
What about African pansy aphids? control of common diseases and insect pests of African pansy / spraying of 3 insects and 4 diseases

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In the indoor breeding of Corydalis, we need to master some maintenance skills and pest control. I won't say much about the skills of raising African pansy here. I believe everyone has mastered it. Next, let's talk about diseases and insect pests. African pansy is the most likely to produce aphids. What about African pansy aphids?

In the indoor breeding of Corydalis, we need to master some maintenance skills and pest control. I don't want to say much about the skills of raising African pansy here. I believe everyone has mastered it. Next, let's talk about diseases and insect pests. While African pansy is most likely to produce aphids, what about African pansy aphids? The following are several common pest control of Corydalis, let's go and have a look.

What about African pansy aphids? spray them with medicine.

Because the operation error leads to high air humidity, lack of light and poor ventilation, Corydalis is prone to aphids, which will harm young leaves and stems, absorb juice and affect the normal growth of plants. Prevention and control methods: if there are few aphids, you can brush off the bugs with tools such as brush; if there are many aphids, you can spray 2.5% fish rattan essential EC 1200 times for control, which can be effective after several consecutive sprays.

II. Prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of Corydalis

In addition to aphids, there are 6 kinds of common diseases and insect pests, including red spiders and shell insects, leaf spot disease, root-knot nematode disease, white silk disease and blight, which will seriously affect the ornamental of the plant. In this regard, we should spray prevention and control in time after discovery.

1. Red spider

When it comes to African pansy worms, the red spider also needs to pay attention. It uses mouthparts to pierce into the leaves of African pansy to suck juice, so that the chlorophyll of the plant is destroyed, the leaves show gray-yellow spots or patches, and the leaves become withered and yellow, or even fall off.

Prevention and control methods: for red spiders, we should always guard against, at best pay attention to observation, when the above symptoms are found, check the back of leaves in time. When individual leaves are damaged, insect leaves can be removed; when more leaves are damaged, propargite, dimethoate, Huachongjing and other drugs should be sprayed as soon as possible to control them.

2. Scale insects

Generally speaking, in the environment of poor ventilation and poor light, African pansy is easy to produce beetles. The insect generally floats and attaches to the leaf surface of the plant, and the secretion pollutes the leaves, which can also cause the leaves of Corydalis to yellowing and falling off.

Control methods: when there are few shell insects, soak the rice vinegar with water cotton balls and gently rub the damaged leaves, the shell insects can be wiped off and killed; when there are many shell insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times solution can be sprayed once a week, 2 to 3 times in a row can be effective.

3. Leaf spot

When the indoor temperature fluctuates greatly in a short period of time, or too much watering during the dormant period, African pansy is easy to suffer from leaf spot disease. The disease mainly causes damage to the lower leaves of Corydalis. There are many small brown spots on the diseased leaves, which can spread throughout the leaves in severe cases.

Prevention and treatment methods: when the above diseases are found, remove the diseased leaves in time and destroy them centrally in order to reduce the source of the disease; then carbendazim, chlorothalonil and methyl thiophanate are sprayed on the leaves, once every 7-8 days for 2-3 times in a row, which can be basically cured.

4. Root knot nematode disease

Another disease of African pansy, it is a root disease caused by root-knot nematode. After suffering from the disease, verrucous root nodes of different sizes will be produced on the fibrous root and lateral root of African pansy. In addition, the disease can also lead to plant dwarfism and stunting.

Prevention and control methods: the disease is mainly prevented. Before planting, 15 grams of carbofuran granules with a concentration of 3% are evenly applied in the basin soil, then covered with 10 cm thick soil, and then poured through water, which can generally remove a variety of pests.

5. White silk disease

Corydalis is easy to suffer from white silk disease when the environment is hot and humid, soil water is stagnant, ventilation and light transmission is poor. The disease mainly harms the stem base and roots of Corydalis, causing purple-brown spots on the leaves, followed by obvious white mycelium, and in severe cases, the plant withered and eventually died.

Prevention and treatment methods: after the above diseases were found, fungicides such as carbendazim, Bordeaux solution and Bomite sulfur mixture were sprayed on the stem base and substrate in time. In addition, the disease can be sprinkled with lime powder, once every 15 days, 2-3 times can be cured.

