
How to deal with the yellowing of cyclamen leaves is very important to master these skills.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cyclamen is a very beautiful ornamental flower, many people will grow this plant at home. But in normal maintenance, carelessness will make its leaves turn yellow. If you want to keep it well, you have to know some knowledge.

Cyclamen is an ornamental plant that likes light, but it is also afraid of direct light. So there is a weak light every day to meet its growth needs. It is easy to turn its leaves yellow if it is exposed to the sun for a long time. If you find that its flowers are not gorgeous enough, it is likely to be due to lack of light or fertilizer. If there is a problem with your cyclamen, you might as well find out the reason from the following points.

If it is not given nitrogen fertilizer for a long time or does not change the pot for a long time, it will make its branches and leaves undernourished, resulting in thinning and yellowing of the leaves. To solve the problem, we only need to fertilize it in time. But it doesn't work to fertilize too much. If you find that the new leaves are thicker and the old leaves begin to fall off, stop fertilizing immediately. Water more to dilute the fertilizer, or just change the basin. At ordinary times, you can't put it in a place with high temperature and strong sunshine, it needs to be placed in a cool place.

The soil planting cyclamen can not choose the soil with strong alkalinity, the acidic soil is more suitable for its growth. Usually, you can't put it in a place where you can't see the sun, it will also make its leaves turn yellow. When managing cyclamen, prune its branches in time. Otherwise, its new leaves will not be able to absorb enough nutrients.

The indoor air can not be too dry, usually you can pay more attention to spray water to it, pay more attention to increase the humidity in the air. The amount of watering must be well controlled, not too much water, too much water will make its roots rot. You can wait until its flowers and leaves are slightly out of shape before watering.

How to raise rich bamboos and the skills to reproduce them vigorously

Fugui bamboo, also known as Xin's dragon tree, alias bamboo banana, longevity bamboo, open bamboo, rich tower, bamboo tower, tower bamboo. Sometimes put it in the home of Wenchang breeding, also known as Wenchang bamboo. Fugui bamboo belongs to the genus longevity bamboo of Liliaceae, which is a perennial evergreen herb. Today, let's take a look at the skills of how to raise rich bamboo to make it thrive. In the hand painting of basin soil culture, it should be cultured in loose, breathable, well-drained sandy soil or semi-muddy sand and alluvial clay, because Fugui bamboo likes shade, wet, high temperature, waterlogging, strong fertility resistance and strong cold resistance. The best growth temperature is 20-28 ℃, and the lowest temperature is 2-3 ℃. In summer and autumn, the temperature is high and humid, this weather is very favorable for the growth of rich bamboo, but also the growing season of rich bamboo. Rich bamboo has no requirement for light, so it is more suitable to grow under bright scattered light. If the light is too strong and exposed to the sun, it will cause its leaves to turn yellow, fade green or grow slowly. How to raise rich bamboo in water culture when rich bamboo is in water culture, it should be cultured in a bright place indoors. When the temperature is relatively low, the water should be changed every 7-10 days. When in the spring and autumn growing season, the water should be changed every 3-5 days. In the hand painting, all-element compound fertilizer can be added to the water. In the summer high temperature period, it is best to use cold boiled water to avoid rotting roots or breeding algae. Stop fattening in winter. In the severe cold season, the indoor water culture without heating facilities in the north is vulnerable to freezing damage, so it can be planted with river sand soil in early October, covered with plastic bags and pots when it is cold, and put in places where the indoor cold wind can not blow. The winter temperature is about 5 ℃ to survive the winter. Aquaculture aquaculture bottle insertion step 1. When you are hungry in water, scissors the leaves at the bottom of the rich bamboo at the beginning of the culture to prevent the growth of the bamboo from being restrained. The specific situation depends on the size of the bottle of the rich bamboo. Pay attention to cut off the leaves below the mouth of the bottle. In the breeding hand, but also to the bottom of its root to oblique cut off a small section, pay attention to the smooth incision, so that Yazhu can better absorb water. 2. When inserting bottles, it is necessary to control the amount of water and choose the water for farming. The general amount of water should occupy about 1/3 to 2/3 of the bottle. During the normal breeding period, only water is added and water is not changed. After his rich bamboo takes root in the bottle, he can change the water to clean the bottle. After taking root, there is no need to change the water. I just need to add the right amount of water to my bottle and spray more water on its leaves when raising it in summer. 3. Because Fugui bamboo is a plant that prefers temperature, its growth temperature is 16-25 ℃, so it must master the temperature of water culture when breeding, it is not suitable for breeding in cold places. 4. Ensure adequate lighting time for rich bamboo every day, so keep it in a cool and ventilated place when breeding indoors. 5. In order to keep the leaves of rich bamboo green and stretched, you can apply fertilizer or add an appropriate amount of nutrient solution every other month. Conclusion: the above is the introduction of how to raise rich bamboo and the exuberant breeding skills of rich bamboo brought by the editor. After reading the introduction of the editor, I believe everyone knows more about it. Fugui bamboo is a kind of perennial evergreen foliage plant which can be cultivated in both hydroponics and soil culture. Related recommendations ☑ Tepley wallpaper ☑ potted lotus ☑ asparagus how to trim ☑ seeds ☑ rolling curtains picture ☑ hand-painted decoration ☑ bedroom wallpaper ☑ how to raise ☑ epiphyllum information ☑ cyclamen flower language

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If ● wants to know exactly whether plants need watering, do a bamboo experiment. Insert a slender bamboo pole (which can be replaced with a toothpick) directly into the deepest part of the flowerpot, stay there for one minute, and then pull it out. If there is dirt on the bamboo pole or water stains are seen, there is no need to water.

