
How to deal with the long insects of sea taro flowers? The pest control of sea taro flowers/2 pests 3 diseases

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Diseases and insect pests can be said to be a problem that all plants are afraid of, and calla flowers are no exception. Such problems not only affect their ornamental nature, but also lead to the phenomenon of plant death when serious. So what if the taros grow worms? How to prevent and control the pests of sea taro flowers

Diseases and insect pests can be said to be a problem that all plants are afraid of, and taro flowers are no exception, this kind of problem will not only affect its ornamental, but also lead to the phenomenon of plant death. So what should I do if the sea taro flowers grow into worms? How to control the diseases and insect pests of taro flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, the sea taro flower grows worm how to do, look for the reason

If you want to know what to do with the sea taro flower worms, first of all, we have to understand what kind of insects grow, so that we can deal with them pertinently, because the treatment methods of each kind of diseases and insect pests are different, and the details are introduced below. Friends who are troubled in this respect can learn about it.

II. Pest control of sea taro flowers (pests)

1. Shell worm

Sea taro flowers prefer to grow in a warm and humid environment, and shell insects are easy to occur if the growth environment is too dry. It mainly threatens the branches, leaves and fruits of taro flowers, which will cause the leaves to turn yellow gradually, the tree potential will gradually decline, and finally the phenomenon of wilting will appear.

Control method: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this kind of taro, we can spray it directly with 1000 times of imidophos or 2.5 times of deltamethrin.

two。 Red spider

Red spider is a common pest in many plants, and taro flowers are no exception. When this pest occurs on the plant, the leaves will gradually turn yellow and white, and if it does not come out for a long time, it will lead to the phenomenon of plant wilting.

Control methods: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this kind of taro flower, we can avoid its reproduction by increasing the humidity of the environment. It can also be sprayed directly with 1000 times of 10% phenyledalin EC.

III. Disease and pest control of taro flowers (diseases)

1. White silk disease

White silk disease is a major threat to the leaves of sea taro flowers. In the initial stage, its leaves will be withered and yellow, the stems will become withered with the passage of time, and white whiskers will appear on the surface and roots of the soil. In serious cases, it will lead to the phenomenon of plant death.

Prevention and control methods: for this kind of sea taro flower diseases and insect pests, we can directly eat 50% topiramate 500-800 times liquid spray to use its medicine, generally once every 10 days, 2-3 times can be cured.

two。 Grey mold disease

Botrytis cinerea is a disease that may occur in many plants, and the sea taro flower is no exception. This disease mainly infects the leaves and flowers of the plant, and some watery brown spots appear on the leaves and flowers during the disease. and gradually turn into a black mildew layer over time.

Control method: when we deal with this kind of sea taro flower diseases and insect pests, we can use 1500 times of Nongliling wettable powder to spray the plant, usually once every 7-12 days, about 3 times can be cured.

3. Mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is a worldwide virus disease, which does great harm to sea taro flowers. At the initial stage of the disease, chlorotic angular disease spots appear on the leaves, and finally turn brown. In serious cases, it will also affect the yield and quality of cut flowers.

Control method: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this kind of sea taro, we can use 1000 times of dimethoate EC to spray the plant, usually once every 7-10 days, and then recover after 2-3 times.

How to grow sea taro flowers? the planting technology / survival rate of sea taro flowers is as high as 95%.

There are many propagation methods of this plant, including sowing, cutting, ramet, bulb root method and tissue culture method, among which sowing propagation is a more commonly used one, but if you want to plant successfully, there are many things that need to be paid attention to. About how to grow taro flowers? What is the planting technique of taro flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to grow taro flowers

When it comes to how to grow sea taro flowers, there are actually many points that need to be paid attention to, such as the selection and disinfection of substrates, the prompt release of seeds, and the methods of planting, but as long as we operate properly, the survival rate is still very high. after all, this method has been tested by countless people and has accumulated a lot of experience. as for the specific planting techniques are described in detail below, let's take a look.

