
How does witch hazel reproduce? the reproduction method / sowing reproduction survival rate of witch hazel is 95%.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Witch hazel is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many parts of our country. With more and more people raising it, people are more concerned about its reproduction. About how witch hazel propagates? What are the breeding methods of witch hazel? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Witch hazel is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value. It can be seen in many areas of our country. With more and more people breeding it, people are concerned about its reproduction. How does witch hazel reproduce? What are the reproductive methods of witch hazel? The following small series takes everyone to understand.

How to breed witch hazel, mainly by sowing and breeding

When it comes to how to reproduce witch hazel, in fact, it is mainly based on sowing and reproduction. after countless experiments, the survival rate is still quite high, but if you want to reproduce successfully, the method of operation is still very important. In addition, care is needed. As long as we pay attention to these two points, the survival rate is at least as high as 95%.

2. Propagation methods of witch hazel (sowing and propagation)

1. Sowing time, spring and autumn

The sowing time of witch hazel still has a certain influence on its survival rate, choosing a suitable time to sow it can improve the survival rate, and we can choose this suitable time in spring and autumn, because the climate and environment of these two seasons are more suitable for witch hazel growth, so the survival rate will be relatively higher.

two。 Seed harvest, autumn harvest

The harvest of seeds is also a very important step. Witch hazel fruits usually mature in autumn. At this time, we should collect them with branches, and then put them in the sun for 2-3 days. After the shell is cracked, we can take out and store the seeds and plant them the next year.

3. Soil selection, good drainage

Witch hazel is a kind of plant with strong environmental adaptability, which can grow in either acidic or neutral soil, but if you want to make it grow stronger, it is generally best to choose loose and fertile sandy soil. Because this kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, it can make the plant breathe better and absorb nutrients better at the same time.

4. Soil disinfection, fire stir-frying or hot sun exposure

After we have selected the substrate, we can not immediately carry on the seeds of witch hazel, but also need to disinfect the substrate so as not to spread diseases and insect pests to witch hazel. During disinfection, we can choose to break it up and lay it out in the hot sun for exposure and disinfection. We can also put it into the pan and fire and stir-fry, so that if there are pests in the soil, they will be killed.

5. Seeds are precipitated and soaked in warm water.

Before sowing witch hazel, it is best to soak the seeds in warm water of about 40 ℃ for 1-2 days, and then take them out when they begin to absorb water and swell, so that the seeds can germinate more quickly after planting.

6. Sowing method, germination in 15-20 days

When we sow and breed witch hazel, we should first sow the soaked seeds evenly on the soil surface, and then cover the soil with 1cm to water. When watering, it is best to use the soaking pot method, put the flowerpot into the water 1/2, let the water slowly soak up, and then sprout in about 15-20 days.

Propagation methods of witch hazel

Propagation methods of witch hazel

The propagation method of witch hazel is mainly sowing. In order to increase the diversity of varieties, cutting and grafting are used occasionally.

Sowing and raising seedlings

After the fruit is ripe in autumn, the fruit branches are collected and placed in the sun for 3 days, and the fruit will automatically crack, take out the seeds and sow. Sowing about half a month to 20 days or so, the seeds basically germinated, choose the time when the light is not very strong, the cover grass will be opened. In addition, the work of loosening soil, weeding, topdressing and so on should be carried out in time, and attention should be paid to the management of water and fertilizer in order to cultivate healthy saplings. During the period from the defoliation of the seedlings to the sprouting in the following spring, the seedlings were transported, the bare roots were planted or transplanted, and the final planting was completed.

Other reproduction

Witch hazel propagation, multi-use seed sowing and seedling. Grafting, cutting and other methods can also be used, but its reproduction survival rate is not as good as sowing, rarely used.