○ settle your plants so that you can see and get close to them. Don't think about beauty, and consider whether the sprinkler can have enough flowerpots. The most ideal way is to put the plants on the shelf or low stool in turn, do not let the big flowerpot cover the small flowerpot.

● beware of overwatering. When the leaves of plants become soft, they should immediately think of water shortage. Check carefully whether the basin soil is very dry before watering. In fact, overwatered plants initially show symptoms similar to those when plants are short of water: plants are weak and overwatered tissues lack rigidity. After a few days, brown spots appear at the edge or center of the leaves, and they gradually expand, blacken and necrotic. At this stage, the plant has been attacked by fungi that cause root rot, and the watering must be stopped immediately, keeping the plant dry and leaving the plant in a well-ventilated place for at least 15 days. Then, I hope to change the basin, use a loose matrix, and don't forget to put a thick drainage layer with good drainage performance on the bottom of the basin. Take a good look at the rest of the roots and cut off the soft tissue or obviously browned parts. Contrary to the usual method, do not immediately water the plants that have just changed pots. Wait until about 15 days before watering. When the disease spot of the leaf clump spreads to the petiole and the center of the plant, it is too late to save the plant.

P.S: the following plants often encounter this problem (evergreen flowers and leaves, evergreen in June-varieties of Wang Dai pink leaves, star evergreen, larger queen evergreen, green Yudai pink leaves, silver king bright silk grass)

○ careful observation and full understanding of plants can give plants the most suitable amount of water at the ideal time. In order to have a good reference, please use the white crane taro. This is a sensitive plant, when the drought, the leaves tilt, very eye-catching. Once the white crane taro is short of water, it is necessary to check the condition of other plants.

Recommendations for ○ to use fertilizers:

Application of liquid fertilizer: in order to prevent the root system from suddenly absorbing too much inorganic salt, it is often applied on a wet substrate. It has been proved that the best way (regardless of the characteristics of the fertilizer used) is to dilute the liquid fertilizer with a bottle cap in a large sprinkler (at least 5 liters) and use this very low concentration solution every time it is watered. The interval of each watering is 3 days or more, such as 2 days when the weather is very hot. Using this method, plants will slowly absorb nutrients, will not be burned, but will grow more regularly, and eventually achieve good results. In order to avoid excessive dose, in the storage tank, the fertilizer will be poured directly into the water at half the recommended concentration.

Granular fertilizer: always take the manufacturer's recommended amount as the maximum dose, and then spread the granular fertilizer evenly on the surface of the nutrient soil. They can also be buried gently with long-handle steel claws.

Leaf fertilizer: spray this fertilizer under the leaves so that it can be absorbed by plants through stomata. Defective products should not be oversprayed. Do not use this method to fertilize plants that are fluffy or too slender.

● once the plant shows the slightest abnormal symptoms (spots, discoloration, stop growing, insects on the stems and leaves), isolate it in a room with good light and low temperature. In this way, you can prevent the transmission between plants and observe it better.

○ spraying water on foliage at least once a month is a good way to prevent enemy attacks and refresh plants. Please use a thin and rapid jet to peel off the eggs and larvae. Especially on the back of the leaves. You can effectively improve the treatment through preventive measures.

● should absolutely avoid stagnant water, ventilate the room regularly or maintain good ventilation near the plants, and the water droplets should evaporate half an hour after spraying. We should also pay attention to the flexible control of watering according to the ambient temperature, and keep the plants dry in time when the temperature drops below 15 degrees.

○ when plants show a little abnormal symptoms, do not rush to spray. A yellowing or falling leaf is not serious at all. First, isolate the "suspicious" plant in a bright, cool room for observation, reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

● pesticides are generally toxic, so do not spray plants placed on beautiful furniture directly. If the temperature permits (minimum 15 degrees), you can transplant the plant to the balcony or garden, or spray it in the bathtub. After that, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

As long as ○ does not damage the basic structure of the plant (main branches), pruning will not be dangerous. So you can trim long branches or pull bad branches at any time, so as not to cause negative reactions from plants.

● must use water to remove inorganic salts or add decalcification agents to the water when cleaning the leaves. Because the use of calcium-containing water in ordinary cities will leave a stain on the leaves, which looks more "dirty" than dust.

○ in order to prevent string damage or tighten stems and branches, first tie the rope to the bracket, tie the double knot firmly, then tie the rope to the stem of the plant in a figure of eight shape, do not tighten, and finally fasten the end of the rope to the bracket, which is conducive to the unrestrained growth of plants.