6. Epidemic disease

In the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of Corydalis, we should pay special attention to the epidemic disease. The disease mainly harms the leaves and the ground of Corydalis, resulting in water-immersed spots on the diseased leaves, then quickly expands to black-brown rot, and causes fallen leaves, sometimes with a thin white mildew layer on the damaged surface of the leaves.

Prevention and treatment: cut off the diseased leaves in time and burn them or bury them in soil in order to reduce the source of the disease. When the disease occurs, it can be prevented and treated by spraying metalaxyl, aluminum ethyl phosphate, killing alum and other agents.

With regard to the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of Corydalis, the editor has introduced this. I believe you should know how to do it when you encounter African pansy worms or get sick again. Generally speaking, African pansy is not difficult to raise, as long as everyone can maintain it according to the breeding method of African pansy. Only in this way, the bug will not find the door, and finally wish everyone's African pansy can grow beautiful ~

Prevention and Control of Common Diseases and insect pests of Corydalis

African pansy generally refers to African violets.

African Violet, Latin name: (Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl) also known as African pansy, perennial herb.

Stemless, whole plant hairy. Leaves ovate, petiole stout and fleshy. One or more flowers together, lavender. There are many varieties, such as large flowers, single, semidouble, double, variegated leaves, etc., with purplish red, white, blue, pink and double colors.

Like warm climate, avoid high temperature, more shade-resistant, suitable for growth under scattered light. Suitable for fertile and loose neutral or slightly acidic soil. Native to the tropical regions of East Africa, the plant is small, colorful and blooming in four seasons. It is not only an excellent indoor flower, but also an internationally famous potted flower, which is particularly popular in Europe and the United States.

Under the condition of high temperature and humidity, Fusarium wilt, powdery mildew and leaf rot are easy to occur. 1000 times of acetic acid solution can be used to spray or pour into the basin soil. Scale insects and red spiders often harm African pansy during the growing period and can be sprayed with 1000 omethoate EC. Sick African pansy will show different symptoms in different parts, such as flowers may lead to non-flowering, deformity, premature death, unclear colors, reduced number, decay and so on. The leaf tissue appeared deformity, curl, yellowing, discoloration, brown spot and decay, etc. The stem part has overgrowth (Internode lengthening), browning, decay, insects, parasitism and so on. Browning and discoloration of roots, decay or parasitism of insects and bacteria, etc. The diseases of Corydalis can be divided into two categories: (1) physiological diseases-the factors that cause physiological diseases include: environmental factors such as too low or high temperature, too low or too high humidity, discomfort of light source and air pollution; cultivation techniques, such as improper watering control, improper basin change, poor physicochemical properties of media, improper use of pesticides, growth regulators and fertilizers, etc. The key points for the prevention and treatment of physiological diseases are to learn correct environmental management and cultivation techniques, to understand various symptoms and to make correct disease diagnosis, and to improve environmental factors or cultivation techniques according to disease diagnosis. Physiological diseases are not contagious, and most plants can recover as long as their environmental factors are adjusted at the initial stage of occurrence. (B) Infectious diseases-can be divided into insect pests-the common ones are red spiders, aphids, shell insects, root powder shell insects, thrips, and so on. Although these pathogens are small, they are visible to the naked eye; diseases-pathogens include viruses, viroids, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Diseases caused by plant pathogens are contagious, so as long as one of the plants is sick, it may infect the plants in the whole cultivation area. Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of infectious diseases, the original plants should be isolated for at least one month. If they are not infected, they should be moved to the cultivation area for planting. Once diseased plants are found, they must be isolated immediately, and pesticides should be sprayed or discarded directly. At the same time, in order to prevent the re-spread of pathogenic plants, it is best to spray pesticides in the whole region; utensils and media that have come into contact with diseased plants must be sterilized or discarded. Cultivation and Management techniques of Corydalis

African pansy, translated from the English AfricanViolet, is native to the mountains of East Africa. Because the appearance of the native flower is similar to that of the tricolor, it has five petals of three big and two small, so it is called. Indoor placement can purify indoor air, improve indoor air quality, beautify the environment, reconcile mood and relieve stress. It is also an ideal material for horticultural therapy. African pansy is so close to human beings, bringing endless fun and contribution, so it is worthy of our favorite "green pet".

The charm of African pansy

First, indoor flowering plants-general flowering plants need a high amount of light and cannot grow normally indoors, so most indoor plants are foliage plants, but African pansy need less light, as long as they are placed in a brighter indoor window or under a fluorescent light source. it can grow and bloom normally, and it is a rare indoor flowering plant.

