
Understand how green pineapple raises flowers and will no longer have yellow leaves and dry roots.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Speaking of green pineapple, we are no stranger, many people like to put a pot of green pineapple on their desks. But some people do not know the cultivation method of green pineapple, so they will yellowing the leaves of green pineapple. The following editor will share with you the correct breeding method of green pineapple.

Green pineapple does not have very high environmental requirements for aquaculture, as long as you master the breeding methods needed by the green pineapple itself, your green pineapple will become very luxuriant. First of all, when you choose a new flowerpot, you need to pay attention to the choice of a few more holes below. Green pineapple itself is a plant that likes water. A few more holes are well breathable, and the water green apple placed on the basin pad can be absorbed by itself.

After finding the right pot, you need the right flower soil, not the rigid yellow mud, the loess itself is very rigid and has a great impact on the rooting of green pineapple, and it is difficult for the leaves to flourish if the root is not good. It is good to find the kind of fermented soil with rotten leaves under the tree, which is very suitable for the growth of green pineapple, and it is also very loose.

After putting the soil in the flowerpot, you can cut the selected green radish branches in the pot and insert them in a circle, so that you can put them in a high place after growing up, which is very beautiful, just like hanging orchids. After planting them, they must be watered enough. The leaves of the green pineapple will turn yellow and dry soon after leaving the water.

After watering, you can put the green pineapple indoors, because at the beginning, the cuttings have not taken root and do not accept too strong sunlight, otherwise the leaves are easy to wilt. It should be watered once in 1-2 days, so that the green apple can grow faster, and the green apple can also be cultured in the water, which is also a good method, but we must pay attention to changing the water when hydroponics.

When breeding in the water, you must not use the water to wash the rice, which will make the roots of the green apple unable to grow, and even rot. Aquaculture also looks very beautiful and can keep two small fish on the table at home. Both of these are the cultivation methods of green pineapple.

What if the flowers and plants have rotten roots?

In fact, the flowers in the family died inexplicably.

99% is because of rotten roots.

It's just that I can't find out at the beginning of the rotten root.

If the root is rotten, of course you can't let it die.

Teach you how to prevent and deal with it!

Green pineapple

Green apple grows well in summer, and everyone has a pot at home, but if it is watered too much, it is easy to rot its roots in summer. If you see the green coconut yellowing and wilting, be sure to peel off the leaves and check the rhizome. If you find it is soft, it is rotten root.


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What about the rotten roots?

The green pineapple is dug out of the flowerpot to remove the soil and clean the roots. Cut off the black and soft roots of the green pineapple, and if the stems of the green pineapple are rotten, cut off the rotten stems and roots, leaving the healthy ones.

Then soak the trimmed green apple in carbendazim or other disinfectant for 3-5 minutes, then take it out and dry for half an hour.

Cut the green turnip branches back into the soil or water bottle, the soil must be clean and free of germs. You can also cut old clothes into strips to make soil to help green pineapple take root. The green pineapple that cuttings are good, spray wet the soil surface, do not drench thoroughly, put in a cool and ventilated place to maintain.


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How to raise green pineapple?

Do not overwater the green apple in summer, feel the surface basin soil is dry, turn white and water again, and there is no stagnant water in the basin. Watering should be done at the right time, sooner or later, not at noon.

Raise green pineapple in summer to pay attention to ventilation, every day must open windows for ventilation, disperse excess moisture, rotting roots will naturally be less. At the same time, don't fertilize the green apple in summer!

Jun Zilan

It can be said that everyone loves the plant, the calm and beautiful shape, relatively easy to feed characteristics, and the appearance of evergreen, are loved by flower growers.

But orchids are also easy to rot, especially in summer. If you find that your magnolia suddenly turns yellow and the leaves become thinner, it is probably rotten roots. You can poke the leaves and roots to see if they are soft.


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What about the rotten roots?

If the root of the magnolia is rotten, you should immediately take out the plant from the basin and replace the soil that has been infected by bacteria, leaving only the root of the plant.

Then clean the roots, cut off the rotten roots, and leave the healthy parts.

Then spray some disinfectant to the root, you can use potassium permanganate or carbendazim, florist drugstore can buy!

Then use charcoal powder or fine ash on the wound, and then put it in the outdoor sun for about 10 minutes, using ultraviolet radiation to sterilize. And then replant it back into healthy soil. If it is done in time, the gentleman's orchid will probably be able to be saved, and it will be over if it is withered and yellow.


