
Understand the culture method of potted lemon so that domestic lemon can produce multi-dimensional fruit.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Potted lemons have been very popular in recent years, and many people hope to plant this multidimensional plant in a flowerpot and take it home. But many friends who bring home potted lemons find that their lemons only blossom and do not bear fruit. These friends very much want to know why.

Many people think that potted lemons can be managed in the same way as other potted seedlings, but in fact this is a mistake. Lemons are really different from strawberries and blueberries. They need to be pruned, fertilized and watered in the right way to ensure that they bear fruit on time. Today we will tell you how to breed potted lemons properly.

The reason why potted lemons are easy to blossom but not bear fruit is that many people do not know how to give them reasonable fruit protection. Most friends who grow lemons in pots will find that their lemons bloom a lot but do not bear fruit. This is because they bloom too much. After the lemons bloom, they should pinch off some of the flowers and leave some of them so that the lemons can bear fruit without dispersing nutrients.

Potted lemons need reasonable watering if they want to bear fruit. They should be watered less after flowering to prevent leaves and flowers from growing wildly. As long as they are sprayed every morning and evening, they can ensure the moisture they need. After flowering, you need to give them thin fertilizer every ten days, not too much, so as to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients when bearing fruit. If you apply too much fertilizer, it is easy to grow flowers and leaves without bearing fruit.

Potted lemons are also difficult to bear fruit if they don't know how to prune, because potted plants already limit the root growth of lemons. As a result of the small pot of soil, the upper branches are allowed to grow, so it is difficult to distribute its nutrients evenly, and lemons with uneven nutrition are difficult to bear fruit. Normally, five or six healthy and sturdy branches should be left, and all the other weak branches should be cut off, and three or four branches should be left on top of one branch.

These are the cultivation methods of potted lemons, and only by cultivating them in this way can we ensure the smooth results of lemons. When a small lemon appears on the branch, don't fertilize it, because too much fertilizer will drive the fruit off.

Learn how to cultivate potted lemons to make multidimensional plants grow in your own home.

Lemons are indeed very beneficial if they can be kept in their own home. Lemons are rich in vc. And the fruit is very beautiful, which is very good for both health and vision. So what methods do you need to grow lemons into your home? today we're going to tell you how to plant lemons.

The best way to plant lemons in pots is to plant them with sticks. First of all, you should choose healthy and sturdy lemon branches for a year or so. After selecting the branches, do not rush to cut off, to find a suitable flowerpot and soil. Lemons like soil with good acid permeability, and it is best to use soil with rotten leaves and roots in the park. Put a layer of soil four to five centimeters thick at the bottom, then put some white vinegar or ferrous sulfate in the middle, and cover it with soil.

When everything is ready, cut off the selected branches with scissors, remove all the leaves from the roots and plant them in a flowerpot. Water must be thoroughly watered for the first time, and it is best to let the water flow out from under the flowerpot. Only in this way can lemons take root. After inserting the pole, put it in a position where there is no sunlight, but be sure to keep warm.

A week later, if the lemon leaf after the stick is no longer wilting, it will prove that it has taken root and can be placed in a sunny position. But lemons are very afraid of strong light, the position of semi-transparent sunlight can, the temperature of more than 40 degrees or less than 10 degrees lemons will stagnate. A month later start to fertilize lemons, the organic fertilizer sold on the market can, must be proportioned according to the specifications of the instructions.

After potted lemon blossoms, on the one hand, we should pay attention to disinfestation, and we can use seedling insecticides to spray the roots and leaves. In addition, lemons should open windows after flowering to ensure that they can pollinate normally. If plants that do not bloom nearby can also pollinate lemons artificially with the stamens of their own flowering plants, the small lemons can be seen half a month after pollination.

Culture method of potted lemon 1. Change the basin in time

In every spring, between March and April, remember to change the flowerpot according to the growth of the potted lemon. Sometimes the flowerpot is too small to help the root growth of the potted lemon. If the flowerpot is still suitable, you only need to put on the new soil and apply the base fertilizer to the potted lemon as appropriate.

two。 Pruning branches

Unlike ordinary ornamental potted plants, regular pruning of potted lemons is not just for beauty, but also for better hanging of fruit. Generally, we choose to prune the branches in the spring, and be sure to cut off the withered leaves, the leaves bitten by insects, the bore branches and the growing branches.

3. Artificial pollination

If you want your potted lemon to bear more fruit, be sure to carry out artificial pollination in time after the potted lemon blossoms. About 09:00 every morning is the best time for artificial pollination.

4. Multiple fertilization

Before and after potted lemons blossom and bear fruit, don't forget to topdressing many times. It is recommended to apply fertilizer once a month and spray nutrient solution every half a month, so that the fruit will not fall off easily, big and beautiful.

5. Watering according to quantity

Usually watering potted lemons should be appropriate, never more than one day, less than one day, this will lead to too many leaves of potted lemons, thus affecting its results.

6. Grasp the temperature

If the temperature is high at noon in summer, if it is more than 30 ℃, the potted lemon should be shaded. In winter, potted lemons should be placed in an environment of more than 5 ℃ to survive the winter.