
Learn the breeding method of cyclamen and use it to greet guests at home during the Spring Festival.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cyclamen is a common domestic flower, and some people raise cyclamen at home in most parts of our country. But some people keep them in full bloom for four seasons, while others can't keep them well. The reason is that some people don't know how to raise them.

Breeding cyclamen should first understand the habits of cyclamen flowers, do not blindly use a culture method with other flowers. Each kind of flower has its own personality, and it is difficult for them to grow well if they are not done properly. Today we are going to share with you how to cultivate cyclamen to make the flowers bloom all the year round.

The cyclamen we buy from the flower market are usually simple flowerpots, so when we get home, we have to change the pots after the flowers get used to the temperature and humidity at home for a week. If you do not change the basin, it is difficult to ensure the normal growth of cyclamen, when changing the pot, you should choose the soft and breathable flower soil and flowerpot, and be careful not to hurt the root when pouring the pot.

Cyclamen should be put in the shade after the cyclamen is poured out. The newly poured cyclamen is afraid of the sun. If the leaves are no longer wilting for a week or so, you can put it on the windowsill. Cyclamen likes the sun to be warm, but not too hot. If the temperature is too low or the temperature is more than 40 degrees, they will stop growing.

Flowering plants like cyclamen must be fertilized regularly, either with flower nutrients bought on the market or bean cake fertilizer. The proportion must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions, otherwise the flower roots will be burned if the concentration is too high. Fertilizing cyclamen should be carried out every 20 days to a month. Fertilizing too often will make it grow only leaves and not blossom.

The above is the breeding method of cyclamen. If it is managed in the right way, cyclamen will remain in bloom for half a year to a year after blooming in winter. Cyclamen is easy to attract bugs during flowering, so check them frequently to see if they are affected by pests, and if so, use floral insecticides to disinfect them as soon as possible.

Soil selection of culture method of cyclamen

Cyclamen culture soil can use humus soil, forest rotten leaf soil, furnace ash and so on, and add appropriate amount of calcium carbonate and other chemicals to prepare. This kind of soil is relatively loose, which is helpful to the growth of cyclamen. During cultivation, we should pay attention to the size of the container, gradually increase and can not use large pots to cultivate small seedlings.

Fertilization method

Cyclamen like fertile soil, but do not like thick fertilizer, turn over the basin need to apply some basic fertilizer, generally 1-2 weeks can be fertilized once, pay attention to thin fertilizer diligently. After several months of vegetative growth, organic fertilizer is applied, flowers are watered with water, and fertilization should be stopped when the temperature can not be controlled in summer.

Watering method

Although cyclamen is drought-resistant, it is best to keep the soil moist during its growing season and pay attention to the fact that there is no stagnant water in the basin. Water frequently but less, don't get too wet. If the summer is not dormant, normal watering can be carried out, and the basin soil needs to be kept sweet and moist. After the Beginning of Autumn, he will enter the reproductive growth period. at this time, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to control the growth of nutrition, promote the differentiation of flower buds and blossom.

Temperature requirement

The growth temperature of cyclamen is suitable at 10-22 ℃, and the temperature during the day and night should be kept at 8-10 ℃. Flowers can also bloom if the night temperature is controlled at about 7-8 ℃, but the florescence will be delayed slightly; if it is lower than 6 ℃, it will not blossom normally.

Lighting demand

Temperature and light have certain effects on the growth and development of cyclamen. In the whole process, we need to start with the temperature and consider prolonging the flowering period. When the number of flowers decreases in late April, the flowers need to be removed from the greenhouse and cultivated in a well-ventilated place. Climate change, suitable temperature and light will make cyclamen grow a batch of scape and continue to blossom. In the Yangtze River basin and its southern region, the leaves gradually turn yellow after May, which is a reflection of the rise in temperature. At this time, watering needs to be controlled. In summer, conditional cooling equipment should be used to lower the temperature of the environment.

How to raise cyclamen? The culture method of cyclamen

Cyclamen, formerly known as Rabbit ear Flower and Bonspark, belongs to the evergreen herbs. Cyclamen has elegant plants with emerald green leaves and white markings attached to them. In particular, cyclamen flowers, their small size, bright colors, like a fairy from the sky, Pianpian landed in the world. So, how to raise this beautiful cyclamen? Next, the editor of Huinong will introduce the breeding knowledge of cyclamen in detail.

First, keep the right amount of moisture.

Although cyclamen prefers a moist growing environment, it is also afraid of waterlogging. Therefore, when we water cyclamen, we must control the right amount of water to avoid watering too much, usually, as long as the soil is slightly moist. However, there is one thing to pay attention to, when flowering, do not sprinkle water on the plant, otherwise, it will not only affect the overall beauty of cyclamen, but also easy to cause leaf rot.

Second, adopt the correct way of fertilization.

In view of the fact that cyclamen likes fertilizer, the editor adopts a method of applying thin fertilizer frequently. Usually every other week or so, apply about 800 times liquid fertilizer for cyclamen, so that it can meet its growth needs. Here, the editor would also like to remind you that if you want to apply organic fertilizer for cyclamen, you must be careful, do not sprinkle fertilizer on the leaves.

Third, choose the right soil.

In contrast, cyclamen has a higher demand for soil. It likes some sandy soil which is rich in humus and slightly acidic. In view of this characteristic, the editor uses rotten leaf soil, garden soil, and river sand to mix these materials evenly. In addition, in order to meet the calcium demand of cyclamen, the editor also adds a small amount of bone powder to it. This is very suitable for its growth.

Cyclamen is very demanding on the ambient temperature, not only afraid of low temperature, but also can not bear high temperature. Especially in summer, if the ambient temperature exceeds 30 ℃, cyclamen will stop growing and enter a dormant state. When the ambient temperature reaches more than 35 ℃, cyclamen faces the threat of decay and death. In addition, in the winter flowering period, it is best to control the ambient temperature above 10 ℃, so as to ensure that it can survive the winter safely.