
How to raise Australian pine bonsai, culture methods and precautions of Australian pine / avoid stagnant water

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Australian pine, many flower lovers should know, it is a kind of ornamental tree with strong vitality, which is often made into bonsai and raised indoors. As the Australian pine is gradually known, more and more people want to keep it, then how to keep the Australian pine bonsai? The following are the culture methods and matters needing attention of Australian pine carefully arranged by the editor.

Australian pine, many flower lovers should know, it is a kind of ornamental tree with strong vitality, which is often made into bonsai and raised indoors. As the Australian pine is gradually known, more and more people want to keep it, then how to keep the Australian pine bonsai? The following are carefully arranged by the editor of the Australian pine culture methods and points for attention, very detailed, friends who want to raise should not be missed.

First, how to raise Australian pine bonsai and understand the habits

Because the Australian pine plain grows in the Australian desert environment, so it likes a warm, sunny environment, at the same time it is resistant to drought, afraid of cold, avoid stagnant water, so how to keep Australian pine bonsai? We should put it in the sunny place of ventilation, and shade in summer and keep warm in winter. As for the cultivated soil, it is better to be loose, fertile and acidic sandy soil.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Australian pine

1. Soil

How to raise Australian pine bonsai, first of all, we should re-choose basin soil. The reason for this is that many florists' Australian pine bonsai are existing potted plants bought by florists or online, and normal maintenance can ensure plant growth. But the soil is very cheap. If you want Australian pine to grow well, you'd better choose it again.

Soil selection: according to the growth habits of Australian pine, we know that it likes loose, fertile, well-drained and acidic sandy soil. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use the matrix made of garden soil, rotten leaf soil and peat moss.

2. Lighting

As a green plant, Australian pine has a great demand for light. It is understood that Australian pine likes light and is more shady. During the summer and autumn growth period, it can not only be placed in the semi-shade, but also can be maintained in a ventilated place with light in the window.

Note: Australian pine bogey strong light, when the temperature is higher than 35 ℃, avoid bright light; in addition, do not put in shade without light for a long time, otherwise it will cause the symptoms of yellowing of Australian pine leaves and growth of Australian pine, affecting the ornamental value.

3. Temperature

How to raise Australian pine, timely adjustment of the temperature is also very important. Australian pine likes a warm environment, it is not cold-resistant, in winter, the plant should be moved indoors to keep warm, only the room temperature is about 5 ℃, can safely survive the winter.

4. Watering

Water is the source of life, so watering is a very important part of the culture of Australian pine. Australian pine likes the humid environment, the basin soil should be kept moist, especially in summer and autumn high temperature, to prevent the basin soil from being too dry; Australian pine also avoid stagnant water, so in early spring or autumn and winter, basin soil should be dry and avoid being too wet to prevent rotting roots.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, it is also indispensable in the culture method of Australian pine. In the summer and autumn growth period, we should top fertilizer 1-2 times a month, with nitrogen, potassium compound fertilizer is appropriate. Do not ignore fertilization, because once the lack of nutrients, it will easily lead to poor growth of Australian fir.

6. Change the basin soil

How to raise Australian pine bonsai? Changing the basin soil is also a point that can not be ignored. Because the soil in any potted plant is always barren one day, it is necessary to change the pot at the right time. We should change the basin every 2-3 years, and the pot soil will use the culture soil mentioned above. As for pruning, under normal circumstances, Australian pine does not have to prune the branches and let them grow naturally.

How to raise Australian fir, the culture methods and matters needing attention of Australian fir

Australian fir is native to the southeast coastal areas of Oceania, such as northern Australia, Guangdong and other provinces are introduced and cultivated. Some cities in northern China began to introduce Australian fir bonsai in 2002 and are growing well. I don't know how to raise Australian fir? Let's take a look at the culture methods and precautions of Australian fir below.

Culture methods of Australian fir

Australian cedar prefers a warm, humid environment, grows well in sunny places and has a certain degree of shade tolerance, but avoid strong light exposure in summer. It is not resistant to cold and drought and is suitable for slightly acidic sandy loam with good drainage and rich humus.

When Cunninghamia lanceolata is planted in pots, the matrix made from garden soil, rotten leaf soil and peat moss is better. Potted multi-purpose seedlings, and according to the size of the seedlings to choose appropriate flowerpots. Norfolk southern fir likes diffuse light and should be placed in a bright part of the shed. If it is kept in the dark for a long time, it should be moved to the sun every few weeks to make the thick green leaves maintain a beautiful color. The growing season is long, except when the summer temperature exceeds 32 ℃, it can grow all year round.

In the spring to autumn, should be more watering, but avoid stagnant water in the basin. When drying at high temperature, spray water on the basin plant and the ground near it to cool and humidify. Water it in time. Don't wait until the soil is dry before watering. Since the end of autumn, watering is gradually reduced to enhance its cold resistance. Fertilizer should be applied every 2 weeks in the growing season, and the compound fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium is suitable. If the supply of fertilizer is insufficient, the branches and leaves are easy to turn yellow.

