
Appreciation of the growth habits of small chrysanthemum bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chrysanthemums like short sunshine and have strong cold resistance, so the frequency of watering should not be too frequent. Chrysanthemums are cold-tolerant, and their roots can not freeze to death in the ground in cold winter. Small chrysanthemum bonsai protects against radiation, purifies the air and beautifies the environment.

In ancient poetry, we can often see the figure of chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum represents different emotions in the poet's writing, usually given by the poet a more sad role, some poets through the description of chrysanthemum, to express their personality. The chrysanthemums in Tao Yuanming's works symbolize the hermit, the reclusive posture of transcendence. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the chrysanthemum was given a new symbol, comparing the chrysanthemum to a resolute fighter, brave and unyielding. Most chrysanthemums still express the noble sentiment of the poet.

Chrysanthemum is used as traditional Chinese medicine

Chrysanthemum, not only colorful, but also a variety of shapes, the important thing is that chrysanthemum can also be used in medicine, is a single traditional Chinese medicine. Its taste is a little bitter, after the entrance taste sweet, slightly cold, women try not to use it.

Chrysanthemum as a medicine can clear heat and detoxification, other diseases such as colds, headache, dizziness, dizziness, can also be treated with chrysanthemum. But chrysanthemums are not suitable for everyone, for example, people with qi deficiency and cold stomach should use less, and people with diarrhea should not use chrysanthemums.

II. Flowering period

Chrysanthemums usually bloom between September and November, and the collected chrysanthemums are naturally dried or dried, or steamed and dried in the sun. Of course, some people directly use the picked chrysanthemums without any processing.

In Anhui, Zhejiang, Henan and other places, there are florists planting in a large area to generate income. When cultivating chrysanthemums, we need to plant according to the growth habits of chrysanthemums, so let's take a look at the characteristics of the growth environment of chrysanthemums.

III. Growth habits

Chrysanthemums do not like long sunshine like other flowers, although chrysanthemums like sunshine, but in the case of short sunlight, chrysanthemums will blossom earlier, so try not to plant chrysanthemums in a shady environment. In addition, the drought resistance of chrysanthemums is strong, so the frequency of watering should not be too frequent. If you encounter waterlogging, you must drain the water as soon as possible to prevent the roots from rotting.

In addition, the cold tolerance of chrysanthemums is also good, and the roots can not be frozen to death in the ground in the cold winter.

IV. Ornamental value

Chrysanthemum has a high ornamental value. In ancient Chinese poetry, we often see the activity of appreciating chrysanthemum. From ancient times to the present, our country has always maintained this cultural tradition. Different regions hold different chrysanthemum meetings, exhibitions and other chrysanthemum appreciation activities when chrysanthemums are in full bloom every year. It not only greatly enriches people's spare time life, but also allows this cultural tradition of appreciating chrysanthemum to continue to pass on.

5. Bonsai

Small chrysanthemum bonsai is a kind of chrysanthemum with high ornamental value among many kinds of chrysanthemum. It can usually be placed indoors or next to the computer to prevent radiation and purify the air. The important thing is to beautify the environment and give people beautiful enjoyment.

In addition, people have also developed other kinds of chrysanthemum products, such as chrysanthemum ointment, which can clear heat and detoxification, clear eyes and soothe wind; and chrysanthemum pillows, which are good for dizziness, high blood pressure and insomnia; and foods made from chrysanthemums.

VI. Chrysanthemum tea

People who are angry can drink some chrysanthemum tea properly to reduce the fire and clear the heat. But chrysanthemum tea is not suitable for everyone to drink, for example, people with a cold stomach can cause diarrhea and diarrhea. Children try not to drink, drinking too much is easy to cause anemia.

In addition, do not drink overnight chrysanthemum tea, because chrysanthemums will deteriorate after soaking in water, and not drinking for a long time will lead to other diseases. Therefore, it is decided whether or not to drink chrysanthemum tea at the behest of the doctor.

Design method and effect drawing appreciation of balcony Garden

For you, it may be an unimaginable feat to create a lush garden in your small home, but the balcony garden design that follows proves that even the smallest space, planting plants and building a balcony garden, is feasible.

Balcony garden design method and effect drawing appreciation-

Different balcony types need different plants to achieve a beautiful and appropriate design style. For example, decorating a cold-toned balcony with warm plants can form a distinct color contrast and produce a better decorative effect. In addition, it is necessary to choose a suitable balcony orientation according to the growth habits of plants. In the balcony with good light, it should be decorated with light-loving plants that watch flowers, flowers and leaves, while the balcony with shade and poor light should be decorated with shade-tolerant and cool foliage plants.

The design methods of balcony gardens generally have the following forms:

Ⅰ flower box type: flower box is generally rectangular, display or suspension are more suitable for balcony shape, saving space. Put the cultivated potted flowers into the flower box and hang them on the outside of the balcony or flat on the upper edge of the balcony wall. Flower box type can choose some drought-tolerant flowers with positive, branched, numerous flowers and long flowering period, such as geranium, four-season chrysanthemum, dahlia, Catharanthus roseus and so on.

Ⅱ wall-attached type: the so-called wall-attached type is the use of climbing plants to decorate vertical walls, which is a way of vertical greening. Place woody vines such as Parthenocissus and Lingxiao on the inside and outside of the fence to afforest the fence and nearby walls.

Ⅲ flower rack type: on the smaller balcony, in order to expand the planting area, you can use stepped or other forms of pot rack to discharge all kinds of potted plants according to the order of size and height, forming a three-dimensional potted flower arrangement on the balcony; you can also build the potted frame out of the balcony and ask for space outdoors, thus increasing the green area and beautifying the streetscape. Planting species should not be too many and miscellaneous, to be hierarchical, unified style, you can choose chrysanthemum, rose, cyclamen, asparagus, colored leaf grass and so on.

Ⅳ rattan basin type: erect a vertical rod at the four corners of the balcony and place a horizontal rod above it to form a scaffolding; or erect a vertical rod at the outer corner of the balcony and tie a rod or rope between the vertical rods to form a fence. Pull the branches and leaves of vines, melons and fruits to the shelf to form a shade fence or hedge.

Ⅴ hanging type: hanging type planting flowers is an excellent three-dimensional decoration, there are two ways, one is hanging from the roof of the balcony, planting orchids, crab claw lotus, colored leaf grass and other beautiful three-dimensional space with small containers. The second is to hang small containers on the balcony fence, plant vines or scattered plants, make its branches and leaves hang outside the balcony, beautify the fence and streetscape. Hanging type can be used to choose hanging pot grass, leaflet ivy, dry lotus and so on.

Ⅵ comprehensive type: the reasonable collocation and comprehensive use of the above forms can also play a good beautification effect, and it is also widely used in real life.

Conclusion: the planting quantity of balcony garden should be moderate, do not produce safety hidden danger. In particular, flowers hanging outdoors must be fixed and strong, so as not to fall and hurt pedestrians. After all, we do the balcony garden to decorate the room and beautify the environment. Create a more comfortable living environment for yourself, but don't be overjoyed and miserable.

[more Encyclopedia of plants]

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