Witch hazel Hamamelis mollis Oliver map of witch hazel: how to raise witch hazel / how to breed witch hazel business card witch hazel Hamamelis mollis Oliver the introduction of witch hazel alias wooden incense, cow tread fruit, for rose, witch hazel family, witch hazel belongs to deciduous shrubs or small trees, up to 8 meters high; twigs are stellate tomentose; old branches are bald; buds are long ovate, wide Obovate and round leaves are beautiful. Before and after February, the first leaves open, flowers several clustered leaf axils, color golden, its golden petals such as wisps, dancing, graceful, early spring flowering, snow in full bloom, shaped like wax plum, hence the name. Because of its cold tolerance, also known as "honeysuckle". It is distributed in all provinces in the Yangtze River basin. Witch hazel twigs and terminal buds are densely gray-yellow stellate tomentose, leaves alternate, broadly Obovate-shaped and beautiful. Before and after February, the first leaves open, several flowers clustered leaf axils, golden yellow, petals such as wisps similar to wax regret, so it is called golden regret. It is an important ornamental tree in early spring. It is suitable for planting alone in a corner of the garden, by the pool, by the stream and at the edge of the bushes. Flower branches can be used as cut flowers, and they are also good materials for making bonsai. The root can be used as medicine. The morphological characteristics of witch hazel are deciduous shrubs or small trees up to 8 meters high; twigs are stellate tomentose; old branches are bald; buds are long ovate and gray-yellow tomentose. Leaves papery or thinly leathery, broadly Obovate, 8-15 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, apex shortly acute, base not equilateral cordate, slightly rough above, with sparse stellate hairs, not shiny, densely gray stellate tomentose below; lateral veins 6-8 pairs, the lowermost pair of lateral veins have obvious secondary lateral veins, prominent above and raised below; margin with undulate obtuse teeth Petiole 6-10 mm long, tomentose, stipules caducous. Capitate or short spike axillary, several flowers, sessile, bracts ovate, peduncle short, less than 5 mm long; calyx tube short, connate with ovary, calyx teeth ovate, 3 mm long, persistent, all stellate tomentose; petals banded, ca. 1.5 cm, yellowish white; stamens 4, filaments 2 mm long, anthers and filaments several long; staminodes 4, apex truncate. Ovary tomentose, style 1-1.5 mm long. Capsule ovoid, 1.2 cm long and 1 cm wide, densely yellowish brown stellate tomentose, calyx tube ca. 1 pink3. Seeds elliptic, ca. 8 mm, black, shiny. Flowering in May. Branchlets densely stellate tomentose; naked buds stipitate. Leaves Obovate, 8-15cm long, apex acute, base cordate, margin undulate teeth, surface slightly rough, abaxially densely tomentose, lateral veins 7 Mel 9 pairs; petiole 6 mi 10 mm long. Spikes short, axillary several golden florets, bisexual, petals 4, narrowly long, 1. 5-2cm, yellowish, base reddish, fragrant; calyx dorsally rusty tomentose, stamens 4, filaments 2 mm long, staminodes 4, alternate with stamens, apically truncated; ovary nearly superior, 2-loculed, with 1 vertical ovule per locule, style 2, very short. Capsule ovoid, bifid, ca. 1.2cm. It blossoms before leaves from February to March, and the fruit matures in October. Also belong to the safflower witch hazel, round leaves, red flowers, very beautiful. The ecological habits of witch hazel witch hazel is mostly born in hillsides, valleys, broad-leaved forest margins, shrubs; it is an alpine tree species, often distributed vertically at 600-1600 meters above sea level. Hamamelis is a warm-ground tree species. The cold resistance is strong. It can grow in the open field at the temperature of-15 ℃. Xi Guang. But the young stage is more tolerant to shade. Can grow under semi-overcast conditions. It is not strict with the soil and can grow in both acidic and neutral soil. Especially the sandy soil which is fertile, moist, loose and well drained grows best. Produced in Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces; mostly in hillsides, valleys, broad-leaved forest margins, shrubs; alpine tree species, often distributed vertically above 1000 meters above sea level. Like light, resistant to semi-overcast, like warm and humid climate, more cold-resistant, lax requirements on soil, often grow in mountain forests rich in humus. Cultivation techniques of witch hazel cultivation and maintenance of witch hazel shaping and pruning to keep the tree height below 2 meters. It is better to prune after flowering until before budding. Flower buds differentiate about 7 days after pruning. After September, messy branches can be trimmed to facilitate the development of normal branches. Tufted branches should be cut off from the base. The culture method of witch hazel witch hazel is commonly used for sowing and grafting propagation. It is appropriate to keep the height of the tree below 2 meters by shaping and pruning. It is better to prune after flowering until before budding. Flower buds differentiate about 7 days after pruning. After September. Messy branches can be trimmed. To facilitate the development of normal branches. Tufted branches should be cut off from the base. Witch hazel is commonly used for sowing and cutting propagation. Sowing, seed collection in October, indoor storage, sowing in the next spring, about 20 days of germination. Cuttings are best carried out in the rainy season, with mature branches 10 cm long, inserted into sand bowls, shaded and sprayed with water, and rooting 30-40 days after cutting. The cultivated witch hazel should be pruned properly before planting, otherwise it is not easy to survive and can blossom in the second year. It