
Master the seed planting method of Cymbidium, the flowering period is more beautiful and luxuriant

Published: 2025-01-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/01/22, It can be said that the gentleman orchid is a kind of flower that is more difficult to breed, and many people say it is very difficult to breed. But orchids are very beautiful when they bloom, so many people want to raise orchids at home. The editor will share the method of planting magnolia today.

When planting magnolia, many people do not have a good grasp of the depth, and there will be root rot. In fact, after choosing a good soft soil, put the gentleman orchid at a depth of about 2 centimeters, not too deep. If it is too deep, the roots will blacken and even there is no way to take root normally.

And the orchids that have just been planted should not be put outdoors, but in the shade indoors for about half a month to respond normally. Gentleman orchids like cool and ventilated places, so don't expose yourself to the sun. You get sunburned when you get exposed to the sun, and it's hard to grow new buds again, so this is very important.

It is also necessary to control watering. Many people always water flowers every day when they raise flowers. If the magnolia is watered every day, there is no way to grow normally, and it doesn't like plants with too much water. So about 3-5 days watering can supply the normal growth of the orchid, look inside the flowerpot before each watering, if it is not particularly dry, there is no problem.

It is also important to control the temperature. It is very cold in many places in winter. Orchids should be put indoors for breeding, but not too hot. Many people in the north are worried that orchids will be put on the edge of heating. This is not correct as long as it is kept at about 22 degrees, it can make the orchid grow normally.

With the growth of the orchid soil nutrients may not be supplied, so it is necessary to pour nutrient solution so that the growth of the orchid will not be affected. Normal growth can not affect the flowering period, and it can blossom normally in the second winter after planting.

Introduction of soil cultivation method and Water Culture technique of Magnolia

Magnolia is native to the tropical regions of southern Africa and grows under trees, so it is not only afraid of heat but not cold-resistant, like semi-shady and humid environment, afraid of strong direct sunlight, the best temperature for growth is between 18 and 28 ℃, below 10 ℃, above 30 ℃, and growth is inhibited. Cymbidium likes ventilated environment, likes deep, fertile and loose soil, and is suitable for growing in loose and fertile soil with slightly acidic organic matter. Cymbidium is a famous greenhouse flower and is suitable for indoor culture. the breeding methods of Cymbidium are introduced as follows:

The Propagation method of Cymbidium

The propagation methods of Cymbidium are commonly used in sowing and ramet reproduction.

1. Sowing and breeding method

The method of pollination is as follows: 2-3 days after perianth cracking, when the bud matures and the stigma secretes mucus, it is the time for pollination. During pollination, the pollen of stamens is dipped with a new brush and gently falls on the stigma of the pistil. In order to increase the seed setting rate, the seeds can be pollinated once between 9: 10 a.m. and 2: 3 p.m., and the seeds can mature after about 8 to 9 months. When the pericarp gradually changes from green to black-purple, the ear can be cut off and the seeds will be peeled off after 10-20 days. Before sowing, soak the seeds in warm water of 30: 35 ℃ for 20 / 30 minutes and then dry them for 1 / 2 hours (it is better to soak them in 10% sodium phosphate solution for 20 / 30 minutes and then soak them in clean water for 10 / 15 hours), then sow them into the culture soil. The flowerpot after sowing was placed in an environment with a room temperature of 2025 ℃ and a humidity of about 90%, and the radicle germinated in about 1-2 weeks.

The cultivated soil should be prepared before sowing and breeding. There are many materials available for making culture soil, but one of the more easily obtained is loose soil with sufficient humus taken from the surface of the forest, mixed with clean fine sand soil of 1 stroke 3.

2. Ramet breeding method

The asexual reproduction of flowers has the methods of cutting, ramet, striping, grafting and so on, but the asexual reproduction of Cymbidium is generally only the method of dividing plants, and this method is more common. To propagate by dividing plants, you must first do some preparatory work:

① family potted plants to prepare flowerpots, flowerpots had better be earthen pots, do not buy porcelain, ceramic pots with beautiful surface, because their poor air permeability is not conducive to plant growth.

