
How to cultivate Buddleja officinalis, cultivation methods and precautions/sufficient light

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Buddleja is a shrub plant belonging to the genus Buddleja of Marchanaceae. It can be seen in many parts of our country. However, if we want to raise it well, we need to pay attention to many places. How to raise Buddhists? What are the cultivation methods and precautions of Buddleja officinalis? The following small series takes everyone to understand

Mimeng flower is a shrub plant of the genus Brucaceae, which can be seen in many parts of our country, but there are many things we need to pay attention to if we want to raise it well. About how to raise Mimeng flowers? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Mimeng flower? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise Mimeng flowers and understand their habits

If we want to know how to raise Mimeng flower, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant likes a warm and humid environment and has a certain degree of cold resistance, but it is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to controlling the amount of water when watering it. In addition, we should also pay attention to daily lighting, fertilization and other aspects. Details are described in detail below. Let's take a look.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Mimeng Flower

1. Humus soil

If we want Mimonghua to thrive, then we need to choose the right soil for it, which is a step to lay a good foundation and is very important. Generally, it is best to choose loose and fertile humus soil, which is rich in nutrition, good drainage and air permeability, so that plants can better absorb nutrients.

two。 Temperature, 18-25 ℃

When we cultivate Mimeng flower, the ambient temperature is also what we need to pay attention to, because only if it is allowed to grow at a suitable temperature can it grow better. The suitable growth temperature of Mimeng flower is between 18 and 25 ℃. The temperature should not be too high or too low, otherwise it is not conducive to its growth.

3. Fertilize, fertilize three times

The demand for fertilizer of this plant is not high, so we do not need too much fertilizer when we breed it, but only need to apply fertilizer three times a year. The first is that when planting, we should apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the soil. After that, we can apply fertilizer once before flowering and during the fruiting period. On fertilizer, we can choose a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

4. Moisture, avoid stagnant water

This kind of plant likes to grow in a warm and humid environment, so we should water it frequently when we breed it to keep the soil moist, so that the plant will grow better. However, in the amount of water we need to pay attention to control, can not be watered too much, because Mimeng flower is not resistant to waterlogging, if stagnant water, its roots are very easy to rot.

5. Light, avoid strong light

Mimeng flower is a kind of plant that likes light, but it is not tolerant to strong light. if the light is more suitable in spring and autumn, we can put it outside to receive light all day, but after entering summer, because the light is relatively strong, so we still need to pay attention to shade, so as not to burn the plant.

6. Timely treatment of diseases and insect pests

In the process of cultivating Mimeng flowers, if we are not careful enough, we will let diseases and insect pests enter while we are not careful. this kind of problem is very harmful to the plants, so we must deal with it in time after it is discovered, because the extension of time will lead to the direct death of the plants. as for the specific ways to deal with this kind of problems, you can refer to the article on pest and pest control of Mimeng flowers, which contains detailed teaching.

How to grow firecrackers? Culture methods and matters needing attention of firecrackers

[FAQ] how to grow firecrackers? Culture methods and matters needing attention of firecrackers

[expert answers]

Firecracker flower alias firecracker, yellow eel vine, Mimeng flower, etc., can be planted by pressing strips, which mainly make use of fallen vines, which can be carried out in spring, autumn and summer. It can take root after 20-30 days, cut it into a new plant after a month and a half, and bloom in the same year. Plant more potted plants. Or directly press the strip in the container, do not move to the nursery to raise seedlings.


It can be cultivated in the open field in the south, potted in the north and overwintered in winter. Pot cultivation can use rotten leaf soil, compost soil, sand soil mixed culture soil, plus a small amount of cake fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Fertilizer application

The rarefied liquid fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus is usually applied about 2 weeks in the growing season. The quick-acting liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphate fertilizer was applied 1-2 times at the bud stage, and the liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer was applied once after flower fade to facilitate flowering and plant growth.


Watering should be dry and wet, and avoid stagnant water in the basin. Watering during the blooming period of pregnant buds should be more appropriate. Summer temperature is high, watering should be sufficient, at the same time, sprinkle water to the ground near the flowerpot to improve the air humidity. Autumn begins to enter the period of flower bud differentiation, and watering should be less at this time in order to control vegetative growth and promote flower bud differentiation.

