
How to raise hyacinth in the right way to make the flowers bloom more vigorously

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hyacinth is very beautiful when it blossoms, and every color is very fresh. The feeling of meat is great, but many people don't know about the breeding of hyacinth. Editor, let's share the breeding methods of hyacinth.

There are two cultivation methods of hyacinth, that is, soil culture and water culture. Many people like to breed in water when they breed at home. The way to breed in water is to find a small bottle with a little thin one in the middle. This will put the root of the hyacinth in the water, but the stem of the garlic pimple is on top of the water. It can grow faster in this way.

However, in the case of raising hyacinth in the water, we must pay attention to changing the water, and many people always choose to use water to clean rice. However, the water of rice washing has a great influence on the roots of hyacinth, and it is easy to have rotten roots. So be sure to use clean water when breeding in the water, and pay attention to cleaning the roots when changing the water.

If the root is not cleaned for a long time, there will be dirt, so the surface layer will rot. There is no way to grow normally, so the change of water should be carried out every 2-3 days. Don't squeeze the stem hard every time you change the water. Excessive force will damage a layer of the surface, resulting in yellowing.

Another method is to cultivate hyacinths in the soil. If you cultivate hyacinths in the soil, you must choose suitable soil. Do not use very hard loess, very hard soil has a great impact on the growth of the roots. And be sure to master it when watering, about once every 2-3 days, excessive watering will make the roots black.

And in the temperature control should also be good, about 23 degrees is suitable for hyacinth growth. And will not affect the florescence, in the flowering when the fragrance is very large, can make the room full of pungent fragrance. Master these farming methods. I'm sure your hyacinth will flourish.

How to raise hyacinth? the breeding method of hyacinth

The flowers of hyacinth explain our beautiful life, so elegant and hot. Represents the brilliance and brilliance of all stages of life from youth to old age, a person's heart is like a rich and colorful world. The quiet life blooms like a flower, releasing the light of life. Hyacinth is a perennial herb. Bulb ovate, with membranous epidermis. Leaves 4-8, narrowly lanceolate, fleshy, with grooves, green and glossy. Fleshy stems, slightly higher than leaves, racemes terminal, flowers 5-20, laterally or downward inclined, funnel-shaped, perianth tube long, base dilated, lobes oblong, anti-curling, flowers in purple, white, red, yellow, pink, blue and other colors, there are double flowers, large flowers, early flowers and polyploid varieties. Hyacinth cultivation four essentials 1. Seed ball selection hyacinth flowering nutrients, mainly depends on the supply of nutrients stored in the bulbs and leaves, as long as the selection of no damage to the epidermis, fleshy scales not excessive shrinkage, hard and heavy, full seed bulbs, in order to produce rich and beautiful flowers. 2. Soil requirements, such as fertile soil, high organic matter content, good aggregate structure and pH value 6-7. The culture soil can be prepared according to the ratio of rotten leaf soil 5 ∶ garden soil 3 ∶ coarse sand 1.5 ∶ bone powder 0.5. Before planting, chemical agents such as formalin can be used to cover the soil surface immediately after applying formalin at a soil temperature of 10-15 ℃. After 3 days of warm weather, remove the film and plant it after 1 day to keep the soil moist. 3.Illumination, hyacinth only needs more than 5000Lx to maintain normal physiological activity. If the light is too weak, the plant will be thin, the stem is too long, the bud is small, the flowers are early, and the leaves are yellow. incandescent lamp can be used to fill the light at about 1 meter, but too strong light can also cause leaves and petals to burn or shorten the flowering period. 4. With the adjustment of temperature and humidity, the flower bud differentiation will be inhibited, abnormal growth and blind flower rate will increase when the temperature is too high, even higher than 35 ℃. If the temperature is too low, the flower bud will suffer frost injury. Soil moisture should be kept between 60% and 70%, too high, root respiration is inhibited and perishable, and if it is too low, the aboveground part wilts or even dies; the air humidity should be kept at about 80%, and the humidity can be increased by spraying and spraying water on the ground. Ventilation and other methods can also be used to reduce humidity. Scientific cultivation of grape hyacinth grape hyacinth flower like a string of purple grapes, very beautiful. It has strong cold tolerance and can survive the winter in the open field in North China. In cultivation, it should be noted that ① culture soil should be well drained, deep and fertile sandy loam. ② propagated with bulbs. The mother plant was dug up every 2 ~ 3 years, and the well-growing daughter bulbs were taken as propagation materials. The planting time can be carried out from September to October and blossom in April of the following year. ③ should be fully fertilized before planting. In the growth period, it is necessary to top fertilize liquid fertilizer with more complete nutrients for 1 and 2 times, and at the same time pay attention to watering to promote growth. After flower fade, watering should be reduced and liquid fertilizer should be applied twice, which is beneficial to the growth of underground bulbs. In summer, the grape hyacinth is dormant, so stop fertilization and control watering to prevent root rot. In winter, cut off the ground and pour enough water to allow it to survive the winter.