2. Planting techniques of sea taro flowers

1. The selection of matrix and good drainage

Before we plant taro flowers, we must first choose the substrate, which is a step to lay a good foundation, so we must choose the most suitable one. Generally, it is best to choose loose and fertile humus soil as the matrix, this kind of soil drainage and air permeability are better, so that plants can better absorb nutrients, but also not prone to stagnant water.

two。 Matrix disinfection, high temperature disinfection

After we have selected the substrate, we cannot immediately plant the sea taro flowers, but also need to disinfect the substrate so as not to spread diseases and insect pests to the sea taro flowers. During disinfection, we can choose to break them up and lay them out in the hot sun for exposure and disinfection, or we can put them into the pan and fire and stir-fry them, so that if there are pests in the soil, they will also be killed.

3. Seeds are precipitated and soaked in warm water.

The harvested sea taro seeds should not be sowed directly. Before sowing, we had better soak them in warm water for 1-2 days. After the seeds begin to absorb water and swell, we can take them out and plant them. This can play a role in promoting the seeds and make them germinate faster.

4. Planting method, 1cm covered with soil

When planting taro flowers, we should first apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the soil, then sow the seeds evenly on the soil surface, and then cover them with 1 cm of soil after sowing, and then we can water them. When watering, it is best to use the soaking pot method. Put the flowerpot into the water for 1/2 and let the water soak up slowly, because the seed volume of the taro flower is smaller. It's easy to wash it away if you water it directly.

5. Follow-up management, pay attention to daily maintenance

After we have successfully planted taro flowers, we can carry out follow-up conservation, and there are also many areas that need to be paid attention to in conservation, such as watering, fertilization, and so on. If we do not know how to raise them, you can refer to the article on the culture methods of sea taro flowers, in which there is a detailed conservation teaching.

How to reproduce the sea taro flower? the propagation method of the sea taro flower / mainly by sowing and cutting

Sea taro flower is a common flower plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and there are many people who breed it in various places. As more people are farmed, people are more concerned about their reproduction. About how to reproduce taro flowers? What are the propagation methods of taro flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to reproduce the sea taro flower, mainly by cutting

When it comes to how to reproduce sea taro flowers, in fact, there are many methods, including sowing, cutting, ramet, bulb root and tissue culture, of which sowing and cutting propagation are two more commonly used, but as long as they are operated, the survival rates of the five methods are very high, the specific reproduction details are described in detail below, let's take a look.

2. Propagation methods of Amorphophallus

1. Sowing and reproduction

Before we sow and reproduce the sea taro flower, we should first soak its seeds in warm water, which can promote germination. The soaking time is between 12 and 24 hours, and then the seeds can be taken out and sown when they begin to absorb water and expand. When sowing, we should first apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the soil, then sow the seeds evenly on the soil surface, then cover it with 1-2cm soil, and then pour water into the shade and wait for it to germinate.

two。 Cuttage propagation

Among the propagation methods of sea taro flowers, cutting propagation is a more commonly used method, and it is relatively simple to operate. first of all, we should choose strong cuttings, and then insert them into the soil. Of course, it is best to loosen the soil before cutting to avoid damage to the cuttings. At the same time, you can also use chopsticks to cut a hole in the soil, and then insert the cuttings into it. This operation can avoid damage to cuttings, and it is also very practical.

3. Ramet propagation

When we carry out ramet propagation, we can combine with changing pots. When we do ramets, we should pull out the mother plants that are too dense from the basin soil, and then cut them into several clumps, put them on the basin separately, and plant them along with them, so that they can easily survive. Generally speaking, it is a complete pot of flowers after it is put on the pot, and the breeding method of this kind of taro flower is also relatively simple.

4. Bulb root method

Compared with other reproduction methods, the root method is used less, but the survival rate is not low at all. This method is mainly to dig out, grade and then replant the naturally divided pellets from the root of sea taro. This method is generally suitable for large-scale reproduction of sea taro flowers.

5. Tissue culture method

Tissue culture is a method that can produce callus from leaves, petioles, roots and inflorescences, and then induce adventitious buds for rapid propagation. First of all, we should cut off the leaves and petioles, cut them into small pieces of 1-2 square centimeters, and then inoculate them on the culture medium. The training of this method is a little longer, which usually takes 2-3 months.