
How to raise drunken fish grass, the culture methods and matters needing attention / avoid waterlogging

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Drunken fish grass is a kind of common plant all over the world, which is cultivated in Asia, America, Africa and other regions, but it is not easy to raise it well. There are many places we need to pay attention to. How to raise it? What are the culture methods and points for attention of drunken fish grass

Drunken fish grass is a kind of common plant all over the world, which is cultivated in Asia, America, Africa and other regions, but it is not easy to raise it well. There are many places we need to pay attention to. How to raise it? What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of drunken fish grass? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise drunken fish and grass and understand their habits

If we want to know how to raise drunken fish grass, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant likes to grow in a warm and humid environment and likes light, so we should keep it in sufficient light when we breed it. In addition, we also need to pay attention to the daily water and fertilizer management, the details are described in detail below, let's take a look at it.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of drunken fish grass

1. Sandy loam

If we want to make drunken fish grass can thrive, then we need to choose a suitable soil for it, which is a step to lay a good foundation and is very important. Generally speaking, it is best to choose loose and fertile sandy loam. The drainage and air permeability of this soil are better than the price, so that the plant can better absorb nutrients and is not prone to stagnant water.

two。 Fertilize, rarely fertilize

The demand for fertilizer in the growth process of this plant is not very high, so we do not need regular fertilization, we can apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to its substrate soil before planting, because excessive fertility can promote leaf growth rather than flower production, so it does not need to be fertilized during its growth process unless it grows in barren soil.

3. Moisture, avoid stagnant water

Drunken fish grass this kind of plant likes the warm and humid environment, so when we cultivate it, we should water it frequently and keep the soil moist, so that it can thrive. However, in the amount of water we still need to pay attention to control, this kind of plant is not resistant to waterlogging, if too much watering causes stagnant water, it will lead to root rot.

4. Light, avoid strong light

Drunken fish grass this plant is more like light, but can not bear strong light, when we breed it, if it is spring and autumn, because the light is more suitable, we can let it receive light all day, so it can better photosynthesis, thus grow better, but after entering the summer, because the light is relatively strong, we still need appropriate shade to avoid strong light to burn the plant.

5. Timely treatment of diseases and insect pests

In the process of cultivating drunken fish and grass, if we are not careful enough, it is very easy to let diseases and insect pests enter while we are not careful. this kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, so we must deal with it in time after we find the problem, because the longer the time drags on, the greater the harm to the plant, as for the specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of drunken fish grass, which is introduced in detail.

How to raise Mimeng Flower, the breeding methods and precautions / sufficient light

Mimeng flower is a shrub plant of the genus Brucaceae, which can be seen in many parts of our country, but there are many things we need to pay attention to if we want to raise it well. About how to raise Mimeng flowers? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Mimeng flower? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise Mimeng flowers and understand their habits

If we want to know how to raise Mimeng flower, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant likes a warm and humid environment and has a certain degree of cold resistance, but it is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to controlling the amount of water when watering it. In addition, we should also pay attention to daily lighting, fertilization and other aspects. Details are described in detail below. Let's take a look.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Mimeng Flower

1. Humus soil

If we want Mimonghua to thrive, then we need to choose the right soil for it, which is a step to lay a good foundation and is very important. Generally, it is best to choose loose and fertile humus soil, which is rich in nutrition, good drainage and air permeability, so that plants can better absorb nutrients.

two。 Temperature, 18-25 ℃

When we cultivate Mimeng flower, the ambient temperature is also what we need to pay attention to, because only if it is allowed to grow at a suitable temperature can it grow better. The suitable growth temperature of Mimeng flower is between 18 and 25 ℃. The temperature should not be too high or too low, otherwise it is not conducive to its growth.

3. Fertilize, fertilize three times

The demand for fertilizer of this plant is not high, so we do not need too much fertilizer when we breed it, but only need to apply fertilizer three times a year. The first is that when planting, we should apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the soil. After that, we can apply fertilizer once before flowering and during the fruiting period. On fertilizer, we can choose a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

4. Moisture, avoid stagnant water

This kind of plant likes to grow in a warm and humid environment, so we should water it frequently when we breed it to keep the soil moist, so that the plant will grow better. However, in the amount of water we need to pay attention to control, can not be watered too much, because Mimeng flower is not resistant to waterlogging, if stagnant water, its roots are very easy to rot.