Matters needing attention in culturing Australian fir

In the process of growth, in order to avoid tilting the trunk to one side, it is appropriate to turn the pot once a half month to let the plant receive light evenly. In addition, the trunk of young trees is fragile and easy to bend, so it is appropriate to set up pillars to fix the trunk from the time of young trees. In order to prevent the plant from growing too tall, the pot should be changed every 2-3 years after the spring is warm. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to protect the lateral branches so as not to be damaged and affect the plant shape.

Under normal circumstances, Australian fir does not need to be pruned to allow it to grow naturally. The suitable temperature for growth is 10-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is above 5 ℃. Overwintering season, can give a certain amount of light, basin soil can not be too dry, sunny weather should also spray water to increase humidity.

Australian fir culture methods and matters needing attention are introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Australian fir is one of the three largest ornamental trees in the world, which is evergreen all the year round. It can survive the winter as long as it is above zero, and it is also one of the experts at purifying the air. It is very suitable for long-term maintenance in rooms with insufficient light.

Culture methods and points for attention of Australian fir the function of Australian fir

Australian fir is one of the three famous ornamental plants in the world, and it is also one of the experts at purifying the air. It is very suitable for long-term maintenance in the room with insufficient light. Do you know how to grow Australian fir? Today, I will tell you about the culture methods and points for attention of Australian fir and the role of Australian fir.

Brief introduction of Australian fir:

Evergreen trees, generally potted as young trees, less than 2 meters high. Crown steeple-shaped, dark green, crown epidermis often split or strip-like shedding; the new epidermis has bronzed luster. Stem erect, lateral branches whorled, horizontally extended. Branchlets distichous alternate, extending horizontally or slightly pendulous. There are two types of leaves: the leaves on young trees or lateral branches are subulate, curved upward, about 12 cm long, loosely arranged, light green; leaves on big trees or old branches are ovate or triangular-ovate, about 6 cm long, closely arranged. The cone is nearly round.

Culture methods of Australian fir:

1. Soil: Australian fir is suitable for slightly acidic sandy loam with good drainage and rich humus. When potted, it is better to use the mixture of garden soil, rotten leaf soil and peat moss.

2. Watering: Australian fir should be watered more from spring to autumn, but avoid stagnant water in the basin. When drying at high temperature, spray water on the basin plant and the ground near it to cool and humidify. Water it in time. Don't wait until the soil is dry before watering. Since the end of autumn, watering is gradually reduced to enhance its cold resistance.

3. Lighting: Australian fir likes diffuse light and should be placed in a bright place in the shed. If it is kept in the dark for a long time, it should be moved to the sun every few weeks to make the thick green leaves maintain a beautiful color.

4. Temperature: the growing season is long, and the Australian fir can grow throughout the year except when the summer temperature exceeds 32 ℃.

5. Fertilization: fertilizer should be applied every 2 weeks in the growing season, and the compound fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium is suitable. If the supply of fertilizer is insufficient, the branches and leaves are easy to turn yellow.

6, insect diseases: Australian fir diseases and insect pests are very few, in indoor maintenance, most of the shell insect harm, can be sprayed with methophos, chlorpyrifos? Machine EC, Guoguang scale must die and other control, the effect is good.

Matters needing attention in the culture of Australian fir:

1. Summer and autumn are the growing periods. Potted plants can not only be placed in the vulva, but also in the ventilated place with light in the window. Avoid exposure to the hot sun above 35 ℃, and it is not suitable to put in shady places without light for a long time. In this way, the branches and leaves will be withered and yellow or grow too long, affecting the ornamental value.

2. In the process of growth, in order to avoid tilting the trunk to one side, it is appropriate to turn the pot once a half month to let the plant receive light evenly. In addition, the trunk of young trees is fragile and easy to bend, so it is appropriate to set up pillars to fix the trunk from the time of young trees. In order to prevent the plant from growing too tall, the pot should be changed every 2-3 years after the spring is warm. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to protect the lateral branches so as not to be damaged and affect the plant shape.

3. Under normal circumstances, Australian fir does not need to be pruned to allow it to grow naturally. The suitable temperature for growth is 10-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is above 5 ℃. Overwintering season, can give a certain amount of light, basin soil can not be too dry, sunny weather should also spray water to increase humidity.

The role of Australian fir:

Australian fir is suitable for viewing bonsai in a spacious living room or as a unit lobby. It can absorb carbon dioxide and regulate indoor air humidity. It is a powerful natural "humidifier" that absorbs water through its roots. Then use 1% of the water to maintain their own life, and the remaining 99% are released into our living space, and no matter what kind of water you pour on them. The last thing that evaporates is 100% pure water.

Australian fir releases oxygen through photosynthesis, so you don't have to worry about fighting for oxygen with us in the bedroom, and it can increase the fun of life, edify your sentiment and supplement oxygen, so it is a good "plant pet"!

Like many evergreen plants, Australian fir is also a very good "eye fatigue restorant": due to working in front of a computer screen for a long time and close to a computer screen, many of us will have eye fatigue, vision loss, arm or shoulder pain and other phenomena, and data analysis and testing show that often looking at green plants such as Australian fir can significantly reduce visual fatigue and prevent the occurrence of xerosiasis.