Temperature, light

Firecracker flowers are not cold-resistant, and the northern areas need to move indoors to survive the winter. During the overwintering period, keep the room with sufficient sunshine and control watering, stop fertilization, and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃. In general, the room temperature needs to be gradually increased in mid-December and late December, and appropriate watering and fertilization are needed at the same time, so that the buds can blossom in February-March.

[editor's comments] firecrackers, which originated in Brazil, is a big evergreen vine. It has been introduced and cultivated in China for more than 100 years. When it blossoms, its inflorescences droop in a string, which is very spectacular and beautiful. It can be used as a fence or fence green plant. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Introduction of Eriocaulon buergerianum fine grass: how to raise / how to propagate fine grass business card Eriocaulon buergerianum the introduction of fine grass is an annual herb, with soft and dense whisker roots, basal leaves and long lanceolate strips. The head is hemispherical, with layers of bracts closely arranged at the bottom, yellowish green bracts, dense white short hairs on the upper margin, and gray-white at the top of the inflorescence. The flower stem is slender, different in length, yellowish green, shiny, slightly twisted, with several edges. Capsule 3-lobed. Gu Jingcao is mainly produced in Suzhou, Yixing, Liyang, Wuxing, Huzhou, Xiangxiang, Huanggang, Xianning, Xiaogan and other places in Jiangsu Province, China. In most areas of China, the whole grass of this plant is used as millet grass as medicine, and it is harvested and dried when it blossoms and bears beads in autumn. The wind and heat can be evacuated and the nebula can be turned away. It is used for wind-heat of liver channel, swelling and pain of eyes, eye disorder, wind-heat headache, night blindness and so on. The morphological characteristics of the herbs of the genus Prunus, having linear, tufted, translucent, translucent, 4-10 (- 20) cm in length, 2-5 mm in width in the middle, and 7-12 (- 18) veins. Scape numerous, up to 25 (- 30) cm long, 0.5 mm thick, twisted, 4-5-angled; sheath bracts 3-5 cm long, mouth oblique; inflorescences subglobose at maturity, straw-colored, 3-5 mm long and 4-5 mm wide Involucral bracts Obovate to suborbicular, straw-colored, lower half stiff, upper half papery, not reflexed, 2-2.5 mm long, 1.5-1.8 mm wide, glabrous or margin with a few hairs, lower hairs longer; involucral receptacle often densely pilose. Bracts Obovate to long Obovate, 1.7-2.5 mm long and 0.9-1.6 mm wide, with white short hairs on the upper part and tip of the back; male flowers: Calyx flamelike, lateral fissured, 3-lobed, 1.8-2.5 mm long, more or less hairy on the back and tip; Corolla lobes 3, subconical, nearly large, with 1 black gland near the top and often 2-celled white short hairs at the tip. Stamens 6, anthers black, female flowers: Calyx connate, lateral dehiscence, apical 3-lobed, 1.8-2.5 mm long, abaxially and apically short hairy, lateral fissure margin hairy, lower long and short; petals 3, free, oblate, fleshy, apical with 1 black gland and several white short hairs each, fruit hair easy to fall at maturity, often villous inside; ovary 3-loculed, style branched 3, shorter than style. The seed moment is round, 0.75-1 mm long, with a horizontal lattice and T-shaped protuberance. The flowering and fruiting period is from July to December. The ecological habit of millet fine grass has a large number of fibrous roots, which are born in the bottom mud; they are born in wet places such as ponds, streams and ditches, and by the edge of paddy fields. Like warm and humid climate, avoid drought and severe cold. It is suitable to choose paddy field or low wetland for cultivation. The ecological environment is born in fields, wasteland or hillsides. Gu Jingcao likes a warm and humid climate, avoiding drought and severe cold. It is suitable to choose paddy field or low wetland for cultivation. 1. Gu Jing grass-growing swamps, ditches and damp places beside the fields. 2. Euphorbia angustifolia is born in paddy fields and ditches. 3. Valleys in South China are born in paddy fields or gully wetlands. 