
The planting method of Zhu Dinghong bulb can blossom more vigorously only if it is cultured correctly.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Zhu Dinghong blossoms beautifully and beautifully, and many people especially like to raise it at home. However, many friends do not know how to plant Zhu Dinghong's roots after they have bought them. Today we will tell you how to plant Zhu Dinghong's bulbs.

Zhu Dinghong is a typical bulb plant. If you want to plant it yourself, you have to plant it. When we buy the planting ball back, we should first clean it up. Usually the bulbs bought on the market have a white film and a lot of rotting roots, which should be cleaned up before planting to avoid rotting roots after planting.

The bulbs should be soaked in water for two or three hours before planting, so that the hard shell of the bulbs can be softened and it will be easier to take root and sprout after planting. When soaking, the water temperature should not be too low about 10 degrees. Be careful not to put the top of the seed ball in the water when soaking. After soaking, we can plant the seed ball in a pot.

Before planting, we should prepare the flowerpot and the flower soil, the flowerpot should not be too small because bulbous plants have huge roots, if there is not enough space, Zhu Dinghong can not grow normally. The flower soil should have nutritious soil, and the soil with rotten leaves and roots in the park is the best, which can be used as natural base fertilizer. After planting, water Zhu Dinghong thoroughly for the first time.

Plant good water and put Zhu Dinghong in a cool and ventilated place. Don't let the sun shine on you cheaply. The newly planted Zhu Dinghong is most afraid of the sun. if it sends out new buds a week later, it will prove that he has taken root. After that, you can put it in a place where you can bask in the sun in the morning or evening, so that Zhu Dinghong can grow naturally.

Zhu Dinghong should be fertilized every half a month and use flower nutrient solution. Zhu Dinghong will blossom after three months. Before the flowering time comes, fertilize Zhu Dinghong once, and don't fertilize it after budding. Zhu Dinghong florescence is relatively long, as long as you take care of it in the right way, it will not live up to your efforts.

Culture method of Zhu Dinghong

The breeding method of Zhu Dinghong is better than that of Magnolia, which is very suitable for family cultivation. The following will be introduced as follows: the morphological characteristics of Zhu Dinghong: perennial bulbs. The large bulb has a diameter up to 6cm-10cm, and the color of the scale is related to the color of the flower. The brown scale is a red flower, and the light green one has white or red stripes. The root is born under the bulb, and the leaves are drawn from the bulb, inserted in two rows, 3-4 on each side, flattened and light green. The flower stem is also drawn from the bulb, green, stout and hollow. Umbels bear the tip of the stem, trumpet-shaped, with red, red with white stripes, white with red stripes, often 2-6 flowers relatively open.

The suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃-25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for winter dormancy is 5 ℃-10 ℃. Like moist, afraid of waterlogging, like loose soil rich in organic matter, good drainage. Like fertilizer, but after flowering, nitrogen fertilizer should be reduced and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased to promote bulb hypertrophy.

The main species and varieties are Guting flower, Wang Baizhilian, Huazhong orchid, reticulated Baizhilian and hybrid Baizhilian and so on. There are many kinds of horticulture.

Main points of multiplication: dividing balls and sowing and propagating. The bulbs around the mother ball are about to be removed and propagated, which will be carried out from March to April. When taking the ball, do not damage the root of the ball, potted or planted on the ground, and the top of the bulb should be exposed to the soil surface when covering the soil. In cold areas, bulbs should be dug up in late October. Bulbs with a diameter of more than 6cm-7cm can be planted in pots for flowering, while bulbs should be stored in dry sandy soil and replanted in April next year. Flowering bulbs can be formed after 2 years of planting. In addition, a large number of balls can be obtained by cutting and propagating scales in the high temperature season from July to August. The optimum temperature of cutting is 27 ℃-30 ℃, keep it moist, and after 6 weeks, it can produce pellets and take root. Planting should not be deep, too deep causes the neck to grow slender; shallow ground temperature is high, root group growth is exuberant. It is planted from March to April and blossoms from May to June. Fully irrigate at flowering stage, increase topdressing after anthesis, place in semi-shade place in midsummer, stop growing gradually after August, water content decreases to stop watering, keep dry in winter, and keep 10 ℃-13 ℃ to promote its full dormancy.

