
How to water double-line taro? double-line taro is watered once a few days / three times a day in summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Double-line taro this kind of plant, many flower friends should know, it is the main ornamental leaf, its leaves are broad, the leaf color is rich, it is very ornamental when raised indoors. However, in indoor breeding, if you want double-line taro to look good, watering is a very key link, then how to water double-line taro? Double-line taro is watered once a few days.

Double-line taro this kind of plant, many flower friends should know, it is the main ornamental leaf, its leaves are broad, the leaf color is rich, it is very ornamental when raised indoors. However, in indoor breeding, if you want double-line taro to look good, watering is a very key link, then how to water double-line taro? How often is the double-line taro watered? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

First, how to water the double-line taro

The leaves of double-line taro are very broad and have high requirements for water, and once they are underwatered, the leaves of the plant will wilt. Therefore, how to water the double-line taro, we should water the basin soil frequently to keep the soil moist, and the times of watering should be changed accordingly according to the changes of the seasons: once a day in spring and autumn, 3-4 times a day in summer, and every 2-3 days in winter.

The watering method of double-line taro (1) the watering principle of double-line taro

Double-line taro likes the wet environment, it is not resistant to drought, once underwatered, it will cause the phenomenon of double-line taro leaves curling; at the same time, double-line taro is very afraid of stagnant water, once too much watering, it is easy to lead to double-line taro leaves yellowing, or even plant death. Therefore, watering the double-line taro should follow the principle of "see dry and wet, water thoroughly".

(2) double-line taro is watered once a few days.

In the process of culturing double-line taro, with the change of temperature, the rate of water evaporation and plant growth will slow down, so watering the double-line taro needs to change according to the seasonal change. As for double-line taro watering every few days, it can be carried out in different seasons, as follows:

1. Watering in spring and autumn, once a day

Double-line taro likes a warm environment, late spring and early autumn is its rapid growth period, at this time its requirements for water is relatively high, so watering should be diligent, it is best to maintain once a day to prevent water shortage.

2. Watering in summer, 3-4 times a day

In summer, the temperature rises, water evaporation will become faster, at this time to double-line taro watering should increase this number. As for double-line taro watered once a few days, it should be watered 3-4 times a day. The time can be selected in the morning, noon and evening, in which the morning is to clean the leaves, noon is to replenish water, and evening is the care of plants.

3. Watering in winter, every 2-3 days

When winter comes, the growth of double-line taro will slow down, so watering should be reduced at this time. As for the double-line taro watered once a few days, you can choose to water it once a day according to the sunny weather.

Generally speaking, the breeding method of double-line taro is not difficult, but if you want to make it look good, you must pay attention to the method of watering. And watering is a technical activity, we want to become veteran breeding, should be more practical operation, I believe that it will not be long before you can master. With regard to the watering method of double-line taro, this is the end of the editor's introduction. I hope I can give you some help.

Can double-line taro be raised in water? methods and matters needing attention in family hydroponic culture of double-line taro

Most people like to raise some green plants at home, whether from decorating the home environment or edifying sentiment is the value of green plants. However, many flower lovers are no longer limited to soil potted plants, and hydroponic culture is more attractive. Because the viewing degree of hydroponic culture is high, it is mainly relatively simple to maintain. Can the double-line taro be hydroponically cultivated? Today, the editor will introduce it to you.

Can double-line taro be raised in water?

Double-line taro can be cultured in hydroponics.

Methods and matters needing attention of double-line bamboo taro family hydroponic culture

I. the method of family hydroponic culture of double-line taro.

1. Hydroponics preparation

Containers can choose plastic pots or ceramic flowerpots or glass products. To choose strong growth, no withered leaves, yellow leaves, leaves with luster, bright colors, no diseases and insect pests. The nutrient solution used in hydroponic culture can be used with special foliage plant nutrient solution or compound flower fertilizer, mixed with water.

2. Hydroponic culture method

Before hydroponic culture, wash the roots of the double-line taro and soak the plants in water close to the ambient temperature. The water reaches about 1/2 or 2/3 of the root system. After the basin soil falls loose, wash off the fine soil sticking to the roots gently with clean water.