Flowering in all seasons-the flowering period of some flowering plants is affected by the length of sunshine or temperature, so they can only bloom in a specific season or only once a year, while the flowering period of African pansy is often as long as 1-2 months. as long as there is proper care and proper growth environment, it can blossom once every 3-4 months, and if there are enough plants, you can enjoy the blooming throughout the year.

Third, flowers are ever-changing-at present, there are more than 10000 varieties in the world, including blue, pink, red, purple, green, white and yellow, with edges, spray spots, strip colors, two-color or tricolor mixtures, etc. Petals are also divided into three types according to the number of wheels: single (one round, five petals), double (more than two rounds) and semi-double (between one round and two rounds). The petals are round, pansy, trumpet, wasp wing and so on.

Fourth, the plant is small and does not take up space-the diameter of the plant is mostly between 5~40cm. Such plants are smaller than many indoor plants, so planting indoors does not take up too much space, and varieties of different sizes can be chosen according to personal preferences or indoor layout.

Fifth, breeding is easy-leaf cuttings can be cultivated, so that ordinary enthusiasts can easily do it at home or in the office, and then enjoy the fun of creating life.

Sixth, it is easy to produce new varieties-because of its own genetic instability, new varieties with mutations will appear in the process of planting, which will often bring unexpected surprises and harvests to growers.

Essentials of indoor cultivation

I. Management of environmental factors

(1) Light source-the light intensity needed by Corydalis is about 20000ft candlelight, and the irradiation time is about 812hrs. If you want to promote flowering, you can gradually extend the illumination time to 16hrs. The intensity of outdoor direct light is often more than 8000 feet candlelight, which is easy to cause sunburn of plant leaves, which is not suitable for the growth of Corydalis. However, the provision of indoor light is often insufficient, so that the plant grows slowly, does not blossom or grows too much. Generally, the luminosity suitable for reading is only about 100 to 200 feet candlelight, it can be known that the position where the indoor luminosity is lower than the luminosity suitable for reading is not suitable for planting African pansy, and the appropriate indoor decoration place is the window side of bright non-direct sunlight, if the indoor luminosity is too low, artificial light source must be added to plant.

(2) temperature-the suitable temperature for the growth of Corydalis is similar to that of humans, about 18-26 ℃, so the environment in which humans feel comfortable, such as an air-conditioned office or home environment, is the most suitable for the growth of Corydalis.

(3) humidity-the primary environment of African Corydalis is on the edge of streams, wet cliffs or marshes of rainy woodland, and its humidity is usually 90% 95% during the rainy season, so African Corydalis likes high humidity environment, and the appropriate humidity for most varieties to grow is 50% 70%. The average annual humidity in Taiwan is about 60%, and even indoors can be maintained at more than 50%. Therefore, the humidity in Taiwan's home environment is suitable for the growth of African pansy, but when planted in an air-conditioned environment, plants should be kept from being directly blown by cold air.

(4) Air-African Corydalis is more suitable for growth in an air-conditioned or ventilated environment, the main purpose of which is that the air circulation helps to reduce the temperature around the plants, so as to avoid the environment of high temperature and humidity detrimental to the growth of African Corydalis.

2. Cultivation techniques

(1) cultivation medium-the ideal cultivation medium must be good ventilation, water and fertilizer conservation, pH value suitable for plant growth and good cation exchange capacity. There are three commonly used cultivation media: peat moss (peatmoss)-brown sediment of decaying plants in swamp areas, good water retention and fertility retention; white particles formed by high temperature treatment of perlite (perlite)-limestone, which do not absorb water and maintain poor fertility, but excellent ventilation; vermiculite (vermiculite)-mica expanded into fragments with good ventilation, good ventilation and poor fertility.

Corydalis has different requirements on the physical and chemical properties of the medium in different growth periods, such as: vegetative growth period-moisturizing medium (peat moss) can be between 50% and 60%; cutting culture period-this period has no root tissue and can not absorb water, the medium should not contain too much water, so it is mainly the medium with good ventilation, and perlite and vermiculite can be between 60% and 80%.

(2) Water management-generally, the watering temperature should be as close as possible to the plant, and try to avoid watering at noon in summer (above 35 ℃) or at night in winter (below 15 ℃).