blossoms from April to May every year, and keeps the soil moist when new shoots, young leaves and flowers bloom at the same time. Phosphate fertilizer was applied once in the flowering process. After flowering to the end of autumn, trim and reshape properly to maintain graceful posture. The propagation mode of witch hazel the propagation of witch hazel uses more seeds to sow and raise seedlings. After the fruit of witch hazel is ripe in autumn, the fruit branches are collected and placed in the sun for 2-3 days. The shell of the fruit is cracked and the seeds are taken out. About half a month to 20 days after sowing, germinated and unearthed up to 1x3pm. Take advantage of cloudy or sunny evenings, gently remove the cover grass. Since then, good seedlings can be cultivated if we do a good job in loosening the soil, weeding, topdressing, drought resistance and so on. The high survival rate can be obtained by transplanting or transplanting bare roots during the period from the defoliation of seedlings to the period before the leaves of spring in the following year. Asexual propagation methods such as striping (high pressure), grafting and cutting can also be used to increase the number of the population. Disease control of witch hazel witch hazel has leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be sprayed with 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times. It is also harmful to diamondback moth and leaf roll moth, which can be sprayed with 2000 times of permethrin EC. The diseases are leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be sprayed with 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 600 times. It is also harmful to diamondback moth and leaf roll moth, which can be sprayed with 2000 times of permethrin EC. There are often large coir moth and diamondback moth, the adults are trapped by light, and the larvae are sprayed with trichlorfon liquid. Witch hazel is often damaged by large coir moth and diamondback moth, adults are trapped by light, and larvae are sprayed with trichlorfon solution. Witch hazel is distributed in Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and Guangxi provinces. Classification of witch hazel varieties 1. North American witch hazel North American witch hazel, also known as Virginia witch hazel, is a deciduous shrub of witch hazel family and witch hazel genus. Native to eastern North America, from Nova Scotia in Canada to Minnesota in the United States, south to central Florida and eastern Texas. Witch hazel is a large deciduous shrub with long stems and dense branches. the plant can grow to six meters high, and a few individuals can sometimes grow to about ten meters high. The bark is light brown, the surface is smooth, the bark is scaly, scaly when peeling off, and the endothelium is red-purple. The new branchlets are pubescent at first, then become smooth and glabrous, the surface of the branches is light orange-brown, and there are some white dots on the branches, and finally the branches become dark brown or reddish brown. The leaf bud is acute, the apex is slightly curved in the shape of a sickle, the surface has fine soft hairs, and the leaf bud is light brown. The leaf is broadly oval, 3.7-16.7 cm long, 2.5-13 cm wide, the leaf base is oblique, the base is asymmetric, the leaf tip is sharply pointed or rounded, the leaf margin is undulate-toothed or shallowly lobed, the petiole is short and stout, 0.6-1.5 cm long, the main leaf vein is thick and hairy, and the lateral veins are divided into six to seven pairs. When the young leaves are in the bud, the mature leaves are dark green, the color of the back of the leaves is lighter than that of the leaves, and the color of the leaves changes to yellow in autumn, with reddish-brown spots on the leaves. Stipules lanceolate, acute, and will soon fall off after the leaves unfold. Flowers yellowish to bright yellow, sparse orange or red, with four ribbon-shaped petals, 1-2 cm long, stamens short, four, flowering from mid-autumn to late autumn. Calyx parted, four-lobed, hairy in appearance, orange-brown inside, persistent calyx, borne at the base of ovary. The fruit is a woody capsule with a length of 1-1.4 cm. The fruit ripens one year after pollination. When the fruit is ripe, it will burst from the top, ejecting two bright black seeds, and the seeds can bounce off more than 10 meters from the mother tree. North American witch hazel is very similar to its relative species spring witch hazel (Hamamelis vernalis). The two can be distinguished by flowering. North American witch hazel florescence in mid-autumn to late autumn, while spring witch hazel flowering in mid-winter to early spring. The forked branches of witch hazel are considered to be excellent materials for divination rods. The bark extract has a convergent effect and is added to cosmetics as an astringent, which is found in the Ponzi care products produced by Unilever. Native Americans use bark and leaves to treat skin inflammation. The wood is reddish brown, the sapwood is nearly white, the material is fine, the wood is heavy and hard, and the density is 0.68. Second, leaflet witch hazel deciduous small trees, twigs at the beginning of the star-shaped pilose, and then become bald, dry dark brown, no lenticels; buds naked, small, tomentose. Leaves thinly leathery, Obovate, 4-6.5 cm long and 2-4.5 cm wide, widest above middle, apex obtuse, base rounded, truncate or cordate, symmetrical on both sides; upper green, slightly dark after drying, slightly glossy, bald and glabrous except for slightly stellate hairs in middle ribs and lateral veins; light brown below, stellate pilose Lateral veins ca. 4-5 pairs, slightly sunken above, raised below, first pair of lateral veins without secondary branches; margin with several undulate