Then remove the dead leaves from the plant, cut off the old or rotten roots, and soak them with 1% potassium permanganate solution for an hour, which can not only disinfect and sterilize, but also promote the early growth of new roots. Rinse it out with clean water, then plant it in a container, add clean water and bring the roots of 1ax 3-1 hand 2 out of the water.

Matters needing attention

1. After hydroponic culture, the leaves of double-line taro may have the phenomenon of curling. The container should be placed in a cool and ventilated place and foliar water spraying should be carried out properly. Change the water every 1-2 days, and new roots will grow after about 10 days.

2. When the plant adapts to the hydroponic environment, the leaves are no longer curled, and the nutrient solution can be added for maintenance. The nutrient solution should be diluted 3-5 times for the first time, and the nutrient solution should be changed every three to four weeks.

3. In the process of maintenance, if rotten roots are found in the roots of double-line taro, they should be cut off in time and rinse the roots with water to prevent the growth of bacteria.

What is the value of double-line taro?

1. Afforestation value

Double-line taros can be planted in the shade of parks and roadsides. In South China, double-line taros have been widely used in landscaping, while in North China, they are mostly planted in greenhouses for landscaping.

2. Decorative value

Double-line taro can be planted in hotels, shopping malls, venues and other places by means of slice planting, cluster planting or collocation with other plants, and permanent layout can be made in the corners of public places.

However, when planting indoors, we should pay attention to replenish the light in time, and spray water to the leaves on time to improve the air humidity in the environment.

3. Purification value

As a leafy plant, double-line taro also plays a certain role in purifying the air. It can absorb impurities and dust in the air and purify particles, so it is one of the best choices for family farming.

4. Potted plant value

Because of its beautiful appearance, large number of leaves, many colors and strong viability, it is easy to cultivate and manage. It is often used for indoor potted plants. It is one of the most famous indoor foliage plants in the world.

Family breeding can be placed in the balcony, living room, bedroom and so on. In the process of cultivation, double-line taro should be placed on the balcony and the place with strong sunlight outside the window to absorb scattered light, which is conducive to the exuberant growth of plants and facilitate long-term viewing.

Double-line taro is watered once a few days.

The time of watering

It is usually watered three times a day, one in the morning, one in the middle and one in the evening.

2. the method of watering

1. The peak period for the growth of double-line taro is from March to October every year, and the most suitable air relative humidity for its growth is 75%. The higher air humidity is very beneficial to the leaf growth of double-line taro, so it needs to be watered frequently.

2. Watering 3-4 times a day in summer, it is best to spray the foliar surface in the morning, irrigate the soil at noon or afternoon, and irrigate the whole plant at night, and often spray to the foliar surface.

3. The growth rate of double-line taro becomes slower in autumn and winter, and the amount of water should be reduced gradually. according to different weather conditions, we can choose to water it once a day or every 2 or 3 days.

Matters needing attention in watering

1. When the new leaves are born, if the leaves are too dry, the edges of the leaves will curl and become deformed in the future, seriously affecting the ornamental effect, so we must pay attention to watering.

2, summer watering should also be moderate, follow the principle of "a small number of times", the soil should not be too sticky and too wet, otherwise double-line taro is easy to rot roots and suffer diseases.

3. When the temperature is low, the soil should be kept dry to avoid frostbite of double-line taro.

As mentioned above, double-line taro can be hydroponized, and flower friends in need can try the hydroponic culture method mentioned above. In the process of hydroponic culture, it may be easier to rot the roots. Flower friends should not forget to deal with the rotten roots in time so as not to breed bacteria.

Is double-line taro poisonous? can double-line taro be put in the indoor bedroom?

Nowadays, people pursue health, so most people who have the conditions will raise a pot or several pots of green plants at home to decorate the home and purify the air. Generally speaking, the green plant, which is mainly based on viewing leaves, has a very strong ability to purify the air, and the beautiful double-line taro has become the first choice for most people. However, recently, there are rumors that the double-stringed taro is toxic, which has aroused the concern of many people. Today, the editor will bring you to know the truth.