② prepares the medium soil, it is best to disinfect it. If humus soil is mixed with fine sand, humus soil should be sprayed with potassium permanganate 1000-2000 times aqueous solution to disinfect; fine river sand should also be washed and disinfected with boiling water to prevent seedlings from being infected and rotted by germs.

③ prepare a little charcoal powder to smear the wound for moisture absorption to prevent decay.

④ sharpens the knife used for cutting, and finally quickly dry grinds (without adding water) dozens of times on the grindstone to make the blade highly hot to kill germs.

When the orchid divides, first bring the mother plant of the orchid from the basin, remove the resident soil, and find out the buds that can be divided. If the daughter plant is born on the outer edge of the mother plant and the plant is small, you can hold the bulb in one hand and the base of the child plant in the other hand and tear it off; if the daughter plant is strong and not easy to break off, it should be cut off with a prepared sharp knife. Never break it by force, so as not to damage the young plants. After cutting off the offspring, you should immediately smear the wound with dried charcoal powder to absorb the fluid and prevent decay. Next, the seed plant is planted in a pot. When planting, the planting depth is to bury the false bulb at the base of the seed plant, make it slightly higher on the part of the seedling plant, and cover it with sterilized sand. Immediately after planting, pour water once, and then cover with a layer of culture soil when the wound heals 2 weeks later. It usually takes 1-2 months to grow new roots and blossom for 1-2 years. The heredity of the magnolia propagated by the split method is relatively stable and can maintain various characteristics of the original species.

The culture method of gentleman orchid is divided into soil culture method and water culture method. Let's take a specific look at these two culture methods.

Soil Culture Technology of Cymbidium

The cultivation of Cymbidium is relatively easy, first of all, we should select the basin soil, which can be placed indoors near the window, and master the fertilizer and water according to the temperature characteristics of various places. During the growing period, the basin soil should be kept moist, and the basin soil should be dry during the high temperature and semi-dormant period, and more water should be sprayed on the leaf surface to achieve the purpose of cooling. The gentleman orchid likes fertilizer, and the rotten cake fertilizer is added to the basin soil every 2 to 3 years. Apply 5 to 40 grams of rotten cake fertilizer under the basin soil before the growing period, and apply liquid fertilizer once a year. In the management, the basin should be turned frequently to prevent the blade from deviating to one side, and if there is one side, it should be righted in time. When the temperature is 25 to 30 degrees, it is easy to cause the leaves to grow too long and narrow and affect the ornamental effect, so the cultivation of Cymbidium must pay attention to adjust the room temperature.

1. Soil

Gentleman orchid is suitable to use humus-rich soil, this kind of soil has good air permeability, good water permeability, and the soil is fertile and slightly acidic. General gentleman orchid soil configuration, 6 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of pine needle, 1 part of river sand or ash, 1 part of base fertilizer (pockmarked, etc.). Rotten leaf soil mainly refers to oak leaves, also known as oak trees. This kind of leaf is thick in texture and is a good humus. Nutritious and permeable. Other leaves are so thin that they are gone after decay and cannot be mixed with other media. The pot used in cultivation increases gradually with the growth of the plant, and the 3-inch pot is suitable for the cultivation of one-year-old seedlings. Change 5-inch pots in the second year, and then change into larger flowerpots every 1-2 years, which can be carried out in spring and autumn.

2. Watering

Cymbidium has a more developed fleshy root, in which there is a certain amount of water, so this kind of flower is more drought-tolerant. However, drought-tolerant flowers should not be seriously short of water, especially in the case of high temperature in summer and dry air, do not forget to water in time, otherwise, the roots and leaves of flowers will be damaged, resulting in the germination of new leaves, and the original leaves are estimated to be scorched, not only affect flowering, but even cause plant death. However, too much watering will rot the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good grasp and always pay attention to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil. if it is semi-dry, it should be watered once, but the amount of water should not be much. It is just right to keep the basin soil moist and not damp.

