
What if cinnabar roots and leaves turn yellow and fall, suitable for lighting / keeping warm in winter / controlled watering

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cinnabar root, also known as cinnabar root, is a kind of ornamental fruit plant, its red small fruit, with evergreen leaves, looks very beautiful! But in the process of breeding, many flower friends' cinnabar roots inevitably have some problems, such as leaf tip yellowing, then what is the reason for cinnabar root leaf tip yellowing?

Cinnabar root, also known as cinnabar root, is a kind of ornamental fruit plant, its red small fruit, with evergreen leaves, looks very beautiful! But in the process of breeding, many flower friends of cinnabar root inevitably have some problems, such as leaf tip yellowing, then cinnabar root leaf tip yellow what reason? How to raise cinnabar root so as not to have yellow leaves? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

What if cinnabar roots and leaves turn yellow and fall

To say that cinnabar roots and leaves turn yellow, like other potted plants, are basically caused by improper maintenance: if it is caused by improper lighting, add light or shade; if the temperature is too low, increase the temperature; if you water too much, loosen the soil; if you encounter diseases and insect pests, you need to spray and control.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing and falling of cinnabar roots and leaves.

1. Environmental mutation

With regard to the reasons for the yellowing and falling of cinnabar roots and leaves, if it is a new potted plant, we should consider environmental factors. Because nowadays, it is popular to buy plants online, which can easily lead to a large geographical span, cinnabar root can not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: very simple, we only need to create the best growth environment for cinnabar root according to its growth habits: adequate astigmatism, ventilated environment, suitable temperature and moisture, careful maintenance for a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Improper lighting

Although cinnabar root is shady, it also needs sufficient light in the process of growth. once it is placed in an overshadowed environment, its leaves will turn yellow because of lack of light; at the same time, cinnabar roots avoid strong light, and if you put it in the sun in summer, it is easy to cause the leaves to wilt and wither, and then turn yellow and fall off.

Solution: when the light is insufficient, supplement the light, and it is best to give it four hours of scattered light every day; when the light is too strong, move the pot to a cool place with light and water it properly. If it is maintained for a period of time, the cinnabar root leaves will turn green again.

3. The temperature is too low

Cinnabar root likes a warm environment and is not resistant to cold. In winter, if the temperature is too low, cinnabar root will not die, but it will grow badly, and its leaves will easily turn yellow.

Solution: after winter, cinnabar root should be moved to indoor maintenance, and the room temperature should be controlled above 8 ℃.

4. Overwatering

Cinnabar root likes the humid environment, just water it to keep the basin soil dry, and never pour too much water, otherwise it will cause stagnant water in the basin, lead to root rot, and its leaves will turn yellow because they cannot absorb nutrients.

Solution: when watering too much, loosen the soil, and move the pot to a ventilated sunny place to let the water evaporate quickly; if it is not found in time, the roots rot, we also need to take off the pot to cut the roots, and then change the pot soil to replant.

5. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above points, the yellowing of cinnabar roots and leaves may also be caused by diseases and insect pests. In the process of cultivating cinnabar root, although it is not easy to grow insects and get sick, but in the case of improper maintenance and unventilated environment, it will also be attacked by diseases and insects and infected by diseases. The emergence of these diseases and insect pests may lead to the yellowing of cinnabar root and leaf tips.

Solution: very simple, identify specific diseases and insect pests, and then spray for control, as for what to spray, you can refer to cinnabar root pest control.

Generally speaking, the breeding method of cinnabar root is not difficult, but because many flower friends are novice, it is inevitable to have the symptom of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a clear mind, the leaf yellow problem can be solved in accordance with the above method. With regard to the yellowing and falling of cinnabar roots and leaves, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

How to raise cinnabar root, culture methods and precautions of cinnabar root / avoid bright light

Cinnabar root, also known as Fugui seed, is a kind of plant with both leaves and fruit. the red fruit, with the evergreen leaves of the four seasons, looks beautiful. In life, many people want to raise cinnabar root, then how to raise cinnabar root? The following are the breeding methods and precautions of cinnabar root carefully arranged by the editor, which are very detailed. Friends who want to raise them must take a look at them.