● burns a metal needle for knitting until it turns white, pricks a small hole in the middle of the clinker cap filled with mineral water, then inverts the bottle, inserts the mouth of the bottle into the basin soil, at least 3 centimeters deep, and holds it. Then pierce a small hole in the bottom of the bottle to allow air to enter, so that the water will slowly seep into the basin soil under the action of gravity.

○ should know that it is easier to manage overwintering plants in a cool room than in a warm one. Most indoor plants can survive the winter safely in an environment of 18 degrees during the day and 15 degrees at night. When the temperature is higher than this limit, it is necessary to increase air humidity, which is the key to the success of plants in overwintering.

●, not all indoor plants can easily re-bloom. Rhododendron, primroses, cyclamen, chrysanthemum, purple fragrant grass, Broohua eggplant, begonia and other plants no longer have appreciation value once they have passed the flowering period, and should be replaced regularly. You can try to use a new main color flower plant each time. The replacement can be used to decorate the planting trough of foliage plants.

○ if you need to cut cuttings or different kinds of branches from a friend's house, wrap the rock in hygroscopic paper or wet cotton, and then put it in a metal box (never use a plastic box). This insert can be preserved for several days, but it needs to be ventilated from time to time to prevent decay.

● soaks the seeds in warm water for 24-48 hours before sowing large seeds, which makes the seeds germinate faster. For seeds with a thick seed coat, the seed coat can be carved with a sharp knife to facilitate seed germination.

○ when the bushes are too dense, comb the cluttered roots as carefully as possible. If necessary, the root soil can be washed under the faucet to remove as much soil as possible in order to see the root system clearly. If the old plant can not be divided into several clumps, the tillers can be cut off and planted.

The ideal cutting organs for ● are: fully developed and unflowered branches of the current year, fully developed, robust and all-green leaves, and a robust stem. If the plant has been affected by drought or waterlogging, then you should consider whether it can be used to cut cuttings, otherwise you may get a thin new plant.

○ tools should be washed in soapy water after each use and dried very carefully, which keeps them perfect under all circumstances. The growth of plants depends in part on the characteristics of the tools used. Don't hesitate to dip the tools into bleach or household disinfectants regularly to effectively remove a variety of microbes.

●, stop worrying about watering plants! Because the diversity of plant structure and producing area interferes with the frequency and total amount of watering, it is difficult to deduce a foolproof mathematical formula. "when must the plants be watered?" The only correct answer should be: when plants need it! If you observe these boarders carefully, you will notice their need at a glance. Gradually you will become an expert in plant psychology. Here are some practical suggestions.

Consider the season-during the plant growth period, that is, from mid-March to the end of September, plants need to be watered more and more often. In half, the frequency of watering during the growing period is twice as frequent as that during the dormant period (from mid-October to the end of February), and the amount of water is 3-4 times. During the transition period, the rhythm of watering varies with the ambient temperature, but it has to be watered almost once a day from 24 degrees.

Watering of woody plants-under normal temperature (indoor temperature 18-20 degrees), plants with hard trunks or firm roots and thick leaves are watered once a week on average, and every 10 or 15 days in winter (dormant period). People are used to watering the soil surface.

Watering of herbaceous plants-plants with no obvious upper stem (stemless) rosette or plants with fine tufted stems and herbaceous plants are watered twice a week on average during the growing period and once in winter. It is best to implement the "soaking basin method" watering.

Watering of Orchidaceae-Orchidaceae plants that form pseudobulbs or grow into bamboo stalks are watered once a week all year round, but once every 3 or 4 days during flowering. Orchids with slender or rosette stems are watered twice a week during the growing season and once a week in winter. Please use calcium-free water, do not wet the center of the plant, empty the water in the tray.

Watering cactus and succulent plants-water every 6-10 days during the growing season, and no more than once every 15-20 days in winter, depending on the temperature. Don't water if the temperature is cool.

Watering of pineapple plants-for pineapple, calyx lotus, Gu pineapple and similar plants, they are watered an average of once a week all year round. During the growing period, leave (calcium-free) water in the center of the rosette.

○ the plants you buy are grown in a greenhouse, where all cultivation factors are carefully monitored. Professionals grow plants almost in an inert substrate, using the most precise nutritional formulations to maintain plants. However, the indoor conditions are very different, so it is best to transplant the newly bought plants in the fertile nutrient soil which is most suitable for indoor cultivation.

● plants must absorb all kinds of inorganic salts provided by fertilizers, but high concentrations of inorganic salts in the soil can burn plants. Usually, a bottle of liquid fertilizer can be diluted with 5-10 liters of water to ensure safe fertilization.

The chemical fertilizers used by the plants in the ○ garden are not at all incompatible with those of indoor plants. For example, you can use "rhododendron" or "eight fairy flowers" fertilizer for shrubs and "geranium" fertilizer for flowering plants.

Plants with adequate nutrition and vigorous growth of ● can effectively resist the invasion of diseases and insect pests. When you treat parasites, apply a very low concentration of fertilizer. About 3 days after spraying, the plant is regularly given fertilizer that suits its needs. The plant will heal more quickly.