Of course, if there are conditions, magnetized water is the best, followed by Rain Water, snow water or running water in rivers, followed by water in ponds, and the worst is tap water. For flower growers living in big cities, only tap water is available, so you can use a small tank or bucket to put in the tap water and water it again after 2-3 days. This can precipitate some harmful impurities in the water. In addition, the substances contained in the water can be oxidized and purified, and the temperature of the water can be close to that of the basin soil, so that the plant will not be too cold or too hot.

3. Fertilization

Many flowers like fertilizer, but there should be a limit to fertilizer-loving flowers, too much fertilization will be unfavorable to growth, and even become rotten roots or scorched plants. Magnolia also belongs to this kind of plant and must be fertilized appropriately. Flowers have different nutrient requirements at different stages of growth and development. Therefore, different fertilization methods suitable for plant needs should be adopted in different periods. Such as applying base fertilizer, topdressing, extra-root fertilization and so on.

① applied base fertilizer (or base fertilizer). The aim is to create conditions for plant growth and development to meet its nutrient needs. The application of base fertilizer for Magnolia should be carried out when the basin is changed every two years. Apply barnyard manure (that is, livestock manure), compost, green manure, bean cake fertilizer and so on.

② topdressing. Mainly to promote the growth of plants. Gentleman orchid can apply fertilizer such as cake fertilizer, fish meal, bone meal and so on. Apply less at the beginning, and then with the growth of the plant and the increase of leaves, the amount of fertilizer will gradually increase. When applying fertilizer, open the pot soil and apply it to the soil 2-3 cm deep, but be careful that the fertilizer should not be too close to the root system so as not to burn the root system. The application of this kind of solid fertilizer is generally enough once a month and should not be dense again.

③ topdressing liquid fertilizer. Topdressing liquid fertilizer is that the supernatant of animals and plants that have been soaked and retted is mixed with 30: 40 clear water and then poured on the basin soil. Small seedlings should be watered 40 times, medium seedlings 30 times, and large seedlings only 20 times. After pouring fertilizer solution every 1-2 days, we should continue to irrigate clear water (the amount of water should not be too much), so that the fertilizer can seep into the root system of the basin soil and give full play to the fertilizer effect. Do not water 1-2 days before the application of liquid fertilizer, so that the basin soil is relatively dry and then apply liquid fertilizer, which is more effective. Fertilization time is best in the early morning; when pouring, let the fertilizer liquid pour along the edge of the basin, pay attention to avoid applying on the plants and leaves. In addition, different fertilizers should be applied according to different seasons. For example, in spring and winter, it is appropriate to apply some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as fish meal, bone meal, hemp cake, etc., which is conducive to the formation of veins and improve the glossiness of leaves; while in autumn, it is appropriate to apply some leachate of rotten animal hair, horns, hooves or bean cakes, and then pour it with 30-40 times fresh water to promote leaf growth.

④ topdressing outside the root. Using this method of fertilization, mainly to make up for the lack of nutrients in the soil, in order to solve the problem of lack of fertilizer in the plant, so that the seedlings grow fast and the flowers and fruits grow fat. Extra-root fertilization is to spray the fertilizer diluent directly on the leaf surface of the plant and let the nutrient elements infiltrate into the leaf tissue through the leaf epidermis cells and stomata and then transport to the whole body of the plant. The commonly used fertilization varieties are urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, calcium superphosphate and so on. When spraying, spray evenly to both sides of the blade. In the growing season, it is sprayed once every 4-6 days and once every 2 weeks when it is semi-dormant. Generally, it is sprayed after sunrise, and the plant should be stopped after flowering. It must be noted that this method can only be used when the plant is found to be short of fertilizer. If the plant has sufficient nutrition and exuberant growth, it is not suitable to be used.

4. Summer vacation

At the height of summer, the temperature is often above 30 ℃, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of Magnolia. For this reason, it is commonly used to set up a shed to cool down. You can also bury the magnolia in the sand (bury the basin), and then sprinkle water on the sand every morning and evening. In this way, not only the basin soil can be kept moist, but more importantly, the heat absorption effect of water evaporation in the sand can be used to achieve the purpose of cooling.

