
How to plant the seeds of wisteria to produce more beautiful flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fresh and elegant flowers and green plants always give people a sense of tranquility and elegance. Appreciate these beautiful plants, but also have the role of edifying the body and mind. Wisteria is a kind of garden plant planted in large areas. This kind of flower smells fragrant.

Wisteria wisteria, a winding vine planted in a large area, is very ornamental. Wisteria, also known as rattan and yellow ring, is extraordinarily beautiful in relieving pain when it blossoms in spring. This kind of flower not only has a very strong ornamental value, will be scattered wisteria petals collected, blanched with water can also be cold. The purple cake wrapped with flour is also a kind of delicacy with unique flavor.

Wisteria is propagated by seeds. The following editor will tell you in detail the planting methods of wisteria seeds and matters needing attention. The seeds of wisteria are relatively thick. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in water. After the seeds are fully absorbed, the seeds can be placed horizontally in the soil.

The soil for planting wisteria is also strictly required. the soil selected for sowing wisteria seeds must be loose and nutritious, and stagnant water should not be too much, which can easily lead to seed decay and no sprouting. Wisteria seed germination also needs to go through a certain cycle, planting it in the soil must not be impatient, just wait for it to germinate.

Wisteria flowers bloom in spring every year, and wisteria flowers pick up seeds in November. When collecting seeds, we should choose larger and fuller wisteria seeds, which can be sown in the next spring. Special attention should also be paid to the storage of wisteria seeds. Remove the outer skin of the seeds and choose a dry place for storage as far as possible. The storage environment should not be damp and dark, otherwise it will lead to seed mildew.

The extremely powerful ornamental wisteria also has the function of purifying the air. Wisteria can absorb dust in the air, because of its strong ability to purify the air, so this plant is widely used and has become the most common garden plant. Wisteria flower can extract essential oil, and the extracted wisteria essential oil can detoxify. Wisteria seeds and wisteria bark are good traditional Chinese medicine.

How to plant wisteria seed planting method of wisteria seed

Wisteria is a deciduous climbing and winding large vine, and many friends like wisteria, but they do not know much about the planting method of wisteria. Xiaoqi is going to introduce to you how to plant wisteria seeds today.

How to plant wisteria seeds

Each seed gently wipes against sandpaper, exposing the inside of the seed after stopping the right, breaking through the surface in addition, soaking the seed in a bowl of warm water for 24 hours these processes weaken the seed's hard coating, so that they can germinate quickly if they do not do so it will be difficult to break through the hard shell seed embryos prepared in the weather in nature, when they freeze and thaw on the ground in winter.

Plant seeds six to eight weeks before the last frost indoors, prepare individual pots or a single large factory tray to plant soil water, soil, and add more dirt, will be an unheated house that provides plants with sunlight through windows or placed for at least 12 hours from indirectly heated laundry. Every day over their fluorescent plant lights the last sunny outdoor area immediately after frost transfer seedlings per bed or area transfer.

Plant seeds directly outdoors at a depth of an inch in early spring or late autumn naked seeds will not be threatened by gentle frost, before sprouting the rattan of each tree will be trained to use about one seed on each side, if they will be wound into an arch or Arbor wisteria will germinate in 30 to 35 days.

II. Seed planting methods of wisteria

1. Soil: the main root of wisteria is long, so the breeding place needs a deep soil layer. Wisteria is resistant to barren, but fertile soil is more favorable for growth. Wisteria is also adaptable to soil acidity and alkalinity.

2. Lighting: wisteria likes sunlight and is slightly resistant to shade. Because wisteria is a big vine, in order to make it grow well, it is generally set up a certain scaffolding for breeding. Wisteria also has smaller species and species that can be used as potted plants or to make bonsai.

3. Temperature: wisteria has strong adaptability, can withstand extreme heat in summer and cold, and is farmed from south to north in our country. So in Guangdong, the temperature all the year round can meet the needs of the growth of wisteria.

4. Watering: the main root of wisteria is very deep, so it has strong drought tolerance, but sex likes wet soil, but you can't let the root soak in water, otherwise it will cause rotten root.

5. Fertilization: wisteria can basically meet the needs by applying compound fertilizer 2 or 3 times a year. If planting for several years still does not blossom, first, because the tree is too prosperous, too many branches and leaves, second, the tree is weak, it is difficult to accumulate nutrients. More potash fertilizer should be applied appropriately. During the growing period, topdressing can be applied for 2 or 3 times.

6. Propagation: wisteria can be propagated by cutting, striping, sowing, grafting and other methods. But generally, sowing and reproduction are the main methods. The seeds were collected after autumn, dried and stored in the sun, and planted in spring.

The above is the introduction of how to plant wisteria seeds, wisteria seed planting is still quite troublesome, I hope I can help you.

How to plant wisteria seeds? Planting method of wisteria

Wisteria flower

Introduction: recently, many netizens have asked Xiaobian how to plant wisteria seeds with a high survival rate. Here, the first agricultural scripture editor swallow mouse will share with you the methods and steps of seed sowing and reproduction of wisteria.

1. Harvest the wisteria seeds when they are ripe (usually in November), remove the pods, dry them and store them in bags.

2. The seed sowing and propagation of wisteria is generally carried out in March. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in hot water. When the temperature of boiling water drops to about 30 ℃, the seeds are removed and washed in cold water for a while, and then stored in moisture for a day and night before sowing.

Step 2 can also be replaced by storing the seeds in wet sand and soaking them in clean water for 1-2 days before sowing.

Wisteria seeds germinated.

In addition to seed sowing and propagation, cutting, striping, splitting and grafting of wisteria were carried out in the middle and last ten days of March.

Wisteria cuttings are generally propagated by hardwood cuttings. Before the shoots sprouted in the middle and last ten days of March, the sturdy branches of 1 ~ 2 years old were cut into 15cm cuttings and inserted into the seedbed prepared in advance, and the cutting depth was 2 × 3 of the cuttage length. Spray water after insertion, strengthen maintenance, keep the seedbed moist, the survival rate is very high, the plant height can reach 20~50cm in that year, and can be out of the nursery after two years.

The root cuttings are easy to produce adventitious buds on the root of wisteria. In the middle and last ten days of March, the thick root system of 0.5~2.0cm was dug, cut into cuttings with long 10~12cm length, and inserted into the seedbed, and the cutting depth was kept flat with the ground. Other management measures are planted in the same branch.

Tip: if wisteria is sown in pots, the soil had better be sterilized first, otherwise the soil is easy to grow worms. After sowing, pay attention to keep the soil moist (no stagnant water), and it will sprout soon.