
What is the reason why the leaves of potted plants turn yellow? reveal the mystery behind the bright leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Potted plant species in a fixed container, growth and development is limited, if poor management, it is easy to appear leaf yellowing phenomenon, then what causes leaf yellowing? Can it be saved? Today I'm going to answer these two questions for you.

The first one: overwatering. Too much watering makes the basin soil too wet for a long time, resulting in anoxia, root rot, hindering the normal respiration and water absorption of plants, resulting in the yellowing of young and old leaves. When this happens, we should immediately stop watering and fertilizing, pour out the excess water in the basin, and then loosen the soil to improve the air permeability of the soil.

The second kind: drought and water shortage. Often forget to water potted plants, or each watering is not thoroughly watered, resulting in wet and dry soil, affecting the nutrient absorption of roots, resulting in leaves gradually withered and yellow, or even shedding. At this time, it is necessary to water the potted plant with a small amount of water and spray water on the leaves until the potted plant is restored to its original state.

The third kind: lack of nutrition. If there is no fertilization or replacement of potted soil for a long time, it will lead to the lack of nutrients such as nitrogen and potassium in the potted soil, resulting in thin branches and leaves and yellow and thin leaves. When this happens, the pot should be poured out in time, replaced with loose and fertile soil, and some flower fertilizer should be applied.

The fourth kind: too much fertilizer. Too much fertilization will cause the new leaves to become thick and uneven, and the tips of the old leaves become scorched yellow, or even fall off. When this happens, you should stop fertilizing immediately and increase the amount of water, so that the fertilizer can be taken away by water from the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin. Or you can pour the pot immediately, wash away the soil from the roots of the pot, and replace it with a new one. In winter, there is no need to fertilize potted plants, you can add some plant ash to the roots of potted plants to keep out the cold.

Fifth: the environment is dark. Putting the sun-loving potted plants in weak or dark places for a long time will cause the leaves to become yellow and thin, and even the flowers will not bloom. In this case, the potted plant should be moved to a place with plenty of light immediately.

The sixth kind: the environment is not ventilated. The application of too much nitrogen fertilizer to the potted plant makes the plant branches and leaves too luxuriant, coupled with the lack of pruning for a long time, resulting in no light in the branches and leaves, and the leaves gradually turn yellow. In this case, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and proper pruning should be carried out to make the potted plants ventilated and transparent.

What is the reason why the leaves of potted plants turn yellow?

Potted plants are very common in our daily life, and we often see potted plants with yellow leaves. What is the reason for this?

Potted plants should be properly watered and adhere to the principle of "dry and wet, watering thoroughly". If you water potted plants too much, it is easy to cause long-term water in potted soil, so that the roots suffocate and rot and cannot absorb water normally. this leads to the yellow pages of potted plants and even fall off. If you find yellow leaves, you should stop watering, loosen the soil and let it ventilate and dry.

Lack of water

Flowers, such as lack of water leaves drooping, should immediately spray water on the leaves to speed up the absorption of water, and then water into the basin, at this time pay attention to less watering to make the soil moist, do not water more.

Improper fertilization

In potted peanuts for a long time, long-term non-fertilization or insufficient fertilization will cause leaf yellow phenomenon; apply too much concentrated fertilizer, flowers can not absorb the root burn, can not absorb water will also cause leaf yellow withering, once a week in summer thin fertilizer, do not apply more thick fertilizer. If you apply too much fertilizer, you can pour more water to dilute and flush the fertilizer out of the soil. Lack of fertilizer can lead to basin soil hardening, flowers and leaves yellow, thin, thin, branches slender yellow tender. Should be fertilized immediately, effective within a week, can be fertilized on time, so that the normal growth of flowers, more flowering.

The temperature is too high

In the summer high temperature season, cool and shade-tolerant flowers can easily cause scorch on the tip or edge of young leaves in high temperature and strong light. In this case, it is necessary to move them to a shaded and ventilated place in time, spray water to cool down, and increase humidity is beneficial to flower growth.

Alkali is big

Due to the long-term watering of potted flowers, saline-alkali is accumulated in the potted soil, and in serious cases, there is an alkaline shell on the potted soil, which makes the flowers and leaves fall off. The method is to change new soil or spray ferrous sulfate solution to the leaves to neutralize, using alum fertilizer water and fermented rice washing water, can achieve better results, but do not apply more, such as ferrous sulfate fertilizing too much, the leaves are also yellow, but do not fall off, at this time should be properly watered alkaline water to adjust.

Air drying

Some flowers cultivated in the north that like the humid environment in the air. Such as camellias, orchids, etc., excessive drying of the air will often lead to leaf tip drying, leaf edge scorching or scorched spots on the leaves. The edges are curled, wrinkled, brown and other symptoms. Especially in the areas where coal fire and heating are used indoors in winter, the disease is more serious. At this time, branches and leaves should be sprayed and washed with water similar to room temperature, so as to increase air humidity. Families growing flowers on the balcony in summer can sprinkle water on the ground of the balcony. Make the local environment moist and have cooling effect.

Big flowers, small pots.

