
Planting techniques of Red Ginseng Fruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Red Ginseng Fruit

Red ginseng fruit is a kind of perennial vine fruit, also known as red fragrant fruit, fire honey fruit, etc., is a new fruit. Native to America and South Asia, red ginseng fruit contains more than 20 kinds of essential amino acids and minerals, as well as various trace elements. And red ginseng fruit after ripening will not appear the phenomenon of cracking fruit drop, so how to plant red ginseng fruit? The following editor brings you the planting technology of red ginseng fruit, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

The adaptability of red ginseng fruit is strong, as long as the soil is soft and fertile and the light is sufficient, it can be planted, but the soil should be improved properly in order to ensure the yield and quality of red ginseng fruit. Apply enough base fertilizer or add the right amount of sand, if the slope of the garden is more than 10 degrees, then terraces need to be built. After selecting the site, the soil should be turned about 40 cm deep, and the planting ditch should be dug one year before planting, and the ditch should be dug to apply sufficient base fertilizer after weathering, which is mainly farm manure and superphosphate. Improve soil fertility and promote the growth of red ginseng fruit plants.

2. Seed treatment

If sowing is used, the seeds should be treated before planting and soaked in fungicides such as carbendazim for 4-6 minutes. Then take it out and soak it in warm water for about 10 hours, then remove it and air-dry it and put it into an environment of about 25 degrees for budding. Then according to the planting area to control the planting density timely sowing, after sowing cover fine soil, timely watering, to ensure soil moisture and improve soil water retention. When the seedlings grow to 10cm or so, fertilizer should be applied properly to promote the growth of seedlings and enhance their growth.

3. Water and fertilizer management

To strengthen the management of water and fertilizer after planting or planting, we must first ensure that the soil is moist and provide sufficient water for seeds and seedlings to take root. The seedlings should be fertilized in time after emergence, improve the immune ability of the seedlings, reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests, and do a good job in the basic management of water and fertilizer. And we also need to adjust the frequency of fertilizer and water application reasonably according to the growth of seedlings and soil and other factors. Pay attention to the proportion of fertilizer nutrition, do not overapply, otherwise it is easy to lead to overgrowth of plants, but also pay attention to water, when too much water should be drained in time.

4. Pest control

Diseases and insect pests do great harm to red ginseng fruit, although the disease resistance of red ginseng fruit is relatively strong. But it is for this reason that many friends neglect the pest control of red ginseng fruit when planting. When planting red ginseng fruit, we should not only disinfect the orchard regularly, but also do a good job in all aspects of prevention, cut off the source of transmission as far as possible and reduce the incidence of disease. Often observe the orchard, carefully examine each fruit tree, and find that there is a bad situation in any part. Corresponding measures should be taken in time to achieve early detection and early treatment.

The above is a brief introduction of red ginseng fruit planting technology, red ginseng fruit is very rich in nutrients, but now we may still be very familiar with it. Because red ginseng fruit is only grown in a few provinces, the market for red ginseng fruit is still relatively blank, but we should also consider it carefully before planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.