The timing and quantity of water supply are mainly determined by the water content of the medium, and there are several methods to test the water content of the medium:

Finger touch medium-when the topsoil is dry, it should be watered.

Weighing-the higher the water content in the medium, the heavier the plant, on the contrary, the lighter the plant. In general, when the weight of the plant is about the highest amount of water, it needs to be watered.

Leaf appearance-Corydalis is more tolerant to water deficiency than many indoor plants, so when the leaves are slightly withered, it means that the plant is short of water and should replenish water in time.

Visual observation of the surface of the medium-when the topsoil is dry, the color is white when it is moist, which can be used to judge the watering time.

Each watering is based on the principle that the medium can be fully wet and excess water flows out from the bottom of the basin. As far as the general indoor environment is concerned, the watering period of African pansy is about 3-7 days, but it depends on the current environment. The ways of water supply are:

Spray method-use a spray bottle to feed water, which can be used to clean plant dust and salts deposited in Egypt, but water injury caused by overheated water should be avoided.

Irrigation-irrigated with a long-spout pot to prevent water from coming into contact with plants or flowers so as not to cause water damage markings and is also suitable for flowering.

When the bottom basin absorbs water, the water is poured into the bottom water storage basin, so that the medium uses the capillary phenomenon to absorb the water into the medium, and after the medium is saturated for a few minutes, the remaining water is poured out.

(3) fertilization-generally, under the condition of adequate light source, only a little additional fertilizer is needed to maintain the normal growth of plants, and excessive fertilization will cause growth obstacles; but in an environment with insufficient light sources, even if sufficient fertilizer is provided, plants can grow poorly or even die. Therefore, the general application of fertilizer should be carried out when the light source is carefree in order to show its effectiveness. As long as the light source is abundant, the environment is appropriate and the management is correct, only the base fertilizer or the fertility stored in the medium is mixed in the medium, even if no additional fertilizer is added during the growing period, it is enough to make the plant grow and blossom normally. However, if the plant growth potential and the quality of flowers are required, suitable fertilizers must be used according to different growth periods.

For African pansy, the fertilizers and essentials needed for different growth periods are as follows:

1. Rooting period-such as breeding, transplanting, changing pots. Due to rootlessness or root injury, the absorption function is poor and the discomfort should be applied immediately after treatment. Fertilizer should be applied 2-4 weeks later. It is suitable for fertilizers with high content of nitrogen and potassium, such as fertilizers with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 7-6-19, 14-12-14, etc.

two。 Vegetative growth period-such as from seedling growth to pre-flowering and after anthesis. It is suitable for fertilizers with high nitrogen content, such as fertilizers with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 30-10-10, 25-5-20, 5-1-1, etc.

3. Flowering-applied about 2 months before flowering is expected. It is suitable for fertilizers with high phosphorus content, such as fertilizers with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 10-30-20, 15-30-15, 12-36-14, 0-10, etc.

(4) the pots should be changed in real time, such as aged plants, new pots for seedlings, plants with diseased roots, salt deposits on the edge and outer wall of the basin, misshapen appearance, unattractive plants, etc. Plants under different conditions have their own suitable ways and essentials to change pots. Take healthy plants (small and medium seedlings) from small pots to larger pots and aging plants as an example, the order and essentials are as follows:

1. Plant arrangement and inspection of root health-first remove the smallest or poorly growing leaves at the bottom, and examine the roots: if white indicates health, brown or dark brown indicates unhealth or even decay. Unhealthy root tissue must use blades or scissors to remove about 1 beat 3 times 1 blade 2 medium. Generally, the more serious the browning degree, the more the proportion of media removal. On the other hand, healthy plants do not need to do any treatment on the roots, and try their best to avoid injuring the root tissue.

two。 Put in a new basin-when the plant is changed from a small basin to a large basin, first put a little new medium into the bottom of the large basin, put the plant with medium into the large basin, and fill the gap with new medium.

3. The treatment after changing the basin-fully watered and then cultivated in a place with suitable environment. After changing pots, the plants are usually weak or the roots are injured, and the root absorptive capacity is reduced. Fertilization should be avoided within 2 weeks after changing pots.

The best way to change the basin is to choose the season with a suitable environment and climate, so that the plant can recover smoothly. Generally, when changing the basin, the temperature should be kept between 18 and 26 ℃. In Taiwan, spring and autumn are more suitable, but if they are planted in an air-conditioned environment where the temperature can be maintained at about 25 ℃, pots can be changed in all seasons.

