
Learning the culture methods and precautions of Anthurium andraeanum to make flowers healthy and beautiful is as simple as that.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although the Anthurium andraeanum blossom has no fragrance, the green leaves are crisp and the red flowers are very lovely. Some people do not always raise Anthurium andraeanum very well. They would like to know what good methods and precautions there are to raise Anthurium andraeanum. Today, we will introduce to you how to raise Anthurium andraeanum.

Anthurium andraeanum is a kind of plant that likes the sun, but it is afraid of being exposed to too strong sunlight. So farmers must be careful not to put it in the middle of the balcony in summer. It is best to put it on one side so that it can be exposed to the sun in the morning or evening. If it is winter, you can put it in the middle of the balcony to ensure light and warmth.

Anthurium likes to be moist, but the root is not too big, so you can't store too much water, so you must water less and water frequently. The flowerpot can't store too much water or the roots will rot. In summer, you can spray his leaves with a spray can every morning and evening, and you can spray their leaves at noon in winter. Due to seasonal climate change, watering and spraying have to be adaptable.

Anthurium andraeanum needs to be fertilized, especially before flowering, which should normally be applied every half a month. Flower roots can be irrigated with flower nutrients mixed with a small amount of ferrous sulfate. Anthurium should be fertilized once after hitting the bud, and do not apply fertilizer one month after flowering, which can ensure a longer flowering period.

Although Anthurium andraeanum is not easy to attract worms, it is easy to grow bacteria in flowerpots because the potted soil is wet for a long time, and this bacteria will grow into the small black insects we see in flowerpots. Too many of these small black insects will hinder the growth of flowers, so it is necessary to control them as soon as they are found. Garlic juice can be used to water the flowers, so that small black insects can not appear for one to two months, but can not be cured.

It's as simple as learning Anthurium andraeanum hydroponics to save space and cultivate flowers.

Anthurium andraeanum aquaculture is undoubtedly a very space-saving way, because we only need to have a few beautiful water bottles. But raising Anthurium andraeanum in water requires a process of domestication, because plants also have their own characteristics, so it will be difficult to adapt to changing their growing environment for a while. Next we will introduce to you the domestication process and breeding methods of Anthurium andraeanum water culture, hoping to help friends in need.

The first step of Anthurium andraeanum water culture: domestication. We can first dig out the Anthurium andraeanum in the flowerpot, then pick the leaves near the roots, reduce the excess rotten roots, and then wash the roots with water. The newly dug roots of Anthurium andraeanum are very afraid of the sun, so try not to put them in transparent utensils. If it is transparent glass products, you can cover the utensils with black plastic bags. Domestication usually takes a week, during which water has to be changed at least three or four times a day.

Anthurium andraeanum water raise the second step: increase nutrition. Anthurium andraeanum will be domesticated after a week, after which there is no need to change the water too frequently, it can be changed once a day to two days. But every time you change the water, you have to add a nutrient solution, which can help Anthurium andraeanum take root and develop.

Anthurium andraeanum aquaculture step 3: replace the hydroponic basket. Anthurium can grow normally after 20 days, and they should be replaced with regular hydroponic utensils. The water basket had better be white, and you must choose utensils according to the size of the roots of Anthurium andraeanum in your home. Be careful not to hurt the main root when loading the water basket, so as to ensure that Anthurium andraeanum can continue to grow healthily.

The cultivation methods and precautions of Anthurium andraeanum the fengshui effect of Anthurium andraeanum in the home fengshui layout, sometimes some unfavorable fengshui positions will be found, and a pot of Anthurium andraeanum can be put in these locations to resolve the problem. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum? friends who like Anthurium andraeanum should pay attention to accumulation. Anthurium andraeanum is a kind of flower that is sensitive to salt. what should we pay attention to when raising Anthurium andraeanum at home? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and precautions of Anthurium andraeanum. Before understanding the culture methods and precautions of Anthurium andraeanum, let's take a look at the characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum: Anthurium belongs to Araceae, perennial evergreen herbaceous plants, it is a typical semi-fleshy whisker root system, and has aerial roots. Stem extremely short, nearly stemless. Can blossom all the year round, the general plant grows to a certain period of time, each axilla can produce buds and blossom.

Anthurium andraeanum cultivation at home should pay attention to the following aspects: first, humidity Anthurium andraeanum needs about 70% air humidity for normal growth, which is generally difficult to achieve in ordinary family farming. You can use a clean wet towel to wet the leaves several times a day, or spray water around the plant regularly to increase air humidity. (but do not sprinkle the flowers with water, so as not to affect the ornamental quality.) Second, watering and fertilization under normal growth conditions, dry wetlands can be seen to water the cultivated soil every week. Generally grasp the principle that the soil surface is not dry or irrigated, and the soil surface is thoroughly watered. The watering times and amount of water can be reduced appropriately in spring, autumn and winter. 7-8% special nutrient solution or 500 times diluted fertilizer water should be applied with watering every half month. 3. Pruning in general, during the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, the basal petiole degenerates gradually, and the stipules can be cut off in time when the stipules become dry. When the pedicel turns yellow after anthesis, it should also be cut off from the protective post of 2 cm at the base as soon as possible. 4. Temperature for household cultivation of Anthurium andraeanum, the temperature should be guaranteed as much as possible. The optimum growth temperature of Anthurium andraeanum is 16-24 ℃, and the lowest temperature should be above 12 ℃. If ordinary families have heating facilities, this condition is easy to achieve. But at the same time, it must be noted that the flowerpot should not be placed on or too close to the radiator. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the flowers should be moved to a ventilated room opposite to the north, and water can be sprayed around the plants to cool down. 5. Lighting