5. Post-management

The flowering period of Cymbidium is generally from February to April. After flowering, the flowering period can be prolonged by proper cooling, ventilation and reducing light. The length of the flowering period of Cymbidium can be controlled by people's cultivation techniques.

① fertilization: bone meal, fermented fish viscera and bean cake water should be added to make the flowers bright, the flowers larger and the leaves thick. Otherwise, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of small flowers, small number and light color. At the same time, attention should be paid to avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer and insufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, resulting in weak growth or excessive growth of leaves, affecting budding and flowering.

② light: certain light conditions should be given to meet the light requirements of photosynthesis and flowering. In strong light, the florescence is short and the flower color is bright; in low light, the flower color is light. Too long, too strong or long-term shade, lack of light, all affect the production and accumulation of nutrients, so that it can not bud and blossom.

③ temperature: the suitable temperature has obvious influence on the flowering effect. When the temperature is too high, the root hair exists for a very short time, and the function of absorbing water and fertilizer is greatly reduced, which makes the orchid show a semi-dormant state; the temperature below 10 ℃ will also inhibit the growth; the growth period should be controlled at 15: 25 ℃, and the florescence should be at 15: 20 ℃. The root hair exists for a long time, the function of absorbing water and fertilizer is good, the leaves grow short and wide, and the flowers are luxuriant. It should also be noted that Cymbidium should maintain a temperature difference of about 8 ℃ between day and night, because the organic matter it produces at higher temperatures during the day needs to be stored and digested at lower temperatures at night.

④ moisture: Cymbidium can not be short of water during the whole plant growth period, and it needs more water to enter the flowering stage, and the growth humidity is not less than 60%.

Aquaculture technique of Cymbidium

Magnolia can also be cultured in water, so let's take a look at the aquaculture method of magnolia.

1. Container selection

In order to carry out hydroponic culture of Cymbidium, we should first choose a good container. Generally speaking, it is better to use a transparent glass container. If you raise a seedling, you only need a glass can. If you want to plant a lot of water, you can use fine wire to compile a metal mesh with a diameter of one centimeter, and make a glass hydroponic box slightly smaller than the metal mesh, or you can use a goldfish tank instead. Then the metal net was covered on the hydroponic box, and the seedlings of Cymbidium were inserted into the nutrient solution through the mesh, and the depth of the flower root in the culture medium did not exceed the limit of the false bulb of the root.

2. Preparation of nutrient solution

Nutrient solution is divided into inorganic and organic. The inorganic nutrient solution can be prepared according to the following proportion: 1.5g of calcium, 0.01g of ferrous sulfate, 1g of urea, 1g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5g of magnesium sulfate. After the above five inorganic salts are mixed together, they can be dissolved in 1000 grams of water. The organic culture solution was prepared as follows: fried flax seed flour 100g, bone powder (made of salt-free fresh bone) 100g, bean cake powder 150g, cooked sesame powder 50g, and then dissolved in 1000 grams of water. Compared with the above two kinds of nutrient solution, the composition of organic fertilizer is rich, but the nutrient content is not high, and the composition of inorganic fertilizer is relatively simple, but the fertilizer effect is high and the effect is fast. In order to learn from each other's strong points to offset their weaknesses, the two can be used together. If used alone, inorganic fertilizer is applied once a week, and organic fertilizer is applied once every 5 days.

3. Use water

In hydroponic cultivation, tap water cannot be directly used, but "trapped" water must be used. the so-called "trapped" water is to put tap water in a container and bask in the sun for 3 to 5 days to precipitate chlorides such as bleach that are harmful to the roots of magnolia. The "trapped" water, from the outside, the sediment changes from strips to lumps, and the color of the water is green. After "trapping" good water, the position of the submerged root must not submerge the false bulb. If the water level is too shallow, the magnolia can not get sufficient water supply, and if the water level is too deep (flooding the false bulb), it will cause root fester. In the process of breeding, we should pay more attention to observe the changes of water quality, and find that some roots turn yellow or black, indicating that the water is both anoxic and less fertile, and the water must be changed immediately.