(5) Culture methods-divided into five methods: leaf insertion, axillary bud, flower bud insertion, seed and tissue culture. African pansy leaf insertion is the simplest and most popular culture method for home cultivation, and the steps are as follows:

1. The choice of leaves-the older the leaves are, the worse the differentiation ability is, so it is best to choose young, healthy and disease-free leaves for culture. As far as an adult plant is concerned, the leaves of the third and fourth rings from the center are the most ideal culture materials, as long as they are healthy, unyellowed and disease-free, even the outermost or inadvertently dropped leaves can be used.

two。 Remove the leaf-clamp the petiole with your thumb and index finger, shake it left and right several times to detach the petiole from the plant, or use a blade to cut off the base of the petiole.

3. Treatment of leaves-leaves facing up, cut off with a blade at a bevel of about 45o at a distance from the 1.5~2cm at the base of the leaf.

4. Solid medium cutting-bury the treated leaves from the cut into the moist culture medium (some media are too dry to resist water, so it is not easy to make them wet, so they must be wetted before use) about 0.5~1cm, according to the principle that the leaves can be fixed (if buried too deep, the new buds are not easy to grow), and then placed in a candlelight of about 20000250 feet. Cultured in the environment of sunshine for 8 hours and temperature range of about 18 ℃.

5. Rooting and sprouting-leaf rooting time is affected by variety, environment, season, leaf age, health status and care, generally between 1 week and 2 months. High nitrogen fertilizer diluted 2500 to 3000 times can be applied every 7 to 10 days after the root grows. The new buds grow about 1 month after rooting.

6. Ramet-about 2-3 months after the new bud grows, when the seedling has 4-6 leaves, the mother leaf with the seedling is removed from the culture container, part of the medium is removed, and then the seedling is separated with a small blade. Stunted or too small seedlings (less than 4 leaves) can be discarded to ensure the quality of the plant, and then use the cultivation medium to plant the plant in a small basin and fully water it.

7. Seedling care-generally speaking, the tolerance of seedlings to water shortage is poor, and once water shortage may affect future growth and development, water shortage should be avoided. It can be planted in a larger basin after 2-3 months. The green leaf variety takes about 8 to 12 months from leaf insertion to flowering, while the variegated leaf variety often needs to grow for 12 months to the first flowering because of its slow growth.

Introduction to the management of diseases and insect pests

Sick African pansy will show different symptoms in different parts, such as flowers may lead to non-flowering, deformity, premature death, unclear colors, reduced number, decay and so on. The leaf tissue appeared deformity, curl, yellowing, discoloration, brown spot and decay, etc. The stem part has overgrowth (Internode lengthening), browning, decay, insects, parasitism and so on. Browning and discoloration of roots, decay or parasitism of insects and bacteria, etc. The diseases of African corydalis can be divided into two categories according to the cause (source).

(1) physiological diseases-the causes of physiological diseases include: environmental factors such as too low or too high temperature, too low or too high humidity, discomfort of light sources and air pollution, cultivation techniques such as improper watering, improper basin change, poor physical and chemical properties of the medium, improper use of pesticides, growth regulators and fertilizers, etc.

The key points for the prevention and treatment of physiological diseases are to learn correct environmental management and cultivation techniques, to understand various symptoms and to make correct disease diagnosis, and to improve environmental factors or cultivation techniques according to disease diagnosis. Physiological diseases are not contagious, and most plants can recover as long as their environmental factors are adjusted at the initial stage of occurrence.

(B) Infectious diseases-can be divided into insect pests-the common ones are red spiders, aphids, shell insects, root powder shell insects, thrips, and so on. Although these pathogens are small, they are visible to the naked eye; diseases-pathogens include viruses, viroids, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Diseases caused by plant pathogens are contagious, so as long as one of the plants is sick, it may infect the plants in the whole cultivation area.

Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of infectious diseases, the original plants should be isolated for at least one month. If they are not infected, they should be moved to the cultivation area for planting. Once diseased plants are found, they must be isolated immediately, and pesticides should be sprayed or discarded directly. At the same time, in order to prevent the re-spread of pathogenic plants, it is best to spray pesticides in the whole region; utensils and media that have come into contact with diseased plants must be sterilized or discarded.