
How to trim Podocarpus, how to trim Podocarpus bonsai/3 strokes cut out the perfect shape

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a beautiful green plant, Podocarpus is often made into potted plants and kept at home. However, indoor cultivation of Podocarpus, if allowed to grow naturally, often long disorder, affecting the overall appearance. This needs to be solved through construction. How to prune Podocarpus? The following is the method of pruning Podocarpus bonsai

As a beautiful green plant, Luohan bamboo is often made into bonsai and kept at home. However, raising Luohan bamboo indoors, if it is allowed to grow naturally, it will often grow in disorder, affecting the overall beauty. This requires us to build to solve the problem, then how to trim the Luohan bamboo? The following is the pruning method of Luohan bamboo bonsai, let's go and have a look!

First, how to trim Luohan bamboo

If the water and fertilizer of this kind of plant are proper, and the light and temperature are suitable, it will grow very quickly, so the extra branches should be pruned in time to prevent them from absorbing too much nutrients; secondly, the new bamboo should also be kept according to its shape; finally, those bamboo that are thin and long, but also affect the shape should also be cut off in time.

2. Pruning methods of Luohan bamboo bonsai (1) pruning purpose

To talk about the method of pruning Luohan bamboo bonsai, first of all, florists need to know the purpose of pruning Luohan bamboo. In this regard, everyone will want to improve ornamental, in fact, this is not the key, the key is reasonable pruning, can adjust the rational distribution of nutrients, so that the healthy growth of Luohan bamboo, to avoid the emergence of ungrown branches, slender branches, and so on.

(2) pruning tips

1. Hsinchu pruning

How to trim Luo Han bamboo? In summer, Luohan bamboo grows new bamboo shoots. If the new bamboo shoots are unearthed about 10 centimeters, and if the bamboo nodes are short and big, you can stay; if the bamboo is flat, it needs to be shelled, usually one piece every other day. In this way, the height of bamboo that can grow 2-3 meters can be controlled at about 30 centimeters.

2. Cut the dense branches

When the bamboo shoots grow, if we strictly follow the cultivation methods of Luohan bamboo to maintain, it will grow luxuriantly. At this time, for the healthy growth of the plant, we should cut off the dense branches, overlapping branches, cross branches and branches that affect the appearance of the plant.

3. Shaping and pruning

During the growing period of Luohan bamboo, in order to maintain its beauty, everyone should have plastic surgery and pruning:

① shortens bamboo shoots that are too long, which can not only promote the growth of lateral branches, but also create a beautiful bonsai shape of Luohan bamboo.

② cut off all the bamboo shoots that are not in the right position, are too dense, and whose nodes are long and flat, but all the branches that affect their appearance are cut off.

③ in order to highlight the sparse and handsome of Luohan bamboo, florists should also cut off the side branches near the base.

How to trim ④ Luohan bamboo? There is one last step: the stereotyped Luohan bamboo, that is, the bonsai that you think is already beautiful, if new shoots are unearthed, it should be cut off in time to maintain the grace of the original bamboo forest.

Generally speaking, Luohan bamboo is not difficult to raise, in the case of proper water and fertilizer, it will grow rapidly. And Luohan bamboo is resistant to pruning, so if you want to get a beautiful pot of Luohan bamboo, you should prune it according to the above method. With regard to the pruning method of Luohan bamboo bonsai, this is the end of the editor's introduction, hoping to give you some help.

How to raise the bonsai of Luohan bamboo, the breeding methods and matters needing attention / light should be sufficient.

Luo Hanzhu, the flower friends who have seen it should be impressed, just like its name, its stalk is very short, it looks like Luohan's belly from afar, it is very strange and beautiful. In life, many people want to raise Luohan bamboo, then how to raise Luohan bamboo? The following are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Luohan bamboo carefully arranged by the editor, which are very detailed. Friends who want to raise must have a look at them.

First, how to raise the bonsai of Luohan bamboo and understand the habits

Luohan bamboo likes warm and humid environment, it likes light, avoid strong light, and is not resistant to cold. When breeding indoors, it should be placed in a place with sufficient light, shade when the light is strong in summer, keep the basin soil moist in daily watering, and take good measures to keep warm in winter. As for cultivated soil, it is better to be loose and fertile slightly acidic soil.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Luohan bamboo

1. Soil

How to raise bonsai of Luohan bamboo? The editor suggested that we should change the basin soil. Nowadays, the flower friends of Luohan bamboo bonsai are basically purchased online, there is existing potted soil, but the soil is very cheap, normal maintenance is OK, but if you want to raise it well, it is best to re-choose the soil.

Soil selection: according to the growth habits of Luohan bamboo, although it is not strict with the soil, it grows best in the loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil with good drainage. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use humus soil, pastoral soil, tree soil, fine sand according to the ratio of 2 to 1 to mix the soil.

2. Lighting

As a green plant, the growth of Luohan bamboo can not be separated from light, sufficient light can make it luxuriant. However, Luohan bamboo is afraid of strong light and should avoid exposure to the hot sun in summer. as for other seasons, as long as the light is not too strong, it can be fully exposed to the sun.

