
Planting techniques of Yizhiren

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Yizhiren

Yizhiren, also known as Yizhi, is a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae, which is distributed in tropical provinces of China. The fruit of Yizhiren is the main part of medicine, which has various effects such as benefiting spleen and stomach, regulating energy and so on. It can be used to treat diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other problems, and its medicinal value is high. The planting area is wide in our country, so how to plant Yizhiren? The following editor brings you the planting technology of Yizhiren, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

Yizhiren is a kind of plant that likes water and shade, so when we choose the planting site, we should choose the mountain forest with weak light and abundant water. Adequate soil fertility, normal drainage and irrigation and strong permeability can make Yizhiren grow normally. After selecting a good site, do a good job of ploughing and opening holes, and pay attention to the specifications of planting holes to ensure that Yizhiren has sufficient space for growth. When preparing the soil, it was applied together with the base fertilizer, which was mainly composed of fully mature farm manure. Fully mix the base fertilizer and topsoil to increase soil fertility, promote the growth of alpinia lanceolata seeds and improve the germination rate.

2. Seed collection and budding

The mature period of Yizhiren is about the middle of May every year, and then the plants with long ear, large fruit, high yield and strong flavor are selected as the mother plant. Then harvest the fruit and take out the seeds, wash the seeds with clean water and remove the mucus and pulp. As the seed coat of Yizhiren is relatively hard, it is necessary to do a good job of accelerating germination before planting, first soak the seeds in cold water for about 60 minutes, and then soak the seeds in water at a temperature of about 45 degrees for half an hour. Then take it out and soak it in cold water for one day and night, let the seeds absorb enough water, and then put them on the sand bed for germination. Control the temperature at about 25 degrees, and the seeds germinate gradually in about half a month. At this time, the germinated seeds can be sowed into the seedbed.

3. Seedling management

The soil of the nursery bed should be soft and fertile, and the drainage and irrigation should be normal. First, fine rake the soil and apply sufficient base fertilizer, then make the border, control the specifications of the border, and ensure that the border surface is flat. If the nursery bed is not shaded enough, then it is necessary to build a shade shed to ensure that the nursery bed has at least 65% shade. Then control the sowing density and sow in time, cover fine soil and forage after sowing, pour enough water, prevent direct sunlight, improve soil water retention, and promote seed germination. About a week after sowing, the seeds begin to break the soil, and almost all the seedlings are ready after 3 weeks. At this time, the grass should be opened in time. If the grass is exposed too late, it will affect the growth of seedlings and lead to the formation of tall seedlings.

4. Field management

In the seedling stage, ploughing and weeding should be done regularly, and it should be carried out together with topdressing, and the principle of applying a small amount of fertilizer should be followed when topdressing. When the seedlings grow about 3 true leaves, they should start the work of topdressing, and then apply it every half a month. With the increase of the times of topdressing, the fertilizer concentration can be increased appropriately. When fertilizing, we should be careful not to let the leaves come into contact with the leaves to prevent the leaves from being injured. In case of drought, we should properly water the soil, keep the soil moist, prevent it from falling flowers and fruits, and pay attention to drainage when there is too much water.

The above is a brief introduction of Yizhiren planting technology, in the planting process, we also need appropriate shaping and pruning, enhance the permeability of the garden, improve the flowering and fruiting rate, and promote plant growth. And there is also the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, which are all things that we should do well when planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.