
Why does mirror grass love to lose its leaves, lack of light / too little watering / too much fertilization

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Keeping a pot of green plants indoors is the choice of more and more people nowadays, while the mirror grass, whose leaves are always green all the year round and looks like an ancient mirror, has become the first choice for many flower friends. However, in the process of raising mirror grass, many people will encounter the situation of falling leaves, which is a very headache! that

Keeping a pot of green plants indoors is the choice of more and more people nowadays, while the mirror grass, whose leaves are always green all the year round and looks like an ancient mirror, has become the first choice for many flower friends. However, in the process of raising mirror grass, many people will encounter the situation of falling leaves, which is a very headache! So why does mirror grass love to lose its leaves? Today, the editor is here to solve this problem for everyone.

First, why does mirror grass love to lose its leaves?

1. Lack of light

Mirror grass is a shade-loving plant, it is more shade-tolerant, very suitable for indoor breeding. However, some flower friends are relatively lazy, raise mirror grass, do not like to move flowerpots, often let mirror grass in the dark for a long time, and the result is: mirror grass leaves yellow, serious will fall off, affecting the ornamental.

2. Too little watering

Why does mirror grass love to lose its leaves? It may also be due to too little watering. It is understood that mirror grass likes a humid environment, and we should water it frequently during daily maintenance. Once too little watering, the plant lack of water, its leaves are easy to droop, or even fall, resulting in plant death.

3. Fertilize too much

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, which is also one of the reasons for the loss of leaves of mirror grass. The contact surface likes fertilizer, and sufficient nutrients can make its leaves thicker and greener, but once too much fertilizer is applied, or the fertilizer concentration is too high, it will lead to the weakening of the respiration ability of the grass root system, resulting in plant lodging, leaf fall and even death.

Second, what if the mirror grass loses its leaves?

1. Enhance the lighting

What if the mirror grass loses its leaves? If it is caused by lack of light, the remedy is very simple: in family care, mirror grass should not be completely shaded, except for summer shade, other seasons should allow mirror grass to receive sufficient light. After doing so, the shedding of the leaves can be controlled.

2. Replenish water

If the leaves of the mirror grass are caused by insufficient watering, we should replenish the water in time: first, watering to keep the basin soil moist; second, like spraying water on or around the leaves of the plant, keep the air humidity greater than 80%. However, when watering, we should pay attention to not too much water each time, otherwise it is easy to rot roots and affect plant growth.

3. Irrigation dilution

When too much fertilizer causes the grass to lose its leaves, everyone should stop applying fertilizer immediately and then dilute it with water: let the fertilizer flow out from the bottom of the basin. If dealt with in time, the mirror grass leaves will stop, and then slowly recover.

4. Chopping cuttings

What if the mirror grass loses its leaves? If the root system has rotted, it is difficult to remedy, then you can consider chopping cutting: using the way of cutting to reproduce a pot of mirror grass. If you can't, you can take a look at the breeding method of mirror grass.

With regard to the treatment of mirror grass falling leaves, after reading the omni-directional analysis above, we should know how to do it! In fact, the leaf loss of mirror grass is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine.

What about the curl of the leaves of mirror grass? the causes and solutions of the curling leaves of mirror grass?

Mirror grass, which is very similar to Tongqian grass, has round green leaves, but one looks like an ancient mirror and one looks like an ancient copper coin. Looking at the leaves of mirror grass, people will be in a very good mood, so when it curls, flower friends will be very anxious, then mirror grass leaves curl how to do? Next, let's go with the editor to take a look at the causes and solutions of the foliage rolls.

First, what about the curling leaves of mirror grass?

The leaves of mirror grass are curly, which is what many flower friends will encounter in the process of breeding: if it is caused by lack of water and fertilizer, appropriate watering and fertilization can be done; if the temperature is too low, move the mirror grass indoors and adjust the room temperature to 15 ℃; if it is caused by lack of light, move the mirror grass to a place with plenty of light, but you need shade in summer.

Second, the causes and solutions of specular grass rolling leaves.

1. Insufficient watering

Mirror grass likes the wet environment, in the breeding process, we should frequently watering, so as to ensure that its leaves sparkle, can reflect your figure like a mirror. Once the water is underwatered, the leaves curl because the leaves can not absorb enough water.

Solution: it is very simple to replenish water in time, but one watering can not be too much, just keep the basin soil moist; in addition, we should also spray water spray around the plant to keep the air humidity greater than 80%, so that the leaves absorb enough water.

2. Insufficient fertilization

Mirror grass leaves are large, want to grow green, adequate nutrients are indispensable. Once the fertilizer is insufficient, or not fertilized for a long time, the plant is malnourished, and then the leaves of the mirror grass will wrinkle and curl.

Solution: at this time, we should replenish nutrients and fertilize it appropriately, preferably with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so as to make the plant round and full and grow into a round-faced beauty.