The normal growth of Anthurium andraeanum should have sufficient scattered light, and family culture should generally pay attention to: avoid strong light directly on leaves and flowers in summer, and move to the vicinity of the window in autumn and winter to increase light. It is also necessary to rotate the plant regularly to ensure that it receives uniform light and promote the perfection of its crown shape. In addition to the above conditions, learn the culture methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum, in order to understand the cultivation substrate suitable for the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, the cultivation substrate must have the properties of strong water and fertilizer retention, good permeability, no stagnant water, no toxic substances and fixed plants. Before planting, the substrate must also be thoroughly disinfected to kill diseases and insect pests and maintain its normal growth. Many friends will find that although they take good care of them, there are still a lot of problems with Anthurium andraeanum. It is common that Anthurium andraeanum is easy to rot leaves, how to deal with rotten leaves? Generally speaking, the rotten leaves of Anthurium andraeanum are caused by excessive humidity, high temperature and lack of ventilation, and most of them are fungal infections. Better control effects can be obtained by using fungicides, and the infected plants can generally restore healthy growth combined with fine water and fertilizer management. Anthurium andraeanum is a tropical flower that likes shade and avoid sun, dampness and drought, and is afraid of high temperature and cold. Family maintenance should be careful not to be exposed to the sun according to its habits, but it should not be placed in a room with dark light for a long time, but it should be placed in a place with scattered light. See some sunshine sooner or later. Generally, the substrate of Anthurium andraeanum is peat, loose and breathable, and the appropriate temperature should keep the basin soil moist, or often spray some water to the leaves to increase air humidity. Now the weather turns cold, if the temperature can not be guaranteed above 12 degrees in winter, watering should be controlled to improve the cold resistance of Anthurium andraeanum, the lowest temperature can not be lower than 8 degrees, otherwise it is easy to freeze. The role of Anthurium andraeanum is skillfully used at home: absorb benzene and trichloroethylene which are harmful to the human body in the air, and have the healthy effect of purifying air. Araceae flowers in bloom, the flowers will be slightly toxic, it is best to move to the outdoor, Anthurium, white palm, ruby, emerald these flowers belong to Araceae. And the representative of Euphorbiaceae is poinsettia, also known as Christmas red, this kind of flower is also toxic, or it will be safe to eat by mistake, wash your hands every time you trim branches and leaves, its poison mainly comes from juice, pay attention to it. The value use and ornamental value of Anthurium andraeanum its flower is unique, it is the flame bud, the color is bright and gorgeous, the color is rich, it is the world's precious flower. The florescence is long, the cut flowers can be raised in water for up to one and a half months, and the cut leaves can be used as leaves for flower arrangement. It can be used as a potted plant, and the single flowering period of potted plants can be as long as 4-6 months. The anniversary can blossom. Economic value Anthurium andraeanum is an important tropical cut flower, Buddha inflorescence, its flame bud is large, thick and waxy, the color is red, pink, white, green, two-color and so on. Because of its bright color, peculiar shape, wide range of application and high economic value, it is a high-grade tropical cut flower and potted flower with rapid development and great demand in the world.

Fengshui as an ornamental potted Anthurium andraeanum also has its unique fengshui effect. The main characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum are as follows: slender stems, green and thick leaves, red flowers, and golden inflorescences. The red flowers grow above (the top of the head) with the implication of good luck. Among the red flowers and leaves, there is a golden spike, which means that there is gold (money) in the hand. Do you want to be lucky or have money that people don't need? Of course, these are just some words, in fact, the real use of fengshui is that it can play a transformation of the five elements, thus resolving some unfavorable factors. Fengshui cannot be separated from the five elements. The restraint of the five elements is the key factor to infer the success or failure of fengshui, good or bad luck. According to the five elements theory: green represents wood, red represents fire, and yellow represents soil. The basic characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum are wood fire and fire soil. If the place in the house, such as the five elements, is affected by wood gas, placing a pot of Anthurium andraeanum can play a role in the transformation of wood and soil. According to the image theory of the eight diagrams, the slender stems represent the Sunda, the palms of the leaves are upward, the uplift pan represents the vibration hexagram, the five elements of the Zhenxun hexagram, in which the shock hexagram represents movement, activity, action, etc., and the hexagram represents wealth, work, business inspiration, wisdom, and so on. Red is a departure from the hexagram represents beauty, bright, open-minded enthusiasm to see and see eyes, then the middle of the yellow spike Its shape is like a gold bar implying money and wealth, and its bright yellow color also represents Kun Gua, which represents the hostess, mother, elderly women, etc., as well as hard work, tenderness and patience. In the layout of fengshui at home, the location of the earth in the house has the Kun position in the southwest and the Gen position in the northeast. From the point of view of fengshui, if the earth field (the static induction gas field inside the house) and the celestial field (nine stars flying on the day of the year), if the Kun position and the Gen position encounter the stars belonging to the five elements of wood flying to these two positions, this will have a negative impact on the people and things represented by these two hexagram positions, and in serious cases there will be some disasters. At this time, placing a pot of Anthurium andraeanum in Kun position can play a role in resolving it. If the hostess, mother, wife, health or bad luck in the house, you can put Anthurium on the southwest seat of the living room and bedroom, so that the red flowers dissolve the restraint [on behalf of the hostess, mother, wife]. Red color can also give birth to help Kun earth. From an image point of view, it also means that the woman in the house can be in charge of the economy.