Is double-stranded taro poisonous?

The double-line taro is not poisonous. So far there is no clear data to show that it is a poisonous plant. And according to veterans with years of farming experience, plants do not contain any poison. But except for eating, because no one has ever experimented with it. I don't think you have any idea of eating it.

Let's talk about its smell. We can't smell many plants, but that doesn't mean they don't have a smell. But the smell of this plant is not poisonous. On the contrary, it can purify our environment.

Can I put the double-line taro in the indoor bedroom?

It is possible to raise double-line taro indoors. The advantage is that it can provide oxygen during the day, beautify the room, edify sentiment, and increase the humidity of indoor air. The harm is to compete for oxygen with people at night, but because the plant type of double-line taro is not large, its "harmfulness" is not high. In addition, double-line taro likes a warm, humid, bright growth environment, so indoor planting should pay attention to timely replenishment of light, and spray water to the leaves on time to improve the air humidity in the environment.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of double-line taro

I. Culture methods

1. Temperature

Double-line taro likes warm environment, the suitable growth temperature is 20 ℃-30 ℃, the best growth temperature is 18 ℃-21 ℃ in daytime, 16 ℃-18 ℃ at night, and more than 10 ℃ can survive the winter safely.

So in summer to prevent high-temperature exposure, and put the double-line taro in a cool place, pay attention to the cold in winter, transfer the plant indoors.

2. Watering

The peak growth period of double-line taro is from March to October, and the air humidity should be maintained at 75% 85%. The high air humidity is beneficial to the development of leaves, so they should be watered more during the growing period and often sprayed to the leaves. The appropriate watering method is to spray the leaves in the morning, water the basin soil in the afternoon, and irrigate the whole plant in the evening.

3. Lighting

Double-line taro is not resistant to direct sunlight, so we should do a good job of shading in summer. Let the double-line taro absorb the scattered light.

4. Soil

Double-line taro prefers fertile and loose soil to soil consolidation and stagnant water. Fertile humus soil and porous coarse media are generally used as substrates.

5. Fertilization

The fertilization of double-line taro should follow the principle of "a small amount and many times", and the mixed fertilizer of peanut bran and compound fertilizer or mature compost should be applied every 2 weeks in the peak growing season.

Matters needing attention in aquaculture

1. Control the amount of water according to the season

Plants have a great demand for water in summer, so they should be watered 3-4 times a day. As the temperature decreases in autumn and winter, the growth rate of double-line taro becomes slower, so the amount of water should be reduced, once a day or once every 2-3 days, to keep the soil dry as far as possible.

2. Avoid leaf burns

The summer sun is strong, and the leaves of double-line taro are easy to burn in direct sunlight, so put the plant in a place where there is no direct light. if you find that the leaves are burned, you should immediately cut off the leaves to avoid the invasion of pathogens.

3. Reduce the concentration of fertilizer solution.

Stop fertilizing during winter dormancy and hot summer. The concentration of fertilizer should not be too high, otherwise it will cause leaf burns and in severe cases the plant will die.

The cause of leaf curl of double-line bamboo taro

1. Excessive or lack of water

The double-line taro is more sensitive to water. If the water is too little or the humidity in the air is not enough, the leaves of the double-line taro will curl up. If the new leaves are lack of water during the growing period, the new leaves will be difficult to stretch, the leaf edges will be scorched and yellow, and the leaves will be small and dull due to air drying, which will seriously affect the ornamental effect.

However, if too much watering, serious stagnant water in the flowerpot, the leaves of double-line taro will also curl, the roots will rot, and even the plant will die.

2. Direct sunlight

Double-line taro prefer a semi-overcast environment, too strong light or direct sunlight will make the leaves of double-line taro curl.

3. The invasion of diseases and insect pests

Double-line taro is attacked by bacteria, the leaves will gradually curl and wither, and in serious cases, the leaves will fall.

Double-line taro is not poisonous, at least there is no clear information to show that it is poisonous, so flower friends do not need to worry. Double-line taro is a very suitable plant for greening the environment at home, but if it wants to grow well, it needs to replenish light in time.