3. The temperature is too low

Although mirror grass is a hardy plant, its leaves will not be in good condition if the temperature is too low in winter. Over a long period of time, just like the dry and wrinkled skin of the human body in winter, there will also be the phenomenon of curling leaves of mirror grass.

Solution: when the temperature is too low in winter, we should move the mirror grass indoors and adjust the room temperature to about 15 ℃, so that the normal growth of the plant can be maintained and its curled leaves will slowly recover.

4. Lack of light

In addition to the above points, the reason why mirror grass rolls its leaves may also be caused by lack of light. It is understood that the leaf color of mirror grass is darker, because it is rich in chlorophyll, if the light is not enough, it can not fully carry out photosynthesis, and its leaf color will become light green, or even gray, and in serious cases, it may also lead to leaf crimping and leaf edge curling to the back.

Solution: although the mirror grass is shade-resistant, sufficient light is good for its growth. Therefore, in addition to summer needs appropriate shade, spring, autumn and winter, can let mirror grass for full-day maintenance, so that enough light, its leaves will naturally recover.

How to raise mirror grass, breeding methods and matters needing attention / like astigmatism exposure

Mirror grass, named because its leaves look like the mirror of ancient fairies, is a beautiful foliage plant and is deeply loved by flower friends. In life, many people want to keep a pot of mirror grass at home, so how to raise it? The following are the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted mirror grass carefully arranged by the editor, which are very comprehensive and should not be missed.

First, how to raise mirror grass and understand its habits

Mirror grass likes a warm, humid environment, it is cold-resistant, like shade, avoid strong light, so how to raise mirror grass? When keeping it indoors, it should be placed in a place with sufficient astigmatism and watered frequently to keep the basin soil slightly wet. As for cultivated soil, it is best to choose peat soil that is moist and well drained.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of mirror grass

1. Soil

How to raise mirror grass indoors, the soil should be re-selected first. Nowadays, the mirror grass of flower friends is basically bought online, and there are existing potted plants. normal maintenance can ensure plant growth, but the soil is very cheap. if you want mirror grass to grow well, you'd better choose the soil again.

Soil selection: according to the growth habits of mirror grass, it likes loose and fertile soil with good drainage and air permeability. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of river sand or furnace ash, and 1 part of rotten organic fertilizer. It is best to pad tiles at the bottom of the flowerpot to facilitate drainage.

2. Lighting

Mirror grass is a foliage plant, so there is a great demand for light, but it avoids strong light, so when breeding indoors, it should be placed in a place where there is enough astigmatism but can avoid strong light.

Note: mirror grass requires high light, not too strong, not too concealed; once the light is too strong, its leaves are easy to burn; once too shaded, the leaves are easy to become thinner, petioles become longer and cause leaves to droop.

3. Temperature

How to raise mirror grass, the appropriate adjustment of temperature is also very necessary. It is understood that mirror grass likes a warm environment, and the most suitable growth temperature is 15-20 ℃. If it wants to grow well, it is best to maintain this growth problem.

Note: although the mirror grass is more hardy, the overwintering temperature should be kept at 7 ℃, otherwise the leaves of the mirror grass will turn yellow, the leaves of the mirror grass will curl, the leaves of the mirror grass will fall off, and even be frostbitten; at the same time, the mirror grass is also afraid of high temperature, when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the plant growth will stagnate and the leaves will fall off easily.

4. Watering

Water is the source of life, and watering is an essential link in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of mirror grass. Because mirror grass likes a humid environment, it is necessary to water more at ordinary times to keep the basin soil moist. The watering times should be controlled when the winter temperature is lower than 12 ℃, otherwise it is perishable and not conducive to overwintering.

Note: mirror grass requires high moisture, if not watered, it is easy to appear mirror grass leaves yellow sagging, serious leaves will appear wrinkles and even death; at the same time, mirror grass avoid stagnant water, watering can not be too much, otherwise it will cause leaf discoloration, and even root rot, death.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, it is also very important in the breeding method of mirror grass. Spring and summer is the growing period of mirror grass, at this time, fertilization should be once a semimonthly dilute liquid fertilizer, and should be often irrigated with 0.1% 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or foliar spray.

Note: because the stems and leaves of mirror grass are fleshy, it needs fertilizer, but it is not resistant to thick fertilizer and large fertilizer. When fertilizing it, it should be carried out a few times, and it is most suitable to be irrigated with thin fertilizer. Once fertilizing too much, it will cause excessive growth of leaves, lodging of plants, and in serious cases, rotting roots and even death.

6. Diseases and insect pests

In the process of the growth of mirror grass, due to a variety of reasons, the plant will inevitably cause disease and insect damage. According to the inquiry, the main diseases and insect pests are: shell insects, red spiders, leaf spot, anthrax and so on, they all endanger the health of plants. So once found, we should immediately spray control, as for what medicine should be sprayed, you can refer to the pest control of mirror grass.