
Cultivation techniques of paulownia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of paulownia

Paulownia is a deciduous tree of Euphorbiaceae. It is a very large tree, up to 10 meters high. Paulownia is a very important industrial oil in China, and China is also the main exporting country of tung oil, and its pericarp can also extract potassium carbonate to make activated carbon, which is a kind of crop with high economic value. So how to cultivate paulownia? The following editor brings you the cultivation techniques of paulownia trees, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

First of all, we should choose sandy soil with deep soil layer, soft and fertile soil, normal drainage and irrigation and rich organic matter. Then carry on the soil preparation work, according to the topography of the planting land, choose the correct method of soil preparation, for example, if you choose to plant in a plot with a slope of less than 25 degrees. The width of reclamation should be controlled along the contours of the hillside, and a ditch should be retained every 4 times to facilitate water management in the later stage. Then control the planting density and dig the planting ditch, pay attention to the width and depth, and do a good job of preparation before planting.

2. Timely nursery

The main method of raising seedlings of paulownia is to raise seedlings in the field, the topography of the field should not be too high, and it should be sowed properly when sowing. After harvesting the seeds, select a good soil, just the seedling bed, and then flatten the bottom of the seedling bed, and then sow a layer densely after leveling to prevent overlap. After sowing, cover about 12 cm of fine soil, so that the seedling bed is higher than both sides of the street, can properly cover forage, improve soil heat preservation and moisture retention, prevent voles and so on. And to dig a good drainage ditch to prevent stagnant water in the field, select the germinated seeds to start afforestation in the early spring of the next year, those that have not germinated should continue to germinate, and then take them out after a week or so, so that the ungerminated seeds can be discarded after three weeks.

3. Transplanting seedlings

In the transplanting of paulownia seedlings, we should be careful not to hurt the roots of the seedlings, especially when raising seedlings in the field, the time of seedling should be chosen after the rain, when the soil is relatively wet. If the soil is relatively dry, then it is necessary to pour enough water about three days before the emergence of paulownia seedlings to make the soil moist. Make sure that the root of the seedling will not be fatally injured when the seedling is raised. If the planting site is close, then we should try our best to use the method of transplanting with soil. If the distance is far, then the roots should be wet with mud to prevent drought and death in transplanting.

4. Tending and management

If we want to plant high-yielding paulownia trees, we should ensure that the tree structure of paulownia trees is reasonable, and we should loosen the soil and weed at least twice a year within 4 years after planting. The depth of loosening soil shall not be less than 15 cm, and the weeds removed can be placed around the tree to improve the water and fertilizer conservation of the soil. And every time the soil is loosened, topdressing is needed to ensure adequate nutrition to promote the growth of young trees and cultivate tree shape. Due to the small tree shape in the early stage, intercropping can be appropriate in the young tree stage to improve the soil utilization rate. Intercropping crops should choose peanuts, broad beans and other low-rod crops, but not continuous cropping, do not close to the trunk, to prevent affecting the growth of paulownia.

The above is a brief introduction of paulownia cultivation techniques, the growth period of paulownia is very long, so the profit time will be relatively long. When planting, we must strengthen the management, but also do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, want to know what specific diseases and insect pests can enter our website to view relevant articles! That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.