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How to raise a gentleman's orchid?

In order to maintain the magnolia, we must be careful not to have too high temperature and poor ventilation, so that the roots will rot easily.

Raise gentleman orchids in summer must be less watering, watering too much is easy to rot! It is also easy to rot when the root is injured. When changing the basin, be sure to apply some charcoal or fine ash to the broken wound to dry.

To raise a gentleman's orchid, it is best to use pottery pots. Porcelain pots and plastic pots may rot because of poor air and water permeability.

Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo many people love to raise at home, but also have the meaning of wealth and health, it also looks very good-looking. Although it has strong vitality, some people often complain that it has been accidentally raised to death.

If you find that the leaves of the rich bamboo raised in your home are drooping and yellow leaves, you should take the rich bamboo out and see if the roots are black and soft. If so, it is rotten roots, and you must treat them quickly!


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What about the rotten roots?

The rotten, soft and smelly roots should be cut off with scissors.

If all the roots are rotten

Then cut off all the places where they take root.

Until the incision is fresh and healthy.

Then apply some carbendazim or potassium permanganate to the wound of Fugui bamboo.

The branches are also scrubbed with carbendazim solution

Then leave it in a cool and ventilated place to dry for half an hour.

Dump the water in the original hydroponic bottle or the soil in the soil.

Then wash the vases and flowerpots with boiling water

Avoid rotting roots again.

If you plant it back, the rich bamboo will live well again!


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How to raise rich bamboo?

Rich bamboo should change water frequently to avoid muddy water quality.

Breed bacteria, causing stinks and rotten roots.

Put some aspirin powder or salt in the hydroponic bottle

Can be sterilized and disinfected to keep the water clean.

Accelerate the growth of rich bamboo, not afraid of rotting roots.

Rich bamboo should avoid direct sunlight and prevent the water temperature from being too high.

This leads to rotten roots, which can be put indoors normally.

Don't fertilize rich bamboo in summer.

You can apply fertilizer once a month.

On the contrary, it is easy to burn roots and rot roots.

Succulent plant

Succulent plants feel easy to raise.

Summer is the easiest season to die.

If you are not careful, the succulent plant will die.

Once you see the succulent leaves dry, yellow and black,

Fallen leaves and other conditions, we must pay attention to whether the root is rotten!


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What about the rotten roots?

After taking the succulent plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the soil

And then cut off the rotten roots.

Bask in the sun for half a day, and then replant it in the soil.

Never water it until it has grown roots.

If most of the stems are black.

We need to pick those healthy leaves and cuttings as soon as possible.

To choose those that are not infected by germs,

Full and complete stems and leaves

Dry in a ventilated place with astigmatism for 2 days after plucking.

Then put it flat or 45 degrees obliquely on the surface of the soil.


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How to raise succulent plants?

Succulent plants must be watered less in summer

Especially when the temperature is over 30 degrees.

Directly cut off the water, if the succulent plant is really dry.

You can pour a little along the edge of the basin at night.

Succulent plants must be shaded in summer.

Don't let it be exposed to the sun outdoors and don't get caught in the rain.

Succulent plants raised indoors can easily cause black rot due to lack of ventilation.

So we usually have to open windows for ventilation every day.

Once the succulent plants rot, the pots must be changed in time.

The survival rate is up to 90%!

Hanging orchid, tiger skin orchid

Cymbidium and Tiger Pilan are fleshy roots.

The water storage capacity is relatively strong, not ventilated, overwatered,

If the temperature is too high, it may cause rotting roots.

The rhizome of Cymbidium is blackened.

We need to check to see if the roots are rotten.


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What about the rotten roots?

Dig out the root system of Cymbidium and check the rot.

If the root system is completely rotten and soft

Then it's hopeless. Just throw it away.

If only part of the root system is rotten, it can be saved.

Cut off the rotting and softening roots

Carbendazim or potassium permanganate solution for 5-10 minutes

Then take it out to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Leave the original soil and replace it with a new one.

Then replant the orchid into the basin.

Put it in a place with astigmatism and ventilation for maintenance.

Spray foliar water 1-2 times a day.


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How to grow orchids?

Both Cymbidium and Tiger Pilan have fleshy roots like radish.

The water storage capacity is very strong, so it is more resistant to drought.

Just water it once a week or two in summer.

You can't water it until the soil in the basin is dry.