4. Air

Whether we can deal with the ventilation of hydroponic orchid root is the key to the success or failure of hydroponic culture. After a period of culture, there is a layer of moss on the root. When the moss is too thick, it will seriously affect the absorption of the root and corrode the culture medium. At this time, you need to gently brush off the moss layer with a soft and clean brush (you don't have to brush it clean, because a small amount of moss at the root has little effect). In addition, always check whether there is enough oxygen in the water. The method of inspection is to put two or three small fish into the water culture box. If the small fish swim freely in the water, it means that there is no lack of oxygen in the water. If the small fish always float to the surface, their mouths and gills are exposed and sucked, which means there is no oxygen in the water. It is found that after anoxia in the water, oxygen must be replenished. There are two methods: one is to change the water, and the other is to supply oxygen to the water with a small oxygen pump.

5. Sunshine

In the treatment of sunlight, Magnolia is a half-yin and half-yang plant, we should pay attention to the light, especially in summer, to avoid the strong direct sunlight, so that it can receive scattered light. In addition, according to the light characteristics of Cymbidium leaves, we should pay attention to make the leaves receive light evenly, otherwise the leaf length is different, the growth direction will be scattered back and forth, generally every two or three days to adjust the lighting angle.

6. Temperature

In terms of temperature treatment, the ambient temperature of adult Cymbidium should be 11: 25 ℃, and the seedlings can be slightly higher, 20: 35 ℃. The temperature difference between day and night should be mastered in orchid cultivation in water, which should be kept at about 20 ℃ during the day and not less than 15 ℃ at night in winter.

Introduction of seed price and flowering period of blue sage

Blue sage alias calyx sage, a string of orchids, blue silk thread. It is a perennial herb with a height of 30-60cm. The plant is tufted and pilose. Do you want to know about it? Today, the editor will briefly introduce the seed price and flowering period of orchid sage. . blue sage is a hardy perennial, about three feet tall, with strong branches and roots, hairy stems, grayish green, two inches tall, and opposite leaves oval. . the leaf surface of the blue chipmunk has some rough protuberances, and the spike-shaped flowers bloom in June and July in blue, white and purple. There are more than 700 species of blue sage, which is like a mouse tail. . after drying, the color of blue sage will change from gray-green to silver-gray, and its unique active ingredient will increase its efficacy by three times. Of course, the aroma and bitterness will also increase at the same time, but as soon as it is added to warm water, it will turn to a mild and sweet taste. . blue sage terminal flowers, many flowers dense, calyx tubular bell-shaped, pink blue or pink purple. The florescence is from spring to summer, usually from May to October. . blue sage garden is used for flower beds, flower borders, from planting, cut flowers, potted flowers. Strong compliance, cold resistance, like yang, high temperature and humidity resistance, drought tolerance, shade tolerance, pruning resistance, medium prerequisite for fertilizer and water. . blue sage seed price is not expensive, generally more than 10 yuan per gram on the market, planting blue sage stone to keep a little dry is very important, we should try to keep the leaf surface dry to prevent diseases. . in order to make the plant have strong roots and luxuriant branches and leaves, continuous fertilization is very important. 100ppm, a compound fertilizer containing calcium and magnesium, is used once a month. . blue sage sowing seedlings about 920 seeds per gram, generally choose 200or 288 hole plate to sow, the medium generally choose imported seedling peat soil or sterilized domestic seedling peat soil, its pH value should be 5.55.8. After sowing, the blue sage should be covered with a thin layer of vermiculite and then covered with a thin film. The optimum temperature for germination is 20 ℃ to 23 ℃ and the germination time is 5 to 8 days. . Conclusion: blue sage is suitable for the layout of flower beds, flower borders and garden attractions. It can also be dotted with rocks and gaps at the edge of the forest, showing solitude. Put the front of the natural building and the small courtyard, feel more elegant and quiet. That's all for today's introduction of blue sage. Thank you for your appreciation. [article source] Flower bonsai

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