First, how to raise cinnabar root and understand the habits

Cinnabar root likes a warm, humid environment, it is more shady, afraid of strong light, not cold-resistant, so how to raise cinnabar root? When breeding indoors, it should be placed in a place with sufficient astigmatism to avoid direct light, and warm measures should be taken in winter. As for the cultivated soil, it is better to be a slightly acidic sandy loam with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and air permeability and rich in humus.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of cinnabar root

1. Soil

How to raise cinnabar root? The editor suggests that we change the basin soil first. The reason for this is that most of the cinnabar root potted plants of flower friends are purchased online, and there is existing potted soil, but the soil is cheap and can be maintained normally, but if you want to raise it well, it is best to re-choose the soil.

Soil selection: according to the growth habits of cinnabar root, it likes slightly acidic sandy loam with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and air permeability and rich in humus. In this regard, the editor recommends that people use humus soil, coarse sand, mature oil-free sawdust or unburnt rice chaff ash mixed nutrient soil.

2. Lighting

Light is the key to plant growth, so light is a very important part of cinnabar root culture. Because cinnabar root likes the environment of half-sun and half-shade, and it is afraid of strong light, so when raising indoors, you should put it in a place with sufficient astigmatism, or put it on the balcony with sunshade net, close the net sooner or later, and release the net at noon.

3. Temperature

How to raise cinnabar root? It is also important to adjust the temperature at the right time. Cinnabar root likes a warm environment, the most suitable growth temperature is 25-30 ℃, conditional flower friends can always adjust the temperature to let it grow rapidly.

Note: cinnabar root is not cold-resistant. In winter, if you want it to continue to grow, you should move the plant to indoor culture and control the room temperature above 8 ℃.

4. Watering

Water is the source of life, so watering is an indispensable part of cinnabar root culture. Cinnabar root likes the wet environment, so we should pay attention to the dry and wet state of the basin soil and water it at the right time. Generally speaking, spring and autumn should be watered appropriately, once every 5-7 days; hot in summer, once every 3-4 days; and once every semimonthly in winter, preferably at noon.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, which is also very important in the growth process of cinnabar root. To apply fertilizer to cinnabar root, we should follow the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently, apply more fertilizer in summer and autumn, less or no fertilizer in winter, and avoid too much fertilizer and not too thick fertilizer.

6. Change the basin and trim

In the case of proper water and fertilizer and proper light, cinnabar root will grow rapidly. When it grows to a certain extent, we should change it to a large flowerpot. At the same time, when changing the basin, we should prune it properly and cut off all the branches such as thin, disease and insect, withered and overdense.

Generally speaking, cinnabar root is quite easy to raise, but if you want to make it look good, you need to pay more attention and take care of it in accordance with the above requirements, so that its fruit can grow beautiful. With regard to the breeding methods and matters needing attention of cinnabar root, this is the end of the editor's introduction. Passionate flower friends might as well raise them and have a look.

Maintenance Strategy of Common Lunar New year Flower during Spring Festival


Phalaenopsis is in full bloom before and after the Spring Festival, and proper cooling can prolong the viewing time. The night temperature during flowering should be controlled between 13 ℃ and 16 ℃, but not less than 13 ℃. Pay attention to warming when the temperature is low, but never put the flowers directly on the radiator or too close to it. Phalaenopsis can be watched for as long as 2-3 months. When the flowers wither, the withered flowers should be cut off as soon as possible, which can reduce the consumption of nutrients. If the flower stem is cut off from the base of 4-5 nodes, it can blossom again after 2-3 months. However, the nutrient consumption of the plant is too high, which is not conducive to the growth of the coming year. If you want to bloom again in the coming year, you'd better cut the stem from the base.

boat orchids

After Cymbidium blossoms during the Spring Festival, if it is properly managed, it can still blossom in the coming year. First of all, the flowers should be cut off in time so as not to consume too much nutrients and affect flowering in the coming year; the second is to spray water frequently to maintain a certain degree of humidity; the third is to have enough light and should be placed on the south windowsill to fully receive light; the fourth is to keep warm, the winter room temperature should not be lower than 8 ℃. The fifth is regular fertilization, Cymbidium likes fertilizer, domestic cultivation should be based on compound fertilization, 0.1% urea, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is available; the sixth is to control diseases and insect pests, diseases are most likely to get black spot and ring spot necrosis, often harmful to leaves, can be sprayed with methyl topiramate or chlorothalonil solution to control.