shallow teeth near apex, not odontoid, lower half entire; petiole 5-7 mm long, stellate; stipules caducous. Hamamelis angustifolia is a special product of East China, and it is a first-class protected tree species in China. An ancient plant contemporary with dinosaurs, deciduous trees up to 8m high and up to 40cm in breast diameter. The trunk is twisted and uneven, and the bark peels off in irregular flakes. Produced in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui. Ornamental value: the tree posture is simple, the dry shape is vigorous, and the leaves turn yellow in autumn. It can be used as a landscape tree and an excellent bonsai tree species. Economic value: hard material, straight texture, fine structure, smooth section, light brown, glossy, can be used for cabinetwork, handicrafts, furniture and so on. Scientific research value: East China specialty species, national first-class protected tree species. Ancient plants contemporary with dinosaurs are of great value in the study of flora and phylogeny of Hamamelidaceae in East Asia and North America. Witch hazel garden use Golden plum blossom shape is strange, with fragrance, grass spring first leaves open, yellow slender petals like gold wisps, covered with branches, very lovable. Gardens at home and abroad are often cultivated, and some good varieties appear, which is one of the famous ornamental flowers and trees. It is suitable in the corner of the courtyard, by the pool, by the stream, among the rocks and on the outer edge of the trees. In addition, flower branches can be used as vase materials for cut flowers. If you want to promote flowering, cut off the branches and place them in a 20 ℃ greenhouse between December and January of the following year. It will blossom in about 10-20 days. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of witch hazel the medical information and health dietotherapy information of witch hazel are only for reference and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Witch hazel medicinal value: sweet; flat. Meridian tropism: spleen meridian. Functional indications: replenishing qi. The master is injured and weak. Usage: internal administration: fried soup, 15-30g; fresh 60-90g. Note: avoid sour, spicy, mustard, radish and so on when taking medicine. Chemical composition: contains kaempferol (kaempferol), quercetin (quercetin), lycopene glycoside (astragalin) and so on. The function and ornamental value of witch hazel witch hazel is a kind of flowers and trees with ornamental value, the tree shape is elegant, the crown is spherical or oval or wide spherical, especially early flowering, flowering from winter to early spring, is the period of less flowers in a year. Its petals are slender, gentle, graceful and elegant; the flowers are bright and bright, from yellowish to orange-red, with different shades; flowers before leaves, pleasant aroma, light tree shape, beautiful flower appearance, stand out in the winter courtyard. It is appropriate to plant alone, appreciate the peculiar petals, graceful tree posture, if coupled with stone flowers and plants, a tree, a scene, naturally. Can also cluster planting, blooming season, full of golden trees, brilliant if Yunxia, magnificent. It can be used as an important early spring flower in scenic spots and urban and rural landscaping construction, and can be configured with a variety of flowers and trees, such as plum, peach, apricot, cherry, wax plum, incense and bauhinia, and can achieve good results in greening, flowering and fragrance ecological environment. Beauty value witch hazel contains a variety of tannins such as Ellagtannin and Hamamlitannin can regulate sebum secretion, moisturizing and whitening. Promote lymphatic blood circulation, can specially overcome the morning eye and dark circles. It has the effect of calming and soothing, and has an improving effect on cracking, sunburn and acne. It can effectively help the skin regenerate at night. Removing bags under the eyes, relaxing and relieving oily or allergic skin have excellent effects. It has soothing, astringent, antibacterial and anti-aging effects. because it has the remarkable effect of converging oil control and sterilization, it is the best choice for adolescents or skin with serious oil production. Specific efficacy 1. Soothing witch hazel contains a special softening factor. It can relieve unstable skin. Help skin regain its composure. Maintain metabolic balance. Eliminate skin discomfort. 2. Convergence for adolescence. Or the skin with a more serious oiling condition. The convergence effect of witch hazel is obvious and can control oil secretion. Help regulate the water and oil balance of the skin. Effectively improve skin water content and balance pH value. Shrink the pores. 3. Antibacterial witch hazel has a special effect on fungal infection. Patients with psoriasis, eczema, varicose veins or hemorrhoids. Hamamelis extract can be used to soak in a sitting bath to improve skin condition. 4. Anti-aging witch hazel extract can significantly reduce the content of malondialdehyde in tissue caused by strong ultraviolet radiation and prevent skin inflammation caused by UV exposure. Reduce the damage of free radicals caused by ultraviolet radiation. It has the effect of anti-aging. The flower language of witch hazel: inspiration. Witch hazel has been in use for hundreds of years. At first, people used it as a skin care product to pray for anti-aging effects. Witch hazel flower words for inspiration, witch hazel flowering, early spring leaves open, the yellow and slender petals like that witch hazel belt, hanging all over the branches, very lovable. Especially when dancing with the wind, it gives people a sense of movement, so its floral language is inspired. Witch hazel pictures