
We must pay attention to how to raise Violet orchids.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Violet hanging orchid is a very beautiful hanging orchid, now many people like to raise hanging orchid, it is a good choice, raising such a pot of hanging orchid will make your house have the breath of life.

1. The growing environment of violet spider orchid

If you want to raise it, of course, you must first understand its growth habits.

It is a plant that likes warm and drought-tolerant, so it can survive even in dry weather.

Although it likes warmth, it cannot be directly exposed to sunlight, so it generally grows in shady places.

3, we all know that spider orchid prefers water and humus soil, so it is generally in wet and fertile places.

4, it is more afraid of cold, so it has no way to grow in places where the temperature is too low.

2. How to raise violet spider plants

1. First, prepare a flowerpot for raising spider plants.

2, and then go to find some more fertile and moist soil, black soil is more suitable for raising hanging orchid.

3, and then you can plant it.

4, to put potted plants in a relatively shady place, but to maintain a certain temperature, avoid direct sunlight.

5, it should be regularly fertilized and insecticidal, so that it can grow healthily.

6, to water it on time, its roots are more developed, to maintain sufficient water.

III. Appearance characteristics of violet spider orchid

Its leaves are purple and never dry, so it is very suitable for planting potted plants.

2, it has a relatively long vine, open flowers have a variety of colors, looks very good.

Purple leaves and purple flowers match up to make people difficult to distinguish, but it seems to have a quiet beauty.

4, its flowers luxuriant, colorful, floral refreshing, giving people a feeling of vitality, let people see hope, so it has been loved by many people.

After the introduction of Xiaobian, you must have a certain understanding of raising violet spider orchid. Do you also want to have a pot of such beautiful potted plants?

What is the cultivation method of violets?

Basic information about violets

Violet (Latin scientific name: Matthiola incana), also known as grass osmanthus, four peach grams, grass violet, native to the Mediterranean coast, is widely cultivated in southern China, for the cruciferous violet belongs to various species of plants collectively. Perennial herb with oblong or oblanceolate leaves, purple-red flowers, pale red, yellowish or white, aromatic, slender fruits.

Growth Habits of Violet

Violet likes cool, well-ventilated environment, avoid hot. The optimum temperature for violet growth is 15-20℃ during the day and about 10℃ at night. Violet on the soil requirements are not strict, but in good drainage, neutral alkaline soil growth is better, avoid acidic soil.

Violet cold intolerance, afraid of waterlogging, suitable for high position, exposure to sunlight, ventilation, good drainage environment. Avoid sultry weather, in the musty weather hot and poor ventilation is vulnerable to pests and diseases.

How do violets grow?

Understand the growth habits of violets, violets how to raise it is easy to master. Planting violets should not be too dense, otherwise it will cause diseases and insect pests due to poor ventilation. Violet is suitable for planting in fertile, well-drained soil. Pot culture violet can be humus soil 2, garden soil 2, river sand 1 mixed pot soil.

Violet growing season every 10 days fertilization 1 time, can apply phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, nitrogen should not be too much. Violet flowering and winter should not be fertilized. Violet watering generally follow the general "see wet see dry" watering principle. Violet likes warm climate in winter, suitable for moving indoors, but also short-term resistance to-5℃ low temperature.

The cultivation method of violet

Upper basin: Violet is a straight root plant, not resistant to transplantation, suitable for direct seeding. If you want to transplant seedlings, it should be early and need to bring more soil, and try not to hurt the roots. Potted violets should be selected and plant everyone corresponding flowerpot. Potted violet soil requirements loose, fertile, well drained, neutral and slightly acidic culture soil.

Watering: Violet growth period should be sufficient watering, keep the pot soil moist. Too dry, violet stems and leaves will become small and hardened, and growth is not neat, flowering delayed. Winter and early spring, the temperature is low, watering should not be too frequent, to water after the pot soil is dry. Violet watering should prevent wet leaves, otherwise the leaves will be spotty rot.