During the Spring Festival, in order to make the daffodils bloom long and fragrant for a long time, the scientific control of the greenhouse is the best way. The florescence is only about 7 days at room temperature ≥ 23 ℃, 15 to 20 days at 8-12 ℃, 10 days at 15-20 ℃, and 1 month at 4 ℃ at room temperature. You don't need any flower fertilizer to raise daffodils, just use clean water. In order to make the daffodils grow strong, you should get the balcony to bask in the sun during the day. In addition, if the full bud is not seen 10 days before the festival, the method of heating the water supply can be used to promote the flower, and the water temperature should be close to the body temperature. During the Spring Festival, families raising daffodils should be placed in places with plenty of sunshine, good ventilation and far away from heating and stove.


Maintenance during the Spring Festival should pay attention to the following points: heat preservation and light supplement, pineapple is native to tropical South America, the suitable temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 22 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter must not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it will cause freezing damage and affect the healthy growth of plants. In order to make pineapple leaves bright and blossom regularly, there must be at least 4-5 hours of direct sunlight every day. Control water and increase fertilizer: pineapple likes a humid environment, keep the basin soil moist on weekdays, and generally do not water on rainy days. For family farming, it is best to use dried water. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright and conducive to photosynthesis. Pineapple blossoms in winter and requires adequate fertilizer.

Rieger Begonia

Control the indoor temperature, the room with Rieger crabapple, do not make the temperature fluctuation too big, general family maintenance, winter temperature is not lower than 15 ℃, can grow normally, blossom. Water should often be sprayed on the leaves to increase air humidity, but the relative humidity should not be too high. Spray water to the leaf surface evenly, try to avoid using the tap water just received, and put the tap water in the bucket for 2-3 days. Usually watering Rieger crabapple depends on climatic conditions. During the Spring Festival, watering should be chosen as far as possible at noon on a sunny day. The water temperature must be close to the indoor temperature, so as not to cause root irritation due to low water temperature. According to relevant information, watering Rieger crabapple with cold boiled water will prolong the flowering period and improve the flowering quality. be careful not to let the water splash on the flowers whenever you water it.


If cyclamen is not properly maintained in winter, for example, under the attack of continuous low temperature, freezing damage will occur. So, how can we tell whether frost injury has occurred? The plant hardens at the initial stage of freezing; the leaves are dark black-green with cool hands; the petals are shrunken at the edge and there are water-like spots on the petals; finally, in the later stage, the plant wilts, leaves and flowers become soft and rot. So how to maintain and prevent the occurrence of frost injury? First, strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Proper application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can make the plant grow healthily. Second, pest control. To strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and diseases, it is found that withered leaves and diseased flowers should be cleaned up in time, while keeping the environment clean, often ventilated and transparent. Third, prevent low temperature. Pay attention to the weather changes and take heat preservation measures in advance when it comes to cooling.

Gentleman orchid

The orchid should be kept in a warm place indoors, the temperature should be controlled at about 23 ℃ during the day, 13 ℃ at night, and the temperature difference between day and night should be controlled at about 10 ℃. It should not be placed by the fire in order to keep warm, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves and affect its normal growth. Gentleman orchids like plenty of sunshine in winter, but they don't need long sunlight. After archery, do not let its buds see the sun too early, otherwise it will easily lead to flowering in the leaves; control the number of watering times. Usually pour enough water at one time, wait for the basin soil to dry naturally and then water it. If the watering times are too many, the basin soil will accumulate water for a long time, which will cause the root to rot. Can often spray water to the leaves, and wipe the leaves with a cloth to prevent the air from drying. Do not apply raw fertilizer, because the fertilizer can decompose and ferment at the temperature of 15 ℃ ~ 18 ℃, resulting in high temperature and burn the fleshy root of Cymbidium.


Rhododendron bonsai is loved by people because of its excellent posture, shape and color. Maintenance during the Spring Festival should pay attention to the following aspects: control the temperature, spring cuckoo, summer cuckoo and rhododendron are more cold-resistant, as long as the room temperature is not less than 0 ℃, basically will not be frozen; while the rhododendron should ensure that the room temperature is more than 2 ℃ to survive the winter, if the room temperature can not reach, it is necessary to heat up, such as lighting, fire and other cold prevention measures. When the humidity is mastered, the rhododendron bonsai is in a semi-dormant state in winter, and the water absorption and foliar evaporation are weakened accordingly. Therefore, every 5-7 days, it should be thoroughly watered with water stored indoors at noon, and bonsai should be placed in a sunny place. With moderate fertilization, cuckoos do not need to apply fertilizer in winter, but the first base fertilizer since January is indispensable. Base fertilizer with withered cake or bean cake powder mixed with a small amount of bone powder, dry application slightly away from the pile root.