5. Light, avoid strong light

Mimeng flower is a kind of plant that likes light, but it is not tolerant to strong light. if the light is more suitable in spring and autumn, we can put it outside to receive light all day, but after entering summer, because the light is relatively strong, so we still need to pay attention to shade, so as not to burn the plant.

6. Timely treatment of diseases and insect pests

In the process of cultivating Mimeng flowers, if we are not careful enough, we will let diseases and insect pests enter while we are not careful. this kind of problem is very harmful to the plants, so we must deal with it in time after it is discovered, because the extension of time will lead to the direct death of the plants. as for the specific ways to deal with this kind of problems, you can refer to the article on pest and pest control of Mimeng flowers, which contains detailed teaching.

Drunken fish grass Buddleja lindleyana Fortune drunken fish sketch guide: drunken fish grass how to raise / how to reproduce drunken fish grass name piece drunken fish grass Buddleja lindleyana Fortune drunken fish grass introduction of drunken fish grass (Buddleja lindleyana Fortune), transition flower order Loganaceae plants. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Most species of the genus Cyperus have hairy or furfurous leaves and flowers in clusters of purple, white, yellow or orange. Drunken fish grass, alias fish tail grass, drunken fish grass, is a labial order, Scrophulariaceae, drunken fish grass plants. Deciduous shrub, 1-2.5m high. Bark tea-brown, much branched, branchlets quadrangular, narrowly winged. The florescence is from April to July and the fruiting period is from October to November. Drunken fish grass, verbenaceae drunk fish grass is a semi-evergreen shrub. More cold-resistant (in Shanghai area to withstand the absolute lowest temperature-8 ℃, the suitable temperature for growth is 25: 30 ℃, but also can withstand the high temperature of 39 ℃), strong drought resistance, lax soil quality requirements, extensive management, like sufficient sunshine, flowering is the most luxuriant in fertile and well-drained places. It should be pruned after flowering every year to ensure exuberant growth in the coming year. It blossoms continuously from the end of spring to frost, with large and gorgeous inflorescences, long flowering period and luxuriant flowering. It is an excellent summer and autumn shrub. Drunken fish grass cultivation is easy, convenient management, no matter group planting or scattered planting, can form a better natural landscape. The morphological characteristics of drunk fish grass is a shrub with a height of 1-3 meters. Stem skin brown; branchlets quadrangular, slightly narrowly winged above ribs; young branchlets, leaf blades, petioles, inflorescences, bracts and bracteoles densely covered with stellate tomentose and glandular hairs. Leaves opposite, leaves on budding branches alternate or subwhorled, leaf blade membranous, ovate, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 3-11 cm long and 1-5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin entire or with wavy teeth, dark green above, stellate pubescent when young, glabrous, gray-yellowish green below; lateral veins 6-8 on each side, flattened above, sunken after drying, slightly raised below Petiole 2-15 mm long. Spikes terminal, 4-40 cm long and 2-4 cm wide; bracts linear, up to 10 mm long; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 2-3.5 mm long; flowers purple, fragrant; calyx campanulate, ca. 4 mm, outer and Corolla covered with stellate hairs and scales, inner surface glabrous, calyx lobes broadly triangular, long and wide ca. 1 mm Corolla 13-20 mm long, inner surface pilose, Corolla tube curved, 11-17 mm long, upper 2.5-4 mm in diameter, lower diameter 1-1.5 mm, Corolla lobes broadly ovate or suborbicular, ca. 3.5 mm, ca. 3 mm wide; stamens inserted in lower part of Corolla tube or near base, filaments very short, anthers ovate, tip pointed, base auriculate Ovary ovate, 1.5-2.2 mm long, 1-1.5 mm in diam., glabrous, style 0.5-1 mm long, stigma ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm. Drunk fish grass bark tea-brown, much branched, branchlets quadrangular, narrowly winged. Both sides of the rib are short whitish pilose, falling off when old. Leaves opposite; stipitate, densely tomentose on stalk; leaf blade papery, ovoid to oblong-lanceolate, 3-8cm long, 1.5-3cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, entire or sparsely serrate; leaves young when young, both surfaces densely yellow tomentose, hairs glabrescent when old. Spikes terminal, 18-40cm long, flowers inclined to one side; calyx tubular, 4-or 5-lobed, densely scaly; Corolla slender tubular, slightly curved, purple, ca. 15mm, with white shiny fine scales outside, inner surface white pilose, apex 4-lobed, lobes ovoid; stamens 4; filaments short, Adnate; pistil 1, style linear, stigma 2-lobed, ovary superior. Capsule oblong, ca. 5mm, scaly, bifid after ripening, base with persistent calyx. Seeds small, brown. Infructescences spicate; capsule oblong or elliptic, 5-6 mm long, 1.5-2 mm in diam., glabrous, scaly, base often