
How to breed cinnamon

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to breed cinnamon

Cinnamon is a kind of tree with high economic value, which is widely distributed in our country. The bark of cinnamon can be processed into cinnamon, cinnamon has a very strong flavor, is often used in a variety of dishes as spice seasoning, and trees can also be used as wood to make a variety of furniture. So how do we breed when we plant? The following editor brings you the breeding method of cinnamon, let's have a look!

1. Sprouting reproduction

Sprouting reproduction is also called barge root propagation, generally in early April every year, select about 1 meter high and 2.3 cm diameter sprouting tillers within two years. Then peel the bark off the stem around the stem at the base of the sprouting, and immediately cover the peeled part with soft and fertile soil. Step on the compaction and then pour enough water. After about 10-12 months, the peeling area will gradually grow roots. When the afforestation is established, the soil is removed, the sprouting is separated, and the transplanting is carried out. The survival rate of sprouting propagation is very high, but the growth ability will be relatively weak, and the yield of seedlings will also be affected to a certain extent.

2. Cuttage propagation

The time of cutting propagation is similar to that of sprouting propagation. First of all, a strong and disease-free cinnamon tree is selected as the mother plant. Then select a strong, 5 mm thick branch on the mother plant, cut it off at a position of about 14 cm, and cut the socket flat to prevent the cortex and xylem from protruding. Then put the branches in a cool place and soak them in water or cover them with grass to prevent water shortage from reducing the rooting rate. Then prepare the nursery bed, the soil of the nursery bed should choose clean river sand, control the planting density and cuttage into the nursery bed, and then water and cover the seedling bed to keep the nursery bed moist. After about two months, the cortex gradually heals and takes root, and when there are more roots, it can be transplanted at the right time.

3. Seed propagation

Seed propagation is mostly used for large-scale planting, first of all, we should select trees with an age of more than 12 years, such as tall, unbent, thick bark, high oil content and so on. Every year around March, when the fruit becomes darker and the flesh is soft, start to take out the seeds and wash off the mucus and pulp with clean water. Put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry water, and then select sufficient water, good drainage and irrigation and deep soft soil as the nursery, do a good job of soil preparation, control the density of sowing in time, strengthen field management after sowing, and do a good job of fertilizer and water. When the seedlings grow to about 30cm in a year or so, they can be transplanted and planted.

4. Points for attention

If you cannot sow the seed immediately when using the seed propagation method, wrap the seed in wet sand and put it in a cool and windy place. It can be stored for about two words for a month, and the germination rate can be guaranteed at about 80%. Because the seeds of cinnamon are fragile, the storability is weak, and the life span is relatively short, they can not be exposed to the sun and preserved for too long. It is best to sow seeds immediately after harvest, so as to ensure the quality and germination rate of seeds.

The above is a brief introduction to the propagation methods of cinnamon. Cinnamon trees have a very long life and can be harvested almost every year after they are planted once they have entered the mature period. Of course, it is mainly determined according to the planting direction, but no matter what direction it is, we all need to do a good job in planting management to create a good growth environment for cinnamon. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.