Don't water it if you don't do it, and don't water too much.

And it is best to control the water in time.

Plants such as orchids and tiger orchids raised at home also need good ventilation.

Don't stay in a hot and humid house or greenhouse.

It's easy to rot.

These ways to save the rotten roots of flowers

In fact, it's more or less the same.

Many flowers have similar symptoms and methods.

Look at the other flowers at home, too.

For those who raise green apple, it seems that only in this way can they grow madly and not turn yellow.

No, the yellow leaves are too bright.

Many people like to put green pineapple on the south windowsill or hang it on the balcony to let it hang. But green pineapple likes a semi-overcast environment, and long-term exposure to direct sunlight will make green pineapple wilt and yellow leaves lethargic.

Solution: green pineapple is suitable to be placed on the north windowsill, or where there is bright light indoors, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

(author: fish that want to fly Source: Sina blog)

Improper watering

Watering is a big deal for every flower grower. If the leaves of green apple are dark yellow and the new shoots are shrunk, it may be overwatered; if the edges of the leaves are dry, the normal old leaves of the new leaves turn yellow and fall off, which may be due to underwatering.

(author: Yu Yongchang Source: Sina blog)

Solution: when watering too much, the green pineapple should be placed in a ventilated place and loosen the soil without harming the root system.

When watering too little, first a small amount of water to the green apple, wait for the leaves to stretch, and then increase the amount of water.

Air drying

Green pineapple likes to be wet. In the house, especially in the air-conditioned room, if the air is dry for a long time, it will also lead to the withered and yellow edge of the green radish leaves.

(author: lumpyseven Source: Baidu knows)

Solution: often scrub the leaves of green pineapple and spray around it.

(source: Baidu knows)

Beer scrubbing leaves

The volatilization of beer releases carbon dioxide, which can promote plant photosynthesis. After diluting the beer with water at 1:50, scrub the leaves of the green radish, which can make the green leaves green and shiny.

Rub against long liquid fertilizer

If you want green pineapple to rub long, the most important thing is to ensure nutrition, so it is necessary to fertilize the green pineapple.

Operation method: after the organic liquid fertilizer is diluted with water according to the ratio of 1RU 2000, the green pineapple can be replenished when it is watered. Use it about once a month.

Granule fertilizer

Flower friends without liquid fertilizer can also choose to use granular fertilizer, compound fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer and so on.

Method of operation: dig a small hole on the surface of the green radish basin soil, throw in more than 20 grains of granular fertilizer, bury it and water it.

Base fertilizer

After pruning and changing pots, you can't apply fertilizer for a short period of time, so where does the nutrition come from during this period of time? One is the fertile soil, the other is the base fertilizer.

(author: two sources of Guan er: Baidu Tieba)

Method of operation: sprinkle a layer of organic fertilizer on the bottom of the green pineapple basin soil, and put the green pineapple on the basin after covering the soil. Pay attention to the root system of the green pineapple not to touch the bottom fertilizer.

(author: du Niang vegetable Garden and Kitchen Source: Baidu experience)

Rice panning water

Amoy rice water is rich in nitrogen and trace elements, which can provide nutrients for green pineapple. It's a free home-made flower fertilizer. After many flower lovers watered the flowers with Amoy rice water, the green apple went crazy.

(author: neighbor record Source: NetEase blog)

Method of operation: a small amount of rice washing water can be used directly, and a large amount of rice washing water needs to be fermented first. Put the rice water into a sealed bottle, add some orange peel to remove the flavor, and ferment successfully in about 1 month in the sun.

(author: chenminyang197 Source: Huayu Bar, Zhongjiang, Sichuan)

Tips to climb all over the wall

If you want the green apple to climb all over the wall, be sure to try to fix the stems and leaves of the green apple. Fix the stems and leaves to the wall with duct tape or other objects so that the green apple will grow the way you want it to grow.

Not rotten root

If green pineapple wants not to rot its roots, the most important thing is that the soil is loose and breathable, and the best soil is to add 30% vermiculite to the rotten leaf soil (granular soil such as perlite).

The second is to put the green apple in a ventilated place, such as the north windowsill, the north balcony, the indoor open space and so on.

Skillfully watering

If you don't know when to water the green apple, you can insert the toothpick into the basin soil and insert 3 or 4 centimeters. Take out the toothpick when you want to water it. If the toothpick becomes dry under the basin soil, it means it needs watering.

Have you learned the flower friends?