with persistent calyx; seeds light brown, small, wingless. The florescence is from April to October and the fruiting period is from August to April of the following year. The ecological habits of drunken fish grass like warm and humid climate and deep and fertile soil, strong adaptability, but not resistant to water and moisture. Drunken fish grass has strong stress resistance, cold and heat resistance, water saving and drought resistance. When the temperature is as high as 40 ℃ and-15 ℃, it can grow normally, survive the winter safely, and can bear the low temperature of-30 ℃. The temporary wilting coefficient of the leaves of Scutellaria alternifolia is 1.292%, which is extremely resistant to drought. It is irrigated 3 to 4 times a year in areas with annual precipitation of 180 mm to 400 mm, and irrigated once or twice a year in areas of about 400 mm. It can grow and blossom. It is a good ornamental plant for water saving and drought tolerance. The cultivation technology of drunken fish grass is whirling branches and leaves, luxuriant flowers, elegant fragrance, suitable for planting on slopes, bridgeheads, walls, or as medium-sized hedges, or grass clusters, dense planting as flower hedges, flower belts. Sowing, cutting or split-plant propagation by cultivation. Because the seed is small, it is suitable for sowing in a high bed, pay attention to moisturizing and setting up a shed to shade the sun, and grow large when the seedling is as high as 10 cm. The cuttage of drunken fish grass can be carried out in spring, using dormant branches as cuttings. Ramet combined with transplantation is easy to survive. In cultivation, the aboveground parts can be cut off during the dormant period, so as to produce new branches and bloom more in the following year. The breeding method has strong adaptability, resistance to barren soil, salt and alkali resistance: lax requirements for soil, and grows well in loam, sandy loam, gravel soil with good soil permeability. Resistant to barren soil, when the content of soil organic matter is more than 0.3%, the annual growth can still reach 33 cm. Normal growth and flowering can be achieved when the pH value is below 9 and the salt content is below 0.3%. Strong stress resistance, cold and heat resistance, water saving and drought resistance: it can grow normally when the temperature is as high as 40 ℃ and-15 ℃, can survive the winter safely, and can bear the low temperature of-30 ℃. The temporary wilting coefficient of the leaves of Scutellaria alternifolia is 1.292%, which is extremely resistant to drought. It is irrigated 3 to 4 times a year in areas with annual precipitation of 180 mm to 400 mm, and irrigated once or twice a year in areas of about 400 mm. It can grow and blossom. It is a good ornamental plant for water saving and drought tolerance. Xue Jinze has tough and strong branches, exuberant growth, blooming, colorful flowers, resistance to pruning, suitable modeling, strong ornamental: through reasonable pruning, the plant type is compact and the flowering period is long. solitary planting, hedge planting, belt planting, slice planting and other ways can be used in parks, roadside green spaces and both sides of the highway, resulting in a kind of momentum beauty. It is easy to propagate, simple and extensive in cultivation and management, and ∶ can be sown, cut and propagated by tissue culture, especially the tender wood cuttings can easily survive and blossom 2 ~ 3 years after cuttage, and the effect is quick. Extensive management during the growing period, no need for overwintering protection measures such as cold prevention, less diseases and insect pests, which can reduce the cost of control and pollution to the environment, strong branching ability, resistance to pruning, generally suitable for pruning after flowering, and very little fertilization. apply rotten base fertilizer before planting. The best propagation method of drunken fish grass is the softwood cutting in May and June growing season. The survival rate is high, the growth is fast and the reproduction is rapid. Set up a shade shed before cutting, disinfect the river sand in the bed with potassium permanganate or carbendazim, cut the semi-lignified branches into 10 cm long segments, remove all the lower leaves and cut off 2/3 of the upper 2-3 leaves. The upper cut is 1 cm away from the bud, and the lower cut is obliquely cut into a horseshoe shape on the back of the bud. Use a piece of wood to cut a ditch 5 cm deep in the river sand, put the cuttings dipped in the rooting agent neatly, cover with sand, and spray water. Cutting density to leaves do not touch each other, uniform distribution is appropriate, after the whole bed has been planted, and then spray again through water, and then build arch shed cover plastic film, all around closed. Spray water twice a day before taking root in order to cool and moisturize, keep the temperature in the shed about 28 ℃ and the relative humidity above 90%. It took root in about 20 days in May and June, and began to take root in July and August. After rooting, control moisture, pay attention to ventilation, according to the rooting situation, remove the arch shed. The seedlings were transplanted after a week. The bare roots of the seedlings after rooting by cuttings must be carefully cultivated in the nursery. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, 3kg ~ 4kg of phoxim particles and 50kg of ferrous sulfate were applied per mu. Follow the word "fast" when transplanting, transplant quickly, and irrigate one bed after planting. Because the drunken fish grass grows fast, the row spacing should not be too small, and it is appropriate to take 35 cm × 50 cm. After transplanting, cover the seedlings directly with sunshade net for 2-3 days, remove the sunshade net and water again in the afternoon 3 days later, and so on when the ground surface is slightly dry, paddle and hoe once again to preserve soil moisture. After 7-10 days transplanting seedlings can survive, 2 months later a colorful scenery will appear in front of us. Common varieties of drunken fish grass 1. Large leaf drunken fish grass (B.davidiiFranch.) Deciduous shrubs, up to 5 m tall, branchlets slightly angled, pilose, leaves opposite, leaf blade large, 5-25 cm long, margin denticulate, leaf back densely stellate tomentose, Cymes integrated spike panicles, Corolla lavender, mouth orange, capsule, oblong, tip, and there are many varieties, rich color and fragrant flowers, which can be cultivated in open field to overwinter in the south of Beijing. two。 Alternaria alternifolia (B.alternifoliaMaxim.) Deciduous shrubs, up to 3 m tall, branches slender, loose and drooping, simple leaves alternate, lanceolate, 4-8 cm long, gray-white tomentose on the back, fascicled panicles on last year's branches, with a small number of leaflets at the base, Corolla purple-blue, flowers fragrant. There is growth in Shanxi, Hebei and northwest regions, which is more resistant to drought. The distribution area of drunken fish grass is 200-2 700 m above sea level in mountainous roadsides, riverside bushes or forest margins. Like warm and humid climate and deep and fertile soil, adaptable, but not resistant to moisture. Produced in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and regions. It is cultivated in Malaysia, Japan, America and Africa. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of drunken fish grass the medical information and health dietotherapy information are only for reference and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. The function of medicinal value is to dispel wind, kill insects and activate blood circulation. Treat influenza, cough, asthma, rheumatic arthralgia, ascariasis, hookworm, fall, traumatic bleeding, gills, scrofula. ① "Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine": can promote blood circulation and qi. ② Hunan Pharmaceutical Chronicles: eliminating wind and dampness, promoting qi and phlegm, detoxifying and relieving cough. Treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, carbuncle swelling, joint pain. ③ "Mindong Materia Medica": eliminate food, remove stagnation and kill insects. Treat ascaris colic. Pharmacological action drunken fish grass has some insecticidal effects. The attached prescription ① treats influenza: drunken fish grass costs five to one or two. Water-fried clothing, ("unilateral prescription investigation data selected") ② treatment of hookworm: drunken fish grass five dollars (children appropriate reduction). Boil for two hours, take 100 ml of juice, add sugar, and take it separately after dinner and before the morning meal. The dosage can be increased from five dollars to five taels one by one. Individual patients have symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and fatigue. ("selected Infectious Diseases of the full Exhibition") ③ to treat malaria: drunken fish grass, one or two of Radix Scutellariae. Water frying should be taken within three to four hours before the onset of malaria for two days. (selected data of unilateral prescription investigation) ④ treats new injuries: fresh drunken fish grass and whole grass, five to eight dollars (three to five dollars dry). Add red wine and boiled water and simmer for an hour. Take internally. ("Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine" ⑤ treats traumatic bleeding: drunken fish grass leaves are dried in the sun and sprinkled on the wound, and gently pressed, which has the effect of stopping bleeding. ("Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine") ⑥ treats accidental eating grouper roe (medium) poison, vomiting more than: fish tail grass juice to take a little. ("Puji Fang") ⑦ treats gills: five dollars for drunken fish and grass, seven maple balls, and three dollars for shepherd's purse. Boiled eggs. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Chronicles) ⑧ treatment: drunken fish grass whole grass one or two. Pan-fried suit. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Chronicles) ⑨ treats cold toothache: fresh drunken fish grass leaves and a little salt, smash and take juice to gargle. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine) Clinical Application 1. Compound drunken fish grass tablets were used to treat chronic bronchitis, 8 tablets each time, 3 times a day (5.3 yuan for daily dose, 4.7 yuan for Zijinniu, 2.6 points for Daphne genkwa), 10 days as a course of treatment. The curative effect is obvious after medication, cough is generally relieved after 3-5 days, purulent sputum becomes thin, easy to cough, wheezing is relieved, but can not be completely controlled. Side effects include stomach discomfort, dry tongue and pharynx, intestinal flatulence, and individual complaints of dizziness, which disappear after drug withdrawal. two。 Take drunken fish grass decoction for the treatment of bronchial asthma, twice a day, 2 taels each time. In one case, a large amount of yellow pus-like sputum was vomited 10-15 minutes after each treatment, and the chest tightness was significantly improved after about 2 weeks. The symptoms gradually disappeared after taking the medicine for one and a half months (the total dose reached 6 jin). The follow-up patients returned to work 3 months later, although they did not occur when the weather changed, and the breath sounds of both lungs were checked. The function is mainly for expelling wind and dehumidification, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, dispelling blood stasis and killing insects. Bronchitis, cough, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, fall injury; external use to treat trauma, bleeding, burn and scald, and to kill maggots. The usage costs 3% to 5%. Apply proper amount for external use, mash or powder the affected area. Precautions 1. Pregnant women should not take it. 2. Poisoning phenomena such as vomiting, dyspnea, tremor of limbs and so on are caused by excessive consumption of livestock. Rescue methods: gastric lavage, catharsis, taking a large amount of sugar water or intravenous injection of glucose saline, intramuscular injection of vitamin B1. The role of drunken fish grass ornamental application in landscaping can be used to plant grass, can also be used for slope land, wall corner greening and beautification, decorating rocks, courtyards, roads, flower beds are very beautiful, can also be used as cut flowers. Scutellaria angustifolia is resistant to cold, drought, barren, semi-shade, extensive management, waterlogging, strong plant germination, extremely resistant to pruning, without high technology. The cost of landscaping with large-leaf drunken fish grass is low. Take the greening project for example, if you plant 2000 plants with a row spacing of 50cm and 500m2, and if the seedlings raised in winter and spring are planted into the project in April, if the price is 2 yuan per plant, 500m2 will only cost 4000 yuan; if you use 60 cm high seedlings in the first year, each plant will cost 3 to 4 yuan, and 500m2 will only cost 6000 to 8000 yuan. If the row spacing is increased to 80 cm to 90 cm, the unit cost will be reduced. No matter the young seedlings of that year or the big seedlings of the first year, planted in spring, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery from July to August. Compared with the conventional greening tree species, the cost is basically the same, but the greening effect of the big-leaf drunken fish grass is much higher than that of the conventional tree species. The cultural background of drunken fish grass plant culture the whole plant has a small poison, mashed into the river can make live fish anaesthetic, easy to catch, so it is known as "drunken fish grass". Textual Research 1. "Liuyan Materia Medica": drunken fish grass must not be planted along the edge of other people's pond. I am afraid that if the flowers and leaves fall in the water by mistake, the fish will be hurt by mistake, and its aroma will be damaged. 2. "Compendium": drunken fish grass is found everywhere in the south, mostly growing small plants on the cutting bank, and the taller ones are three or four feet high. The root is like Chinese wolfberry. The stem is like bauhinia, with micro-ribs and thin yellow bark, and the branches are easy to reproduce. Leaves are like poplars, which are born in opposite sections and are not carved in winter. July and August blossom into spikes, red and purple, like genkwa, bearing fine seeds. Fishermen pick flowers and leaves to poison fish, besieged and died, called drunken fish grass, the edge of the pond can not be planted. This flower color and smell is not the same as Wuhua, so is the poisonous fish, but the flower is different at the same time. 3. "the main poisonous plants in the south": drunken fish grass flowers and leaves, the poisoning symptoms caused by excessive consumption of human and livestock are dizziness, vomiting, dyspnea, limb numbness and tremor. Rescue methods: gastric lavage, catharsis, taking a large amount of sugar water or intravenous drip of glucose saline, intramuscular injection of vitamin B1 and symptomatic treatment. Guangzhou herbalist introduction: Fangfeng two money, licorice two money, four bowls of clear water fried to two bowls of drink; golden orchid four dollars (also known as fine leaf grass), four bowls of clear water, fried to one or two bowls to drink. The flower language of drunken fish and grass: faith. As soon as I see the person I like, I stick to it, but I get bored after a long time, so if I don't correct this behavior, I may be lonely all my life. Pictures of drunken fish grass