Fertilization: Violet in the growing season, every 2 weeks to apply a thin decomposed cake fertilizer water or liquid fertilizer, but pay attention to nitrogen should not be excessive. After flower buds appear, violet flowers can be brightly colored by applying 0.5% calcium superphosphate for 1~2 times. Because violet whole body is pilose, apply fertilizer when leaf gently hold up, do not let fertilizer water contaminate leaf, otherwise leaf can rise spot rot, even plant death.

Temperature: Violet growth optimum temperature is 10-2℃. In summer, the temperature of breeding violets should not exceed 30℃, so shade, cooling and humidification measures should be taken. Violets can not be directly exposed to strong light, but also can not be placed in a dark place for a long time, otherwise it will lead to violets flowering less, color light, or even do not bloom. Family flowers can be cultivated in a place with scattered light and ventilation. Winter temperatures should not be lower than 10 ° C.

Light: Violet likes plenty of sunshine, receive 3-4 hours of sunshine every day, can make flowers more beautiful, flowering longer. Violet is a long-day flower. If the daily light time is extended by 4-5 hours, violet can bloom earlier. But in midsummer, shade violets properly to prevent burning leaves.

Pest control: Violet is prone to root rot, crown rot, powdery mildew, aphids, mites, thrips, nematodes and other hazards. Attention should be paid to ventilation and disinfection before use of cultivation substrate. When the above pests are found, relevant chemicals should be sprayed in time for prevention and control.

Violet is a kind of flower that people like very much, give a person feeling elegant atmosphere and taking mystery, use in beautification of the home is very good adornment.

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Many colors, light taste, charming fragrance.


Light: like light, sufficient light to grow well.

Watering: like wet, watering see dry see wet can, after bud reduce watering, keep soil surface dry.

Fertilization: Before planting, apply base fertilizer. The base fertilizer is best organic fertilizer made of kitchen waste such as leftovers. Compound fertilizer is also available.

Temperature: growth temperature 15~20℃, winter is not lower than 3℃.

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Light: like light, but can not be exposed to the sun, full sunlight in winter, summer must be shaded.

Watering: afraid of water, watering see dry see wet, can not be poured on the leaves, such as accidentally splashed, dry with paper towel.

Fertilization: like fertilizer, before flowering, 1 week thin decomposed organic liquid fertilizer, flower bud after the increase in phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Fertilization should not drip onto the foliage.

Temperature: growth temperature 10~25℃, winter is not lower than 8℃.

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Light: like light, full sunlight is best.

Watering: drought resistance, fear of ponding, usually watering can see dry see wet.

Fertilization: Fertilize once every 2~3 weeks in the growth period, and the fertilizer should be combined with nitrogen and phosphorus; apply fertilizer 1~2 times a month after flowering, and the fertilizer should be mainly phosphorus.

Temperature: growth temperature of about 25℃, winter is not lower than 10℃.

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Light: like light, full sunlight is best.

Watering: wet, in addition to watering to see dry see wet, to spray water around the rock every day to improve air humidity. Water control in winter.

Temperature: growth temperature of about 24℃, winter is not lower than 10℃.

Propagation: Some lost rocks are easy to self-pollinate, mature about 1 month, can let seeds naturally fall and germinate, and then dig young plants near the mother plant for cultivation.

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African violets


African violets are also called African violets. Not only are the flowers gorgeous, but the leaves are also fluffy. They look lovely and beautiful ~


Light: like half shade, transparent bright indoor maintenance is best, summer must be shaded.

Watering: like wet environment, keep the soil slightly wet, usually to spray water around, improve air humidity.

Temperature: growth temperature 16~24℃, winter is not lower than 10℃.

Fertilization: thin liquid fertilizer decomposed once in 7~10 days, compound fertilizer available, pay attention to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance.

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African violets are also called African violets. Not only are the flowers gorgeous, but the leaves are also fluffy. They look lovely and beautiful ~


Light: like light, full sunlight or half sunlight, but avoid the sun exposure.

Watering: see dry see wet can, avoid ponding.

Temperature: growth temperature 15~21℃, winter is not lower than 10℃.

Fertilization: When planting, apply enough base fertilizer, and then liquid fertilizer can be used once a month. Compound fertilizer can be selected as fertilizer.

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