How to cultivate hyacinth by hydroponics

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Hyacinth is mainly produced in the Netherlands, belongs to the Liliaceae, is also a bulbous plant. The inflorescence of hyacinth is very plump and has many colors. The roots are still white. The growth period of hyacinth is in winter and early spring, and the florescence is also at this time. Summer is the dormant period of hyacinth. So we generally regard hyacinth as an annual flower cultivation. The following editor will share the breeding methods of hyacinth for you. I hope you can learn it.

The cultivation method of hyacinth-- hydroponic hyacinth

The first step is to prepare a transparent glass bottle like a gourd. The bottle should be filled with water and the seed head of hyacinth should be placed at the mouth of the bottle. Can also add a little charcoal, play the role of a disinfection box anticorrosion. The amount of water is limited to not touching the bottom of the bulb. Step 2: it has been installed, then put it in a dark place and cover the bottle with a black cloth. Keep the indoor temperature at 5 mi 10 degrees Celsius. Because this is good for the roots of hyacinth. After 20 days, the roots sprout in total darkness, and it's time to take them out to bask in the sun. The third step: after the root system fully grows, move to the bright place where there is no direct light, the temperature is controlled above 10 ℃, change the water once every 2-3 days, and keep the water clean. If the water is immersed to the root, there is no need to water or fertilize. Step 4: after the hyacinth flower fades, the flower stem should be cut off and the bulb should be planted in the basin to enrich the bulb. When the leaves wither, dig out the bulbs and collect them, and they can be rejuvenated in the basin in autumn. If the bulb is well preserved, it can still bloom in the second year, but the flower will be short and the scape will atrophy, which is mainly due to the degeneration of the bulb. How to raise hyacinth?

First: watering is very important: if it is clear water culture, it should be changed once a week, if it is nutrient solution culture research, it should be changed once a month. No matter how you raise it, you must keep the water quality clean. Second: the growth environment: after germination should be placed in bright light, air circulation, sunny position, in order to facilitate its growth. At first, it shines for one or two hours a day, and then gradually increases to seven or eight hours. Be sure to keep plenty of sunlight. Notes on how to cultivate hyacinth:

1. Buy a container whose mouth can hold the bulb, preferably a gourd-shaped container with a small top and a large bottom, with a better transparent glass texture. 2. The water temperature should not be high, and it is better to be below 15 ℃. 3. After putting the bulb on the bottleneck, the water level can be lowered to the point where the root can just touch the water, so that the root can fully absorb oxygen and promote the growth of the root. 4. Move the container to a sunny place in winter to make the flowers big and strong. 5. Several hyacinths can also be planted in the fish tank, and the matrix is made of sand, supplemented by shady ferns to form a small scene of wild interest, which is also very chic. Conclusion: in fact, hyacinth will not blossom immediately after the first hydroponic culture, but will not blossom until the next year. So don't worry at this time when you didn't have a meeting when you were breeding. The above is about hyacinth pig raising method, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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