3. Temperature

In the culture methods and matters needing attention of Luohan bamboo, temperature is also a link that can not be ignored. Luohan bamboo likes the warm environment, it is not cold-resistant, the long-term temperature is lower than 4-6 ℃, the plant will suffer cold damage. Therefore, at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, Luohan bamboo should be moved to indoor maintenance, and the room temperature should be controlled at about 8 ℃, which is beneficial to plant growth.

4. Watering

In raising Luohan bamboo indoors, of course, the most important thing is to water it, which is what flower friends like to do best. It is understood that Luohan bamboo is a water-resistant plant, so it should be watered regularly during daily maintenance to keep the soil moist. However, Luohan bamboo avoid stagnant water, so do not water too often, otherwise it is easy to have rotten roots.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, which is also very important in the culture method of Luohan bamboo. Luohan bamboo likes fertilizer, so it should be given liquid fertilizer once a month during the growth period from March to September, so as to ensure that the stems are yellow and bright and the leaves are green.

Note: fertilizing Luohan bamboo must not be too much, especially nitrogen fertilizer, not too much, otherwise each node will grow too long, do not form a Buddha belly, reduce the ornamental value.

6. Pruning

How to raise bonsai of Luohan bamboo? Don't forget to trim it. In the case of proper water and fertilizer, Luohan bamboo will grow very fast, in order to avoid consuming too much nutrition, we should cut off the branches that are not needed for modeling; in addition, the stem of new bamboo is thin and long, and affects the shape, so it should be cut off in time.

7. Diseases and insect pests

Luohan bamboo in the growth process, because of improper maintenance, or the environment is too poor, the plant will inevitably appear diseases and insect pests. Once discovered, we should use chemicals to get rid of diseases and insect pests in time, so that Luohan bamboo can grow normally. As for what kind of medicament to use, you can refer to the pest control of Luohan bamboo.

Generally speaking, Luohan bamboo is quite easy to raise, but if you want to make it look good, you need to pay more attention and take care of it in accordance with the above requirements, so that it can grow luxuriantly. With regard to the culture methods and matters needing attention of Luohan bamboo, this is the end of the editor's introduction. Flower friends who are excited might as well raise and see.

Brief introduction of Culture methods of Phyllostachys pubescens

Luohan bamboo, also known as Buddha belly bamboo, is an ornamental plant. Luohan bamboo can make handsticks and bonsai, and can also be used to beautify the environment. The young plant of Luohan bamboo is dark green, with a layer of white powder on it, the old plant will grow olive yellow, the shape is cylindrical, the height is generally 7-10m, and the Internode is 30-35cm. The gap between its bamboo knots is much shorter than that of ordinary bamboos. it is ovate-shaped and lanceolate-shaped, without any hairy whiskers, and its germination ability is very strong, showing a round, egg-shaped, sickle shape, and the bamboo knots are very short. Luohan bamboo has a very good ornamental value, let's take a look at the culture method of Luohan bamboo.

The main propagation method of Luohan bamboo is the propagation method of individual plants, which is generally selected in autumn, and then planted separately. The method of cutting propagation can also be used, which is usually carried out in March-May.

1. Soil: when planting Luohan bamboo, choose sandy soil rich in humus, often choose sandy soil, turf mud, farmland soil rotten base fertilizer mixed culture.

two。 Seedling selection: first disinfect the soil with parathion and ground bacteria, and then put it into the bag idea, pour through enough water and set aside. Choose plants that have grown for more than two years, choose the base of the bamboo branch that is finished and without any damage, then soak it in clean water for one day, and choose cuttings for spare.

3. Temperature: 75% shade cover after cutting, which can be carried out throughout the year. The temperature is kept above 18 degrees Celsius, the humidity is kept at 80%, the soil is kept moist, and it is watered three times a day in summer and autumn. Generally, new roots can grow in a month. Mature organic fertilizer can be used to fertilize once every half a month, and the seedlings can be exposed to all-day sunlight after emergence.

4. Watering: Luohan bamboo is a kind of wetting-resistant plant, which needs to be watered frequently to keep the basin soil moist. In the summer and growing period, a lot of watering should be carried out, while in winter, the leaves should be cultured indoors and sprayed to make the leaves look more green and beautiful.

5. Fertilization: do not apply too much fertilizer when raising Luohan bamboo, otherwise it will lead to the growth of Luohan bamboo, thus affecting its beauty. Generally in March to September time to continue a rotten thin liquid fertilizer irrigation, can also use calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, mature animal manure for watering, which is more conducive to the growth of Luohan bamboo.

6. Pruning: if you want Luohan bamboo to have better ornamental value, it is necessary to prune overlapping branches, cross branches and over-dense branches, so as to make the shape more beautiful.

When raising Luohan bamboo, we should pay attention to it. In the hot season, the potted Luohan bamboo should be moved to a shady place to avoid exposure to the hot sun. And spray water on the leaves of Luohan bamboo to keep the leaves green. In winter, the potted Luohan bamboo should be moved to the leeward or indoors, which is more conducive to the growth of Luohan bamboo. Bamboo blossoms ahead of time if it encounters a bad environment. When bamboo blossoms, all the nutrients produced by bamboo leaves are used to blossom and bear seeds. Bamboo expends all it has and condenses all the essence into the seeds. After blooming and seeding, the nutrients stored in the bamboo have been used up, and it has fulfilled its mission. Therefore, raising Luohan bamboo and taking good care of it will make its life longer.