As large flowers have many roots and require more water and fertilizer, small pots can not meet the needs of flower growth. At this time, the old leaves are often dry and yellow, while the tender leaves are yellow and thin. To change the appropriate pots, 30% humus soil should be added to the soil to make the flowers grow normally.

The branches and leaves are too dense

The luxuriant growth of branches and leaves and long-term unpruning make the inner hall branches and leaves lack of light and appear the phenomenon of leaf yellow shedding, so we should strengthen pruning to make the inner hall ventilated and fertilize properly.

Lack of light


Sexual love sunshine flowers, such as rose, pomegranate long-term placed in the light is too weak, the plant will gradually weaken, the leaves are thin and yellow, not flowering or less flowering.

Suffer from cold

As the spring flowers come out of the room early by the wind cold, or autumn cold, so that the flowers suffer from frost damage and yellow leaves, to enter the room to keep warm and strengthen the cold resistance exercise of potted flowers in advance.

Disease and insect damage

After being infected by mosaic virus, yellow and green plaques appear on the leaf surface, and leaf spot disease is caused by fungi and other bacteria, which is easy to cause local necrosis of leaves. Attention should be paid to disease prevention, timely spraying and adequate light and ventilation. It is easy to produce insect pests in the high temperature season in summer, so it is necessary to spray to prevent them, such as aphids and red spiders, to absorb nutrition and water on the back of the leaves, so that the leaves of the whole plant will wither and yellow, and the leaves of the whole plant will wither and fall off.


When flowers are poisoned by toxic gases in the atmosphere, or when the temperature is high, sudden pouring of cold water will cause physiological drought. Spraying high concentration pesticides to control diseases and insect pests will cause local scorch of leaf tip or leaf surface, or even death of the whole plant. Therefore, attention should be paid to eliminating air pollution sources, or planting pollution-resistant plants, rational use of pesticides, hot summer before 10:00, after 4 pm watering is appropriate.

Tip: if you want to know more about seedlings, please go to Northwest Seedling Network for information. Source of this article (Seedling Wholesale Network)

Summary of related data on yellowing of leaves of potted plants

Introduction: potted plants are now mostly used by us to protect against radiation and purify the air, but there is no lack of lovers who love potted plants for self-cultivation. In fact, good-looking potted plants can not only be used for viewing, but also very good decoration for the house. Potted plants also have many uses, which are beneficial and harmless to us.

Potted plants are generally dominated by flowers, and some of the more valuable flowers are not suitable for the general public. On the one hand, potted plants are easy to get sick or die if they do not pay attention to growing flowers, and on the other hand, they have greater losses; but no matter which kind of plant gets sick, we have to treat it in time. The most common problem of potted plants is that the leaves turn yellow, and the reasons for yellowing are not the same. The following editor will sum up for you.

The first reason for the yellowing of the leaves of potted plants: the development and growth space of potted plants are limited, mainly reflected in the roots, there can not be enough space for development. We can change the pot according to the growth rate and size of the plant to ensure enough soil and space for development.

The second reason: it may be overwatering, causing the potted roots to lack oxygen in the soil, so that the roots slowly rot under the immersion of water, and then cannot provide water and fertilizer for the stems and leaves, resulting in yellowing of the leaves. When planting potted plants, try to choose pots with holes, so as to ensure good ventilation, in addition, do not water too much, but do not let the plants in a dry environment, just the right amount. Too much or too little water can cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Reason 3: excessive fertilization, we usually use nitrogen or potash fertilizer, fertilizer should be applied far away from the root, otherwise burning the root will cause serious yellowing of leaves will cause plant death, and fertilization should be appropriate, excessive is most likely to cause leaf yellowing, if encountered in this case, try to dilute fertilizer with water, and let water and fertilizer flow out. If there is no fertilizer for a long time, it will also cause leaves to turn yellow, just like people, the performance of malnutrition is yellow and thin, so it is necessary to ensure regular fertilization.

Reason 4: plants in the north are prone to alkali yellow, while acid yellow is common in the south, which is related to the soil quality of the region. it is necessary to regularly supplement missing elements for potted plants, such as acid elements in the north, ferrous sulfate solution is one kind, and alkaline elements are supplemented in the south, such as magnesium sulfate solution, but they should be carried out according to the specific elements that need to be supplemented, so as to achieve a temporary cure.

Reason 5: bask in yellow and overcast yellow, the temperature is generally higher in summer, some shade-loving potted plants should be put away from the sunshine as far as possible, such as asparagus and hanging orchids, try not to put them in places where the sun can shine directly, and try to ensure good ventilation and plenty of water. Plants that like the sun should be placed in sunny places and forbidden in dark places, which can easily affect photosynthesis and cause yellowing of plant leaves.

Reason 6: leaves yellowing caused by diseases and insect pests. When all the above reasons are excluded, see whether plants are infected by viruses or fungi, such as leaf spot disease, which can cause yellowing of leaves, or attacks by pests. We can obviously see that pesticides can be used to kill pests in this case, but do not use high concentrations of pesticides, so as not to affect human health. And excessive concentration of pest control pesticides can also cause leaves to yellowing.

For the potted plant leaves yellowing related summary so much, I hope it can help you!