
Can lotus bamboo be hydroponically cultured? how to hydroponically cultivate lotus bamboo / one bottle and one bottle in three steps

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Lotus bamboo, just like its name, its leaves like lotus flowers, stems like bamboo, the overall plant shape is beautiful, raised at home is very ornamental. However, in indoor culture, many flower lovers prefer water culture to soil culture. Can lotus bamboo be hydroponically cultivated? If you can, how can lotus bamboo be cultured in water?

Lotus bamboo, just like its name, its leaves like lotus, stem like bamboo, the overall plant type is beautiful, raised at home very ornamental. However, when raised indoors, many flower lovers prefer water culture to soil culture. Can lotus bamboo be cultured in water? If so, how does the lotus bamboo grow? Next, let's take a look at the aquaculture method of lotus bamboo together with Xiaobian.

Can the lotus be cultivated? Yes.

Lotus bamboo is a tenacious vitality of plants, it likes moist environment, and it can survive inserted into the water, so lotus bamboo can hydroponic it? Obviously, yes. It is understood that lotus bamboo is a perennial crisp green plant, not only suitable for soil culture but also very suitable for hydroponics, and hydroponics lotus bamboo ornamental value is higher!

2. How to cultivate lotus bamboo in three steps

1, a branch

One branch, namely on the soil culture lotus bamboo, selects the healthy branch, cuts it as the hydroponic seedling. After that, in order to make it easier to take root, you should also treat the selected branches accordingly: cut off all the leaves at the base, and then cut the base into oblique sections with a knife.

2, a bottle

A bottle, namely the container of hydroponic lotus bamboo. In this regard, Xiaobian recommends that you use a good-looking transparent glass container, so that not only can you observe its rooting situation, but also look at the white roots of lotus bamboo against the water, it is very beautiful.

3, a plug

One insertion, that is, the hydroponic seedlings are inserted into a container filled with 2/3 water, and the water is changed every 3-4 days before rooting. After doing so, keep the glass bottle for 10 days, and generally the lotus bamboo will grow pure white small roots in 15 days. The next step is hydroponic maintenance.

3. Aquaculture method of lotus bamboo

1. Change water to add water: After lotus bamboo takes root, change water not so frequently. After water is found to be reduced, you can add a little water. The reason for this is that if you change the water frequently, it will cause the yellow leaves of lotus bamboo to appear.

2, appropriate amount of fertilizer: according to the actual situation, an average of about every 30 days can be applied once fertilizer, fertilizer is of course hydroponic special nutrient solution, in the case of adding water, put a few drops on the way, moderate fertilization can keep the leaves green and stretch for a long time.

3, avoid cold wind blowing: about the lotus bamboo aquaculture method, there is one thing we must not forget, that is, the placement. We should keep the glass bottle away from the air conditioner or fan wind, to avoid possible cold wind blowing, which may cause the edges or tips of lotus leaves to turn yellow and wither.

How does the lotus flower grow in water?

We all know that lotus bamboo has a "rising", rich and auspicious meaning, good name, good meaning, often used to send friends and relatives of green flowers. How does lotus bamboo grow water, lotus bamboo grows water method simple? The article to reveal for everyone under the lotus bamboo hydroponics method is what?

Lotus bamboo suitable for water cultivation, potted, ornamental value is high, as indoor display of green and decorative plants, favored by the public and like.

How to grow lotus

1. Before entering, cut off the leaves at the base of the cuttings, and cut the base with a sharp knife. The incision should be smooth to absorb water and nutrients. Change the water every 3 days to 4 days, do not move the position or change the direction within 10 days, about 15 days or so can grow silver-white fibrous roots.

2. It is not advisable to change water after rooting, and water can be added in time after evaporation is reduced. Frequent water change tends to cause leaf yellowing and branch wilting.

3. After rooting, a small amount of compound fertilizer should be applied in time, so that the leaves are green and the branches are strong. If not fertilized for a long time, plant growth thin, leaf color easy yellow. However, fertilization should not be excessive, so as not to cause "burning roots" or cause excessive growth. Compound fertilizer can be applied once a month in spring and autumn.

Water Culture Method of Lotus Bamboo

1, the air is too dry, morning and evening spray water.

2, scattered light maintenance, too strong light is easy to sunburn, insufficient light branches and leaves long.

3. It is best to change water with sun-dried tap water, and change water in the morning and evening. Change water once every 8-10 days in hot weather and once every 15-20 days in cold weather. If the water is cloudy, change it immediately.

4, the temperature should not be lower than 10℃.

5, add nutrient solution, grow faster, do not add can also, grow slowly.

Lotus bamboo how to culture and lotus bamboo culture method is introduced, like lotus bamboo friends can try to cultivate lotus bamboo oh! Lotus bamboo easy to raise, is a pot of very good flowers oh! The lotus bamboo hydroponic method mentioned above, we must understand the matters in hydroponic culture, to manage properly oh!

How to cultivate lotus bamboo, lotus bamboo cultivation maintenance method

Lotus bamboo suitable for water culture, potted, hydroponic, and the general rich bamboo similar. How do you cultivate lotus bamboos? How about the cultivation method of lotus bamboo? The following small series will introduce you one by one.

How to grow lotus

1. Before entering, cut off the leaves at the base of the cuttings, and cut the base with a sharp knife. The incision should be smooth to absorb water and nutrients. Change the water every 3 days to 4 days, do not move the position or change the direction within 10 days, about 15 days or so can grow silver-white fibrous roots.

2. It is not advisable to change water after rooting, and water can be added in time after evaporation is reduced. Frequent water change tends to cause leaf yellowing and branch wilting.

3. After rooting, a small amount of compound fertilizer should be applied in time, so that the leaves are green and the branches are strong. If not fertilized for a long time, plant growth thin, leaf color easy yellow. However, fertilization should not be excessive, so as not to cause "burning roots" or cause excessive growth. Compound fertilizer can be applied once a month in spring and autumn.

Water culture maintenance method of lotus bamboo

1, the air is too dry, morning and evening spray water.

2, scattered light maintenance, too strong light is easy to sunburn, insufficient light branches and leaves long.

3. It is best to change water with sun-dried tap water, and change water in the morning and evening. Change water once every 8-10 days in hot weather and once every 15-20 days in cold weather. If the water is cloudy, change it immediately.

4, the temperature should not be lower than 10℃.

5, add nutrient solution, grow faster, do not add can also, grow slowly.