4. Maogu fine grass grows in paddy fields or creek wetlands. Cultivation techniques of Euphorbia angustifolia the weeds were pulled out 3-4 times during the growing period, topdressing to 1-2 times, and regular irrigation to keep the soil moist. Harvest, storage, autumn harvest, pull out the flower stem, remove the mud and dry. The seed propagation of Euphorbia angustifolia the mature scape is harvested in autumn, dried and crushed, and the seeds are collected for sowing. In spring, seed 15kg is used in each 1hm2 field or land, sowed evenly, placed in field water when sowing, and maintained in shallow water after germination and emergence. At present, seed retention and seed cultivation are mostly wild, and wild seeds are mainly collected in cultivation. September to October is the fruit ripening stage. When the seeds mature, the fruit sequence shows gray-black patches, the fruit stalks are dry and yellow and twisted, and the seeds are harvested when the seeds are tangerine, which should not be harvested too early. The seeds are not yet ripe and have no germination power, and the seed germination rate will be reduced if harvested too late. When the seeds are harvested, pull out the fruit sequence with the stalk, spread it on the bamboo basket to dry the water, press the fruit sequence with the palm of your hand, and rub it back and forth continuously until all the fruit is rubbed off. Cut off the pedicel, then continue to rub the fruit with a copper screen with an aperture of 0.9 mm. After rubbing the pericarp, pour them all into the beaker and rinse off the peel and bract with clean water. The seeds are spread out in a petri dish to dry, stored in a sealed glass bottle and set aside in a dryer or refrigerator. Stored at room temperature for 8 months, it almost completely loses its vitality. In the method of seed propagation, the germination rate of Euphorbia angustifolia seeds is low, but it is easy to germinate. The average daily temperature of 11-28 ℃ can germinate. It likes high temperature and sufficient light. In April, Hainan Island has entered the high temperature season, and the average daily temperature of the seedling bed has reached more than 21 ℃, so the seedlings emerge 6 ~ 11 days after sowing. Because the seeds are small and the ability to resist the adverse environment is poor, the emergence rate of sowing is low during the typhoon and rainstorm season in Hainan Island from September to October, and the effect of raising seedlings indoors with light is better, with an average emergence rate of 19.7%. If sowing outdoors, a film should be covered to prevent the seeds from being blown away by strong winds to ensure that the emergence rate is more than 16%. Adopt seedling transplanting, select paddy field convenient for drainage and irrigation when raising seedlings, after fully raking, grow 5 meters, 1 meter wide, 10 centimeters high seedbed, because the seeds are very small, require the bed surface to be flat and fine, sow seeds and coconut bran or sawdust at 1:50 ratio after sowing, evenly sow on the seedling bed, sowing in summer high temperature season is better. Sowing rate, 0.3g per square meter, watering after sowing, and keep the border moist, timely build a mobile rain shelter, cover the shed before each rain, in case the seeds are washed away by Rain Water, uncover the shed in time after rain, complete the seedlings for about a month, start to fertilize after finishing the seedlings, and take thin human feces or urea as appropriate to lift the seedlings. It can be transplanted after 3-4 months of cultivation, and the nursery can be planted in the field on cloudy days. The appearance of this species is similar to that of E. nantoense Hayata in Nantou, but the latter is easy to distinguish with dense hairs, and the female calyx has keel-like protuberances, and the anther is quite different from E. nepalense Presc. Ex Bong. And old gu Jingcao E. senile Honda. Species classification of Euphorbia angustifolia began in the "relics of Materia Medica", "Kaibao Materia Medica" cloud: "collected in the grain field in February and March. A Dai Xingcao, white and small round like stars. " "this sketch classics" cloud: "Gu Jing grass, the old does not contain the state soil, now there are everywhere." Spring was born in the valley, with green leaves and stems, white roots and flowers. Pick flowers in February and March. There is another kind, the stem is long and jointed, the root is slightly red, out of the Qin Mausoleum, the ancient prescription is rarely used, and now it is mostly used in dental medicine. " The Compendium says, "after the grass is harvested, it will grow in the barren field." There are many rivers and lakes in the north and south. A family is clustered with leaves like tender rice seedlings. Draw thin stem, four or five inches high, stem head with small white flowers, dots like random stars. Pick flowers in September and dry in the shade. Those who pick the cloud in February and March are mistaken. " According to the above and the textual research on the characteristics of the fine grain sketch attached to "Qinzhou Valley essence Grass", "outline" and "Plant name and reality Map", it can be seen that the main varieties used in ancient and modern millet essence herbs are basically the same, and they are plants of the genus Euphorbia of the family Spartaceae. On the other hand, the picture of "Jiangning Fu Valley essence Grass" and the Valley essence Grass of "Lianyanyan Materia Medica" contained in this Sketch Classic are not this product and seem to be the point plum of Primulaceae. 