During the Spring Festival, if you want peonies to open well, winter management can not be ignored. The main tasks of winter management of peony are as follows:

The leaves are dry in winter and often persist on the branches. because there are many germs and eggs on the leaves, they should be cut off in time so as not to fall to the ground and spread diseases and pests the following year. The withered leaves that have been cut or pulled should be burned centrally. Peony is dormant in winter and is suitable for pruning. On the premise of keeping the plant shape satisfactory, the sprouting tiller branches from the ground around the main branch and the overlapping branches, cross branches, disease and insect branches on the plant should be cut off. Peony is fond of fertilizing flowers and trees, and even if more fertilizer is applied during winter dormancy, it will not produce "root burning" phenomenon. However, for the sake of safety, semi-rotten cake fertilizer or human feces should be applied. Fertilization should be applied in shallow holes of 10 cm on both sides 20-25 cm away from the main root of the peony.

Bamboo taro

Bamboo taro is a popular foliage plant in the Lunar New year Flower Market in recent years. Bamboo taro likes high temperature and humid environment, avoids sun exposure and has poor cold resistance. Avoid drought, the suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, the temperature in winter is not lower than 10 ℃, and the aboveground part will suffer frost damage when the temperature is below 5 ℃. Therefore, during the Spring Festival maintenance, must control the temperature, at the same time should also be given sufficient sunshine. In the north, it should be cultured in a room with high temperature, and the room temperature at night should be kept above 15 ℃. If the room temperature is not up to, it can be covered with a plastic bag to keep warm and humid. Strict control of watering, basin soil is too wet easy to cause rhizome rot. New leaves can not be watered too much at the beginning of germination, only with the increase of new leaves, the amount of water gradually increased.

Anthurium andraeanum

The tolerable low temperature of Anthurium andraeanum is 16 ℃, so pay attention to it from time to time. Heating should be taken if the indoor temperature is lower than 16 ℃ during the Spring Festival to prevent frost injury. Anthurium andraeanum growth requires higher air humidity, generally should not be less than 50%, high temperature and high humidity is more conducive to its growth. When the room temperature is more than 25 ℃ and the humidity is not enough, spray on the top of the flowers can increase the relative humidity of the foliage and indoor air and create a warm and humid growing environment. However, even if the indoor temperature is high, it is not suitable to spray water directly on the leaves, otherwise the excessive humidity of plant leaves at night will reduce the cold resistance and easily cause freezing damage. Watering should not be too much, often placed in the sunny window to accept the sun.


The focus of the maintenance of camellias during the Spring Festival is anti-freezing, protecting buds, and doing a good job of anti-freezing and warmth. Camellia is relatively cold-tolerant, but small pot seedlings, weak seedlings, diseased plants and young trees less than 4 years old need to be protected from freezing and warmth when the temperature is below 0 ℃ to avoid damaging the seedlings. Winter warm methods are: balcony warm room, urban camellias, generally can be set up on the balcony a small warm room, so that camellias shelter from the cold winter, this small warm room is usually 45 degrees slope, made of wood bracket, surrounded by plastic film closure; indoor winter, cultivate a small number of camellias amateurs, if housing conditions permit, when the temperature drops below 0 ℃, camellias should be moved into the house for the winter.

Cinnabar root

During the Spring Festival, it is best to water cinnabar root at noon. Should pay attention to timely and appropriate watering, to maintain the wet state of the basin soil, neither dry nor waterlogged. Fertilization should be carried out according to the size of flowers and seedlings, different seasons, fruit branches and fruitless shoots. Rich and noble seeds grow more vigorously in summer and autumn, and more nutrients are needed, so they can apply more fertilizer; in winter and early spring, the plants are basically in a dormant state, which can be applied less or not. In a word, we should not only meet the needs of the growth and development of flowers and seedlings, but also prevent the overgrowth of plants and affect the ornamental value. Therefore, the best way is to apply less thick fertilizer, more thin fertilizer, and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Strong light should be avoided in maintenance, with a little light.