Brief history of cultivation and flower culture: native to the tropics and subtropics, such as the Andes in Peru, the Cape of good Hope in South Africa and Brazil in South America, it was introduced into Europe in 1633 and 1769 respectively. The Dutch studied the florescence of Zhu Dinghong and bred plants that could blossom at Christmas and New Year's Day, so that this beautiful red blossom could bloom according to people's needs. Zhu Dinghong is not only used as a potted plant, but also a high-grade cut flower. It is loved by people because of its long flowering period, and it often becomes the material written by painters.

Zhu Dinghong spring management

Zhu Dinghong blossoms in April in spring and blossoms again in winter. Management should be strengthened as soon as possible to promote flowering.

1. Change the basin. Zhu Dinghong grows fast and should be replaced with a suitable flowerpot after growing for one year.

two。 Change the soil. The red pot soil of Zhu Ding has been planted for 1 or 2 years, and the basin soil is lack of fertilizer. In order to promote the growth and flowering of the new year, it should be replaced with new soil.

3. Ramet. Zhu Dinghong grows fast, and after growing for 1 or 2 years, there are many bulbs growing on the head, so it is necessary to split the big plants into one pot, the middle plants into one pot, and the small plants into one basin at the same time.

4. Fertilize. Zhu Dinghong should apply base fertilizer at the same time when changing basin, soil and planting, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month after potting, the principle of fertilization is thin application, in order to promote flower bud differentiation and flowering.

5. Trim. Zhu Dinghong grows fast and its leaves are long and dense. It is necessary to cut off fallen leaves, withered roots, diseases and insect pests while changing pots and soil, leaving exuberant leaves.

6. Control diseases and insect pests. In order to make Zhu Dinghong grow vigorously and blossom as soon as possible, pest control should be carried out. Anthers should be sprayed once a month. Anthers should be sprayed at around 9: 00 a.m. and 4: 00 p.m. on a sunny day, and should not be sprayed in the hot sun at noon to prevent drug damage.

The above six points are the work that Zhu Dinghong should pay attention to in spring management.

Breeding method of Zhu Dinghong:

Zhu Dinghong is a perennial herb with a spherical bulb with a diameter of between 10 and 15 cm. The sword-shaped leaves are neatly arranged, the veins of the sword leaves are clear, and the leaves are green and shiny. Flowers are mainly red, yellow, pink, green, orange, complex color and other colors, florescence 10 to 20 days. Because of its strong ornamental value, it is widely cultivated all over the world. Red red can be propagated by sowing, ball distribution and tissue culture and other methods, several commonly used are introduced below.

First, newspaper sowing method Zhu Ding safflower blossoms after artificial pollination after more than a month of natural cracking of the fruit, seeds can be harvested. Sow the seeds after drying for a day or two. Draw a square 3cm long and wide on the newspaper, then put it on the seedling bed (not in direct sunlight), spray water and put a seed in each grid, then cover it with a wet newspaper. Spray water twice a day to dry the newspaper, and the seeds grow seedlings from under the newspaper for about 15 days (temperature 18 ℃ to 24 ℃). Wait for the seedlings to grow two true leaves, and then divide the seedlings into the large plate, the substrate is vermiculite and peat soil, and pour nutrient solution. Wait for the seedlings to grow 6 to 7 leaves before they can be cultivated in the field.

2. shallow pot sowing method is sifted with culture soil and vermiculite and then put into shallow.