1. Euphorbia angustifolia is an annual herb, showing a rosette. Fibrous roots numerous, soft, dense. Stemless. The leaves are basal, linear-lanceolate, 6-20cm long, 3-4mm wide in the middle, the widest base can reach 8mm, the apex is slightly obtuse, there are more than 10 longitudinal veins, and there are transparent small squares composed of longitudinal and transverse veins on the leaf. Scape numerous, varying in length, up to 30cm, shorter than or higher than leaves; head subglobose, 4-6cm in diam., involucral bracts Obovate, 2-2.5mm long, stem yellow; floral bracts Obovate, apex cuspidate, ca. 2mm, densely pubescent distally. Male flowers few, outer tepals United to form Obovate bract, apex 3-lobed, obtuse, with short hairs, inner tepals United to form obconical tube; stamens 6, anthers black, 0.2 mm long; female flowers numerous, around inflorescences, few pedicels; outer tepals United into elliptic bract, inner tepals 3, free, spatulate, apex with a black gland with slender hairs; pistil 1, ovary 3-loculed, stigma 3-lobed. Capsule trigonous-globose, ca. 1mm. The seeds are long oval and hairy. The flowering and fruiting period is from July to December. 2. The difference between this species and Euphorbia angustifolia lies in that the leaves are clustered and the leaves are narrowly linear. Heads lax, without powdery; sepals of male flowers usually connate, lobes dorsally not keeled, anthers white; female sepals 2-3, free, narrowly linear, petals absent. 3. The head of this species is solid and covered with white powder, and the sepals of male flowers are similar to those of female flowers, of which 2 are large and boat-shaped, with winged keel protrusions on the back. Leaves 6. 5-15cm long, abaxially glabrous; total pedicel slightly longer than leaves. 4. The difference between this species and the first three species is that the leaves are as long as 60cm and the abaxial surface is long pilose; the total pedicel is usually as long as the leaves and twice as long as the leaves. Head solid, albino, shape unchanged when dry; outer bracts shorter than inflorescence; male petals densely villous, with black glandular spots; female petals narrowly linear, thicker, apex densely villous, with black glandular dots below. The distribution area of Euphorbia angustifolia is distributed in the tropics and subtropics, especially in America. There are only 1 genus and about 40 species in China, which are found all over the country except the northwest. Valleys are mainly produced in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces and regions. Born in a rice field and by the water. It's also available in japan. 1. Artemisia angustifolia is distributed in East and Southwest China, Hunan, Taiwan and other places. 2. Euphorbia angustifolia is distributed in East China, South-Central China, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Taiwan, Guizhou and other places. 3. Fine grass of South China is distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places. 4. Maogu fine grass is distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of Euphorbia angustifolia the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Euphorbia angustifolia are for reference only, not as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. The medicinal value [source] is the flowering inflorescence of Euphorbia angustifolia. [alias] Dai Xingcao, Meteor Grass, Wenxing Grass, Gu Jingzhu, Pearl Grass, Buddha Ding Pearl [efficacy] dispel wind and heat, clear eyes. Treatment of eye nebula, sparrow blindness, headache, toothache, throat arthralgia, epistaxis. [nature and taste] Xinggan, cool. ① "relics of Materia Medica": "taste sweet, flat." ② "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "cool." Enter the liver and stomach meridians. "Materia Medica Classic Shu": "enter the foot Jueyin and Yangming Sutra." Oral administration: fried soup, 15g to 20g; or into the pill, powder. External use: burning research powder. [medication taboo] "must be matched with Materia Medica": "Blood deficiency is prohibited for patients with disease." [drug compatibility] "description of Materia Medica": iron taboo. With dense Mongolian flowers, clear eyes to retreat nebula; with Fangfeng, soothing wind and clear eyes to stop itching; with gentian grass, soothing wind, relieving heat and retreating nebula; with stone cassia, clear liver and clear eyes