of the disease; then chlorothalonil 800 times liquid, foliar spray, once every 7-8 days, 2-3 times in a row, can be basically cured.

Control of main Diseases and insect pests of Medicinal Flowers

For the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in medicinal flowers, we must first understand the causes of the disease and the types of diseases and insect pests, grasp the law of the occurrence and development of diseases and insect pests, and implement the policy of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control". Secondly, comprehensive consideration should be given to increasing the output and quality of medicinal flowers and reducing environmental pollution. In particular, it is necessary to prevent toxic residues from harming the body. After mastering these principles, the following prevention and control methods can be used: 1. Plant quarantine is a method to prevent and control medicinal flower diseases and insect pests according to a series of quarantine laws and measures formulated by the state in order to prevent the import of new dangerous diseases and insect pests from other countries or other epidemic areas and to limit the spread of local diseases and insect pests. Therefore, the quarantine procedures should be strictly carried out in the introduction of medicinal flowers and the transportation of seedlings. two。 Agricultural prevention and control is the comprehensive use of cultivation and management technical measures to control and eliminate diseases and insect pests, which is called agricultural prevention and control law. The following methods are commonly used: (1) the resistance of different varieties of medicinal flowers to diseases and insect pests is very different, so the selection of high-quality and high-yield medicinal flower varieties with disease resistance is an economical and effective measure to control diseases and insect pests. If there are thorns, safflower is more resistant to anthracnose than safflower without thorns. Single plant resistant to diseases and insect pests should also be selected in the same variety. In addition, we should also choose disease-free or less disease types, in order to reduce the source of disease. (2) reasonable rotation of different medicinal flowers has different diseases and insect pests, and all kinds of diseases and insect pests have a certain parasitic range. Therefore, different medicinal flowers or crops are often rotated in an area or a piece of land, so that those diseases and insects that are not suitable for the new environment and food will gradually decrease and naturally die out; good results can also be achieved for soil-borne diseases and insect pests as well as monophagous and oligophagous pests. At the same time, rotation can also improve the soil, promote the growth and development of medicinal flowers, and enhance the resistance to diseases and insect pests. For example, the rotation of medicinal flowers with serious root rot disease and Gramineae plants for more than 4 years can reduce the occurrence of root rot and white silk disease. (3) regulating the sowing date of some diseases and insect pests is often closely related to the phenological phase of a certain growth and development stage of medicinal flowers. If we try to avoid the danger period of a large number of diseases and insect pests in this stage of growth and development, we can reduce or reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests, such as early sowing of safflower can avoid the harm of anthracnose and safflower fruit fly, Coix is suitable for late sowing, it can reduce the occurrence of powdery mildew, and summer sowing of hemerocallis can avoid the harm of seedling pests in spring. Therefore, adjusting the sowing date is an effective means to avoid disease and prevent pests. (4) Deep ploughing and careful cultivation can not only promote the root development of medicinal flowers, enhance the ability of absorbing fertilizer, make them grow strong, but also directly kill diseases and insect pests. (5) the disease and insect pests in the clean countryside harm residual plants and withered branches, fallen leaves and weeds in the field, which are often hidden and overwintering places for diseases and insect pests, and become the source of diseases and insect pests in the coming year. Therefore, the fallen leaves of diseased plants are collected and burned and the countryside is cleaned, which can reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. (6) to strengthen the field management, including reasonable fertilization, timely drainage and irrigation and weeding and other technical measures, through fine field management to achieve the effect of pest control. 3. Biological control is called biological control by using some beneficial organisms in nature to eliminate or restrain certain diseases and insect pests. At present, biological control is mainly carried out by means of pest control, bacterial control, bacterial control and bird control. For example, the use of walking insects, aphid-eating ladybugs, aphid-eating gadflies, flies and other predatory beneficial insects to control aphids, and the use of cocoon wasps, Trichogramma and other parasitic bacteria and fungi to control cabbage green insects, heart-eating insects, grubs, beetles, ground tigers and other pests; using antibiotics such as Chunreomycin, "5406" and internal therapies to control Rhizopus and anthrax. Biological control is an important aspect of integrated control, which has the advantages of harmless to human, animal and plant, safe use, no residual poison, no environmental pollution, long-lasting effect, prevention and so on. 4. Physical and mechanical control according to the living habits of diseases and insect pests and the law of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, the use of temperature, light and instruments and other physical machinery to eliminate diseases and insect pests, called physical and mechanical prevention and control method. For example, diseases and insects with low activity, concentrated harm, or false death should be hunted and killed artificially; for phototactic Lepidoptera and some underground pests, moth trapping lights or black lights should be used to trap and kill; high temperature and low temperature methods should be used to control warehouse pests. According to the weight of seeds with diseases and insect pests is lighter than healthy seeds, seeds with diseases and insect pests can be eliminated by wind selection and water separation. In recent years, new physical technologies such as ultrasound and radiation have been used to directly kill germs and pests. 5. Chemical control the method of applying chemical pesticides to control diseases and insect pests is called chemical control. It has the characteristics of fast effect, good effect, easy to use, can eliminate or control a large number of diseases and insect pests in a short period of time, and is relatively small by regional and seasonal restrictions, so it is a commonly used method to control diseases and insect pests. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as long-term use of pesticides, pathogens are easy to produce drug resistance, while harming some beneficial organisms, which is not conducive to biological control. In addition, there are some shortcomings, such as pesticide residues, environmental pollution, affecting the quality of medicinal flowers and so on. At present, the commonly used chemical pesticides can be divided into insecticides and fungicides according to their toxicity to diseases and insect pests, as well as herbicides and so on. Insecticides can be divided into stomach poisons (such as lead arsenate, trichlorfon, etc.), contact insecticides (such as pyrethrum), internal inhalers (such as dimethoate, "1059", "1605', etc.), fumigants (dichlorvos, chloropicrin, etc.). At present, most fungicides are protective agents (such as Bordeaux solution, Dyson zinc, etc.). Protective agents need to be applied before the onset of the disease of medicinal flowers, and then reused every time they reach the efficacy period. Fungicides also have therapeutic agents (such as stone-sulfur mixture, bacilli, etc.) and internal inhalers (such as dioxin, dimethazone, antibiotics, etc.). When the above chemicals are used, the methods of spraying, powder spraying, fumigation, seed mixing, seed soaking, smearing, soil treatment and making poison valley, poison bait and poison soil can be used to control diseases and pests. In the use of chemicals, attention should be paid to: understanding the medicinal properties, prescribing the right medicine to the case, seizing the opportunity, timely spraying, mastering technology, ensuring efficacy, paying attention to safety, and avoiding drug damage and human and animal poisoning. In recent years, with the development of atomic physics, ionizing radiation has been used to kill pests directly. In addition, laser can also be used to control pests.