In the basin, 3 cm from the mouth of the basin, then water it. After the soil is wet, sow the seeds on the soil surface according to 3 × 3 cm, and then cover it with sifted soil, not too thick. Cover the shallow mouth with glass after sowing and place it in a place where there is no light, a temperature of 18 ℃ to 24 ℃ and a humidity of 80% to 90%. About 10 days later, the seeds begin to germinate. The gap of the glass plate can be adjusted slowly until all of it is opened. When the seedlings have three or four leaves, they can be planted in pots or on the ground.

Third, the ball breeding method is generally combined with Zhu Dinghong to change the pot to break off the excess balls, directly potted or planted on the ground.

This method is simple and easy and the survival rate is high. If the divided bulb is a strong bulb of more than 5 centimeters, it can blossom in the same year. Smaller bulbs can blossom in about two years.

IV. tissue culture and reproduction are commonly used.

In MS medium, stem disc, dormant bulb tissue, pedicel and ovary were used as explants. Callus was produced after tissue culture, adventitious roots were formed after 30 days, and adventitious buds were formed after 3 to 4 months. When the leaves grow to 4 cm, separate, and then 2 months later, the seedlings can be put into the greenhouse management.

Question: my Zhu Dinghong plant was given to me by my friend ~ I like it very much ~ but the ball is not small after raising it for 2 years. My colleagues all say it's time to blossom ~ but it doesn't blossom ~ I fertilize and water it regularly. What's going on?


I guess I took too good care of it. It would be better to do a little bit in autumn and winter.

This thing is easy to raise. Φ blossoms in 5cm last year, usually let it dry a little bit, and fertilize it every 7-10 days in autumn to make it as long as possible. Grow up, cut off the leaves in winter and let it dormant. Turning over the pot and applying enough basic fertilizer will produce beautiful flowers next spring. My family can blossom again in October.

I think it is caused by more nitrogen fertilizer and less phosphorus and potash fertilizer. In addition, it is time to change the soil and divide the basin after raising it for two years.

The natural florescence of this flower is from April to May. Let bygones be bygones. However, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied once in mid-June, and phosphate fertilizer can be applied every 10 days in addition to normal watering. In late July, Zhu Dinghong still has a chance to blossom.

The key to the flowering of Zhu Dinghong is the management in winter. after entering the winter, we must stop watering and let it go into a dormant period before it can blossom in spring. If fertilizing and watering in winter will lead to overgrowth, the bouquet can not be conceived, it will not blossom. In short, the fewer leaves in winter, the better.

Let it fully dormant in winter, cut off all the leaves, and water it once in spring to wake it up.

Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

There are many kinds of Zhu Ding Hong, Burley Zhu Ding Hong is only one of them, Burley Zhu Ding Hong is a variety of horticulture. Burley Zhu Ding red, is the most common red Zhu Ding red, the flower is in bloom, very beautiful. The following wed114 wedding network editor will bring you Zhu Dinghong management and maintenance points, let's have a look!

Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

Zhu Dinghong, alias Zhu Dinghong, Hua Xilan, Gu Ting Hua, Baizi Lotus. Any of various perennial bulbous herbs of the genus Amaryllidaceae. Bulb hypertrophy subglobose, diameter 5~7.5cm, skin yellowish brown or light green, depending on flower color. Leaves opposite on both sides, broad-band, apex slightly pointed, 6-8, elongated after anthesis. The total pedicel is hollow, higher than the leaves, covered with white powder, with 1-4 flowers; the flower is shaped like a trumpet, and the flowering period is from late winter to spring, sometimes extended to early summer. The capsule is globose, the fruit is mature in autumn. Modern cultivated varieties are mainly hybrid large flower species, with white, light red, rose red, orange red, bright red or all kinds of stripes, and the flower diameter of large flower varieties is more than 22cm.

Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

Key points of management and maintenance of Baili Zhu Dinghong: key points of water conservation

1. Choose a good seed ball

Generally, it is necessary to select more than 3-year-old balls (the diameter of the bulb is greater than 6CM), soak them with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, then remove the old roots and impurities, and then plant them in the bottle so that the bottom of the seed ball touches the water surface. Keep it in the shade and keep it at 20-25 degrees.