to dispel nebula. [alias] Dai Xingcao ("Kaibao Materia Medica"), Wenxing Grass, Meteor Grass ("Compendium"), Star moving Grass ("Modern practical traditional Chinese Medicine"), Pearl Grass ("Jiangsu Herbal Journal"), fisheye grass ("Luchuan Materia Medica"), Tianxing Grass ("Pharmaceutical Chronicles of Nanning"), Buddha Ding Zhu, ear Grass ("Sichuan Journal of traditional Chinese Medicine"). [prescription name] Gu Jingcao, Gu Jingzhu. [trade name] Euphorbia angustifolia: the whole grass or inflorescence of the annual herb of the family Euphorbiaceae. The inflorescence is large and compact, dry, gray in color, short flower stem and no impurities. Gu Jingzhu: E. sexangulare L. And E.australe R. Br. The head of the inflorescence. This is not authentic. [distribution of animal and plant resources] distributed in Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi and other places. It mainly produces Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In addition, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and other places. [harvest and storage of medicinal materials] harvested from August to September, the flower stems were pulled out, mud removed and dried in the sun. "this draft Sutra": "Gu Jing grass, the old does not contain the state soil, now there are everywhere." Spring was born in Gutian, with green leaves, white roots and flowers, and flowers in February and March. There is also a kind of stem with long nodes, slightly red roots, between Qin and long. The ancient prescription is seldom used, but now the dental medicine is mostly used. " [Latin name] the original plant Eriocaulon buergeria-num Koern of Flos Eriocauli;. [textual research] comes from Kaibao Materia Medica. The crude drug was identified as a head with flowering stem. The inflorescence is oblate and round in diameter, with scaly yellowish involucral bracts at the bottom, closely arranged in a disk, and 30-40 florets, gray-white, closely arranged, with white fine powder on the surface; after crushing by hand, most small black seeds and gray-green small seeds can be seen. Inflorescence with a slender flower stem, ca. 15-18 cm, yellowish green, glossy; soft, not easy to break. Smelly, light taste, chewing for a long time will form a ball. Large and tight beads, gray-white, short flower stems, yellowish green, no roots, leaves and impurities are preferred. Eriocaulon sieboldtianum and E. Nudicuspe Maxim. The head with flowering stem is also used in medicine. The head is small, 2-4 mm in diameter, grayish yellow, with more than a dozen florets, loosely arranged, with thin and soft stems, sometimes with leaves. Produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places. In Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places, it is customary to use E.sexangulare L. And E. Australe R. Br. The head of the flower, commonly known as "Gu Jingzhu". [chemical constituents of traditional Chinese medicine] contains oryzolin. Clinical application 1, wind-heat eye swelling pain, shyness, ophthalmic membrane. This product is frivolous and scattered, good at dispersing the wind and heat on the head, withdrawing the nebula caused by the upward attack of wind and heat, and those with red swelling and pain, shyness and tears, and nebula film in the eyes, it can be compatible with Schizonepeta tenuifolia, cassia seed and gentian grass, such as Gujing grass decoction ("examine Yao letter"). 2, wind-heat headache: take its evacuation wind-heat and treat wind-heat headache, often with peppermint, chrysanthemum, burdock and other medicinal uses. Literature discussion 1. "outline of Xinhua Materia Medica": inflorescence or whole grass: pungent, sweet and lukewarm. It has the function of eyesight retreating and relieving pain. For conjunctivitis, sore throat, toothache, cold and fever, headache. 2. "Kaibao Materia Medica": "mainly treats arthralgia, toothache and scabies." 3. Compendium of Materia Medica: "Grain grass is light and floating and can ascend to Yangming." It is very good to add and use all the diseases in the eye. The skill of retreating from the shadow of the eye seems to be on top of the chrysanthemum. " There are 40 species in China, which are distributed in the tropics and subtropics, all of which are found in China except in the northwest, especially in the south, among which the most common and economically valuable is Euphorbia przewalskii, which is a capsule. The flower language of gu Jingcao: fresh and dignified. Elaeagnus angustifolia can promote collagen synthesis, effectively absorb ultraviolet rays, resist skin aging, and significantly improve wrinkles. It has the function of clearing heat and dispelling wind, clearing liver and eyesight, and is used to treat all kinds of eye diseases. Gu Jingcao pictures