Change the water every 2-3 days in the first half month, and every 1-2 weeks after rooting. You can also use disk planting plants to wash their roots in water, remove the rotten roots under the bulbs with scissors, put them in clean water, change water every day at the beginning, and change water every 1-2 weeks after half a month.

2. Nutrient solution

The bulbs cultivated for a short time already contain the nutrients needed for growth and can grow and blossom without adding additional nutrient solution. Long-term cultivated bulbs need to add nutrient solution every half a month.

3. Sunshine

All-day sunshine and shade are available, which are most suitable for bright scattered light.

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Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

4. Temperature

It is required to be cool in summer and warm in winter, with temperatures of 20-25 degrees from May to October and 5-12 degrees from November to April.

5. Maintenance

In order to make the flowers bloom better, a nutrient solution high in phosphorus and potassium can be added once a week after the scape outcrop. When the scape grows to about 3CM, raise the ambient temperature to 25 degrees.

Put the plant in a cool place of about 10 degrees during flowering, but the design is brighter and Citi is longer. After flowering, when it is warm in spring, the water-raised Burley red is planted underground for maintenance, so as to make the bulb enlarge and produce new bulbs. The bulb stored at 8-13 degrees for 4-6 weeks dormant the top of Burley. It can be raised again in winter and blossom again in spring.

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Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

Baili Zhu top basin management

Flowerpots generally first use 16-20 cm diameter flowerpots, which can prevent the pot soil from being wet for a long time, causing bulb rot, and the pot soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil and sandy soil. before planting Burley Zhu top, the bottom of the pot should apply some rotten cake fertilizer or chicken and duck manure as base fertilizer.

When planting, the bulb will be exposed to the soil, after planting, the basin soil will be pressed solid, leaving 2-3 cm along the mouth, watering once, after not more watering, maintain a low humidity, and avoid direct sunlight, when the leaves are about 10 cm long, then normal watering, and begin to apply topdressing, to stop fertilization after the formation of flower buds, after the flower can be fertilized appropriately, so as to promote bulb hypertrophy).

It is necessary to cut off the withered flower stems in time to avoid wasting the nutrients of the bulbs. Watering should be reduced gradually after autumn, and the basin soil should be slightly dry. Winter should be moved indoors for the winter, watering is as little as to keep the bulb from withering, and the temperature is not less than 5 degrees, otherwise it will affect dormancy and flowering in the coming year.

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Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

Spring cultivation has the following main points:

1. Change the basin. After 1 year of growth, it should be replaced with an adaptive flowerpot.

2. Change the soil. After planting for 1 or 2 years, the potted soil is lack of fertilizer. In order to promote the growth and flowering of the new year, it should be replaced with new soil.

3. Ramet. After growing for 1 year or 2 years, there are many bulbs growing on the head, so the plants are divided at the same time when changing the basin and soil, and the co-planting of large plants is one pot, that of middle plants is one pot, and that of small plants is one pot.

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Cultivation method of Burley Zhu Dinghong key points of management and maintenance of Zhu Dinghong

4. Fertilization. The bottom fertilizer should be applied at the same time when changing the basin, changing the soil and planting, and the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied once a month after the pot is put on the pot. the principle of fertilization is thin application to promote flower bud differentiation and flowering.

5. Pruning. At the same time of changing the basin and soil, cut off the fallen leaves, withered roots, diseases and insect pests, leaving exuberant leaves.

6. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Spray anther once a month, the anther should be sprayed around 9: 00 am and 4: 00 pm on a sunny day, and should not be sprayed in the hot sun at noon to prevent drug damage.

Conclusion: the above are the problems that Burley Zhu Dinghong needs to pay attention to in the process of management. every kind of flower, whether in breeding or in the process of management, there are many problems that need our attention, a little careless. it will bring a lot of trouble to the process of cultivation, so be careful.